Sets routine to use as preconditioner in Richardson iteration.
#include "petscpc.h"
PetscErrorCode PCShellSetApplyRichardson(PC pc, PetscErrorCode (*apply)(PC pc, Vec b, Vec x, Vec r, PetscReal rtol, PetscReal abstol, PetscReal dtol, PetscInt maxits, PetscBool zeroinitialguess, PetscInt *its, PCRichardsonConvergedReason *reason))
Logically Collective
Input Parameters#
pc - the preconditioner context
apply - the application-provided preconditioning routine
Calling sequence of apply
pc - the preconditioner
b - right-hand side
x - current iterate
r - work space
rtol - relative tolerance of residual norm to stop at
abstol - absolute tolerance of residual norm to stop at
dtol - if residual norm increases by this factor than return
maxits - number of iterations to run
zeroinitialguess -
is known to be initially zeroits - returns the number of iterations used
reason - returns the reason the iteration has converged
You can get the PCSHELL
context set with PCShellSetContext()
using PCShellGetContext()
if needed by apply
This is used when one can provide code for multiple steps of Richardson’s method that is more efficient than computing a single step, recomputing the residual via , and then computing the next step. SOR is an algorithm for which this is true.
See Also#
KSP: Linear System Solvers, PCSHELL
, PCShellSetApply()
, PCShellSetContext()
, PCRichardsonConvergedReason()
, PCShellGetContext()
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