Actual source code: deflation.c

  1: #include <../src/ksp/pc/impls/deflation/deflation.h>

  3: const char *const PCDeflationSpaceTypes[] = {"haar", "db2", "db4", "db8", "db16", "biorth22", "meyer", "aggregation", "user", "PCDeflationSpaceType", "PC_DEFLATION_SPACE_", NULL};

  5: static PetscErrorCode PCDeflationSetInitOnly_Deflation(PC pc, PetscBool flg)
  6: {
  7:   PC_Deflation *def = (PC_Deflation *)pc->data;

  9:   PetscFunctionBegin;
 10:   def->init = flg;
 11:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 12: }

 14: /*@
 15:   PCDeflationSetInitOnly - Do only initialization step.
 16:   Sets initial guess to the solution on the deflation space but does not apply
 17:   the deflation preconditioner. The additional preconditioner is still applied.

 19:   Logically Collective

 21:   Input Parameters:
 22: + pc  - the preconditioner context
 23: - flg - default `PETSC_FALSE`

 25:   Options Database Key:
 26: . -pc_deflation_init_only <false> - if true computes only the special guess

 28:   Level: intermediate

 30: .seealso: [](ch_ksp), `PCDEFLATION`
 31: @*/
 32: PetscErrorCode PCDeflationSetInitOnly(PC pc, PetscBool flg)
 33: {
 34:   PetscFunctionBegin;
 37:   PetscTryMethod(pc, "PCDeflationSetInitOnly_C", (PC, PetscBool), (pc, flg));
 38:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 39: }

 41: static PetscErrorCode PCDeflationSetLevels_Deflation(PC pc, PetscInt current, PetscInt max)
 42: {
 43:   PC_Deflation *def = (PC_Deflation *)pc->data;

 45:   PetscFunctionBegin;
 46:   if (current) def->lvl = current;
 47:   def->maxlvl = max;
 48:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 49: }

 51: /*@
 52:   PCDeflationSetLevels - Set the maximum level of deflation nesting.

 54:   Logically Collective

 56:   Input Parameters:
 57: + pc  - the preconditioner context
 58: - max - maximum deflation level

 60:   Options Database Key:
 61: . -pc_deflation_max_lvl <0> - maximum number of levels for multilevel deflation

 63:   Level: intermediate

 65: .seealso: [](ch_ksp), `PCDeflationSetSpaceToCompute()`, `PCDeflationSetSpace()`, `PCDEFLATION`
 66: @*/
 67: PetscErrorCode PCDeflationSetLevels(PC pc, PetscInt max)
 68: {
 69:   PetscFunctionBegin;
 72:   PetscTryMethod(pc, "PCDeflationSetLevels_C", (PC, PetscInt, PetscInt), (pc, 0, max));
 73:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 74: }

 76: static PetscErrorCode PCDeflationSetReductionFactor_Deflation(PC pc, PetscInt red)
 77: {
 78:   PC_Deflation *def = (PC_Deflation *)pc->data;

 80:   PetscFunctionBegin;
 81:   def->reductionfact = red;
 82:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 83: }

 85: /*@
 86:   PCDeflationSetReductionFactor - Set reduction factor for the `PCDEFLATION`

 88:   Logically Collective

 90:   Input Parameters:
 91: + pc  - the preconditioner context
 92: - red - reduction factor (or `PETSC_DETERMINE`)

 94:   Options Database Key:
 95: . -pc_deflation_reduction_factor <\-1> - reduction factor on bottom level coarse problem for `PCDEFLATION`

 97:   Note:
 98:   Default is computed based on the size of the coarse problem.

100:   Level: intermediate

102: .seealso: [](ch_ksp), `PCTELESCOPE`, `PCDEFLATION`, `PCDeflationSetLevels()`
103: @*/
104: PetscErrorCode PCDeflationSetReductionFactor(PC pc, PetscInt red)
105: {
106:   PetscFunctionBegin;
109:   PetscTryMethod(pc, "PCDeflationSetReductionFactor_C", (PC, PetscInt), (pc, red));
110:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
111: }

113: static PetscErrorCode PCDeflationSetCorrectionFactor_Deflation(PC pc, PetscScalar fact)
114: {
115:   PC_Deflation *def = (PC_Deflation *)pc->data;

117:   PetscFunctionBegin;
118:   /* TODO PETSC_DETERMINE -> compute max eigenvalue with power method */
119:   def->correct     = PETSC_TRUE;
120:   def->correctfact = fact;
121:   if (def->correctfact == 0.0) def->correct = PETSC_FALSE;
122:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
123: }

125: /*@
126:   PCDeflationSetCorrectionFactor - Set coarse problem correction factor.
127:   The preconditioner becomes P*M^{-1} + fact*Q.

129:   Logically Collective

131:   Input Parameters:
132: + pc   - the preconditioner context
133: - fact - correction factor

135:   Options Database Keys:
136: + -pc_deflation_correction        <false> - if true apply coarse problem correction
137: - -pc_deflation_correction_factor <1.0>   - sets coarse problem correction factor

139:   Note:
140:   Any non-zero fact enables the coarse problem correction.

