.. _development: PETSc Development Environment ============================= In the course of developing PETSc, you may find the following useful in setting up your build and development environment. Influential ``configure`` flags ------------------------------- - ``--with-strict-petscerrorcode``: This makes ``PetscErrorCode`` non-discardable (see ``PETSC_NODISCARD``) in order to catch instances of missing ``PetscCall()`` and friends. For this reason it is *highly encouraged* that you ``configure`` with this option. CI will already have it enabled, doing so locally will save you the pain of re-running it. For the vast majority of cases (this includes C++ constructors/destructors!), you must fix discarded ``PetscErrorCode`` warnings by wrapping your call in the appropriate ``PetscCall()`` variant. If you are choosing to intentionally silence the warnings by ignoring the return code you may do so in the following way: :: PetscErrorCode ierr; ierr = SomePetscFunction(); // OK, capturing result (void)ierr; // to silence set-but-not-used warnings Editor Integrations ------------------- Emacs ~~~~~ TODO Vim ~~~ TODO