
Create multiple viewers from a comma-separated list in the options database


#include "petscviewer.h" 
PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsCreateViewers(MPI_Comm comm, PetscOptions options, const char pre[], const char name[], PetscInt *n_max, PetscViewer viewers[], PetscViewerFormat formats[], PetscBool *set)


Input Parameters#

  • comm - the communicator to own the viewers

  • options - options database, use NULL for default global database

  • pre - the string to prepend to the name or NULL

  • name - the options database name that will be checked for

  • n_max - on input: the maximum number of viewers; on output: the number of viewers in the comma-separated list

Output Parameters#

  • viewers - an array to hold at least n_max PetscViewers, or NULL if not needed; on output: if not NULL, the first n_max entries are initialized PetscViewers

  • formats - an array to hold at least n_max PetscViewerFormats, or NULL if not needed; on output: if not NULL, the first n_max entries are valid PetscViewewFormats

  • set - PETSC_TRUE if found, else PETSC_FALSE


See PetscOptionsCreateViewer() for how the format strings for the viewers are interpreted.

Use PetscViewerDestroy() on each viewer, otherwise a memory leak will occur.

If PETSc is configured with --with-viewfromoptions=0 this function always returns with n_max of 0 and set of PETSC_FALSE

See Also#

Viewers: Looking at PETSc Objects, PetscOptionsCreateViewer()





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