Actual source code: veccupmimpl.h

  1: #pragma once

  3: #include <petsc/private/vecimpl.h>
  4: #include <../src/vec/vec/impls/dvecimpl.h>

  6: #if PetscDefined(HAVE_NVSHMEM)
  7: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PetscNvshmemInitializeCheck(void);
  8: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PetscNvshmemMalloc(size_t, void **);
  9: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PetscNvshmemCalloc(size_t, void **);
 10: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PetscNvshmemFree_Private(void *);
 11:   #define PetscNvshmemFree(ptr) ((PetscErrorCode)((ptr) && (PetscNvshmemFree_Private(ptr) || ((ptr) = PETSC_NULLPTR, PETSC_SUCCESS))))
 12: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PetscNvshmemSum(PetscInt, PetscScalar *, const PetscScalar *);
 13: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PetscNvshmemMax(PetscInt, PetscReal *, const PetscReal *);
 14: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode VecAllocateNVSHMEM_SeqCUDA(Vec);
 15: #else
 16:   #define PetscNvshmemFree(ptr) PETSC_SUCCESS
 17: #endif

 19: #if defined(__cplusplus) && PetscDefined(HAVE_DEVICE)
 20: #include <petsc/private/deviceimpl.h>
 21: #include <petsc/private/cupmobject.hpp>
 22: #include <petsc/private/cupmblasinterface.hpp>

 24: #include <petsc/private/cpp/functional.hpp>

 26:   #include <limits> // std::numeric_limits

 28: namespace Petsc
 29: {

 31: namespace vec
 32: {

 34: namespace cupm
 35: {

 37: namespace impl
 38: {

 40: namespace
 41: {

 43: struct no_op {
 44:   template <typename... T>
 45:   constexpr PetscErrorCode operator()(T &&...) const noexcept
 46:   {
 47:     return PETSC_SUCCESS;
 48:   }
 49: };

 51: template <typename T>
 52: struct CooPair {
 53:   using value_type = T;
 54:   using size_type  = PetscCount;

 56:   value_type *&device;
 57:   value_type *&host;
 58:   size_type    size;
 59: };

 61: template <typename U>
 62: static constexpr CooPair<U> make_coo_pair(U *&device, U *&host, PetscCount size) noexcept
 63: {
 64:   return {device, host, size};
 65: }

 67: } // anonymous namespace

 69: // forward declarations
 70: template <device::cupm::DeviceType>
 71: class VecSeq_CUPM;
 72: template <device::cupm::DeviceType>
 73: class VecMPI_CUPM;

 75: // ==========================================================================================
 76: // Vec_CUPMBase
 77: //
 78: // Base class for the VecSeq and VecMPI CUPM implementations. On top of the usual DeviceType
 79: // template parameter it also uses CRTP to be able to use values/calls specific to either
 80: // VecSeq or VecMPI. This is in effect "inside-out" polymorphism.
 81: // ==========================================================================================
 82: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename Derived>
 83: class Vec_CUPMBase : protected device::cupm::impl::CUPMObject<T> {
 84: public:

 87:   // ==========================================================================================
 88:   // Vec_CUPMBase::VectorArray
 89:   //
 90:   // RAII versions of the get/restore array routines. Determines constness of the pointer type,
 91:   // holds the pointer itself provides the implicit conversion operator
 92:   // ==========================================================================================
 93:   template <PetscMemType, PetscMemoryAccessMode>
 94:   class VectorArray;

 96: protected:
 97:   static PetscErrorCode VecView_Debug(Vec v, const char *message = "") noexcept
 98:   {
 99:     const auto   pobj  = PetscObjectCast(v);
100:     const auto   vimpl = VecIMPLCast(v);
101:     const auto   vcu   = VecCUPMCast(v);
102:     PetscMemType mtype;
103:     MPI_Comm     comm;

105:     PetscFunctionBegin;
106:     PetscAssertPointer(vimpl, 1);
107:     PetscAssertPointer(vcu, 1);
108:     PetscCall(PetscObjectGetComm(pobj, &comm));
109:     PetscCall(PetscPrintf(comm, "---------- %s ----------\n", message));
110:     PetscCall(PetscObjectPrintClassNamePrefixType(pobj, PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_(comm)));
111:     PetscCall(PetscPrintf(comm, "Address:             %p\n", v));
112:     PetscCall(PetscPrintf(comm, "Size:                %" PetscInt_FMT "\n", v->map->n));
113:     PetscCall(PetscPrintf(comm, "Offload mask:        %s\n", PetscOffloadMaskToString(v->offloadmask)));
114:     PetscCall(PetscPrintf(comm, "Host ptr:            %p\n", vimpl->array));
115:     PetscCall(PetscPrintf(comm, "Device ptr:          %p\n", vcu->array_d));
116:     PetscCall(PetscPrintf(comm, "Device alloced ptr:  %p\n", vcu->array_allocated_d));
117:     PetscCall(PetscCUPMGetMemType(vcu->array_d, &mtype));
118:     PetscCall(PetscPrintf(comm, "dptr is device mem?  %s\n", PetscBools[static_cast<PetscBool>(PetscMemTypeDevice(mtype))]));
119:     PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
120:   }

122:   // Delete the allocated device array if required and replace it with the given array
123:   static PetscErrorCode ResetAllocatedDevicePtr_(PetscDeviceContext, Vec, PetscScalar * = nullptr) noexcept;
124:   // Check either the host or device impl pointer is allocated and allocate it if
125:   // isn't. CastFunctionType casts the Vec to the required type and returns the pointer
126:   template <typename CastFunctionType>
127:   static PetscErrorCode VecAllocateCheck_(Vec, void *&, CastFunctionType &&) noexcept;
128:   // Check the CUPM part (v->spptr) is allocated, otherwise allocate it
129:   static PetscErrorCode VecCUPMAllocateCheck_(Vec) noexcept;
130:   // Check the Host part (v->data) is allocated, otherwise allocate it
131:   static PetscErrorCode VecIMPLAllocateCheck_(Vec) noexcept;
132:   // Check the Host array is allocated, otherwise allocate it
133:   static PetscErrorCode HostAllocateCheck_(PetscDeviceContext, Vec) noexcept;
134:   // Check the CUPM array is allocated, otherwise allocate it
135:   static PetscErrorCode DeviceAllocateCheck_(PetscDeviceContext, Vec) noexcept;
136:   // Copy HTOD, allocating device if necessary
137:   static PetscErrorCode CopyToDevice_(PetscDeviceContext, Vec, bool = false) noexcept;
138:   // Copy DTOH, allocating host if necessary
139:   static PetscErrorCode CopyToHost_(PetscDeviceContext, Vec, bool = false) noexcept;
140:   static PetscErrorCode DestroyDevice_(Vec) noexcept;
141:   static PetscErrorCode DestroyHost_(Vec) noexcept;

143: public:
144:   struct Vec_CUPM {
145:     PetscScalar *array_d;           // gpu data
146:     PetscScalar *array_allocated_d; // does PETSc own the array ptr?
147:     PetscBool    nvshmem;           // is array allocated in nvshmem? It is used to allocate
148:                                     // Mvctx->lvec in nvshmem

150:     // COO stuff
151:     PetscCount *jmap1_d; // [m+1]: i-th entry of the vector has jmap1[i+1]-jmap1[i] repeats
152:                          // in COO arrays
153:     PetscCount *perm1_d; // [tot1]: permutation array for local entries
154:     PetscCount *imap2_d; // [nnz2]: i-th unique entry in recvbuf is imap2[i]-th entry in
155:                          // the vector
156:     PetscCount *jmap2_d; // [nnz2+1]
157:     PetscCount *perm2_d; // [recvlen]
158:     PetscCount *Cperm_d; // [sendlen]: permutation array to fill sendbuf[]. 'C' for
159:                          // communication

161:     // Buffers for remote values in VecSetValuesCOO()
162:     PetscScalar *sendbuf_d;
163:     PetscScalar *recvbuf_d;
164:   };

