Changes: 3.1#
PetscOptionsHasName() and PetscOptionsName() now return PETSC_TRUE if the options are set to any value, include false or 0. You may need to change some of your PetscOptionsXXName() to PetscOptionsXXTruth()
Added configure option –with-single-library that causes all PETSc code to be compiled into the single library libpetsc.XXX
PetscMap changed to PetscLayout and PetscMapInitialize() changed to PetscLayoutCreate() and it now allocates the space of the object.
In makefiles include ${PETSC_DIR}/conf/base is replaced with two lines include ${PETSC_DIR}/conf/variables and include ${PETSC_DIR}/conf/rules
BlockSolve95 interface is removed
petsc.h and petscdef.h are replaced with petscsys.h and petscsysdef.h; while petsc.h now includes ALL PETSc include files.
win32fe [used for MS/Intel compiler builds on windows] now defaults to ‘noautodetect’ mode. However the previous behavior can be restored by using the option ‘–autodetect’. For eg: ‘–withcc=win32fe cl –autodetect’. This works primarily with old VC6/VC7/Intel8 etc compilers anyway.
PetscLogFlops(int) ->PetscLogFlops(PetscLogDouble). [check fortran usage]
All ./configure options that state known values, so that ./configure doesn’t try to test for them. Often used with the –with-batch option now begin with –known-
Now takes a parallel IS for the columns, the csize argument has been dropped. The local part of this IS corresponds to the local columns of the new submatrix.
Removed, use MatGetSubMatrix
Changed name of option MAT_KEEP_ZEROED_ROWS to MAT_KEEP_NONZERO_PATTERN to more clearly indicate what it does.
Added MAT_SHARE_NONZERO_PATTERN as option for MatDuplicate() this allows several matrices to share the same data structures for the nonzeros and thus save memory.
The function provided to MatNullSpaceSetFunction() now takes a MatNullSpace() as the first argument. Added Fortran interface for this function as well.
Removed MatPBRelax() merged its functionality into MatRelax()
Changed MatRelax() to MatSOR() to match MatSORType() and PCSOR
Removed requirement that rows be sorted in MatCreateMPIAIJWithArrays() and MatMPIAIJSetPreallocationCSR().
Changed MATOP_DIAGONAL_SHIFT to MATOP_DIAGONAL_SET to match function name MatDiagonalSet().
MATMPIROWBS i.e BlockSolve95 interface is now removed.
PCShell All user-provided functions now have PC as first argument instead of the application context. Users should obtain the context with PCShellGetContext, similar to MatShell.
Removed -pc_asm_in_place and PCASMSetUseInPlace() since the option made no sense
PCApplyRichardson() has an additional argument indicating if the initial guess being passed in is nonzero. SOR will save some work if it is zero.
MatSetBlockSize() is no longer an error for BAIJ matrices, but the argument must be the same as when the matrix was preallocated.
PCFactorSetPivoting() renamed to PCFactorSetColumnPivot()
Replaced PCFactorSetShiftNonzero(), PCFactorSetShiftPd() and PCFactorSetShiftInBlocks() with PCFactorSetShiftType() and PCFactorSetShiftAmount(). Replaced -pc_factor_shift_nonzero, -pc_factor_shift_positive_definite and -pc_factor_shift_in_blocks with -pc_factor_shift_type <shifttype> and -pc_factor_shift_amount <shiftamount>.
Added PCREDISTRIBUTE for load balancing and removal of Dirichlet degrees of freedom.
Added KSPCGUseSingleReduction() -ksp_cg_single_reduction; recommended for use with many processors when VecDot() starts to take a large amount of time, Requires 2 extra work vectors.
Added KSPGCR (Generalized Conjugate Residuals), a flexible method (like FGMRES) providing inexpensive residuals.
Rename TS_EULER, TS_BEULER, etc like TSEULER for consistency with other packages.
Add Theta and General Linear time integrators (TSTHETA, TSGL). These can be used for solving differential algebraic equations (DAE) using the new TSSetIFunction() and TSSetIJacobian().
Add TSSSP which implements optimal strong stability preserving time integrators of order 2, 3, and 4 using a low-storage explicit Runge-Kutta scheme.
Change TSSetPreStep() and TSSetPostStep() to run before and after each step instead of before and after each solve.
DAGetColoring() now takes a MatType as an additional argument, should be MATAIJ or MATBAIJ
Added DARefineHierarchy(), DMMG now always uses DMRefineHierarchy to generate refined grids. Added options -da_refine_hierarchy_[xyz] to allow semi-coarsening at some levels of the hierarchy.
DASetCoordinates() now references the vector, so the user should release their reference by calling VecDestroy().
PetscSleep(), PetscDrawGetPause(), and PetscDrawSetPause() now take PetscReal instead of int. Also, -draw_pause takes a real value.
PetscRandomGetValueImaginary() is removed. To get a complex number with only a random imaginary part first call PetscRandomSetInterval() with the same low and high real part. Similarly one can obtain a complex number with only a random real part by setting the low and high imaginary part to be the same.
Removed the old compiler dependent implementation of f90 interface sources in favor of the new compiler independent implementation. Consequently the configure option –with-f90-interface is removed. And the f90 interface is automatically built - if an f90 compiler is detected. [this is the default behavior before this change as well]
use petsc and use petscdef are now use petscsys and use petscsysdef
Added MATORDERING_AMD for Tim Davis’ Approximate Minimum Degree package.