Creates a new Mat
that behaves like the Schur complement of a matrix
#include "petscksp.h"
PetscErrorCode MatCreateSchurComplement(Mat A00, Mat Ap00, Mat A01, Mat A10, Mat A11, Mat *S)
Input Parameters#
A00 - the upper-left block of the original matrix
Ap00 - preconditioning matrix for use in to approximate the action of
A01 - the upper-right block of the original matrix
A10 - the lower-left block of the original matrix
A11 - (optional) the lower-right block of the original matrix
Output Parameter#
S - the matrix that behaves as the Schur complement
The Schur complement is NOT explicitly formed! Rather, this function returns a virtual Schur complement
that can compute the matrix-vector product by using formula
for Schur complement S
and a KSP
solver to approximate the action of .
All four matrices must have the same MPI communicator.
and A11
must be square matrices.
takes as arguments the index sets for the submatrices and returns both the virtual Schur complement (what this returns) plus
a sparse approximation to the Schur complement (useful for building a preconditioner for the Schur complement) which can be obtained from this
matrix with MatSchurComplementGetPmat()
Developer Notes#
The API that includes MatGetSchurComplement()
, MatCreateSchurComplement()
, MatSchurComplementGetPmat()
should be refactored to
remove redundancy and be clearer and simpler.
See Also#
KSP: Linear System Solvers, MatCreateNormal()
, MatMult()
, MatCreate()
, MatSchurComplementGetKSP()
, MatSchurComplementUpdateSubMatrices()
, MatCreateTranspose()
, MatGetSchurComplement()
, MatSchurComplementSetSubMatrices()
Index of all KSP routines
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