
Check the Jacobian of the exact solution against the residual using the Taylor Test


#include "petscdmplex.h" 
#include "petscts.h" 
PetscErrorCode DMTSCheckJacobian(TS ts, DM dm, PetscReal t, Vec u, Vec u_t, PetscReal tol, PetscBool *isLinear, PetscReal *convRate)

Input Parameters#

  • ts - the TS object

  • dm - the DM

  • t - the time

  • u - a DM vector

  • u_t - a DM vector

  • tol - A tolerance for the check, or -1 to print the results instead

Output Parameters#

  • isLinear - Flag indicaing that the function looks linear, or NULL

  • convRate - The rate of convergence of the linear model, or NULL

See Also#

TS: Scalable ODE and DAE Solvers, DNTSCheckFromOptions(), DMTSCheckResidual(), DNSNESCheckFromOptions(), DMSNESCheckDiscretization(), DMSNESCheckResidual()





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