Additional Information# PETSc for Fortran Users Basic Fortran API Differences Sample Fortran Programs Using MATLAB with PETSc Dumping Data for MATLAB Sending Data to an Interactive MATLAB Session Using the MATLAB Compute Engine Licensing the MATLAB Compute Engine on a cluster Profiling Basic Profiling Information Profiling Application Codes Profiling Multiple Sections of Code Restricting Event Logging Interpreting -info Output: Informative Messages Time Saving Output to a File Accurate Profiling and Paging Overheads NVIDIA Nsight Systems profiling Using TAU Hints for Performance Tuning Maximizing Memory Bandwidth Performance Pitfalls and Advice STREAMS: Example Study Detailed STREAMS study for large arrays Detailed study with application Application with the MPI linear solver server The Use of BLAS and LAPACK in PETSc and external libraries 32 or 64-bit BLAS/LAPACK integers Shared memory BLAS/LAPACK parallelism Available BLAS/LAPACK libraries Other PETSc Features PETSc on a process subset Runtime Options Viewers: Looking at PETSc Objects Using SAWs with PETSc Debugging Error Handling Numbers Parallel Communication Graphics Developer Environments Emacs Users VS Code Users Vi and Vim Users Eclipse Users Qt Creator Users Visual Studio Users Xcode IDE Users Advanced Features of Matrices and Solvers Extracting Submatrices Matrix Factorization Matrix-Matrix Products Creating PC’s Directly Running PETSc Tests Quick start with the tests Understanding test output and more information Using the test harness for your own code