
create a preconditioning matrix for the Schur complement by explicitly assembling the sparse matrix Sp=A11A10inv(DIAGFORM(A00))A01Sp = A11 - A10 inv(DIAGFORM(A00)) A01


#include "petscksp.h" 
PetscErrorCode MatCreateSchurComplementPmat(Mat A00, Mat A01, Mat A10, Mat A11, MatSchurComplementAinvType ainvtype, MatReuse preuse, Mat *Sp)


Input Parameters#

  • A00 - the upper-left part of the original matrix A=[A00A01;A10A11]A = [A00 A01; A10 A11]

  • A01 - (optional) the upper-right part of the original matrix A=[A00A01;A10A11]A = [A00 A01; A10 A11]

  • A10 - (optional) the lower-left part of the original matrix A=[A00A01;A10A11]A = [A00 A01; A10 A11]

  • A11 - (optional) the lower-right part of the original matrix A=[A00A01;A10A11]A = [A00 A01; A10 A11]

  • ainvtype - type of approximation for DIAGFORM(A00) used when forming Sp=A11A10inv(DIAGFORM(A00))A01Sp = A11 - A10 inv(DIAGFORM(A00)) A01. See MatSchurComplementAinvType.

  • preuse - MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX for a new Sp, or MAT_REUSE_MATRIX to reuse an existing Sp, or MAT_IGNORE_MATRIX to put nothing in Sp

Output Parameter#

  • Sp - approximate Schur complement suitable for constructing a preconditioner for the true Schur complement S=A11A10inv(A00)A01S = A11 - A10 inv(A00) A01

See Also#

KSP: Linear System Solvers, MatCreateSchurComplement(), MatGetSchurComplement(), MatSchurComplementGetPmat(), MatSchurComplementAinvType





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