
Creates a sparse matrix of type MATSEQAIJSELL.


PetscErrorCode MatCreateSeqAIJSELL(MPI_Comm comm, PetscInt m, PetscInt n, PetscInt nz, const PetscInt nnz[], Mat *A)


Input Parameters#

  • comm - MPI communicator, set to PETSC_COMM_SELF

  • m - number of rows

  • n - number of columns

  • nz - number of nonzeros per row (same for all rows)

  • nnz - array containing the number of nonzeros in the various rows (possibly different for each row) or NULL

Output Parameter#

  • A - the matrix

Options Database Keys#

  • -mat_aijsell_eager_shadow - Construct shadow matrix upon matrix assembly; default is to take a “lazy” approach, performing this step the first time the matrix is applied


This type inherits from AIJ and is largely identical, but keeps a “shadow” copy of the matrix in MATSEQSELL format, which is used when this format may be more suitable for a requested operation. Currently, MATSEQSELL format is used for MatMult(), MatMultTranspose(), MatMultAdd(), MatMultTransposeAdd(), and MatSOR() operations.

If nnz is given then nz is ignored

Because MATSEQAIJSELL is a subtype of MATSEQAIJ, the option -mat_seqaij_type seqaijsell can be used to make sequential MATSEQAIJ matrices default to being instances of MATSEQAIJSELL.

See Also#

Matrices, Mat, MatCreate(), MatCreateMPIAIJSELL(), MatSetValues()





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