============= Changes: 3.13 ============= .. rubric:: General: - Update ``make test`` to run the full test suite. Use ``make check`` to run the short test - Remove last PetscBool argument from PetscBinaryWrite() and PetscBinarySynchronizedWrite() - Change PetscLayoutFindOwner() and PetscLayoutFindOwnerIndex() to return a PetscMPIInt instead of a PetscInt - Support for Compaq F90 is removed along with supporting flags PETSC_HAVE_FORTRAN_STDCALL, PETSC_BLASLAPACK_STDCALL, HAVE_FORTRAN_MIXED_STR_ARG - Promote all example directories ``examples/tutorials/`` and ``examples/tests/`` to ``tutorials/`` and ``tests/`` respectively - Make title argument of PetscOptionsBegin() obligatory .. rubric:: Configure/Build: .. rubric:: IS: - Add ISSetInfo(): set local and global properties of an IS (whether the IS is sorted, unique, a permutation, an interval, or identity) - Add ISGetInfo(): query local and global properties of an IS .. rubric:: PetscDraw: .. rubric:: PetscSF: - Fix few bugs in PETSCSFWINDOW when using PETSCSF_WINDOW_SYNC_LOCK or PETSCSF_WINDOW_SYNC_ACTIVE synchronization types - Add window reusage for PETSCSFWINDOW and support for different creation flavor types. See PetscSFWindowFlavorType man page for details - Set default of -use_gpu_aware_mpi from false to true .. rubric:: PF: .. rubric:: Vec: - VecPinToCPU() is deprecated in favor of VecBindToCPU() - Add Vec{Set|Get}PinnedMemoryMin() and -vec_pinned_memory_min option. Note that VECCUDA now defaults to using pinned memory for host allocations .. rubric:: VecScatter: .. rubric:: PetscSection: .. rubric:: PetscPartitioner: - PetscPartitionerPartition() does not longer gets a DM as input. Vertex weights can be specified through PetscSection - Add support for target partition weights for PETSCPARTITIONERSIMPLE, PETSCPARTITIONERPARMETIS and PETSCPARTITIONERPTSCOTCH .. rubric:: Mat: - Improve the performance of MatConvert_AIJ_BAIJ by preallocating the Mat before dispatching to MatConvert_Basic - Change the behavior of MatConvert_AIJ_SBAIJ for block size greater than one, the block structure is now preserved (even for the diagonal entries) - Fix various bugs related with matrix conversions from Hermitian SBAIJ matrices with complex numbers - Add MatPropagateSymmetryOptions to propagate symmetry information from one matrix to another - Fix a bug in MATSUPERLU_DIST interface when MATMPIAIJ with commsize 1 is used - Add MATCHOLMOD support for block solves - --download-suitesparse now uses the official SuiteSparse repository - MatPinToCPU() is deprecated in favor of MatBindToCPU() - Fix MatAXPY for MATSHELL - MatAXPY(Y,0.0,X,DIFFERENT_NONZERO_PATTERN) no longer modifies the nonzero pattern of Y to include that of X - Add support of selective 64-bit MUMPS, i.e., the regular/default build of MUMPS. One should still build PETSc --with-64-bit-indices to handle matrices with >2G nonzeros - Add MatProductCreate(), MatProductCreateWithMat(), MatProductSetType(), MatProductSetAlgorithm(), MatProductSetFill(), MatProductSetFromOptions(), MatProductSymbolic(), MatProductNumeric(), MatProductReplaceMats(), MatProductClear() - Deprecate MatMatMultSymbolic(), MatMatMultNumeric() - Deprecate MatMatTransposeMultSymbolic(), MatMatTransposeMultNumeric() - Deprecate MatPtAPSymbolic(), MatPtAPNumeric() - Deprecate MatRARtSymbolic(), MatRARtNumeric() - Fix a deadlock with MATELEMENTAL; if one configures PETSc with Elemental *and* has PETSC_COMM_WORLD != MPI_COMM_WORLD, it is now one's responsability to explicitly call PetscElementalInitializePackage()/PetscElementalFinalizePackage() outside of PetscInitialize()/PetscFinalize(). PetscElementalInitializePackage()/PetscElementalFinalizePackage() are collective on MPI_COMM_WORLD. .. rubric:: PC: - Change the default behavior of PCASM and PCGASM to not automatically switch to PCASMType BASIC if the matrices are symmetric - Change the default behavior of PCCHOLESKY to use nested dissection ordering for AIJ matrix .. rubric:: KSP: - Add KSPHPDDMGetDeflationSpace and KSPHPDDMSetDeflationSpace for recycling Krylov methods in KSPHPDDM .. rubric:: SNES: - Deprecate ``-snes_test_jacobian_display`` and ``-snes_test_jacobian_display_threshold``. ``-snes_test_jacobian`` accepts an optional threshold parameter (since v3.10) and ``-snes_test_jacobian_view`` should be used in favor of ``-snes_test_jacobian_display`` .. rubric:: SNESLineSearch: - Add SNESLineSearchGetType() in v3.13.1. .. rubric:: TS: .. rubric:: TAO: - TAOPDIPM: A new solver in TAO for general NLP problems .. rubric:: DM/DA: - DMCopyLabels(): add two additional input flags - DMPlexDistribute(): fix a bug associated with vertex partition weights and overlapped meshes - DMPlexDistribute(): vertex partition weights are now computed by summing all the local section dofs in the transitive closure of each cell - Add PetscTabulation to hold function tabulation data - Add DMEnclosureType to describe relations between meshes - Add DMGetEnclosureRelation() and DMGetEnclosurePoint() to discover relations between meshes - Add DMPolytopeType to describe different cell constructions .. rubric:: DMPlex: - DMPlexInterpolate() now works correctly for distributed DMPlex - The idea of hybrid and ghost cells has been removed from Plex in favor of cell type - Plex can now classify points by cell type, stored in a DMLabel. This is useful for operations that require more than topological data, such as mesh interpolation, geometric calculations, and is also used an index to avoid repeated topological queries - Add DMPlexSetCellType() and DMPlexCreateReferenceCellByType() - Distribution sorts strata by cell type. - Plex can now allow any number of cell types in a single mesh. Interpolation, refinement, and extraction of submeshes mixed meshes work smoothly. Both oriented and tensor-product prisms can be used in the same mesh - Cell refiners have been abstracted. Currently there are two (regular refinement, and conversion to hexes). The plan is to add more, such as local extrusion and conversion to simplices - Remove SimplexToTensor in favor of DM_REFINER_TO_BOX - DMForest now responds to DMPlexGetOverlap() and propagates its overlap to the underlying Plex - Add DMPlexGetSimplexOrBoxCells() to replace DMPlexGetInteriorCellStratum() - Add DMPolytopTypeGetDim(), DMPolyTopeTypeGetConeSize(), DMPolytopeTypeGetNumVertices() - Add DMLabelSetStratumBounds() - Add DMPlexOrientCell() which orients a single cell - Add DMPlexCompareOrientations() which compares the cone point order of a single cell with the given reference cone - Add DMPlexIsInterpolated() which finds out whether the plex is interpolated - Add DMPlexIsInterpolatedCollective() which finds out whether the plex is interpolated on all ranks - Add DMPlexIsDistributed() which finds out whether the plex is distributed .. rubric:: DMNetwork: - Add DMNetworkSetComponentNumVariables(), DMNetworkGetComponentVariableOffset(), and DMNetworkGetComponentVariableGlobalOffset() to set number of variables for a component, and retrieve its local/global offsets. .. rubric:: DT: - All tabulated data is now stored in PetscTabulation structures. This changes interfaces in PetscDS, PetscFE, and PetscFV - Rename DefaultTabulation to CellTabulation everywhere - PetscDTGaussJacobiQuadrature() is now truly Gauss-Jacobi quadrature. The quadrature for the simplex (without weight function) is now called PetscDTStroudConicalQuadrature() - Add PetscDTJacobiEval(), PetscDTGaussLobattoJacobiQuadrature() - Add PetscDTIndexToBary() and PetscDTBaryToIndex() for barycentric lattice calculations - Add PetscDTNodeType to enumerate methods of defining interpolation nodes - PetscDualSpace now has PetscDualSpaceSetFormDegree() and PetscDualSpaceGetFormDegree() for governing functional pushforward/pullback behavior - PETSCDUALSPACELAGRANGE now has PetscDualSpaceGetTrimmed() and PetscDualSpaceSetTrimmed() for creating degrees of freedom for trimmed polynomial spaces - PETSCDUALSPACELAGRANGE now has PetscDualSpaceGetNodeType() and PetscDualSpaceSetNodType() for controlling the placement of interpolation nodes - PETSCDUALSPACEBDM is no longer a standalone type of PetscDualSpace: it is now a constructor alias for PETSCDUALSPACELAGRANGE .. rubric:: PetscViewer: - Remove last PetscBool argument from PetscViewerBinaryWrite() - Add "fieldnum" argument to PetscViewerVTKAddField() to indicate only one field of the vector should be viewed .. rubric:: SYS: - Rename PetscSignalSegvCheckPointer() to PetscSignalSegvCheckPointerOrMpi() - Extend -info option controlling PetscInfo(). It now takes takes optional arguments ``-info [filename][:[~]list,of,classnames[:[~]self]]``. See PetscInfo() manpage - Add new API to control PetscInfo() programatically: - Add PetscInfoEnabled() - Indicate whether a given PETSc class is allowed in PetscInfo() - Add PetscInfoSetFile() - Set output destination of PetscInfo() - Add PetscInfoGetFile() - Get output destination of PetscInfo() - Add PetscInfoSetClasses() - Sets the classes which PetscInfo() is filtered for/against - Add PetscInfoGetClass() - Indicates whether the provided classname is marked as a filter in PetscInfo() as set by PetscInfoSetClasses() - Add PetscInfoProcessClass() - Activates or deactivates a class based on the filtering status of PetscInfo() - Add PetscInfoGetInfo() - Returns the current state of several indicator flags for PetscInfo() - Add PetscInfoSetFilterCommSelf() - Sets PetscInfoCommFlag enum to control communicator size filtering for PetscInfo() - Add PetscInfoDestroy() - Destroys and resets internal PetscInfo() filter options - Change PetscInfoAllow() to only activate/deactivate PetscInfo(), file setting is now handled separately by PetscInfoSetFile() - Add PetscSubcommGetParent() - Gets the communicator that was used to create the PetscSubcomm - Add PetscSubcommGetContiguousParent() - Gets a communicator that that is a duplicate of the parent but has the ranks reordered by the order they are in the children - Add PetscSubcommGetChild() - Gets the communicator created by the PetscSubcomm - Change the default option of -build_twosided from ibarrier to allreduce for communicators with no more than 1024 ranks .. rubric:: AO: .. rubric:: Sieve: .. rubric:: Fortran: