Actual source code: petscdsimpl.h

  1: #pragma once

  3: #include <petscds.h>
  4: #include <petsc/private/petscimpl.h>
  5: #include <petsc/private/hashmap.h>

  7: PETSC_EXTERN PetscBool      PetscDSRegisterAllCalled;
  8: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscDSRegisterAll(void);

 10: typedef struct _n_DSBoundary *DSBoundary;

 12: struct _n_DSBoundary {
 13:   const char             *name;   /* A unique identifier for the condition */
 14:   DMLabel                 label;  /* The DMLabel indicating the mesh region over which the condition holds */
 15:   const char             *lname;  /* The label name if the label is missing from the DM */
 16:   PetscInt                Nv;     /* The number of label values defining the region */
 17:   PetscInt               *values; /* The labels values defining the region */
 18:   PetscWeakForm           wf;     /* Holds the pointwise functions defining the form (only for NATURAL conditions) */
 19:   DMBoundaryConditionType type;   /* The type of condition, usually either ESSENTIAL or NATURAL */
 20:   PetscInt                field;  /* The field constrained by the condition */
 21:   PetscInt                Nc;     /* The number of constrained field components */
 22:   PetscInt               *comps;  /* The constrained field components */
 23:   void (*func)(void);             /* Function that provides the boundary values (only for ESSENTIAL conditions) */
 24:   void (*func_t)(void);           /* Function that provides the time derivative of the boundary values (only for ESSENTIAL conditions) */
 25:   void      *ctx;                 /* The user context for func and func_t */
 26:   DSBoundary next;
 27: };

 29: typedef struct {
 30:   PetscCount start;    /* Starting entry of the chunk in an array (in bytes) */
 31:   PetscCount size;     /* Current number of entries of the chunk */
 32:   PetscCount reserved; /* Number of reserved entries in the chunk */
 33: } PetscChunk;

 35: typedef struct {
 36:   PetscCount size;      /* Current number of entries used in array */
 37:   size_t     alloc;     /* Number of bytes allocated for array */
 38:   size_t     unitbytes; /* Number of bytes per entry */
 39:   char      *array;
 40: } PetscChunkBuffer;

 42: #define PetscFormKeyHash(key) PetscHashCombine(PetscHashCombine(PetscHashCombine(PetscHashPointer((key).label), PetscHashInt((key).value)), PetscHashInt((key).field)), PetscHashInt((key).part))

 44: #define PetscFormKeyEqual(k1, k2) (((k1).label == (k2).label) ? ((k1).value == (k2).value) ? ((k1).field == (k2).field) ? ((k1).part == (k2).part) : 0 : 0 : 0)

 46: static PetscChunk _PetscInvalidChunk = {-1, -1, -1};

 48: PETSC_HASH_MAP(HMapForm, PetscFormKey, PetscChunk, PetscFormKeyHash, PetscFormKeyEqual, _PetscInvalidChunk)

 50: /*
 51:   We sort lexicographically on the structure.
 52:   Returns
 53:   -1: left < right
 54:    0: left = right
 55:    1: left > right
 56: */
 57: static inline int Compare_PetscFormKey_Private(const void *left, const void *right, PETSC_UNUSED void *ctx)
 58: {
 59:   PetscFormKey l = *(const PetscFormKey *)left;
 60:   PetscFormKey r = *(const PetscFormKey *)right;
 61:   return (l.label < r.label) ? -1 : ((l.label > r.label) ? 1 : ((l.value < r.value) ? -1 : (l.value > r.value) ? 1 : ((l.field < r.field) ? -1 : (l.field > r.field) ? 1 : ((l.part < r.part) ? -1 : (l.part > r.part)))));
 62: }

 64: typedef struct _PetscWeakFormOps *PetscWeakFormOps;
 65: struct _PetscWeakFormOps {
 66:   PetscErrorCode (*setfromoptions)(PetscWeakForm);
 67:   PetscErrorCode (*setup)(PetscWeakForm);
 68:   PetscErrorCode (*view)(PetscWeakForm, PetscViewer);
 69:   PetscErrorCode (*destroy)(PetscWeakForm);
 70: };

 72: struct _p_PetscWeakForm {
 73:   PETSCHEADER(struct _PetscWeakFormOps);
 74:   void *data; /* Implementation object */

 76:   PetscInt          Nf;    /* The number of fields in the system */
 77:   PetscChunkBuffer *funcs; /* Buffer holding all function pointers */
 78:   PetscHMapForm    *form;  /* Stores function pointers for forms */
 79: };

