
Get the individual submatrices in the Schur complement


#include "petscksp.h" 
PetscErrorCode MatSchurComplementGetSubMatrices(Mat S, Mat *A00, Mat *Ap00, Mat *A01, Mat *A10, Mat *A11)


Input Parameter#

  • S - matrix obtained with MatCreateSchurComplement() (or equivalent) and implementing the action of A11A10ksp(A00,Ap00)A01A11 - A10 ksp(A00,Ap00) A01

Output Parameters#

  • A00 - the upper-left block of the original matrix A=[A00A01;A10A11]A = [A00 A01; A10 A11]

  • Ap00 - preconditioning matrix for use in ksp(A00,Ap00)ksp(A00,Ap00) to approximate the action of A1A^{-1}

  • A01 - the upper-right block of the original matrix A=[A00A01;A10A11]A = [A00 A01; A10 A11]

  • A10 - the lower-left block of the original matrix A=[A00A01;A10A11]A = [A00 A01; A10 A11]

  • A11 - (optional) the lower-right block of the original matrix A=[A00A01;A10A11]A = [A00 A01; A10 A11]


Use NULL for any unneeded output argument.

The reference counts of the submatrices are not increased before they are returned and the matrices should not be modified or destroyed.

See Also#

KSP: Linear System Solvers, MatCreateNormal(), MatMult(), MatCreate(), MatSchurComplementGetKSP(), MatCreateSchurComplement(), MatSchurComplementUpdateSubMatrices()





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