============= Changes: 3.12 ============= .. rubric:: General: - PetscRoundReal() has been removed, since the math routine round() is not supported on all systems: perhaps use PetscCeilReal() or PetscFloorReal()<\li> - The legacy and CMake compile systems (make all-legacy and all-cmake) are removed - make gnumake is now make libs - PetscArraycmp() should be used instead of PetscMemcmp(), it takes a count argument instead of a byte argument - PetscArraycpy() should be used instead of PetscMemcpy(), it takes a count argument instead of a byte argument - PetscArrayzero() should be used instead of PetscMemzero(), it takes a count argument instead of a byte argument - PetscArraymove() should be used instead of PetscMemmove(), it takes a count argument instead of a byte argument - The ./configure options -with-gnu-compilers and -with-vendor-compilers are removed - The ./configure option --with-avx512-kernels defaults to true now so the manually optimized AVX-512 kernels are used by default - The order ./configure tests compilers has changed so there may be a different compiler selected if you do not provide them - Added --with-64-bit-blas-indices that will switch to 64-bit indices when using MKL libraries for BLAS/LAPACK and build OpenBLAS with this support - Changed PETSC_DEPRECATED() to PETSC_DEPRECATED_FUNCTION() and PETSC_DEPRECATED_TYPEDEF() to match naming of PETSC_DEPRECATED_ENUM() and PETSC_DEPRECATED_MACRO - -help now causes the printing of the current value and the newly set value for PetscOptionsInt(), etc - PetscFunctionListPrintTypes() takes an additional final argument after the current value, the set value - PetscCalloc*() now calls the system calloc() routine instead of malloc() plus memzero() - -malloc is now marked as deprecated, use -malloc_debug instead - -malloc_log and -malloc_log_threshold are now -malloc_view and -malloc_view_threshold - PetscMallocDebug() is now PetscMallocSetDebug() - PetscMallocDumpLog() is now PetscMallocView(), see also PetscMallocViewSet() - PetscMallocSetDumpLogThreshold() and PetscMallocSetDumpLog() are now PetscMallocViewSet() - With -malloc_test or -malloc_debug allocated memory is initialized with NaN to detect use of uninitialized numerical arrays - PetscMallocSet() now takes three arguments instead of two - Moved PetscCUBLASGetHandle() to a separate header file petscublas.h - Moved VecCUDA*-routines from petsccuda.h into petscvec.h. Removed petsccuda.h .. rubric:: Configure/Build: - C++ dialect is now auto-detected (C++14 first and then C++11). One can disable this check using --with-cxx-dialect=0, or force it to only check for C++11 using --with-cxx-dialect=C++11 - New option --download-hpddm to enable PCHPDDM and KSPHPDDM .. rubric:: IS: .. rubric:: PetscDraw: .. rubric:: PF: .. rubric:: Vec: - VecCUDAGet/RestoreArrayReadWrite() changed to VecCUDAGet/RestoreArray() - VecViennaCLGet/RestoreArrayReadWrite() changed to VecViennaCLGet/RestoreArray() - Added VecGet/RestoreArray/ReadInPlace() to get array of a vector where it is without copying from GPU to CPU. .. rubric:: PetscLayout: - Added PetscLayoutCreateFromSizes() - Added PetscLayoutCreateFromRanges() - Calling PetscLayoutSetUp() twice with different sizes is now forbidden .. rubric:: PetscSection: .. rubric:: VecScatter & PetscSF: - The default VecScatter implementation is changed to PetscSF. In other words, the default VecScatter shares PetscSF's MPI communication code. One can use -vecscatter_type mpi1 to go back to the old implementation. - Added new InsertMode MAX_VALUES and MIN_VALUES support in VecScatterBegin/End and VecGhostUpdateBegin/End. - PetscSFComputeMultiRootOriginalNumbering: add output argument with the number of multiroots for convenience - Added an enum type PetscSFPattern for SF graph patterns. Valid values include PETSCSF_PATTERN_ALLGATHER, PETSCSF_PATTERN_GATHER and PETSCSF_PATTERN_ALLTOALL. - Added PetscSFSetGraphWithPattern() to set SF graphs with predefined patterns. - Added PetscSFComposeInverse() to compose a new SF by putting the inverse of an SF under the another SF. - Added MPI-3.0 neighborhood collectives support. One can use command line option -sf_type neighbor to let SF use MPI-3.0 neighborhood collectives for communication instead of the default MPI_Send/Recv. - PetscSF is now CUDA-aware. The rootdata, leafdata arguments passed to SF routines can be either GPU pointers or CPU pointers. Use a CUDA-aware MPI and option -use_gpu_aware_mpi to enable it. - VecScatter is also CUDA-aware. You can do VecScatter on CUDA vectors without copying them from GPU to CPU. Again, you need a CUDA-aware MPI and option -use_gpu_aware_mpi. - Removed PetscSFCreateFromZero. Instead, users should use