
A replacement for MPI_Scatterv() that can be called with PetscInt types when PETSc is built for either 32-bit indices or 64-bit indices.


#include <petscsys.h>
PetscMPIInt MPIU_Scatterv(const void *sendbuf, const PetscInt sendcounts[], const PetscInt displs[], MPI_Datatype sendtype, void *recvbuf, PetscInt recvcount, MPI_Datatype recvtype, PetscMPIInt root, MPI_Comm comm)


Input Parameters#

  • sendbuf - address of send buffer

  • sendcounts - non-negative PetscInt array (of length comm group size) specifying the number of elements to send to each MPI process

  • displs - PetscInt array (of length comm group size). Entry i specifies the displacement (relative to sendbuf) from which to take the outgoing data to process i

  • sendtype - data type of sendbuf elements

  • recvcount - number of elements in recvbuf (non-negative integer)

  • recvtype - data type of recvbuf elements

  • root - Rank of the MPI root process, which will dispatch the data to scatter

  • comm - MPI_Comm communicator

Output Parameter#

  • recvbuf - the resulting scattered values on this MPI process


Should be wrapped with PetscCallMPI() for error checking

This is different than most of the MPIU_ wrappers in that all the count arguments are in PetscInt

See Also#

PETSc and standard datatypes, MPI_Allreduce(), MPIU_Gatherv()





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