166:   // Cast the Vec to its Vec_CUPM struct, i.e. return the result of (Vec_CUPM *)v->spptr
167:   PETSC_NODISCARD static Vec_CUPM *VecCUPMCast(Vec) noexcept;
168:   // Cast the Vec to its host struct, i.e. return the result of (Vec_Seq *)v->data
169:   template <typename U = Derived>
170:   PETSC_NODISCARD static constexpr auto VecIMPLCast(Vec v) noexcept -> decltype(U::VecIMPLCast_(v));
171:   // Get the PetscLogEvents for HTOD and DTOH
172:   PETSC_NODISCARD static constexpr PetscLogEvent VEC_CUPMCopyToGPU() noexcept;
173:   PETSC_NODISCARD static constexpr PetscLogEvent VEC_CUPMCopyFromGPU() noexcept;
174:   // Get the VecTypes
175:   PETSC_NODISCARD static constexpr VecType VECSEQCUPM() noexcept;
176:   PETSC_NODISCARD static constexpr VecType VECMPICUPM() noexcept;
177:   PETSC_NODISCARD static constexpr VecType VECCUPM() noexcept;

179:   // Get the device VecType of the calling vector
180:   template <typename U = Derived>
181:   PETSC_NODISCARD static constexpr VecType VECIMPLCUPM() noexcept;
182:   // Get the host VecType of the calling vector
183:   template <typename U = Derived>
184:   PETSC_NODISCARD static constexpr VecType VECIMPL() noexcept;

186:   // Call the host destroy function, i.e. VecDestroy_Seq()
187:   static PetscErrorCode VecDestroy_IMPL(Vec) noexcept;
188:   // Call the host reset function, i.e. VecResetArray_Seq()
189:   static PetscErrorCode VecResetArray_IMPL(Vec) noexcept;
190:   // ... you get the idea
191:   static PetscErrorCode VecPlaceArray_IMPL(Vec, const PetscScalar *) noexcept;
192:   // Call the host creation function, i.e. VecCreate_Seq(), and also initialize the CUPM part
193:   // along with it if needed
194:   static PetscErrorCode VecCreate_IMPL_Private(Vec, PetscBool *, PetscInt = 0, PetscScalar * = nullptr) noexcept;

196:   // Shorthand for creating VectorArray's. Need functions to create them, otherwise using them
197:   // as an unnamed temporary leads to most vexing parse
198:   PETSC_NODISCARD static auto DeviceArrayRead(PetscDeviceContext dctx, Vec v) noexcept PETSC_DECLTYPE_AUTO_RETURNS(VectorArray<PETSC_MEMTYPE_DEVICE, PETSC_MEMORY_ACCESS_READ>{dctx, v});
199:   PETSC_NODISCARD static auto DeviceArrayWrite(PetscDeviceContext dctx, Vec v) noexcept PETSC_DECLTYPE_AUTO_RETURNS(VectorArray<PETSC_MEMTYPE_DEVICE, PETSC_MEMORY_ACCESS_WRITE>{dctx, v});
200:   PETSC_NODISCARD static auto DeviceArrayReadWrite(PetscDeviceContext dctx, Vec v) noexcept PETSC_DECLTYPE_AUTO_RETURNS(VectorArray<PETSC_MEMTYPE_DEVICE, PETSC_MEMORY_ACCESS_READ_WRITE>{dctx, v});
201:   PETSC_NODISCARD static auto HostArrayRead(PetscDeviceContext dctx, Vec v) noexcept PETSC_DECLTYPE_AUTO_RETURNS(VectorArray<PETSC_MEMTYPE_HOST, PETSC_MEMORY_ACCESS_READ>{dctx, v});
202:   PETSC_NODISCARD static auto HostArrayWrite(PetscDeviceContext dctx, Vec v) noexcept PETSC_DECLTYPE_AUTO_RETURNS(VectorArray<PETSC_MEMTYPE_HOST, PETSC_MEMORY_ACCESS_WRITE>{dctx, v});
203:   PETSC_NODISCARD static auto HostArrayReadWrite(PetscDeviceContext dctx, Vec v) noexcept PETSC_DECLTYPE_AUTO_RETURNS(VectorArray<PETSC_MEMTYPE_HOST, PETSC_MEMORY_ACCESS_READ_WRITE>{dctx, v});

205:   // ops-table functions
206:   static PetscErrorCode Create(Vec) noexcept;
207:   static PetscErrorCode Destroy(Vec) noexcept;
208:   template <PetscMemType, PetscMemoryAccessMode, bool = false>
209:   static PetscErrorCode GetArray(Vec, PetscScalar **, PetscDeviceContext) noexcept;
210:   template <PetscMemType, PetscMemoryAccessMode, bool = false>
211:   static PetscErrorCode GetArray(Vec, PetscScalar **) noexcept;
212:   template <PetscMemType, PetscMemoryAccessMode>
213:   static PetscErrorCode RestoreArray(Vec, PetscScalar **, PetscDeviceContext) noexcept;
214:   template <PetscMemType, PetscMemoryAccessMode>
215:   static PetscErrorCode RestoreArray(Vec, PetscScalar **) noexcept;
216:   template <PetscMemoryAccessMode>
217:   static PetscErrorCode GetArrayAndMemtype(Vec, PetscScalar **, PetscMemType *, PetscDeviceContext) noexcept;
218:   template <PetscMemoryAccessMode>
219:   static PetscErrorCode GetArrayAndMemtype(Vec, PetscScalar **, PetscMemType *) noexcept;
220:   template <PetscMemoryAccessMode>
221:   static PetscErrorCode RestoreArrayAndMemtype(Vec, PetscScalar **, PetscDeviceContext) noexcept;
222:   template <PetscMemoryAccessMode>
223:   static PetscErrorCode RestoreArrayAndMemtype(Vec, PetscScalar **) noexcept;
224:   template <PetscMemType>
225:   static PetscErrorCode ReplaceArray(Vec, const PetscScalar *) noexcept;
226:   template <PetscMemType>
227:   static PetscErrorCode ResetArray(Vec) noexcept;
228:   template <PetscMemType>
229:   static PetscErrorCode PlaceArray(Vec, const PetscScalar *) noexcept;

231:   // common ops shared between Seq and MPI
232:   static PetscErrorCode Create_CUPM(Vec) noexcept;
233:   static PetscErrorCode Create_CUPMBase(MPI_Comm, PetscInt, PetscInt, PetscInt, Vec *, PetscBool, PetscLayout /*reference*/ = nullptr) noexcept;
234:   static PetscErrorCode Initialize_CUPMBase(Vec, PetscBool, PetscScalar *, PetscScalar *, PetscDeviceContext) noexcept;
235:   template <typename SetupFunctionT = no_op>
236:   static PetscErrorCode Duplicate_CUPMBase(Vec, Vec *, PetscDeviceContext, SetupFunctionT && = SetupFunctionT{}) noexcept;
237:   static PetscErrorCode BindToCPU_CUPMBase(Vec, PetscBool, PetscDeviceContext) noexcept;
238:   static PetscErrorCode GetArrays_CUPMBase(Vec, const PetscScalar **, const PetscScalar **, PetscOffloadMask *, PetscDeviceContext) noexcept;
239:   static PetscErrorCode ResetPreallocationCOO_CUPMBase(Vec, PetscDeviceContext) noexcept;
240:   template <std::size_t NCount = 0, std::size_t NScal = 0>
241:   static PetscErrorCode SetPreallocationCOO_CUPMBase(Vec, PetscCount, const PetscInt[], PetscDeviceContext, const std::array<CooPair<PetscCount>, NCount> & = {}, const std::array<CooPair<PetscScalar>, NScal> & = {}) noexcept;

243:   static PetscErrorCode Convert_IMPL_IMPLCUPM(Vec) noexcept;
244: };

246: // ==========================================================================================
247: // Vec_CUPMBase::VectorArray
248: //
249: // RAII versions of the get/restore array routines. Determines constness of the pointer type,
250: // holds the pointer itself and provides the implicit conversion operator.
251: //
252: // On construction this calls the moral equivalent of Vec[CUPM]GetArray[Read|Write]()
253: // (depending on PetscMemoryAccessMode) and on destruction automatically restores the array
254: // for you
255: // ==========================================================================================
256: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
257: template <PetscMemType MT, PetscMemoryAccessMode MA>
258: class Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::VectorArray : public device::cupm::impl::RestoreableArray<T, MT, MA> {
259:   using base_type = device::cupm::impl::RestoreableArray<T, MT, MA>;

261: public:
262:   VectorArray(PetscDeviceContext, Vec) noexcept;
263:   ~VectorArray() noexcept;

265: private:
266:   Vec v_ = nullptr;
267: };

269: // ==========================================================================================
270: // Vec_CUPMBase::VectorArray - Public API
271: // ==========================================================================================

273: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
274: template <PetscMemType MT, PetscMemoryAccessMode MA>
275: inline Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::VectorArray<MT, MA>::VectorArray(PetscDeviceContext dctx, Vec v) noexcept : base_type{dctx}, v_{v}
276: {
277:   PetscFunctionBegin;
278:   PetscCallAbort(PETSC_COMM_SELF, Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::template GetArray<MT, MA, true>(v, &this->ptr_, dctx));
279:   PetscFunctionReturnVoid();
280: }

282: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
283: template <PetscMemType MT, PetscMemoryAccessMode MA>
284: inline Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::VectorArray<MT, MA>::~VectorArray() noexcept
285: {
286:   PetscFunctionBegin;
287:   PetscCallAbort(PETSC_COMM_SELF, Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::template RestoreArray<MT, MA>(v_, &this->ptr_, this->dctx_));
288:   PetscFunctionReturnVoid();
289: }

291: // ==========================================================================================
292: // Vec_CUPMBase - Protected API
293: // ==========================================================================================

295: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
296: inline PetscErrorCode Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::ResetAllocatedDevicePtr_(PetscDeviceContext dctx, Vec v, PetscScalar *new_value) noexcept
297: {
298:   auto &device_array = VecCUPMCast(v)->array_allocated_d;

300:   PetscFunctionBegin;
301:   if (device_array) {
302:     if (PetscDefined(HAVE_NVSHMEM) && VecCUPMCast(v)->nvshmem) {
303:       PetscCall(PetscNvshmemFree(device_array));
304:     } else {
305:       cupmStream_t stream;

307:       PetscCall(GetHandlesFrom_(dctx, &stream));
308:       PetscCallCUPM(cupmFreeAsync(device_array, stream));
309:     }
310:   }
311:   device_array = new_value;
312:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
313: }

315: namespace
316: {

318: inline PetscErrorCode VecCUPMCheckMinimumPinnedMemory_Internal(Vec v, PetscBool *set = nullptr) noexcept
319: {
320:   auto      mem = static_cast<PetscInt>(v->minimum_bytes_pinned_memory);
321:   PetscBool flg;

323:   PetscFunctionBegin;
324:   PetscObjectOptionsBegin(PetscObjectCast(v));
325:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsRangeInt("-vec_pinned_memory_min", "Minimum size (in bytes) for an allocation to use pinned memory on host", "VecSetPinnedMemoryMin", mem, &mem, &flg, 0, std::numeric_limits<decltype(mem)>::max()));
326:   if (flg) v->minimum_bytes_pinned_memory = mem;
327:   PetscOptionsEnd();
328:   if (set) *set = flg;
329:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
330: }

332: } // anonymous namespace

334: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
335: template <typename CastFunctionType>
336: inline PetscErrorCode Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::VecAllocateCheck_(Vec v, void *&dest, CastFunctionType &&cast) noexcept
337: {
338:   PetscFunctionBegin;
339:   if (PetscLikely(dest)) PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
340:   // do the check here so we don't have to do it in every function
341:   PetscCall(checkCupmBlasIntCast(v->map->n));
342:   {
343:     auto impl = cast(v);

345:     PetscCall(PetscNew(&impl));
346:     dest = impl;
347:   }
348:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
349: }

351: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
352: inline PetscErrorCode Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::VecIMPLAllocateCheck_(Vec v) noexcept
353: {
354:   PetscFunctionBegin;
355:   PetscCall(VecAllocateCheck_(v, v->data, VecIMPLCast<D>));
356:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
357: }

359: // allocate the Vec_CUPM struct. this is normally done through DeviceAllocateCheck_(), but in
360: // certain circumstances (such as when the user places the device array) we do not want to do
361: // the full DeviceAllocateCheck_() as it also allocates the array
362: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
363: inline PetscErrorCode Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::VecCUPMAllocateCheck_(Vec v) noexcept
364: {
365:   PetscFunctionBegin;
366:   PetscCall(VecAllocateCheck_(v, v->spptr, VecCUPMCast));
367:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
368: }

370: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
371: inline PetscErrorCode Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::HostAllocateCheck_(PetscDeviceContext, Vec v) noexcept
372: {
373:   PetscFunctionBegin;
374:   PetscCall(VecIMPLAllocateCheck_(v));
375:   if (auto &alloc = VecIMPLCast(v)->array_allocated) PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
376:   else {
377:     PetscCall(VecCUPMCheckMinimumPinnedMemory_Internal(v));
378:     {
379:       const auto n     = v->map->n;
380:       const auto useit = UseCUPMHostAlloc((n * sizeof(*alloc)) > v->minimum_bytes_pinned_memory);

382:       v->pinned_memory = static_cast<decltype(v->pinned_memory)>(useit.value());
383:       PetscCall(PetscMalloc1(n, &alloc));
384:     }
385:     if (!VecIMPLCast(v)->array) VecIMPLCast(v)->array = alloc;
386:     if (v->offloadmask == PETSC_OFFLOAD_UNALLOCATED) v->offloadmask = PETSC_OFFLOAD_CPU;
387:   }
388:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
389: }

391: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
392: inline PetscErrorCode Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::DeviceAllocateCheck_(PetscDeviceContext dctx, Vec v) noexcept
393: {
394:   PetscFunctionBegin;
395:   PetscCall(VecCUPMAllocateCheck_(v));
396:   if (auto &alloc = VecCUPMCast(v)->array_d) PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
397:   else {
398:     const auto   n                 = v->map->n;
399:     auto        &array_allocated_d = VecCUPMCast(v)->array_allocated_d;
400:     cupmStream_t stream;

402:     PetscCall(GetHandlesFrom_(dctx, &stream));
403:     PetscCall(PetscCUPMMallocAsync(&array_allocated_d, n, stream));
404:     alloc = array_allocated_d;
405:     if (v->offloadmask == PETSC_OFFLOAD_UNALLOCATED) {
406:       const auto vimp = VecIMPLCast(v);
407:       v->offloadmask  = (vimp && vimp->array) ? PETSC_OFFLOAD_CPU : PETSC_OFFLOAD_GPU;
408:     }
409:   }
410:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
411: }

413: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
414: inline PetscErrorCode Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::CopyToDevice_(PetscDeviceContext dctx, Vec v, bool forceasync) noexcept
415: {
416:   PetscFunctionBegin;
417:   PetscCall(DeviceAllocateCheck_(dctx, v));
418:   if (v->offloadmask == PETSC_OFFLOAD_CPU) {
419:     cupmStream_t stream;

421:     v->offloadmask = PETSC_OFFLOAD_BOTH;
422:     PetscCall(GetHandlesFrom_(dctx, &stream));
423:     PetscCall(PetscLogEventBegin(VEC_CUPMCopyToGPU(), v, 0, 0, 0));
424:     PetscCall(PetscCUPMMemcpyAsync(VecCUPMCast(v)->array_d, VecIMPLCast(v)->array, v->map->n, cupmMemcpyHostToDevice, stream, forceasync));
425:     PetscCall(PetscLogEventEnd(VEC_CUPMCopyToGPU(), v, 0, 0, 0));
426:   }
427:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
428: }

430: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
431: inline PetscErrorCode Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::CopyToHost_(PetscDeviceContext dctx, Vec v, bool forceasync) noexcept
432: {
433:   PetscFunctionBegin;
434:   PetscCall(HostAllocateCheck_(dctx, v));
435:   if (v->offloadmask == PETSC_OFFLOAD_GPU) {
436:     cupmStream_t stream;

438:     v->offloadmask = PETSC_OFFLOAD_BOTH;
439:     PetscCall(GetHandlesFrom_(dctx, &stream));
440:     PetscCall(PetscLogEventBegin(VEC_CUPMCopyFromGPU(), v, 0, 0, 0));
441:     PetscCall(PetscCUPMMemcpyAsync(VecIMPLCast(v)->array, VecCUPMCast(v)->array_d, v->map->n, cupmMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream, forceasync));
442:     PetscCall(PetscLogEventEnd(VEC_CUPMCopyFromGPU(), v, 0, 0, 0));
443:   }
444:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
445: }

447: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
448: inline PetscErrorCode Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::DestroyDevice_(Vec v) noexcept
449: {
450:   PetscFunctionBegin;
451:   if (const auto vcu = VecCUPMCast(v)) {
452:     PetscDeviceContext dctx;

454:     PetscCall(GetHandles_(&dctx));
455:     PetscCall(ResetAllocatedDevicePtr_(dctx, v));
456:     PetscCall(ResetPreallocationCOO_CUPMBase(v, dctx));
457:     PetscCall(PetscFree(v->spptr));
458:   }
459:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
460: }

462: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
463: inline PetscErrorCode Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::DestroyHost_(Vec v) noexcept
464: {
465:   PetscFunctionBegin;
466:   PetscCall(PetscObjectSAWsViewOff(PetscObjectCast(v)));
467:   if (const auto vimpl = VecIMPLCast(v)) {
468:     if (auto &array_allocated = vimpl->array_allocated) {
469:       const auto useit = UseCUPMHostAlloc(v->pinned_memory);

471:       // do this ourselves since we may want to use the cupm functions
472:       PetscCall(PetscFree(array_allocated));
473:     }
474:   }
475:   v->pinned_memory = PETSC_FALSE;
476:   PetscCall(VecDestroy_IMPL(v));
477:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
478: }

480: // ==========================================================================================
481: // Vec_CUPMBase - Public API
482: // ==========================================================================================

484: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
485: inline typename Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::Vec_CUPM *Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::VecCUPMCast(Vec v) noexcept
486: {
487:   return static_cast<Vec_CUPM *>(v->spptr);
488: }

490: // This is a trick to get around the fact that in CRTP the derived class is not yet fully
491: // defined because Base must necessarily be instantiated before Derived is
492: // complete. By using a dummy template parameter we make the type "dependent" and so will
493: // only be determined when the derived class is instantiated (and therefore fully defined)
494: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
495: template <typename U>
496: inline constexpr auto Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::VecIMPLCast(Vec v) noexcept -> decltype(U::VecIMPLCast_(v))
497: {
498:   return U::VecIMPLCast_(v);
499: }

501: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
502: inline PetscErrorCode Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::VecDestroy_IMPL(Vec v) noexcept
503: {
504:   return D::VecDestroy_IMPL_(v);
505: }

507: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
508: inline PetscErrorCode Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::VecResetArray_IMPL(Vec v) noexcept
509: {
510:   return D::VecResetArray_IMPL_(v);
511: }

513: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
514: inline PetscErrorCode Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::VecPlaceArray_IMPL(Vec v, const PetscScalar *a) noexcept
515: {
516:   return D::VecPlaceArray_IMPL_(v, a);
517: }

519: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
520: inline PetscErrorCode Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::VecCreate_IMPL_Private(Vec v, PetscBool *alloc_missing, PetscInt nghost, PetscScalar *host_array) noexcept
521: {
522:   return D::VecCreate_IMPL_Private_(v, alloc_missing, nghost, host_array);
523: }

525: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
526: inline constexpr PetscLogEvent Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::VEC_CUPMCopyToGPU() noexcept
527: {
528:   return T == device::cupm::DeviceType::CUDA ? VEC_CUDACopyToGPU : VEC_HIPCopyToGPU;
529: }

531: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
532: inline constexpr PetscLogEvent Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::VEC_CUPMCopyFromGPU() noexcept
533: {
534:   return T == device::cupm::DeviceType::CUDA ? VEC_CUDACopyFromGPU : VEC_HIPCopyFromGPU;
535: }

537: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
538: inline constexpr VecType Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::VECSEQCUPM() noexcept
539: {
540:   return T == device::cupm::DeviceType::CUDA ? VECSEQCUDA : VECSEQHIP;
541: }

543: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
544: inline constexpr VecType Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::VECMPICUPM() noexcept
545: {
546:   return T == device::cupm::DeviceType::CUDA ? VECMPICUDA : VECMPIHIP;
547: }

549: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
550: inline constexpr VecType Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::VECCUPM() noexcept
551: {
552:   return T == device::cupm::DeviceType::CUDA ? VECCUDA : VECHIP;
553: }

555: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
556: template <typename U>
557: inline constexpr VecType Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::VECIMPLCUPM() noexcept
558: {
559:   return U::VECIMPLCUPM_();
560: }

562: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
563: template <typename U>
564: inline constexpr VecType Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::VECIMPL() noexcept
565: {
566:   return U::VECIMPL_();
567: }

569: // private version that takes a PetscDeviceContext, called by the public variant
570: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
571: template <PetscMemType mtype, PetscMemoryAccessMode access, bool force>
572: inline PetscErrorCode Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::GetArray(Vec v, PetscScalar **a, PetscDeviceContext dctx) noexcept
573: {
574:   constexpr auto hostmem     = PetscMemTypeHost(mtype);
575:   const auto     oldmask     = v->offloadmask;
576:   auto          &mask        = v->offloadmask;
577:   auto           should_sync = false;

579:   PetscFunctionBegin;
580:   static_assert((mtype == PETSC_MEMTYPE_HOST) || (mtype == PETSC_MEMTYPE_DEVICE), "");
581:   PetscCheckTypeNames(v, VECSEQCUPM(), VECMPICUPM());
582:   if (PetscMemoryAccessRead(access)) {
583:     // READ or READ_WRITE
584:     if (((oldmask == PETSC_OFFLOAD_GPU) && hostmem) || ((oldmask == PETSC_OFFLOAD_CPU) && !hostmem)) {
585:       // if we move the data we should set the flag to synchronize later on
586:       should_sync = true;
587:     }
588:     PetscCall((hostmem ? CopyToHost_ : CopyToDevice_)(dctx, v, force));
589:   } else {
590:     // WRITE only
591:     PetscCall((hostmem ? HostAllocateCheck_ : DeviceAllocateCheck_)(dctx, v));
592:   }
593:   *a = hostmem ? VecIMPLCast(v)->array : VecCUPMCast(v)->array_d;
594:   // if unallocated previously we should zero things out if we intend to read
595:   if (PetscMemoryAccessRead(access) && (oldmask == PETSC_OFFLOAD_UNALLOCATED)) {
596:     const auto n = v->map->n;

598:     if (hostmem) {
599:       PetscCall(PetscArrayzero(*a, n));
600:     } else {
601:       cupmStream_t stream;

603:       PetscCall(GetHandlesFrom_(dctx, &stream));
604:       PetscCall(PetscCUPMMemsetAsync(*a, 0, n, stream, force));
605:       should_sync = true;
606:     }
607:   }
608:   // update the offloadmask if we intend to write, since we assume immediately modified
609:   if (PetscMemoryAccessWrite(access)) {
610:     PetscCall(VecSetErrorIfLocked(v, 1));
611:     // REVIEW ME: this should probably also call PetscObjectStateIncrease() since we assume it
612:     // is immediately modified
613:     mask = hostmem ? PETSC_OFFLOAD_CPU : PETSC_OFFLOAD_GPU;
614:   }
615:   // if we are a globally blocking stream and we have MOVED data then we should synchronize,
616:   // since even doing async calls on the NULL stream is not synchronous
617:   if (!force && should_sync) PetscCall(PetscDeviceContextSynchronize(dctx));
618:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
619: }

621: // v->ops->getarray[read|write] or VecCUPMGetArray[Read|Write]()
622: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
623: template <PetscMemType mtype, PetscMemoryAccessMode access, bool force>
624: inline PetscErrorCode Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::GetArray(Vec v, PetscScalar **a) noexcept
625: {
626:   PetscDeviceContext dctx;

628:   PetscFunctionBegin;
629:   PetscCall(GetHandles_(&dctx));
630:   PetscCall(D::template GetArray<mtype, access, force>(v, a, dctx));
631:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
632: }