142:   Level: intermediate

144: .seealso: [](ch_ksp), `PCDEFLATION`, `PCDeflationSetLevels()`, `PCDeflationSetReductionFactor()`
145: @*/
146: PetscErrorCode PCDeflationSetCorrectionFactor(PC pc, PetscScalar fact)
147: {
148:   PetscFunctionBegin;
151:   PetscTryMethod(pc, "PCDeflationSetCorrectionFactor_C", (PC, PetscScalar), (pc, fact));
152:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
153: }

155: static PetscErrorCode PCDeflationSetSpaceToCompute_Deflation(PC pc, PCDeflationSpaceType type, PetscInt size)
156: {
157:   PC_Deflation *def = (PC_Deflation *)pc->data;

159:   PetscFunctionBegin;
160:   if (type) def->spacetype = type;
161:   if (size > 0) def->spacesize = size;
162:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
163: }

165: /*@
166:   PCDeflationSetSpaceToCompute - Set deflation space type and size to compute.

168:   Logically Collective

170:   Input Parameters:
171: + pc   - the preconditioner context
172: . type - deflation space type to compute (or `PETSC_IGNORE`)
173: - size - size of the space to compute (or `PETSC_DEFAULT`)

175:   Options Database Keys:
176: + -pc_deflation_compute_space      <haar> - compute `PCDeflationSpaceType` deflation space
177: - -pc_deflation_compute_space_size <1>    - size of the deflation space

179:   Notes:
180:   For wavelet-based deflation, size represents number of levels.

182:   The deflation space is computed in `PCSetUp()`.

184:   Level: intermediate

186: .seealso: [](ch_ksp), `PCDeflationSetLevels()`, `PCDEFLATION`
187: @*/
188: PetscErrorCode PCDeflationSetSpaceToCompute(PC pc, PCDeflationSpaceType type, PetscInt size)
189: {
190:   PetscFunctionBegin;
194:   PetscTryMethod(pc, "PCDeflationSetSpaceToCompute_C", (PC, PCDeflationSpaceType, PetscInt), (pc, type, size));
195:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
196: }

198: static PetscErrorCode PCDeflationSetSpace_Deflation(PC pc, Mat W, PetscBool transpose)
199: {
200:   PC_Deflation *def = (PC_Deflation *)pc->data;

202:   PetscFunctionBegin;
203:   /* possibly allows W' = Wt (which is valid but not tested) */
204:   PetscCall(PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)W));
205:   if (transpose) {
206:     PetscCall(MatDestroy(&def->Wt));
207:     def->Wt = W;
208:   } else {
209:     PetscCall(MatDestroy(&def->W));
210:     def->W = W;
211:   }
212:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
213: }

215: /*@
216:   PCDeflationSetSpace - Set the deflation space matrix (or its (Hermitian) transpose).

218:   Logically Collective

220:   Input Parameters:
221: + pc        - the preconditioner context
222: . W         - deflation matrix
223: - transpose - indicates that W is an explicit transpose of the deflation matrix

225:   Level: intermediate

227:   Notes:
228:   Setting W as a multipliplicative `MATCOMPOSITE` enables use of the multilevel
229:   deflation. If W = W0*W1*W2*...*Wn, W0 is taken as the first deflation space and
230:   the coarse problem (W0'*A*W0)^{-1} is again preconditioned by deflation with
231:   W1 as the deflation matrix. This repeats until the maximum level set by
232:   PCDeflationSetLevels() is reached or there are no more matrices available.
233:   If there are matrices left after reaching the maximum level,
234:   they are merged into a deflation matrix ...*W{n-1}*Wn.

236: .seealso: [](ch_ksp), `PCDeflationSetLevels()`, `PCDEFLATION`, `PCDeflationSetProjectionNullSpaceMat()`
237: @*/
238: PetscErrorCode PCDeflationSetSpace(PC pc, Mat W, PetscBool transpose)
239: {
240:   PetscFunctionBegin;
244:   PetscTryMethod(pc, "PCDeflationSetSpace_C", (PC, Mat, PetscBool), (pc, W, transpose));
245:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
246: }

248: static PetscErrorCode PCDeflationSetProjectionNullSpaceMat_Deflation(PC pc, Mat mat)
249: {
250:   PC_Deflation *def = (PC_Deflation *)pc->data;

252:   PetscFunctionBegin;
253:   PetscCall(PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)mat));
254:   PetscCall(MatDestroy(&def->WtA));
255:   def->WtA = mat;
256:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
257: }

259: /*@
260:   PCDeflationSetProjectionNullSpaceMat - Set the projection null space matrix (W'*A).

262:   Collective

264:   Input Parameters:
265: + pc  - preconditioner context
266: - mat - projection null space matrix

268:   Level: developer

270: .seealso: [](ch_ksp), `PCDEFLATION`, `PCDeflationSetSpace()`
271: @*/
272: PetscErrorCode PCDeflationSetProjectionNullSpaceMat(PC pc, Mat mat)
273: {
274:   PetscFunctionBegin;
277:   PetscTryMethod(pc, "PCDeflationSetProjectionNullSpaceMat_C", (PC, Mat), (pc, mat));
278:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
279: }

281: static PetscErrorCode PCDeflationSetCoarseMat_Deflation(PC pc, Mat mat)
282: {
283:   PC_Deflation *def = (PC_Deflation *)pc->data;

285:   PetscFunctionBegin;
286:   PetscCall(PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)mat));
287:   PetscCall(MatDestroy(&def->WtAW));
288:   def->WtAW = mat;
289:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
290: }

292: /*@
293:   PCDeflationSetCoarseMat - Set the coarse problem `Mat`.

295:   Collective

297:   Input Parameters:
298: + pc  - preconditioner context
299: - mat - coarse problem mat

301:   Level: developer

303: .seealso: [](ch_ksp), `PCDEFLATION`, `PCDeflationGetCoarseKSP()`
304: @*/
305: PetscErrorCode PCDeflationSetCoarseMat(PC pc, Mat mat)
306: {
307:   PetscFunctionBegin;
310:   PetscTryMethod(pc, "PCDeflationSetCoarseMat_C", (PC, Mat), (pc, mat));
311:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
312: }

314: static PetscErrorCode PCDeflationGetCoarseKSP_Deflation(PC pc, KSP *ksp)
315: {
316:   PC_Deflation *def = (PC_Deflation *)pc->data;

318:   PetscFunctionBegin;
319:   *ksp = def->WtAWinv;
320:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
321: }

323: /*@
324:   PCDeflationGetCoarseKSP - Returns the coarse problem `KSP`.

326:   Not Collective

328:   Input Parameter:
329: . pc - preconditioner context

331:   Output Parameter:
332: . ksp - coarse problem `KSP` context

334:   Level: advanced

336: .seealso: [](ch_ksp), `PCDEFLATION`, `PCDeflationSetCoarseMat()`
337: @*/
338: PetscErrorCode PCDeflationGetCoarseKSP(PC pc, KSP *ksp)
339: {
340:   PetscFunctionBegin;
342:   PetscAssertPointer(ksp, 2);
343:   PetscTryMethod(pc, "PCDeflationGetCoarseKSP_C", (PC, KSP *), (pc, ksp));
344:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
345: }

347: static PetscErrorCode PCDeflationGetPC_Deflation(PC pc, PC *apc)
348: {
349:   PC_Deflation *def = (PC_Deflation *)pc->data;

351:   PetscFunctionBegin;
352:   *apc = def->pc;
353:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
354: }

356: /*@
357:   PCDeflationGetPC - Returns the additional preconditioner M^{-1}.

359:   Not Collective

361:   Input Parameter:
362: . pc - the preconditioner context

364:   Output Parameter:
365: . apc - additional preconditioner

367:   Level: advanced

369: .seealso: [](ch_ksp), `PCDEFLATION`, `PCDeflationGetCoarseKSP()`
370: @*/
371: PetscErrorCode PCDeflationGetPC(PC pc, PC *apc)
372: {
373:   PetscFunctionBegin;
375:   PetscAssertPointer(pc, 1);
376:   PetscTryMethod(pc, "PCDeflationGetPC_C", (PC, PC *), (pc, apc));
377:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
378: }

380: /*
381:   x <- x + W*(W'*A*W)^{-1}*W'*r  = x + Q*r
382: */
383: static PetscErrorCode PCPreSolve_Deflation(PC pc, KSP ksp, Vec b, Vec x)
384: {
385:   PC_Deflation *def = (PC_Deflation *)pc->data;
386:   Mat           A;
387:   Vec           r, w1, w2;
388:   PetscBool     nonzero;

390:   PetscFunctionBegin;
391:   w1 = def->workcoarse[0];
392:   w2 = def->workcoarse[1];
393:   r  = def->work;
394:   PetscCall(PCGetOperators(pc, NULL, &A));

396:   PetscCall(KSPGetInitialGuessNonzero(ksp, &nonzero));
397:   PetscCall(KSPSetInitialGuessNonzero(ksp, PETSC_TRUE));
398:   if (nonzero) {
399:     PetscCall(MatMult(A, x, r)); /*    r  <- b - Ax              */
400:     PetscCall(VecAYPX(r, -1.0, b));
401:   } else {
402:     PetscCall(VecCopy(b, r)); /*    r  <- b (x is 0)          */
403:   }

405:   if (def->Wt) {
406:     PetscCall(MatMult(def->Wt, r, w1)); /*    w1 <- W'*r                */
407:   } else {
408:     PetscCall(MatMultHermitianTranspose(def->W, r, w1)); /*    w1 <- W'*r                */
409:   }
410:   PetscCall(KSPSolve(def->WtAWinv, w1, w2)); /*    w2 <- (W'*A*W)^{-1}*w1    */
411:   PetscCall(MatMult(def->W, w2, r));         /*    r  <- W*w2                */
412:   PetscCall(VecAYPX(x, 1.0, r));
413:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
414: }

416: /*
417:   if (def->correct) {
418:     z <- M^{-1}r - W*(W'*A*W)^{-1}*(W'*A*M^{-1}r - l*W'*r) = (P*M^{-1} + l*Q)*r
419:   } else {
420:     z <- M^{-1}*r - W*(W'*A*W)^{-1}*W'*A*M{-1}*r = P*M^{-1}*r
421:   }
422: */
423: static PetscErrorCode PCApply_Deflation(PC pc, Vec r, Vec z)
424: {
425:   PC_Deflation *def = (PC_Deflation *)pc->data;
426:   Mat           A;
427:   Vec           u, w1, w2;

429:   PetscFunctionBegin;
430:   w1 = def->workcoarse[0];
431:   w2 = def->workcoarse[1];
432:   u  = def->work;
433:   PetscCall(PCGetOperators(pc, NULL, &A));

