
Determines if the matrix associated with the linear system and possibly a different one from which the preconditioner will be built have been set in the KSP with KSPSetOperators()


#include "petscksp.h" 
PetscErrorCode KSPGetOperatorsSet(KSP ksp, PetscBool *mat, PetscBool *pmat)

Not Collective, though the results on all processes will be the same

Input Parameter#

  • ksp - the KSP context

Output Parameters#

  • mat - the matrix associated with the linear system was set

  • pmat - matrix from which the preconditioner will be built, usually the same as mat was set


This routine exists because if you call KSPGetOperators() on a KSP that does not yet have operators they are automatically created in the call.

See Also#

KSP: Linear System Solvers, KSP, PCSetOperators(), KSPGetOperators(), KSPSetOperators(), PCGetOperators(), PCGetOperatorsSet()





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