634: // private version that takes a PetscDeviceContext, called by the public variant
635: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
636: template <PetscMemType mtype, PetscMemoryAccessMode access>
637: inline PetscErrorCode Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::RestoreArray(Vec v, PetscScalar **a, PetscDeviceContext) noexcept
638: {
639:   PetscFunctionBegin;
640:   static_assert((mtype == PETSC_MEMTYPE_HOST) || (mtype == PETSC_MEMTYPE_DEVICE), "");
641:   PetscCheckTypeNames(v, VECSEQCUPM(), VECMPICUPM());
642:   if (PetscMemoryAccessWrite(access)) {
643:     // WRITE or READ_WRITE
644:     PetscCall(PetscObjectStateIncrease(PetscObjectCast(v)));
645:     v->offloadmask = PetscMemTypeHost(mtype) ? PETSC_OFFLOAD_CPU : PETSC_OFFLOAD_GPU;
646:   }
647:   if (a) {
648:     PetscCall(CheckPointerMatchesMemType_(*a, mtype));
649:     *a = nullptr;
650:   }
651:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
652: }

654: // v->ops->restorearray[read|write] or VecCUPMRestoreArray[Read|Write]()
655: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
656: template <PetscMemType mtype, PetscMemoryAccessMode access>
657: inline PetscErrorCode Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::RestoreArray(Vec v, PetscScalar **a) noexcept
658: {
659:   PetscDeviceContext dctx;

661:   PetscFunctionBegin;
662:   PetscCall(GetHandles_(&dctx));
663:   PetscCall(D::template RestoreArray<mtype, access>(v, a, dctx));
664:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
665: }

667: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
668: template <PetscMemoryAccessMode access>
669: inline PetscErrorCode Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::GetArrayAndMemtype(Vec v, PetscScalar **a, PetscMemType *mtype, PetscDeviceContext dctx) noexcept
670: {
671:   PetscFunctionBegin;
672:   PetscCall(D::template GetArray<PETSC_MEMTYPE_DEVICE, access>(v, a, dctx));
673:   if (mtype) *mtype = (PetscDefined(HAVE_NVSHMEM) && VecCUPMCast(v)->nvshmem) ? PETSC_MEMTYPE_NVSHMEM : PETSC_MEMTYPE_CUPM();
674:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
675: }

677: // v->ops->getarrayandmemtype
678: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
679: template <PetscMemoryAccessMode access>
680: inline PetscErrorCode Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::GetArrayAndMemtype(Vec v, PetscScalar **a, PetscMemType *mtype) noexcept
681: {
682:   PetscDeviceContext dctx;

684:   PetscFunctionBegin;
685:   PetscCall(GetHandles_(&dctx));
686:   PetscCall(D::template GetArrayAndMemtype<access>(v, a, mtype, dctx));
687:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
688: }

690: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
691: template <PetscMemoryAccessMode access>
692: inline PetscErrorCode Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::RestoreArrayAndMemtype(Vec v, PetscScalar **a, PetscDeviceContext dctx) noexcept
693: {
694:   PetscFunctionBegin;
695:   PetscCall(D::template RestoreArray<PETSC_MEMTYPE_DEVICE, access>(v, a, dctx));
696:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
697: }

699: // v->ops->restorearrayandmemtype
700: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
701: template <PetscMemoryAccessMode access>
702: inline PetscErrorCode Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::RestoreArrayAndMemtype(Vec v, PetscScalar **a) noexcept
703: {
704:   PetscDeviceContext dctx;

706:   PetscFunctionBegin;
707:   PetscCall(GetHandles_(&dctx));
708:   PetscCall(D::template RestoreArrayAndMemtype<access>(v, a, dctx));
709:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
710: }

712: // v->ops->placearray or VecCUPMPlaceArray()
713: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
714: template <PetscMemType mtype>
715: inline PetscErrorCode Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::PlaceArray(Vec v, const PetscScalar *a) noexcept
716: {
717:   PetscDeviceContext dctx;

719:   PetscFunctionBegin;
720:   static_assert((mtype == PETSC_MEMTYPE_HOST) || (mtype == PETSC_MEMTYPE_DEVICE), "");
721:   PetscCheckTypeNames(v, VECSEQCUPM(), VECMPICUPM());
722:   PetscCall(CheckPointerMatchesMemType_(a, mtype));
723:   PetscCall(GetHandles_(&dctx));
724:   if (PetscMemTypeHost(mtype)) {
725:     PetscCall(CopyToHost_(dctx, v));
726:     PetscCall(VecPlaceArray_IMPL(v, a));
727:     v->offloadmask = PETSC_OFFLOAD_CPU;
728:   } else {
729:     PetscCall(VecIMPLAllocateCheck_(v));
730:     {
731:       auto &backup_array = VecIMPLCast(v)->unplacedarray;

733:       PetscCheck(!backup_array, PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONGSTATE, "VecPlaceArray() was already called on this vector, without a call to VecResetArray()");
734:       PetscCall(CopyToDevice_(dctx, v));
735:       PetscCall(PetscObjectStateIncrease(PetscObjectCast(v)));
736:       backup_array = util::exchange(VecCUPMCast(v)->array_d, const_cast<PetscScalar *>(a));
737:       // only update the offload mask if we actually assign a pointer
738:       if (a) v->offloadmask = PETSC_OFFLOAD_GPU;
739:     }
740:   }
741:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
742: }

744: // v->ops->replacearray or VecCUPMReplaceArray()
745: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
746: template <PetscMemType mtype>
747: inline PetscErrorCode Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::ReplaceArray(Vec v, const PetscScalar *a) noexcept
748: {
749:   const auto         aptr = const_cast<PetscScalar *>(a);
750:   PetscDeviceContext dctx;

752:   PetscFunctionBegin;
753:   static_assert((mtype == PETSC_MEMTYPE_HOST) || (mtype == PETSC_MEMTYPE_DEVICE), "");
754:   PetscCheckTypeNames(v, VECSEQCUPM(), VECMPICUPM());
755:   PetscCall(CheckPointerMatchesMemType_(a, mtype));
756:   PetscCall(GetHandles_(&dctx));
757:   if (PetscMemTypeHost(mtype)) {
758:     PetscCall(VecIMPLAllocateCheck_(v));
759:     {
760:       const auto vimpl      = VecIMPLCast(v);
761:       auto      &host_array = vimpl->array_allocated;

763:       // make sure the users array has the latest values.
764:       // REVIEW ME: why? we're about to free it
765:       if (host_array != vimpl->array) PetscCall(CopyToHost_(dctx, v));
766:       if (host_array) {
767:         const auto useit = UseCUPMHostAlloc(v->pinned_memory);

769:         PetscCall(PetscFree(host_array));
770:       }
771:       host_array       = aptr;
772:       vimpl->array     = host_array;
773:       v->pinned_memory = PETSC_FALSE; // REVIEW ME: we can determine this
774:       v->offloadmask   = PETSC_OFFLOAD_CPU;
775:     }
776:   } else {
777:     PetscCall(VecCUPMAllocateCheck_(v));
778:     {
779:       const auto vcu = VecCUPMCast(v);

781:       PetscCall(ResetAllocatedDevicePtr_(dctx, v, aptr));
782:       // don't update the offloadmask if placed pointer is NULL
783:       vcu->array_d = vcu->array_allocated_d /* = aptr */;
784:       if (aptr) v->offloadmask = PETSC_OFFLOAD_GPU;
785:     }
786:   }
787:   PetscCall(PetscObjectStateIncrease(PetscObjectCast(v)));
788:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
789: }

791: // v->ops->resetarray or VecCUPMResetArray()
792: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
793: template <PetscMemType mtype>
794: inline PetscErrorCode Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::ResetArray(Vec v) noexcept
795: {
796:   PetscDeviceContext dctx;

798:   PetscFunctionBegin;
799:   static_assert((mtype == PETSC_MEMTYPE_HOST) || (mtype == PETSC_MEMTYPE_DEVICE), "");
800:   PetscCheckTypeNames(v, VECSEQCUPM(), VECMPICUPM());
801:   PetscCall(GetHandles_(&dctx));
802:   // REVIEW ME:
803:   // this is wildly inefficient but must be done if we assume that the placed array must have
804:   // correct values
805:   if (PetscMemTypeHost(mtype)) {
806:     PetscCall(CopyToHost_(dctx, v));
807:     PetscCall(VecResetArray_IMPL(v));
808:     v->offloadmask = PETSC_OFFLOAD_CPU;
809:   } else {
810:     PetscCall(VecIMPLAllocateCheck_(v));
811:     PetscCall(VecCUPMAllocateCheck_(v));
812:     {
813:       const auto vcu        = VecCUPMCast(v);
814:       const auto vimpl      = VecIMPLCast(v);
815:       auto      &host_array = vimpl->unplacedarray;

817:       PetscCall(CheckPointerMatchesMemType_(host_array, PETSC_MEMTYPE_DEVICE));
818:       PetscCall(CopyToDevice_(dctx, v));
819:       PetscCall(PetscObjectStateIncrease(PetscObjectCast(v)));
820:       // Need to reset the offloadmask. If we had a stashed pointer we are on the GPU,
821:       // otherwise check if the host has a valid pointer. If neither, then we are not
822:       // allocated.
823:       vcu->array_d = host_array;
824:       if (host_array) {
825:         host_array     = nullptr;
826:         v->offloadmask = PETSC_OFFLOAD_GPU;
827:       } else if (vimpl->array) {
828:         v->offloadmask = PETSC_OFFLOAD_CPU;
829:       } else {
830:         v->offloadmask = PETSC_OFFLOAD_UNALLOCATED;
831:       }
832:     }
833:   }
834:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
835: }

837: // v->ops->create
838: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
839: inline PetscErrorCode Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::Create(Vec v) noexcept
840: {
841:   PetscBool          alloc_missing;
842:   PetscDeviceContext dctx;

844:   PetscFunctionBegin;
845:   PetscCall(VecCreate_IMPL_Private(v, &alloc_missing));
846:   PetscCall(GetHandles_(&dctx));
847:   PetscCall(Initialize_CUPMBase(v, alloc_missing, nullptr, nullptr, dctx));
848:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
849: }

851: // v->ops->destroy
852: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
853: inline PetscErrorCode Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::Destroy(Vec v) noexcept
854: {
855:   PetscFunctionBegin;
856:   PetscCall(DestroyDevice_(v));
857:   PetscCall(DestroyHost_(v));
858:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
859: }

861: // ================================================================================== //
862: //                      Common core between Seq and MPI                               //

864: // VecCreate_CUPM()
865: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
866: inline PetscErrorCode Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::Create_CUPM(Vec v) noexcept
867: {
868:   PetscMPIInt size;

870:   PetscFunctionBegin;
871:   PetscCallMPI(MPI_Comm_size(PetscObjectComm(PetscObjectCast(v)), &size));
872:   PetscCall(VecSetType(v, size > 1 ? VECMPICUPM() : VECSEQCUPM()));
873:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
874: }

876: // VecCreateCUPM()
877: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
878: inline PetscErrorCode Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::Create_CUPMBase(MPI_Comm comm, PetscInt bs, PetscInt n, PetscInt N, Vec *v, PetscBool call_set_type, PetscLayout reference) noexcept
879: {
880:   PetscFunctionBegin;
881:   PetscCall(VecCreate(comm, v));
882:   if (reference) PetscCall(PetscLayoutReference(reference, &(*v)->map));
883:   PetscCall(VecSetSizes(*v, n, N));
884:   if (bs) PetscCall(VecSetBlockSize(*v, bs));
885:   if (call_set_type) PetscCall(VecSetType(*v, VECIMPLCUPM()));
886:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
887: }

889: // VecCreateIMPL_CUPM(), called through v->ops->create
890: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
891: inline PetscErrorCode Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::Initialize_CUPMBase(Vec v, PetscBool allocate_missing, PetscScalar *host_array, PetscScalar *device_array, PetscDeviceContext dctx) noexcept
892: {
893:   PetscFunctionBegin;
894:   // REVIEW ME: perhaps not needed
895:   PetscCall(PetscDeviceInitialize(PETSC_DEVICE_CUPM()));
896:   PetscCall(PetscObjectChangeTypeName(PetscObjectCast(v), VECIMPLCUPM()));
897:   PetscCall(D::BindToCPU(v, PETSC_FALSE));
898:   if (device_array) {
899:     PetscCall(CheckPointerMatchesMemType_(device_array, PETSC_MEMTYPE_CUPM()));
900:     PetscCall(VecCUPMAllocateCheck_(v));
901:     VecCUPMCast(v)->array_d = device_array;
902:   }
903:   if (host_array) {
904:     PetscCall(CheckPointerMatchesMemType_(host_array, PETSC_MEMTYPE_HOST));
905:     VecIMPLCast(v)->array = host_array;
906:   }
907:   if (allocate_missing) {
908:     PetscCall(DeviceAllocateCheck_(dctx, v));
909:     PetscCall(HostAllocateCheck_(dctx, v));
910:     // REVIEW ME: junchao, is this needed with new calloc() branch? VecSet() will call
911:     // set() for reference
912:     // calls device-version
913:     PetscCall(VecSet(v, 0));
914:     // zero the host while device is underway
915:     PetscCall(PetscArrayzero(VecIMPLCast(v)->array, v->map->n));
916:     v->offloadmask = PETSC_OFFLOAD_BOTH;
917:   } else {
918:     if (host_array) {
919:       v->offloadmask = device_array ? PETSC_OFFLOAD_BOTH : PETSC_OFFLOAD_CPU;
920:     } else {
921:       v->offloadmask = device_array ? PETSC_OFFLOAD_GPU : PETSC_OFFLOAD_UNALLOCATED;
922:     }
923:   }
924:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
925: }

927: // v->ops->duplicate
928: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
929: template <typename SetupFunctionT>
930: inline PetscErrorCode Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::Duplicate_CUPMBase(Vec v, Vec *y, PetscDeviceContext dctx, SetupFunctionT &&DerivedCreateIMPLCUPM_Async) noexcept
931: {
932:   // if the derived setup is the default no_op then we should call VecSetType()
933:   constexpr auto call_set_type = static_cast<PetscBool>(std::is_same<SetupFunctionT, no_op>::value);
934:   const auto     vobj          = PetscObjectCast(v);
935:   const auto     map           = v->map;
936:   PetscInt       bs;

938:   PetscFunctionBegin;
939:   PetscCall(VecGetBlockSize(v, &bs));
940:   PetscCall(Create_CUPMBase(PetscObjectComm(vobj), bs, map->n, map->N, y, call_set_type, map));
941:   // Derived class can set up the remainder of the data structures here
942:   PetscCall(DerivedCreateIMPLCUPM_Async(*y));
943:   // If the other vector is bound to CPU then the memcpy of the ops struct will give the
944:   // duplicated vector the host "getarray" function which does not lazily allocate the array
945:   // (as it is assumed to always exist). So we force allocation here, before we overwrite the
946:   // ops
947:   if (v->boundtocpu) PetscCall(HostAllocateCheck_(dctx, *y));
948:   // in case the user has done some VecSetOps() tomfoolery
949:   (*y)->ops[0] = v->ops[0];
950:   {
951:     const auto yobj = PetscObjectCast(*y);

953:     PetscCall(PetscObjectListDuplicate(vobj->olist, &yobj->olist));
954:     PetscCall(PetscFunctionListDuplicate(vobj->qlist, &yobj->qlist));
955:   }
956:   (*y)->stash.donotstash   = v->stash.donotstash;
957:   (*y)->stash.ignorenegidx = v->stash.ignorenegidx;
958:   (*y)->map->bs            = std::abs(v->map->bs);
959:   (*y)->          = v->;
960:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
961: }

963:   #define VecSetOp_CUPM(op_name, op_host, ...) \
964:     do { \
965:       if (usehost) { \
966:         v->ops->op_name = op_host; \
967:       } else { \
968:         v->ops->op_name = __VA_ARGS__; \
969:       } \
970:     } while (0)

