
Sets the tolerance for determining divergence breakdown in KSPGMRES at restart.


#include "petscksp.h"  
PetscErrorCode KSPGMRESSetBreakdownTolerance(KSP ksp, PetscReal tol)

Logically Collective

Input Parameters#

  • ksp - the Krylov space solver context

  • tol - the tolerance

Options Database Key#

  • -ksp_gmres_breakdown_tolerance - set tolerance for determining divergence breakdown


Divergence breakdown occurs when the norm of the GMRES residual increases significantly at a restart. This is defined to be truenormgmresnorm>tolgmresnorm | truenorm - gmresnorm | > tol * gmresnorm where gmresnorm gmresnorm is the norm computed by the GMRES process at a restart iteration using the standard GMRES recursion formula and truenorm truenorm is computed after the restart using the definition r=bAx \| r \| = \| b - A x \|.

Divergence breakdown stops the iterative solve with a KSPConvergedReason of KSP_DIVERGED_BREAKDOWN indicating the GMRES solver has not converged.

Divergence breakdown can occur when there is an error (bug) in either the application of the matrix or the preconditioner, or the preconditioner is extremely ill-conditioned.

The default is .1

See Also#

KSP: Linear System Solvers, KSPGMRES, KSPSetTolerances(), KSPGMRESSetHapTol(), KSPConvergedReason






KSPGMRESSetBreakdownTolerance_GMRES() in src/ksp/ksp/impls/gmres/gmres.c

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