
Sets the type of coarse grid interpolation to use


#include "petscdmda.h" 
#include "petscksp.h" 
PetscErrorCode PCExoticSetType(PC pc, PCExoticType type)

Logically Collective

Input Parameters#

Options Database Keys#

  • -pc_exotic_type <face,wirebasket> - use a coarse grid point for each face, or edge and vertex


The face based interpolation has 1 degree of freedom per face and ignores the edge and vertex values completely in the coarse problem. For any seven point stencil the interpolation of a constant on all faces into the interior is that constant.

The wirebasket interpolation has 1 degree of freedom per vertex, per edge and per face. A constant on the subdomain boundary is interpolated as that constant in the interior of the domain.

The coarse grid matrix is obtained via the Galerkin computation Ac=RARTA_c = R A R^T, hence if AA is nonsingular AcA_c is also nonsingular.

Both interpolations are suitable for only scalar problems.

See Also#

KSP: Linear System Solvers, PCEXOTIC, PCExoticType()






PCExoticSetType_Exotic() in src/ksp/pc/impls/wb/wb.c

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