972: // v->ops->bindtocpu
973: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
974: inline PetscErrorCode Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::BindToCPU_CUPMBase(Vec v, PetscBool usehost, PetscDeviceContext dctx) noexcept
975: {
976:   PetscFunctionBegin;
977:   v->boundtocpu = usehost;
978:   if (usehost) PetscCall(CopyToHost_(dctx, v));
979:   PetscCall(PetscStrFreeAllocpy(usehost ? PETSCRANDER48 : PETSCDEVICERAND(), &v->defaultrandtype));

981:   // set the base functions that are guaranteed to be the same for both
982:   v->ops->duplicate = D::Duplicate;
983:   v->ops->create    = D::Create;
984:   v->ops->destroy   = D::Destroy;
985:   v->ops->bindtocpu = D::BindToCPU;
986:   // Note that setting these to NULL on host breaks convergence in certain areas. I don't know
987:   // why, and I don't know how, but it is IMPERATIVE these are set as such!
988:   v->ops->replacearray = D::template ReplaceArray<PETSC_MEMTYPE_HOST>;
989:   v->ops->restorearray = D::template RestoreArray<PETSC_MEMTYPE_HOST, PETSC_MEMORY_ACCESS_READ_WRITE>;

991:   // set device-only common functions
992:   VecSetOp_CUPM(getarray, nullptr, D::template GetArray<PETSC_MEMTYPE_HOST, PETSC_MEMORY_ACCESS_READ_WRITE>);
993:   VecSetOp_CUPM(getarraywrite, nullptr, D::template GetArray<PETSC_MEMTYPE_HOST, PETSC_MEMORY_ACCESS_WRITE>);
994:   VecSetOp_CUPM(restorearraywrite, nullptr, D::template RestoreArray<PETSC_MEMTYPE_HOST, PETSC_MEMORY_ACCESS_WRITE>);

996:   VecSetOp_CUPM(getarrayread, nullptr, [](Vec v, const PetscScalar **a) { return D::template GetArray<PETSC_MEMTYPE_HOST, PETSC_MEMORY_ACCESS_READ>(v, const_cast<PetscScalar **>(a)); });
997:   VecSetOp_CUPM(restorearrayread, nullptr, [](Vec v, const PetscScalar **a) { return D::template RestoreArray<PETSC_MEMTYPE_HOST, PETSC_MEMORY_ACCESS_READ>(v, const_cast<PetscScalar **>(a)); });

999:   VecSetOp_CUPM(getarrayandmemtype, nullptr, D::template GetArrayAndMemtype<PETSC_MEMORY_ACCESS_READ_WRITE>);
1000:   VecSetOp_CUPM(restorearrayandmemtype, nullptr, D::template RestoreArrayAndMemtype<PETSC_MEMORY_ACCESS_READ_WRITE>);

1002:   VecSetOp_CUPM(getarraywriteandmemtype, nullptr, D::template GetArrayAndMemtype<PETSC_MEMORY_ACCESS_WRITE>);
1003:   VecSetOp_CUPM(restorearraywriteandmemtype, nullptr, [](Vec v, PetscScalar **a, PetscMemType *) { return D::template RestoreArrayAndMemtype<PETSC_MEMORY_ACCESS_WRITE>(v, a); });

1005:   VecSetOp_CUPM(getarrayreadandmemtype, nullptr, [](Vec v, const PetscScalar **a, PetscMemType *m) { return D::template GetArrayAndMemtype<PETSC_MEMORY_ACCESS_READ>(v, const_cast<PetscScalar **>(a), m); });
1006:   VecSetOp_CUPM(restorearrayreadandmemtype, nullptr, [](Vec v, const PetscScalar **a) { return D::template RestoreArrayAndMemtype<PETSC_MEMORY_ACCESS_READ>(v, const_cast<PetscScalar **>(a)); });

1008:   // set the functions that are always sequential
1009:   using VecSeq_T = VecSeq_CUPM<T>;
1010:   VecSetOp_CUPM(scale, VecScale_Seq, VecSeq_T::Scale);
1011:   VecSetOp_CUPM(copy, VecCopy_Seq, VecSeq_T::Copy);
1012:   VecSetOp_CUPM(set, VecSet_Seq, VecSeq_T::Set);
1013:   VecSetOp_CUPM(swap, VecSwap_Seq, VecSeq_T::Swap);
1014:   VecSetOp_CUPM(axpy, VecAXPY_Seq, VecSeq_T::AXPY);
1015:   VecSetOp_CUPM(axpby, VecAXPBY_Seq, VecSeq_T::AXPBY);
1016:   VecSetOp_CUPM(maxpy, VecMAXPY_Seq, VecSeq_T::MAXPY);
1017:   VecSetOp_CUPM(aypx, VecAYPX_Seq, VecSeq_T::AYPX);
1018:   VecSetOp_CUPM(waxpy, VecWAXPY_Seq, VecSeq_T::WAXPY);
1019:   VecSetOp_CUPM(axpbypcz, VecAXPBYPCZ_Seq, VecSeq_T::AXPBYPCZ);
1020:   VecSetOp_CUPM(pointwisemult, VecPointwiseMult_Seq, VecSeq_T::PointwiseMult);
1021:   VecSetOp_CUPM(pointwisedivide, VecPointwiseDivide_Seq, VecSeq_T::PointwiseDivide);
1022:   VecSetOp_CUPM(pointwisemax, VecPointwiseMax_Seq, VecSeq_T::PointwiseMax);
1023:   VecSetOp_CUPM(pointwisemaxabs, VecPointwiseMaxAbs_Seq, VecSeq_T::PointwiseMaxAbs);
1024:   VecSetOp_CUPM(pointwisemin, VecPointwiseMin_Seq, VecSeq_T::PointwiseMin);
1025:   VecSetOp_CUPM(setrandom, VecSetRandom_Seq, VecSeq_T::SetRandom);
1026:   VecSetOp_CUPM(dot_local, VecDot_Seq, VecSeq_T::Dot);
1027:   VecSetOp_CUPM(tdot_local, VecTDot_Seq, VecSeq_T::TDot);
1028:   VecSetOp_CUPM(norm_local, VecNorm_Seq, VecSeq_T::Norm);
1029:   VecSetOp_CUPM(mdot_local, VecMDot_Seq, VecSeq_T::MDot);
1030:   VecSetOp_CUPM(reciprocal, VecReciprocal_Default, VecSeq_T::Reciprocal);
1031:   VecSetOp_CUPM(conjugate, VecConjugate_Seq, VecSeq_T::Conjugate);
1032:   VecSetOp_CUPM(abs, nullptr, VecSeq_T::Abs);
1033:   VecSetOp_CUPM(sqrt, nullptr, VecSeq_T::SqrtAbs);
1034:   VecSetOp_CUPM(exp, nullptr, VecSeq_T::Exp);
1035:   VecSetOp_CUPM(log, nullptr, VecSeq_T::Log);
1036:   VecSetOp_CUPM(shift, nullptr, VecSeq_T::Shift);
1037:   VecSetOp_CUPM(dotnorm2, nullptr, D::DotNorm2);
1038:   VecSetOp_CUPM(getlocalvector, nullptr, VecSeq_T::template GetLocalVector<PETSC_MEMORY_ACCESS_READ_WRITE>);
1039:   VecSetOp_CUPM(restorelocalvector, nullptr, VecSeq_T::template RestoreLocalVector<PETSC_MEMORY_ACCESS_READ_WRITE>);
1040:   VecSetOp_CUPM(getlocalvectorread, nullptr, VecSeq_T::template GetLocalVector<PETSC_MEMORY_ACCESS_READ>);
1041:   VecSetOp_CUPM(restorelocalvectorread, nullptr, VecSeq_T::template RestoreLocalVector<PETSC_MEMORY_ACCESS_READ>);
1042:   VecSetOp_CUPM(sum, nullptr, VecSeq_T::Sum);
1043:   VecSetOp_CUPM(errorwnorm, nullptr, D::ErrorWnorm);
1044:   VecSetOp_CUPM(duplicatevecs, VecDuplicateVecs_Default, VecDuplicateVecs_Default);
1045:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
1046: }

