.. _mr_management: ======================== Merge request management ======================== At any given time, at least one of the :any:`sec_core_developers` is an "MR Shepherd" and ensures that open merge requests progress through the :any:`review process `, examining open merge requests and taking appropriate action. .. list-table:: MR Shepherd Checks :widths: 50 50 :align: left :header-rows: 1 * - MR State - Action * - Missing a :any:`workflow label ` and other labels - Add an appropriate label, or label ``workflow::Waiting-on-Submitter`` and ask the submitter/assignee to update * - Without an assignee - Assign the submitter (if the MR is from a fork, also list an appropriate developer) * - Without reviewers - Assign reviewers If MRs are inactive for too long, remind the submitter/assignee, reviewer(s), or integrator(s) of actions to take. If the submitter/assignee must take action, change the label to ``workflow::Waiting-on-Submitter``. .. list-table:: MR Inactivity Thresholds :widths: 50 50 :align: left :header-rows: 1 * - MR state - Inactivity threshold * - ``workflow:Pipeline-Testing`` - One week * - ``workflow::Review`` - One week * - ``workflow::Ready-for-Merge`` - Three days * - ``workflow::Waiting-on-Submitter`` - One month * - ``workflow::Request-for-Comment`` - One month * - ``workflow::Requires-Discussion`` - One month * - All others - One year If a submitter has been unresponsive for a year, close the MR, label ``workflow::Inactive-closed``, and let the submitter know that they may reopen if desired.