435:   PetscCall(PCApply(def->pc, r, z)); /*    z <- M^{-1}*r             */
436:   if (!def->init) {
437:     PetscCall(MatMult(def->WtA, z, w1)); /*    w1 <- W'*A*z              */
438:     if (def->correct) {
439:       if (def->Wt) {
440:         PetscCall(MatMult(def->Wt, r, w2)); /*    w2 <- W'*r                */
441:       } else {
442:         PetscCall(MatMultHermitianTranspose(def->W, r, w2)); /*    w2 <- W'*r                */
443:       }
444:       PetscCall(VecAXPY(w1, -1.0 * def->correctfact, w2)); /*    w1 <- w1 - l*w2           */
445:     }
446:     PetscCall(KSPSolve(def->WtAWinv, w1, w2)); /*    w2 <- (W'*A*W)^{-1}*w1    */
447:     PetscCall(MatMult(def->W, w2, u));         /*    u  <- W*w2                */
448:     PetscCall(VecAXPY(z, -1.0, u));            /*    z  <- z - u               */
449:   }
450:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
451: }

453: static PetscErrorCode PCSetUp_Deflation(PC pc)
454: {
455:   PC_Deflation    *def = (PC_Deflation *)pc->data;
456:   DM               dm;
457:   KSP              innerksp;
458:   PC               pcinner;
459:   Mat              Amat, nextDef = NULL, *mats;
460:   PetscInt         i, m, red, size;
461:   PetscMPIInt      commsize;
462:   PetscBool        match, flgspd, isset, transp = PETSC_FALSE;
463:   MatCompositeType ctype;
464:   MPI_Comm         comm;
465:   char             prefix[128] = "";

467:   PetscFunctionBegin;
468:   if (pc->setupcalled) PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
469:   PetscCall(PetscObjectGetComm((PetscObject)pc, &comm));
470:   PetscCall(PCGetOperators(pc, NULL, &Amat));
471:   if (!def->lvl && !def->prefix) PetscCall(PCGetOptionsPrefix(pc, &def->prefix));
472:   if (def->lvl) PetscCall(PetscSNPrintf(prefix, sizeof(prefix), "%" PetscInt_FMT "_", def->lvl));

474:   /* compute a deflation space */
475:   if (def->W || def->Wt) {
476:     def->spacetype = PC_DEFLATION_SPACE_USER;
477:   } else {
478:     PetscCall(PCDeflationComputeSpace(pc));
479:   }

481:   /* nested deflation */
482:   if (def->W) {
483:     PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)def->W, MATCOMPOSITE, &match));
484:     if (match) {
485:       PetscCall(MatCompositeGetType(def->W, &ctype));
486:       PetscCall(MatCompositeGetNumberMat(def->W, &size));
487:     }
488:   } else {
489:     PetscCall(MatCreateHermitianTranspose(def->Wt, &def->W));
490:     PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)def->Wt, MATCOMPOSITE, &match));
491:     if (match) {
492:       PetscCall(MatCompositeGetType(def->Wt, &ctype));
493:       PetscCall(MatCompositeGetNumberMat(def->Wt, &size));
494:     }
495:     transp = PETSC_TRUE;
496:   }
497:   if (match && ctype == MAT_COMPOSITE_MULTIPLICATIVE) {
498:     if (!transp) {
499:       if (def->lvl < def->maxlvl) {
500:         PetscCall(PetscMalloc1(size, &mats));
501:         for (i = 0; i < size; i++) PetscCall(MatCompositeGetMat(def->W, i, &mats[i]));
502:         size -= 1;
503:         PetscCall(MatDestroy(&def->W));
504:         def->W = mats[size];
505:         PetscCall(PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)mats[size]));
506:         if (size > 1) {
507:           PetscCall(MatCreateComposite(comm, size, mats, &nextDef));
508:           PetscCall(MatCompositeSetType(nextDef, MAT_COMPOSITE_MULTIPLICATIVE));
509:         } else {
510:           nextDef = mats[0];
511:           PetscCall(PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)mats[0]));
512:         }
513:         PetscCall(PetscFree(mats));
514:       } else {
515:         /* TODO test merge side performance */
516:         /* PetscCall(MatCompositeSetMergeType(def->W,MAT_COMPOSITE_MERGE_LEFT)); */
517:         PetscCall(MatCompositeMerge(def->W));
518:       }
519:     } else {
520:       if (def->lvl < def->maxlvl) {
521:         PetscCall(PetscMalloc1(size, &mats));
522:         for (i = 0; i < size; i++) PetscCall(MatCompositeGetMat(def->Wt, i, &mats[i]));
523:         size -= 1;
524:         PetscCall(MatDestroy(&def->Wt));
525:         def->Wt = mats[0];
526:         PetscCall(PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)mats[0]));
527:         if (size > 1) {
528:           PetscCall(MatCreateComposite(comm, size, &mats[1], &nextDef));
529:           PetscCall(MatCompositeSetType(nextDef, MAT_COMPOSITE_MULTIPLICATIVE));
530:         } else {
531:           nextDef = mats[1];
532:           PetscCall(PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)mats[1]));
533:         }
534:         PetscCall(PetscFree(mats));
535:       } else {
536:         /* PetscCall(MatCompositeSetMergeType(def->W,MAT_COMPOSITE_MERGE_LEFT)); */
537:         PetscCall(MatCompositeMerge(def->Wt));
538:       }
539:     }
540:   }

542:   if (transp) {
543:     PetscCall(MatDestroy(&def->W));
544:     PetscCall(MatHermitianTranspose(def->Wt, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, &def->W));
545:   }