1048: // Called from VecGetSubVector()
1049: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
1050: inline PetscErrorCode Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::GetArrays_CUPMBase(Vec v, const PetscScalar **host_array, const PetscScalar **device_array, PetscOffloadMask *mask, PetscDeviceContext dctx) noexcept
1051: {
1052:   PetscFunctionBegin;
1053:   PetscCheckTypeNames(v, VECSEQCUPM(), VECMPICUPM());
1054:   if (host_array) {
1055:     PetscCall(HostAllocateCheck_(dctx, v));
1056:     *host_array = VecIMPLCast(v)->array;
1057:   }
1058:   if (device_array) {
1059:     PetscCall(DeviceAllocateCheck_(dctx, v));
1060:     *device_array = VecCUPMCast(v)->array_d;
1061:   }
1062:   if (mask) *mask = v->offloadmask;
1063:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
1064: }

1066: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
1067: inline PetscErrorCode Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::ResetPreallocationCOO_CUPMBase(Vec v, PetscDeviceContext dctx) noexcept
1068: {
1069:   PetscFunctionBegin;
1070:   if (const auto vcu = VecCUPMCast(v)) {
1071:     cupmStream_t stream;
1072:     // clang-format off
1073:     const auto   cntptrs = util::make_array(
1074:       std::ref(vcu->jmap1_d),
1075:       std::ref(vcu->perm1_d),
1076:       std::ref(vcu->imap2_d),
1077:       std::ref(vcu->jmap2_d),
1078:       std::ref(vcu->perm2_d),
1079:       std::ref(vcu->Cperm_d)
1080:     );
1081:     // clang-format on

1083:     PetscCall(GetHandlesFrom_(dctx, &stream));
1084:     for (auto &&ptr : cntptrs) PetscCallCUPM(cupmFreeAsync(ptr.get(), stream));
1085:     for (auto &&ptr : util::make_array(std::ref(vcu->sendbuf_d), std::ref(vcu->recvbuf_d))) PetscCallCUPM(cupmFreeAsync(ptr.get(), stream));
1086:   }
1087:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
1088: }

1090: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
1091: template <std::size_t NCount, std::size_t NScal>
1092: inline PetscErrorCode Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::SetPreallocationCOO_CUPMBase(Vec v, PetscCount, const PetscInt[], PetscDeviceContext dctx, const std::array<CooPair<PetscCount>, NCount> &extra_cntptrs, const std::array<CooPair<PetscScalar>, NScal> &bufptrs) noexcept
1093: {
1094:   PetscFunctionBegin;
1095:   PetscCall(ResetPreallocationCOO_CUPMBase(v, dctx));
1096:   // need to instantiate the private pointer if not already
1097:   PetscCall(VecCUPMAllocateCheck_(v));
1098:   {
1099:     const auto vimpl = VecIMPLCast(v);
1100:     const auto vcu   = VecCUPMCast(v);
1101:     // clang-format off
1102:     const auto cntptrs = util::concat_array(
1103:       util::make_array(
1104:         make_coo_pair(vcu->jmap1_d, vimpl->jmap1, v->map->n + 1),
1105:         make_coo_pair(vcu->perm1_d, vimpl->perm1, vimpl->tot1)
1106:       ),
1107:       extra_cntptrs
1108:     );
1109:     // clang-format on
1110:     cupmStream_t stream;

1112:     PetscCall(GetHandlesFrom_(dctx, &stream));
1113:     // allocate
1114:     for (auto &elem : cntptrs) PetscCall(PetscCUPMMallocAsync(&elem.device, elem.size, stream));
1115:     for (auto &elem : bufptrs) PetscCall(PetscCUPMMallocAsync(&elem.device, elem.size, stream));
1116:     // copy
1117:     for (const auto &elem : cntptrs) PetscCall(PetscCUPMMemcpyAsync(elem.device,, elem.size, cupmMemcpyHostToDevice, stream, true));
1118:     for (const auto &elem : bufptrs) PetscCall(PetscCUPMMemcpyAsync(elem.device,, elem.size, cupmMemcpyHostToDevice, stream, true));
1119:   }
1120:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
1121: }

1123: template <device::cupm::DeviceType T, typename D>
1124: inline PetscErrorCode Vec_CUPMBase<T, D>::Convert_IMPL_IMPLCUPM(Vec v) noexcept
1125: {
1126:   const auto         n        = v->map->n;
1127:   const auto         vimpl    = VecIMPLCast(v);
1128:   auto              &impl_arr = vimpl->array;
1129:   PetscBool          set      = PETSC_FALSE;
1130:   PetscDeviceContext dctx;

1132:   PetscFunctionBegin;
1133:   // If users do not explicitly require pinned memory, we prefer keeping the vector's regular
1134:   // host array
1135:   PetscCall(VecCUPMCheckMinimumPinnedMemory_Internal(v, &set));
1136:   if (set && impl_arr && ((n * sizeof(*impl_arr)) > v->minimum_bytes_pinned_memory)) {
1137:     auto        &impl_alloc = vimpl->array_allocated;
1138:     PetscScalar *new_arr;

1140:     // users require pinned memory
1141:     {
1142:       // Allocate pinned memory and copy over the old array
1143:       const auto useit = UseCUPMHostAlloc(PETSC_TRUE);

1145:       PetscCall(PetscMalloc1(n, &new_arr));
1146:       PetscCall(PetscArraycpy(new_arr, impl_arr, n));
1147:     }
1148:     PetscCall(PetscFree(impl_alloc));
1149:     impl_arr         = new_arr;
1150:     impl_alloc       = new_arr;
1151:     v->offloadmask   = PETSC_OFFLOAD_CPU;
1152:     v->pinned_memory = PETSC_TRUE;
1153:   }
1154:   PetscCall(GetHandles_(&dctx));
1155:   PetscCall(Initialize_CUPMBase(v, PETSC_FALSE, impl_arr, nullptr, dctx));
1156:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
1157: }

1159:   #define PETSC_VEC_CUPM_BASE_CLASS_HEADER(name, Tp, ...) \
1161:     using name = ::Petsc::vec::cupm::impl::Vec_CUPMBase<Tp, __VA_ARGS__>; \
1162:     friend name; \
1163:     /* introspection */ \
1164:     using name::VecCUPMCast; \
1165:     using name::VecIMPLCast; \
1166:     using name::VECIMPLCUPM; \
1167:     using name::VECIMPL; \
1168:     using name::VECSEQCUPM; \
1169:     using name::VECMPICUPM; \
1170:     using name::VECCUPM; \
1171:     using name::VecView_Debug; \
1172:     /* utility */ \
1173:     using typename name::Vec_CUPM; \
1174:     using name::VecCUPMAllocateCheck_; \
1175:     using name::VecIMPLAllocateCheck_; \
1176:     using name::HostAllocateCheck_; \
1177:     using name::DeviceAllocateCheck_; \
1178:     using name::CopyToDevice_; \
1179:     using name::CopyToHost_; \
1180:     using name::Create; \
1181:     using name::Destroy; \
1182:     using name::GetArray; \
1183:     using name::RestoreArray; \
1184:     using name::GetArrayAndMemtype; \
1185:     using name::RestoreArrayAndMemtype; \
1186:     using name::PlaceArray; \
1187:     using name::ReplaceArray; \
1188:     using name::ResetArray; \
1189:     /* base functions */ \
1190:     using name::Create_CUPMBase; \
1191:     using name::Initialize_CUPMBase; \
1192:     using name::Duplicate_CUPMBase; \
1193:     using name::BindToCPU_CUPMBase; \
1194:     using name::Create_CUPM; \
1195:     using name::DeviceArrayRead; \
1196:     using name::DeviceArrayWrite; \
1197:     using name::DeviceArrayReadWrite; \
1198:     using name::HostArrayRead; \
1199:     using name::HostArrayWrite; \
1200:     using name::HostArrayReadWrite; \
1201:     using name::ResetPreallocationCOO_CUPMBase; \
1202:     using name::SetPreallocationCOO_CUPMBase; \
1203:     using name::Convert_IMPL_IMPLCUPM;

1205: } // namespace impl

1207: } // namespace cupm

1209: } // namespace vec

1211: } // namespace Petsc

1213: #endif // __cplusplus && PetscDefined(HAVE_DEVICE)