For multiple component PDE problems constructs a hierarchy of restriction operators to coarse grid problems using the submatrix of a single component with either PCHYPRE or PCGAMG. The same restriction operators are used for each of the components of the PDE with PCMG resulting in a much more efficient to build and apply preconditioner than using PCGAMG on the entire system [KWG+20].

Options Database Keys#

  • -pc_hmg_reuse_interpolation <true | false> - Whether or not to reuse the interpolations for new matrix values. It can potentially save compute time.

  • -pc_hmg_use_subspace_coarsening <true | false> - Whether or not to use subspace coarsening (that is, coarsen a submatrix).

  • -hmg_inner_pc_type <hypre, gamg, …> - What method is used to solve the coarsen matrix

  • -pc_hmg_use_matmaij <true | false> - Whether or not to use MATMAIJ for multicomponent problems for saving memory


MatSetBlockSize() must be called on the linear system matrix to set the number of components of the PDE.



Fande Kong, Yaqi Wang, Derek R Gaston, Cody J Permann, Andrew E Slaughter, Alexander D Lindsay, Mark D DeHart, and Richard C Martineau. A highly parallel multilevel Newton–Krylov–Schwarz method with subspace-based coarsening and partition-based balancing for the multigroup neutron transport equation on three-dimensional unstructured meshes. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 42(5):C193–C220, 2020.

See Also#

KSP: Linear System Solvers, PCCreate(), PCSetType(), PCType, PC, PCMG, PCHYPRE, PCHMG, PCGetCoarseOperators(), PCGetInterpolations(), PCHMGSetReuseInterpolation(), PCHMGSetUseSubspaceCoarsening(), PCHMGSetInnerPCType()







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