
Load a symbol from a list of dynamic link libraries.


PetscErrorCode PetscDLLibrarySym(MPI_Comm comm, PetscDLLibrary *outlist, const char path[], const char insymbol[], void **value)

Collective, No Fortran Support

Input Parameters#

  • comm - the MPI communicator that will load the symbol

  • outlist - list of already open libraries that may contain symbol (can be NULL and only the executable is searched for the function)

  • path - optional complete library name (if provided it checks here before checking outlist)

  • insymbol - name of symbol

Output Parameter#

  • value - if symbol not found then this value is set to NULL


Symbol can be of the form [/path/libname[.so.1.0]:]functionname[()] where items in [] denote optional

It will attempt to (retrieve and) open the library if it is not yet been opened.

See Also#

PetscDLLibrary, PetscLoadDynamicLibrary(), PetscDLLibraryAppend(), PetscDLLibraryRetrieve(), PetscDLLibraryOpen(), PetscDLLibraryClose()





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