Bisection line search. Similar to the critical point line search, SNESLINESEARCHCP, the bisection line search assumes that there exists some G(x)G(x) for which the SNESFunctionFn F(x)=gradG(x)F(x) = grad G(x). This line search seeks to find the root of the directional derivative along the search direction FTYF^T Y through bisection.

Options Database Keys#

  • -snes_linesearch_max_it <50> - maximum number of iterations for the line search

  • -snes_linesearch_damping <1.0> - initial trial step length on entry to the line search

  • -snes_linesearch_rtol <1e-8> - relative tolerance for the directional derivative

  • -snes_linesearch_atol <1e-6> - absolute tolerance for the directional derivative

  • -snes_linesearch_ltol <1e-6> - minimum absolute change in lambda allowed


This method does NOT use the objective function if it is provided with SNESSetObjective(). This line search will always give a step size in the interval [0, damping].

See Also#

SNES: Nonlinear Solvers, SNESLineSearch, SNESLineSearchType, SNESLineSearchCreate(), SNESLineSearchSetType(), SNESLINESEARCHCP





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