PetscSFCreate() to create an SF, and then set its graph with PetscSFSetGraphWithPattern(..,PETSCSF_PATTERN_GATHER). - Renamed PetscSFGetRanks() to PetscSFGetRootRanks(). .. rubric:: Mat: - MatShift(Mat,0); will no longer silently insure there are no missing diagonal entries. (Previously it would put 0 into any diagonal entry that was missing) - Renamed MatComputeExplicitOperator() into MatComputeOperator() and MatComputeExplicitOperatorTranspose() into MatComputeOperatorTranspose(). Added extra argument to select the desired matrix type - MatLoad() now supports loading dense matrices from HDF5/MAT files. - Added new Mat type, MATKAIJ, for matrices that can be expressed in a particular Kronecker (tensor) product form. - Added MatCompositeSetScalings() to set separate scaling factors for component matrices. - Added a Boolean option -mat_composite_merge_mvctx to merge Mvctx of component matrices to optimize communication in MatMult() for ADDITIVE matrices. Default is true. - Added MATSEQDENSECUDA class to use GPUs for dense linear algebra. .. rubric:: PC: - Renamed PCComputeExplicitOperator() into PCComputeOperator(). Added extra argument to select the desired matrix type - Added support for PCCHOLESKY with MATSOLVERMUMPS and SBAIJ matrices with bs greater than 1 - Added support for PCLU with MATSOLVERMKL_PARDISO (resp. MATSOLVERMKL_CPARDISO) and SEQBAIJ (resp. MPIBAIJ) matrices - Added support for PCCHOLESKY with MATSOLVERMKL_PARDISO (resp. MATSOLVERMKL_CPARDISO) and SEQSBAIJ (resp. MPISBAIJ) matrices - Added new preconditioner PCHPDDM, cf. src/ksp/ksp/examples/tutorials/ex71.c or src/snes/examples/tutorials/ex56.c .. rubric:: KSP: - Renamed KSPComputeExplicitOperator() into KSPComputeOperator(). Added extra argument to select the desired matrix type - KSPCGGLTRGetMinEig(KSP,PetscReal*) -> KSPGLTRGetMinEig(KSP,PetscReal*) - KSPCGGLTRGetLambda(KSP,PetscReal*) -> KSPGLTRGetLambda(KSP,PetscReal*) - KSPCGNASH, KSPCGSTCG, KSPCGGLTR -> KSPNASH, KSPSTCG, KSPGLTR - Added new Krylov solver KSPHPDDM, cf. src/ksp/ksp/examples/tutorials/ex75.c or src/ksp/ksp/examples/tutorials/ex9.c .. rubric:: SNES: - Changed SNES_CONVERGED_TR_DELTA to SNES_DIVERGED_TR_DELTA with a negative value to indicate diverged, unclear why it was ever positive since tiny trust region would indicate trouble, not converged .. rubric:: SNES: - -snes_mf no longer turns the preconditioner to none; to use it generally you will also need -pc_type none .. rubric:: SNESLineSearch: .. rubric:: TS: - Added tangent linear models for Runge-Kutta methods - Added second-order adjoint solvers based on Runge-Kutta methods and Theta methods - Improved the usage of first-order adjoint solvers in an optimization context. (The TS object can be reused in the optimization loop) - Changed the APIs for integrand evaluations and corresponding derivative evaluations. TSSetCostIntegrand() is deprecated. (Instead a quadrature TS is used to handle the callbacks) - TSTrajectory creates a unique name for folders that store the checkpoint data. Users can rerun adjoint codes without worrying about the folder names, and run multiple codes under the same directory. - Added support for using finite-differencing (and coloring) to approximate the Jacobians needed by the adjoint solvers. -snes_fd_color can be used for both implicit and explicit methods. .. rubric:: DM/DA: - Add DMGetLocalSection() to be used in preference to DMGetSection(). - Add DMSetLocalSection() to be used in preference to DMSetSection(). - DMGetDefaultSF() replaced with DMGetSectionSF(). - DMSetDefaultSF() replaced with DMSetSectionSF(). - DMCreateDefaultSF() replaced with DMCreateSectionSF(). - DMAddLabel() now increments the reference count of the DMLabel. - DMRemoveLabel() now destroys the DMLabel if the output argument is NULL. - Add DMRemoveLabelBySelf() which looks up the DMLabel by itself, removes from DM and destroys. .. rubric:: DMPlex: - Rename DMPlexCreateSpectralClosurePermutation() to DMPlexSetClosurePermutationTensor() - Add DMPlexFindVertices() for vertex coordinates -> DAG point lookup - Add DMPlexGetOverlap() to get the partition overlap .. rubric:: DMNetwork: - Changed prototypes for DMNetworkSetSizes() .. rubric:: PetscViewer: - Removed PetscViewerHDF5{Get,Set}AIJNames() which are likely not really needed - PetscViewerHDF5SetCollective() and -viewer_hdf5_collective can be used to switch between independent and collective transfer mode. Defaults now to false (independent). .. rubric:: SYS: - Added PetscCheckDupsInt() to check if a PetscInt array has dups. - Added an argument to PetscBinaryRead() and PetscBinarySynchronizedRead() to return the number of items read. .. rubric:: AO: .. rubric:: Sieve: .. rubric:: Fortran: