
set infinity into the local part of the vector on any subset of MPI processes


#include "petscvec.h"   
PetscErrorCode VecFlag(Vec xin, PetscInt flg)

Logically Collective

Input Parameters#

  • xin - the vector, can be NULL but only if on all processes

  • flg - indicates if this processes portion of the vector should be set to infinity


This removes the values from the vector norm cache for all processes by calling PetscObjectIncrease().

This is used for any subset of MPI processes to indicate an failure in a solver, after the next use of VecNorm() if KSPCheckNorm() detects an infinity and at least one of the MPI processes has a not converged reason then the KSP object collectively is labeled as not converged.

See Also#

Vectors and Parallel Data, Vec, PetscLayout, VecGetLayout(), VecGetSize(), VecGetOwnershipRange(), VecGetOwnershipRanges()





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