
Return the points and orientations on the in-edges for this point in the DAG


#include "petscdmplex.h"   
PetscErrorCode DMPlexGetOrientedCone(DM dm, PetscInt p, const PetscInt *cone[], const PetscInt *ornt[])

Not collective

Input Parameters#

  • dm - The DMPlex

  • p - The point, which must lie in the chart set with DMPlexSetChart()

Output Parameters#

  • cone - An array of points which are on the in-edges for point p

  • ornt - An array of orientations which are on the in-edges for point p. An orientation is an integer giving the prescription for cone traversal.


The number indexes the symmetry transformations for the cell type (see manual). Orientation 0 is always the identity transformation. Negative orientation indicates reflection so that -(o+1) is the reflection of o, however it is not necessarily the inverse. To get the inverse, use DMPolytopeTypeComposeOrientationInv() with the identity.

You must also call DMPlexRestoreOrientedCone() after you finish using the returned array.

Fortran Notes#

cone and ornt must be declared with

  PetscInt, pointer :: cone(:)
  PetscInt, pointer :: ornt(:)

See Also#

DMPlex: Unstructured Grids, DM, DMPLEX, DMPlexRestoreOrientedCone(), DMPlexGetConeSize(), DMPlexGetCone(), DMPlexGetChart()





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