547:   /* assemble WtA */
548:   if (!def->WtA) {
549:     if (def->Wt) {
550:       PetscCall(MatMatMult(def->Wt, Amat, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, PETSC_CURRENT, &def->WtA));
551:     } else {
552: #if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
553:       PetscCall(MatHermitianTranspose(def->W, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, &def->Wt));
554:       PetscCall(MatMatMult(def->Wt, Amat, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, PETSC_CURRENT, &def->WtA));
555: #else
556:       PetscCall(MatTransposeMatMult(def->W, Amat, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, PETSC_CURRENT, &def->WtA));
557: #endif
558:     }
559:   }
560:   /* setup coarse problem */
561:   if (!def->WtAWinv) {
562:     PetscCall(MatGetSize(def->W, NULL, &m));
563:     if (!def->WtAW) {
564:       PetscCall(MatMatMult(def->WtA, def->W, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, PETSC_CURRENT, &def->WtAW));
565:       /* TODO create MatInheritOption(Mat,MatOption) */
566:       PetscCall(MatIsSPDKnown(Amat, &isset, &flgspd));
567:       if (isset) PetscCall(MatSetOption(def->WtAW, MAT_SPD, flgspd));
568:       if (PetscDefined(USE_DEBUG)) {
569:         /* Check columns of W are not in kernel of A */
570:         PetscReal *norms;

572:         PetscCall(PetscMalloc1(m, &norms));
573:         PetscCall(MatGetColumnNorms(def->WtAW, NORM_INFINITY, norms));
574:         for (i = 0; i < m; i++) PetscCheck(norms[i] > 100 * PETSC_MACHINE_EPSILON, PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)def->WtAW), PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Column %" PetscInt_FMT " of W is in kernel of A.", i);
575:         PetscCall(PetscFree(norms));
576:       }
577:     } else PetscCall(MatIsSPDKnown(def->WtAW, &isset, &flgspd));

579:     /* TODO use MATINV ? */
580:     PetscCall(KSPCreate(comm, &def->WtAWinv));
581:     PetscCall(KSPSetNestLevel(def->WtAWinv, pc->kspnestlevel));
582:     PetscCall(KSPSetOperators(def->WtAWinv, def->WtAW, def->WtAW));
583:     PetscCall(KSPGetPC(def->WtAWinv, &pcinner));
584:     /* Setup KSP and PC */
585:     if (nextDef) { /* next level for multilevel deflation */
586:       innerksp = def->WtAWinv;
587:       /* set default KSPtype */
588:       if (!def->ksptype) {
589:         def->ksptype = KSPFGMRES;
590:         if (isset && flgspd) { /* SPD system */
591:           def->ksptype = KSPFCG;
592:         }
593:       }
594:       PetscCall(KSPSetType(innerksp, def->ksptype)); /* TODO iherit from KSP + tolerances */
595:       PetscCall(PCSetType(pcinner, PCDEFLATION));    /* TODO create coarse preconditinoner M_c = WtMW ? */
596:       PetscCall(PCDeflationSetSpace(pcinner, nextDef, transp));
597:       PetscCall(PCDeflationSetLevels_Deflation(pcinner, def->lvl + 1, def->maxlvl));
598:       /* inherit options */
599:       if (def->prefix) ((PC_Deflation *)pcinner->data)->prefix = def->prefix;
600:       ((PC_Deflation *)pcinner->data)->init          = def->init;
601:       ((PC_Deflation *)pcinner->data)->ksptype       = def->ksptype;
602:       ((PC_Deflation *)pcinner->data)->correct       = def->correct;
603:       ((PC_Deflation *)pcinner->data)->correctfact   = def->correctfact;
604:       ((PC_Deflation *)pcinner->data)->reductionfact = def->reductionfact;
605:       PetscCall(MatDestroy(&nextDef));
606:     } else { /* the last level */
607:       PetscCall(KSPSetType(def->WtAWinv, KSPPREONLY));
608:       PetscCall(PCSetType(pcinner, PCTELESCOPE));
609:       /* do not overwrite PCTELESCOPE */
610:       if (def->prefix) PetscCall(KSPSetOptionsPrefix(def->WtAWinv, def->prefix));
611:       PetscCall(KSPAppendOptionsPrefix(def->WtAWinv, "deflation_tel_"));
612:       PetscCall(PCSetFromOptions(pcinner));
613:       PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)pcinner, PCTELESCOPE, &match));
614:       PetscCheck(match, comm, PETSC_ERR_SUP, "User can not overwrite PCTELESCOPE on bottom level, use reduction factor = 1 instead.");
615:       /* Reduction factor choice */
616:       red = def->reductionfact;
617:       if (red < 0) {
618:         PetscCallMPI(MPI_Comm_size(comm, &commsize));
619:         red = PetscCeilInt(commsize, PetscCeilInt(m, commsize));
620:         PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompareAny((PetscObject)def->WtAW, &match, MATSEQDENSE, MATMPIDENSE, MATDENSE, ""));
621:         if (match) red = commsize;
622:         PetscCall(PetscInfo(pc, "Auto choosing reduction factor %" PetscInt_FMT "\n", red));
623:       }
624:       PetscCall(PCTelescopeSetReductionFactor(pcinner, red));
625:       PetscCall(PCSetUp(pcinner));
626:       PetscCall(PCTelescopeGetKSP(pcinner, &innerksp));
627:       if (innerksp) {
628:         PetscCall(KSPGetPC(innerksp, &pcinner));
629:         PetscCall(PCSetType(pcinner, PCLU));
630: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_SUPERLU)
631:         PetscCall(MatGetFactorAvailable(def->WtAW, MATSOLVERSUPERLU, MAT_FACTOR_LU, &match));
632:         if (match) PetscCall(PCFactorSetMatSolverType(pcinner, MATSOLVERSUPERLU));
633: #endif
634: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_SUPERLU_DIST)
635:         PetscCall(MatGetFactorAvailable(def->WtAW, MATSOLVERSUPERLU_DIST, MAT_FACTOR_LU, &match));
636:         if (match) PetscCall(PCFactorSetMatSolverType(pcinner, MATSOLVERSUPERLU_DIST));
637: #endif
638:       }
639:     }

