
Contributions from the user community are welcome. See the PETSc developers documentation for general information on contributions.

New contributions to petsc4py must adhere with the coding standards. We use cython-lint for Cython and ruff for Python source codes. These can be installed using:

$ python -m pip install -r src/binding/petsc4py/conf/requirements-lint.txt

If you are contributing Cython code, you can check compliance with:

$ make cython-lint -C src/binding/petsc4py

For Python code, run:

$ make ruff-lint -C src/binding/petsc4py

Python code can be auto-formatted using:

$ make ruff-lint RUFF_OPTS='format' -C src/binding/petsc4py

New contributions to petsc4py must be tested. Tests are located in the src/binding/petsc4py/test folder. To add a new test, either add a new or modify a pre-existing file according to the unittest specifications.

If you add a new, you can run the tests using:

$ cd src/binding/petsc4py
$ python test/ -k test_xxx

If instead you are modifying an existing, you can test your additions by using the fully qualified name of the Python class or method you are modifying, e.g.:

$ python test/ -k test_xxx.class_name.method_name

All new code must include documentation in accordance with the documentation standard. To check for compliance, run:

$ make html SPHINXOPTS='-W' -C src/binding/petsc4py/docs/source


The docstrings must not cause Sphinx warnings.