 81: typedef struct _PetscDSOps *PetscDSOps;
 82: struct _PetscDSOps {
 83:   PetscErrorCode (*setfromoptions)(PetscDS);
 84:   PetscErrorCode (*setup)(PetscDS);
 85:   PetscErrorCode (*view)(PetscDS, PetscViewer);
 86:   PetscErrorCode (*destroy)(PetscDS);
 87: };

 89: struct _p_PetscDS {
 90:   PETSCHEADER(struct _PetscDSOps);
 91:   void        *data;           /* Implementation object */
 92:   PetscDS     *subprobs;       /* The subspaces for each dimension */
 93:   PetscBool    setup;          /* Flag for setup */
 94:   PetscInt     dimEmbed;       /* The real space coordinate dimension */
 95:   PetscInt     Nf;             /* The number of solution fields */
 96:   PetscObject *disc;           /* The discretization for each solution field (PetscFE, PetscFV, etc.) */
 97:   PetscBool   *cohesive;       /* Flag for cohesive discretization */
 98:   PetscBool    isCohesive;     /* We are on a cohesive cell, meaning lower dimensional FE used on a 0-volume cell. Normal fields appear on both endcaps, whereas cohesive field only appear once in the middle */
 99:   PetscInt     printIntegrate; /* Debugging level for kernels */
100:   /* Quadrature */
101:   PetscBool forceQuad;                  /* Flag to force matching quadratures in discretizations */
102:   IS       *quadPerm[DM_NUM_POLYTOPES]; /* qP[ct][o]: q point permutation for orientation o of integ domain */
103:   /* Equations */
104:   DSBoundary           boundary;         // Linked list of boundary conditions
105:   PetscBool            useJacPre;        // Flag for using the Jacobian preconditioner
106:   PetscBool           *implicit;         // Flag for implicit or explicit solve for each field
107:   PetscInt            *jetDegree;        // The highest derivative for each field equation, or the k-jet that each discretization needs to tabulate
108:   PetscWeakForm        wf;               // The PetscWeakForm holding all pointwise functions
109:   PetscPointFunc      *update;           // Direct update of field coefficients
110:   PetscSimplePointFn **exactSol;         // Exact solutions for each field
111:   void               **exactCtx;         // Contexts for the exact solution functions
112:   PetscSimplePointFn **exactSol_t;       // Time derivative of the exact solutions for each field
113:   void               **exactCtx_t;       // Contexts for the time derivative of the exact solution functions
114:   PetscInt             numConstants;     // Number of constants passed to all point functions
115:   PetscInt             numFuncConstants; // Number of constant passed to an individual point function (like field)
116:   PetscScalar         *constants;        // Array of constants passed to point functions
117:   void               **ctx;              // User contexts for each field
118:   /* Computed sizes */
119:   PetscInt         totDim;            /* Total system dimension */
120:   PetscInt         totComp;           /* Total field components */
121:   PetscInt        *Nc;                /* Number of components for each field */
122:   PetscInt        *Nb;                /* Number of basis functions for each field */
123:   PetscInt        *off;               /* Offsets for each field */
124:   PetscInt        *offDer;            /* Derivative offsets for each field */
125:   PetscInt        *offCohesive[3];    /* Offsets for each field on side s of a cohesive cell */
126:   PetscInt        *offDerCohesive[3]; /* Derivative offsets for each field on side s of a cohesive cell */
127:   PetscTabulation *T;                 /* Basis function and derivative tabulation for each field */
128:   PetscTabulation *Tf;                /* Basis function and derivative tabulation for each local face and field */
129:   /* Work space */
130:   PetscScalar *u;                 /* Field evaluation */
131:   PetscScalar *u_t;               /* Field time derivative evaluation */
132:   PetscScalar *u_x;               /* Field gradient evaluation */
133:   PetscScalar *basisReal;         /* Workspace for pushforward */
134:   PetscScalar *basisDerReal;      /* Workspace for derivative pushforward */
135:   PetscScalar *testReal;          /* Workspace for pushforward */
136:   PetscScalar *testDerReal;       /* Workspace for derivative pushforward */
137:   PetscReal   *x;                 /* Workspace for computing real coordinates */
138:   PetscScalar *f0, *f1;           /* Point evaluations of weak form residual integrands */
139:   PetscScalar *g0, *g1, *g2, *g3; /* Point evaluations of weak form Jacobian integrands */
140: };

142: typedef struct {
143:   PetscInt dummy; /* */
144: } PetscDS_Basic;

146: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PetscDSGetDiscType_Internal(PetscDS, PetscInt, PetscDiscType *);