User Prizes and Sites#
Prizes won by PETSc#
Selected by the DOE Office of Science for the 40th anniversary collection of 40 major papers that have changed the face of science: S. Balay, W.D. Gropp, L.C. McInnes, and B.F. Smith, Efficient management of parallelism in object-oriented numerical software libraries. Chapter 10 in E. Arge, A.M. Bruaset and H.P. Langtangen (Eds), Modern Software Tools in Scientific Computing, pp. 163-202 (1997)
The PETSc Core Development Group won the SIAM/ACM Prize in Computational Science and Engineering for 2015
Jed Brown won a 2014 IEEE Technical Committee on Scalable Computing Award for Excellence in Scalable Computing (Early Career Researcher) in part for his work on PETSc.
Jed Brown won the 2014 SIAG/Supercomputing Junior Scientist Prize in part for his work on PETSc.
Lois Curfman McInnes and Barry Smith won the 2011 Department of Energy E. O. Lawrence Award for contributions to DOE for their work developing PETSc in the mid-1990s.
PETSc was a winner of a 2009 R and D 100 Award
PETSc was one of the Top Ten Advances in Computational Science Accomplishments of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) in 2008
Prizes won by PETSc users#
Gordon Bell Finalist at SC2009
GTC was listed as one of the Top Ten Advances in Computational Science Accomplishments of DOE in 2008
Gordon Bell Special Prize at SC2004
Gordon Bell Special Prize at SC2003
Best Student Paper at SC2003
Best Student Paper at SC2002
Outstanding Student Paper, American Geophysical Union 2002 Annual meeting
Gordon Bell Special Prize at SC1999
Mark Adams, Best Student Paper Competition, 5th Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods, 1998
Hundreds of theses prepared using PETSc
Industrial/DOE PETSc user sites over the years#
Shell Research
Boeing Research
GM Research
DOE CSGF Users of PETSc#
Allison Baker, University of Colorado at Boulder
Jaydeep Bardhan, MIT
Paul Bauman, UT Austin
Ethan Coon, Columbia University
Larisa Goldmints, CMU
Boyce Griffith, New York University
Glenn Hammond, University of Illinois
Judith Hill, Carnegie Mellon
Nick Jovanovic, Yale University
Richard Katz, Columbia University
Mary Ann Leung, University of Washington
Richard Mills, William and Mary