
Like VecGetArray(), but if this is a standard device vector (e.g., VECCUDA), the returned pointer will be a device pointer to the device memory that contains this MPI processes’s portion of the vector data.


#include "petscvec.h"   
PetscErrorCode VecGetArrayAndMemType(Vec x, PetscScalar **a, PetscMemType *mtype)

Logically Collective; No Fortran Support

Input Parameter#

  • x - the vector

Output Parameters#

  • a - location to put pointer to the array

  • mtype - memory type of the array


Device data is guaranteed to have the latest value. Otherwise, when this is a host vector (e.g., VECMPI), this routine functions the same as VecGetArray() and returns a host pointer.

For VECKOKKOS, if Kokkos is configured without device (e.g., use serial or openmp), per this function, the vector works like VECSEQ/VECMPI; otherwise, it works like VECCUDA or VECHIP etc.

Use VecRestoreArrayAndMemType() when the array access is no longer needed.

See Also#

Vectors and Parallel Data, Vec, VecRestoreArrayAndMemType(), VecGetArrayReadAndMemType(), VecGetArrayWriteAndMemType(), VecRestoreArray(), VecGetArrayRead(), VecGetArrays(), VecGetArrayF90(), VecGetArrayReadF90(), VecPlaceArray(), VecGetArray2d(), VecGetArrayPair(), VecRestoreArrayPair(), VecGetArrayWrite(), VecRestoreArrayWrite()






VecGetArrayAndMemType_SeqKokkos() in src/vec/vec/impls/seq/kokkos/veckok.kokkos.cxx

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