2023 Annual PETSc Meeting#

PETSc User Meeting 2023 group photo (Hermann Hall, 06/06/2023)

June 5-7, 2023, at the Hermann Hall Conference Center in the Hermann Ballroom (when you enter the Hermann Hall building through the main entrance walk straight back to the rear of the building and take a right) (3241 South Federal Street, Chicago, IL) on the campus of The Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) in Chicago. Easy access from the hotels via the Chicago Elevated Green or Red Lines. Parking use B5 (32nd & Federal St.).

Please test for Covid before attending the meeting and mask while traveling to the meeting.

In addition to a newbie user tutorial and a Newbie Developer Workshop, the meeting will include a “speed dating” session where users can ask questions of developers (and each other) about technical details of their particular simulations. Finally, the meeting will be interspersed with mini-tutorials that will dive into particular aspects of PETSc that users may not be familiar with.

Meeting times#

  • Monday, June 5: 1 pm to 5:30 pm

  • Tuesday, June 6: 10:15 am to 5:30 pm

  • Wednesday, June 7: 9 am to 3 pm

PETSc newbie user lightning tutorial:

  • Monday, June 5: 10 am to 12 pm

PETSc Newbie Developer Workshop

  • Tuesday, June 6: 9 am to 10 am


Please register at EventBrite to save your seat. 100-dollar registration fee for breaks and lunches; this can be skipped if you cannot afford it.

Submit a presentation#

Submit an abstract by May 1st (but preferably now) to be included in the schedule. We welcome talks from all perspectives, including those who

  • contribute to PETSc,

  • use PETSc in their applications or libraries,

  • develop the libraries and packages called from PETSc, and even

  • those who are curious about using PETSc in their applications.

Suggested hotels#


Monday, June 5#




10:00 am

Newbie tutorial (Slides, Video)

11:30 am

Follow-up questions and meetings

12:00 am

Lunch for tutorial attendees and early arrivees

1:00 pm

Some thoughts on the future of PETSc (Slides, Video)

[Barry Smith]

1:30 pm

A new nonhydrostatic capability for MPAS-Ocean (Slides, Video)

[Sara Calandrini]

2:00 pm

MultiFlow: A coupled balanced-force framework to solve multiphase flows in arbitrary domains (Slides, Video)

[Berend van Wachem]

2:30 pm

Mini tutorial: PETSc and PyTorch interoperability (Slides, Video, IPython code)

[Hong Zhang (Mr.)]

2:45 pm

Coffee Break

3:00 pm

Towards enabling digital twins capabilities for a cloud chamber (slides and video unavailable)

[Vanessa Lopez-Marrero]

3:30 pm

PETSc ROCKS (Slides, Video)

[David May]

4:00 pm

Software Development and Deployment Including PETSc (Slides, Video)

[Tim Steinhoff]

4:30 pm

Multiscale, Multiphysics Simulation Through Application Composition Using MOOSE (Slides, Video)

[Derek Gaston]

5:00 pm

PETSc Newton Trust-Region for Simulating Large-scale Engineered Subsurface Systems with PFLOTRAN (Slides)

[Heeho Park]

5:30 pm

End of first day

Tuesday, June 6#




9:00 am

Newbie Developer Workshop (optional)

10:00 am

Coffee Break

10:15 am

Experiences in solving nonlinear eigenvalue problems with SLEPc (Slides, Video)

[Jose E. Roman]

10:45 am

MPI Multiply Threads (Slides, Video)

[Hui Zhou]

11:15 am

Mini tutorial: PETSc on the GPU (Slides, Video)

[Junchao Zhang]

11:30 am

AMD GPU benchmarking, documentation, and roadmap (Slides, video unavailable)

[Justin Chang]

12:00 pm


1:00 pm

Mini tutorial: petsc4py (Slides, Video)

[Stefano Zampini]

1:15 pm

Transparent Asynchronous Compute Made Easy With PETSc (Slides, Video)

[Jacob Faibussowitsch]

1:45 pm

Using Kokkos Ecosystem with PETSc on modern architectures (Slides)

[Luc Berger-Vergiat]

2:15 pm

Intel oneAPI Math Kernel Library, what’s new and what’s next? (Slides, Video)

[Spencer Patty]

2:45 pm

Mini tutorial: DMPlex (Video, slides unavailable)

[Matt Knepley]

3:00 pm

Coffee Break

3:15 pm

Scalable cloud-native thermo-mechanical solvers using PETSc (slides and video unavailable)

[Ashish Patel]

3:45 pm

A mimetic finite difference based quasi-static magnetohydrodynamic solver for force-free plasmas in tokamak disruptions (Slides, Video)

[Zakariae Jorti]

4:15 pm

High-order FEM implementation in AMReX using PETSc (Slides, Video)

[Alex Grant]

4:45 pm

An Immersed Boundary method for Elastic Bodies Using PETSc (Slides, Video)

[Mohamad Ibrahim Cheikh]

5:15 pm

Mini tutorial: DMNetwork (Slides, Video)

[Hong Zhang (Ms.)]

5:30 pm

End of second day

Wednesday, June 7#




9:00 am

XGCm: An Unstructured Mesh Gyrokinetic Particle-in-cell Code for Exascale Fusion Plasma Simulations (Slides, Video)

[Chonglin Zhang]

9:30 am

PETSc-PIC: A Structure-Preserving Particle-In-Cell Method for Electrostatic Solves (Slides, Video)

[Daniel Finn]

9:57 am

Landau Collisions in the Particle Basis with PETSc-PIC (Slides, Video)

[Joseph Pusztay]

10:15 am

Coffee Break

10:30 am

Mini tutorial: DMSwarm (Slides, Video)

[Joseph Pusztay*][joseph pusztay*]

10:45 am

Scalable Riemann Solvers with the Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Hyperbolic Network Simulation (Slides, Video)

[Aidan Hamilton]

11:15 am

Numerical upscaling of network models using PETSc (Slides, Video)

[Maria Vasilyeva]

11:45 am

Mini tutorial: TaoADMM (Slides, Video)

[Hansol Suh]

12:00 am


1:00 pm

PETSc in the Ionosphere (Slides, Video)

[Matt Young]

1:30 pm

From the trenches: porting mef90 (Slides, Video)

[Blaise Bourdin]

2:00 pm

PERMON library for quadratic programming (Slides, Video)

[Jakub Kruzik]

2:22 pm

Distributed Machine Learning for Natural Hazard Applications Using PERMON (Slides, Video)

[Marek Pecha]

2:45 pm

Wrap up

3:00 pm

End of meeting

Newbie Developer Workshop#

Tuesday, June 6, at 9 am. Some of the topics to be covered.