641:     if (innerksp) {
642:       if (def->prefix) {
643:         PetscCall(KSPSetOptionsPrefix(innerksp, def->prefix));
644:         PetscCall(KSPAppendOptionsPrefix(innerksp, "deflation_"));
645:       } else {
646:         PetscCall(KSPSetOptionsPrefix(innerksp, "deflation_"));
647:       }
648:       PetscCall(KSPAppendOptionsPrefix(innerksp, prefix));
649:       PetscCall(KSPSetFromOptions(innerksp));
650:       PetscCall(KSPSetUp(innerksp));
651:     }
652:   }
653:   PetscCall(KSPSetFromOptions(def->WtAWinv));
654:   PetscCall(KSPSetUp(def->WtAWinv));

656:   /* create preconditioner */
657:   if (!def->pc) {
658:     PetscCall(PCCreate(comm, &def->pc));
659:     PetscCall(PCSetOperators(def->pc, Amat, Amat));
660:     PetscCall(PCSetType(def->pc, PCNONE));
661:     if (def->prefix) PetscCall(PCSetOptionsPrefix(def->pc, def->prefix));
662:     PetscCall(PCAppendOptionsPrefix(def->pc, "deflation_"));
663:     PetscCall(PCAppendOptionsPrefix(def->pc, prefix));
664:     PetscCall(PCAppendOptionsPrefix(def->pc, "pc_"));
665:     PetscCall(PCGetDM(pc, &dm));
666:     PetscCall(PCSetDM(def->pc, dm));
667:     PetscCall(PCSetFromOptions(def->pc));
668:     PetscCall(PCSetUp(def->pc));
669:   }

671:   /* create work vecs */
672:   PetscCall(MatCreateVecs(Amat, NULL, &def->work));
673:   PetscCall(KSPCreateVecs(def->WtAWinv, 2, &def->workcoarse, 0, NULL));
674:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
675: }

677: static PetscErrorCode PCReset_Deflation(PC pc)
678: {
679:   PC_Deflation *def = (PC_Deflation *)pc->data;

681:   PetscFunctionBegin;
682:   PetscCall(VecDestroy(&def->work));
683:   PetscCall(VecDestroyVecs(2, &def->workcoarse));
684:   PetscCall(MatDestroy(&def->W));
685:   PetscCall(MatDestroy(&def->Wt));
686:   PetscCall(MatDestroy(&def->WtA));
687:   PetscCall(MatDestroy(&def->WtAW));
688:   PetscCall(KSPDestroy(&def->WtAWinv));
689:   PetscCall(PCDestroy(&def->pc));
690:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
691: }

693: static PetscErrorCode PCDestroy_Deflation(PC pc)
694: {
695:   PetscFunctionBegin;
696:   PetscCall(PCReset_Deflation(pc));
697:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc, "PCDeflationSetInitOnly_C", NULL));
698:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc, "PCDeflationSetLevels_C", NULL));
699:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc, "PCDeflationSetReductionFactor_C", NULL));
700:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc, "PCDeflationSetCorrectionFactor_C", NULL));
701:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc, "PCDeflationSetSpaceToCompute_C", NULL));
702:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc, "PCDeflationSetSpace_C", NULL));
703:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc, "PCDeflationSetProjectionNullSpaceMat_C", NULL));
704:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc, "PCDeflationSetCoarseMat_C", NULL));
705:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc, "PCDeflationGetCoarseKSP_C", NULL));
706:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc, "PCDeflationGetPC_C", NULL));
707:   PetscCall(PetscFree(pc->data));
708:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
709: }

711: static PetscErrorCode PCView_Deflation(PC pc, PetscViewer viewer)
712: {
713:   PC_Deflation *def = (PC_Deflation *)pc->data;
714:   PetscInt      its;
715:   PetscBool     iascii;

717:   PetscFunctionBegin;
718:   if (!pc->setupcalled) PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
719:   PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)viewer, PETSCVIEWERASCII, &iascii));
720:   if (iascii) {
721:     if (def->correct) PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer, "using CP correction, factor = %g+%gi\n", (double)PetscRealPart(def->correctfact), (double)PetscImaginaryPart(def->correctfact)));
722:     if (!def->lvl) PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer, "deflation space type: %s\n", PCDeflationSpaceTypes[def->spacetype]));

724:     PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer, "--- Additional PC:\n"));
725:     PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPushTab(viewer));
726:     PetscCall(PCView(def->pc, viewer));
727:     PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPopTab(viewer));

729:     PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer, "--- Coarse problem solver:\n"));
730:     PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPushTab(viewer));
731:     PetscCall(KSPGetTotalIterations(def->WtAWinv, &its));
732:     PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer, "total number of iterations: %" PetscInt_FMT "\n", its));
733:     PetscCall(KSPView(def->WtAWinv, viewer));
734:     PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPopTab(viewer));
735:   }
736:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
737: }

739: static PetscErrorCode PCSetFromOptions_Deflation(PC pc, PetscOptionItems *PetscOptionsObject)
740: {
741:   PC_Deflation *def = (PC_Deflation *)pc->data;

743:   PetscFunctionBegin;
744:   PetscOptionsHeadBegin(PetscOptionsObject, "Deflation options");
745:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsBool("-pc_deflation_init_only", "Use only initialization step - Initdef", "PCDeflationSetInitOnly", def->init, &def->init, NULL));
746:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsInt("-pc_deflation_levels", "Maximum of deflation levels", "PCDeflationSetLevels", def->maxlvl, &def->maxlvl, NULL));
747:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsInt("-pc_deflation_reduction_factor", "Reduction factor for coarse problem solution using PCTELESCOPE", "PCDeflationSetReductionFactor", def->reductionfact, &def->reductionfact, NULL));
748:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsBool("-pc_deflation_correction", "Add coarse problem correction Q to P", "PCDeflationSetCorrectionFactor", def->correct, &def->correct, NULL));
749:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsScalar("-pc_deflation_correction_factor", "Set multiple of Q to use as coarse problem correction", "PCDeflationSetCorrectionFactor", def->correctfact, &def->correctfact, NULL));
750:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsEnum("-pc_deflation_compute_space", "Compute deflation space", "PCDeflationSetSpace", PCDeflationSpaceTypes, (PetscEnum)def->spacetype, (PetscEnum *)&def->spacetype, NULL));
751:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsInt("-pc_deflation_compute_space_size", "Set size of the deflation space to compute", "PCDeflationSetSpace", def->spacesize, &def->spacesize, NULL));
752:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsBool("-pc_deflation_space_extend", "Extend deflation space instead of truncating (wavelets)", "PCDeflation", def->extendsp, &def->extendsp, NULL));
753:   PetscOptionsHeadEnd();
754:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
755: }

757: /*MC
758:    PCDEFLATION - Deflation preconditioner shifts (deflates) part of the spectrum to zero or to a predefined value.

760:    Options Database Keys:
761: +    -pc_deflation_init_only          <false> - if true computes only the special guess
762: .    -pc_deflation_max_lvl            <0>     - maximum number of levels for multilevel deflation
763: .    -pc_deflation_reduction_factor <\-1>     - reduction factor on bottom level coarse problem for PCTELESCOPE (default based on the size of the coarse problem)
764: .    -pc_deflation_correction         <false> - if true apply coarse problem correction
765: .    -pc_deflation_correction_factor  <1.0>   - sets coarse problem correction factor
766: .    -pc_deflation_compute_space      <haar>  - compute PCDeflationSpaceType deflation space
767: -    -pc_deflation_compute_space_size <1>     - size of the deflation space (corresponds to number of levels for wavelet-based deflation)

769:    Notes:
770:     Given a (complex - transpose is always Hermitian) full rank deflation matrix W, the deflation (introduced in [1,2])
771:     preconditioner uses projections Q = W*(W'*A*W)^{-1}*W' and P = I - Q*A, where A is pmat.

773:     The deflation computes initial guess x0 = x_{-1} - Q*r_{-1}, which is the solution on the deflation space.
774:     If `PCDeflationSetInitOnly()` or -pc_deflation_init_only is set to `PETSC_TRUE` (InitDef scheme), the application of the
775:     preconditioner consists only of application of the additional preconditioner M^{-1}. Otherwise, the preconditioner
776:     application consists of P*M^{-1} + factor*Q. The first part of the preconditioner (PM^{-1}) shifts some eigenvalues
777:     to zero while the addition of the coarse problem correction (factor*Q) makes the preconditioner to shift some
778:     eigenvalues to the given factor. The InitDef scheme is recommended for deflation using high accuracy estimates
779:     of eigenvectors of A when it exhibits similar convergence to the full deflation but is cheaper.

781:     The deflation matrix is by default automatically computed. The type of deflation matrix and its size to compute can
782:     be controlled by `PCDeflationSetSpaceToCompute()` or -pc_deflation_compute_space and -pc_deflation_compute_space_size.
783:     User can set an arbitrary deflation space matrix with `PCDeflationSetSpace()`. If the deflation matrix
784:     is a multiplicative `MATCOMPOSITE`, a multilevel deflation [3] is used. The first matrix in the composite is used as the
785:     deflation matrix, and the coarse problem (W'*A*W)^{-1} is solved by `KSPFCG` (if A is `MAT_SPD`) or `KSPFGMRES` preconditioned
786:     by deflation with deflation matrix being the next matrix in the `MATCOMPOSITE`. This scheme repeats until the maximum
787:     level is reached or there are no more matrices. If the maximum level is reached, the remaining matrices are merged
788:     (multiplied) to create the last deflation matrix. The maximum level defaults to 0 and can be set by
789:     `PCDeflationSetLevels()` or by -pc_deflation_levels.

791:     The coarse problem `KSP` can be controlled from the command line with prefix -deflation_ for the first level and -deflation_[lvl-1]
792:     from the second level onward. You can also use
793:     `PCDeflationGetCoarseKSP()` to control it from code. The bottom level KSP defaults to
794:     `KSPPREONLY` with `PCLU` direct solver (`MATSOLVERSUPERLU`/`MATSOLVERSUPERLU_DIST` if available) wrapped into `PCTELESCOPE`.
795:     For convenience, the reduction factor can be set by `PCDeflationSetReductionFactor()`
796:     or -pc_deflation_recduction_factor. The default is chosen heuristically based on the coarse problem size.

798:     The additional preconditioner can be controlled from command line with prefix -deflation_[lvl]_pc (same rules used for
799:     coarse problem `KSP` apply for [lvl]_ part of prefix), e.g., -deflation_1_pc_pc_type bjacobi. You can also use
800:     `PCDeflationGetPC()` to control the additional preconditioner from code. It defaults to `PCNONE`.

802:     The coarse problem correction term (factor*Q) can be turned on by -pc_deflation_correction and the factor value can
803:     be set by pc_deflation_correction_factor or by `PCDeflationSetCorrectionFactor()`. The coarse problem can
804:     significantly improve convergence when the deflation coarse problem is not solved with high enough accuracy. We
805:     recommend setting factor to some eigenvalue, e.g., the largest eigenvalue so that the preconditioner does not create
806:     an isolated eigenvalue.

808:     The options are automatically inherited from the previous deflation level.

810:     The preconditioner supports `KSPMonitorDynamicTolerance()`. This is useful for the multilevel scheme for which we also
811:     recommend limiting the number of iterations for the coarse problems.

813:     See section 3 of [4] for additional references and description of the algorithm when used for conjugate gradients.
814:     Section 4 describes some possible choices for the deflation space.

816:      Contributed by Jakub Kruzik (PERMON), Institute of Geonics of the Czech
817:      Academy of Sciences and VSB - TU Ostrava.

819:      Developed from PERMON code used in [4] while on a research stay with
820:      Prof. Reinhard Nabben at the Institute of Mathematics, TU Berlin.

822:    References:
823: +  * - A. Nicolaides. "Deflation of conjugate gradients with applications to boundary value problems", SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 24.2, 1987.
824: .  * - Z. Dostal. "Conjugate gradient method with preconditioning by projector", Int J. Comput. Math. 23.3-4, 1988.
825: .  * - Y. A. Erlangga and R. Nabben. "Multilevel Projection-Based Nested Krylov Iteration for Boundary Value Problems", SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 30.3, 2008.
826: -  * - J. Kruzik "Implementation of the Deflated Variants of the Conjugate Gradient Method", Master's thesis, VSB-TUO, 2018 -

828:    Level: intermediate

830: .seealso: [](ch_ksp), `PCCreate()`, `PCSetType()`, `PCType`, `PC`,
831:           `PCDeflationSetInitOnly()`, `PCDeflationSetLevels()`, `PCDeflationSetReductionFactor()`,
832:           `PCDeflationSetCorrectionFactor()`, `PCDeflationSetSpaceToCompute()`,
833:           `PCDeflationSetSpace()`, `PCDeflationSpaceType`, `PCDeflationSetProjectionNullSpaceMat()`,
834:           `PCDeflationSetCoarseMat()`, `PCDeflationGetCoarseKSP()`, `PCDeflationGetPC()`
835: M*/

837: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PCCreate_Deflation(PC pc)
838: {
839:   PC_Deflation *def;

841:   PetscFunctionBegin;
842:   PetscCall(PetscNew(&def));
843:   pc->data = (void *)def;

845:   def->init          = PETSC_FALSE;
846:   def->correct       = PETSC_FALSE;
847:   def->correctfact   = 1.0;
848:   def->reductionfact = -1;
849:   def->spacetype     = PC_DEFLATION_SPACE_HAAR;
850:   def->spacesize     = 1;
851:   def->extendsp      = PETSC_FALSE;
852:   def->lvl           = 0;
853:   def->maxlvl        = 0;
854:   def->W             = NULL;
855:   def->Wt            = NULL;

857:   pc->ops->apply          = PCApply_Deflation;
858:   pc->ops->presolve       = PCPreSolve_Deflation;
859:   pc->ops->setup          = PCSetUp_Deflation;
860:   pc->ops->reset          = PCReset_Deflation;
861:   pc->ops->destroy        = PCDestroy_Deflation;
862:   pc->ops->setfromoptions = PCSetFromOptions_Deflation;
863:   pc->ops->view           = PCView_Deflation;

865:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc, "PCDeflationSetInitOnly_C", PCDeflationSetInitOnly_Deflation));
866:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc, "PCDeflationSetLevels_C", PCDeflationSetLevels_Deflation));
867:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc, "PCDeflationSetReductionFactor_C", PCDeflationSetReductionFactor_Deflation));
868:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc, "PCDeflationSetCorrectionFactor_C", PCDeflationSetCorrectionFactor_Deflation));
869:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc, "PCDeflationSetSpaceToCompute_C", PCDeflationSetSpaceToCompute_Deflation));
870:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc, "PCDeflationSetSpace_C", PCDeflationSetSpace_Deflation));
871:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc, "PCDeflationSetProjectionNullSpaceMat_C", PCDeflationSetProjectionNullSpaceMat_Deflation));
872:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc, "PCDeflationSetCoarseMat_C", PCDeflationSetCoarseMat_Deflation));
873:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc, "PCDeflationGetCoarseKSP_C", PCDeflationGetCoarseKSP_Deflation));
874:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)pc, "PCDeflationGetPC_C", PCDeflationGetPC_Deflation));
875:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
876: }