Actual source code: ex74.c
1: static char help[] = "Solves the constant-coefficient 1D heat equation \n\
2: with an Implicit Runge-Kutta method using MatKAIJ. \n\
3: \n\
4: du d^2 u \n\
5: -- = a ----- ; 0 <= x <= 1; \n\
6: dt dx^2 \n\
7: \n\
8: with periodic boundary conditions \n\
9: \n\
10: 2nd order central discretization in space: \n\
11: \n\
12: [ d^2 u ] u_{i+1} - 2u_i + u_{i-1} \n\
13: [ ----- ] = ------------------------ \n\
14: [ dx^2 ]i h^2 \n\
15: \n\
16: i = grid index; h = x_{i+1}-x_i (Uniform) \n\
17: 0 <= i < n h = 1.0/n \n\
18: \n\
19: Thus, \n\
20: \n\
21: du \n\
22: -- = Ju; J = (a/h^2) tridiagonal(1,-2,1)_n \n\
23: dt \n\
24: \n\
25: Implicit Runge-Kutta method: \n\
26: \n\
27: U^(k) = u^n + dt \\sum_i a_{ki} JU^{i} \n\
28: u^{n+1} = u^n + dt \\sum_i b_i JU^{i} \n\
29: \n\
30: i = 1,...,s (s -> number of stages) \n\
31: \n\
32: At each time step, we solve \n\
33: \n\
34: [ 1 ] 1 \n\
35: [ -- I \\otimes A^{-1} - J \\otimes I ] U = -- u^n \\otimes A^{-1} \n\
36: [ dt ] dt \n\
37: \n\
38: where A is the Butcher tableaux of the implicit \n\
39: Runge-Kutta method, \n\
40: \n\
41: with MATKAIJ and KSP. \n\
42: \n\
43: Available IRK Methods: \n\
44: gauss n-stage Gauss method \n\
45: \n";
47: /*
48: Include "petscksp.h" so that we can use KSP solvers. Note that this file
49: automatically includes:
50: petscsys.h - base PETSc routines
51: petscvec.h - vectors
52: petscmat.h - matrices
53: petscis.h - index sets
54: petscviewer.h - viewers
55: petscpc.h - preconditioners
56: */
57: #include <petscksp.h>
58: #include <petscdt.h>
60: /* define the IRK methods available */
61: #define IRKGAUSS "gauss"
63: typedef enum {
66: } PhysicsType;
67: const char *const PhysicsTypes[] = {"DIFFUSION", "ADVECTION", "PhysicsType", "PHYSICS_", NULL};
69: typedef struct __context__ {
70: PetscReal a; /* diffusion coefficient */
71: PetscReal xmin, xmax; /* domain bounds */
72: PetscInt imax; /* number of grid points */
73: PetscInt niter; /* number of time iterations */
74: PetscReal dt; /* time step size */
75: PhysicsType physics_type;
76: } UserContext;
78: static PetscErrorCode ExactSolution(Vec, void *, PetscReal);
79: static PetscErrorCode RKCreate_Gauss(PetscInt, PetscScalar **, PetscScalar **, PetscReal **);
80: static PetscErrorCode Assemble_AdvDiff(MPI_Comm, UserContext *, Mat *);
82: #include <petsc/private/kernels/blockinvert.h>
84: int main(int argc, char **argv)
85: {
86: Vec u, uex, rhs, z;
87: UserContext ctxt;
88: PetscInt nstages, is, ie, matis, matie, *ix, *ix2;
89: PetscInt n, i, s, t, total_its;
90: PetscScalar *A, *B, *At, *b, *zvals, one = 1.0;
91: PetscReal *c, err, time;
92: Mat Identity, J, TA, SC, R;
93: KSP ksp;
94: PetscFunctionList IRKList = NULL;
95: char irktype[256] = IRKGAUSS;
97: PetscFunctionBeginUser;
98: PetscCall(PetscInitialize(&argc, &argv, NULL, help));
99: PetscCall(PetscFunctionListAdd(&IRKList, IRKGAUSS, RKCreate_Gauss));
101: /* default value */
102: ctxt.a = 1.0;
103: ctxt.xmin = 0.0;
104: ctxt.xmax = 1.0;
105: ctxt.imax = 20;
106: ctxt.niter = 0;
107: ctxt.dt = 0.0;
108: ctxt.physics_type = PHYSICS_DIFFUSION;
110: PetscOptionsBegin(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, NULL, "IRK options", "");
111: PetscCall(PetscOptionsReal("-a", "diffusion coefficient", "<1.0>", ctxt.a, &ctxt.a, NULL));
112: PetscCall(PetscOptionsInt("-imax", "grid size", "<20>", ctxt.imax, &ctxt.imax, NULL));
113: PetscCall(PetscOptionsReal("-xmin", "xmin", "<0.0>", ctxt.xmin, &ctxt.xmin, NULL));
114: PetscCall(PetscOptionsReal("-xmax", "xmax", "<1.0>", ctxt.xmax, &ctxt.xmax, NULL));
115: PetscCall(PetscOptionsInt("-niter", "number of time steps", "<0>", ctxt.niter, &ctxt.niter, NULL));
116: PetscCall(PetscOptionsReal("-dt", "time step size", "<0.0>", ctxt.dt, &ctxt.dt, NULL));
117: PetscCall(PetscOptionsFList("-irk_type", "IRK method family", "", IRKList, irktype, irktype, sizeof(irktype), NULL));
118: nstages = 2;
119: PetscCall(PetscOptionsInt("-irk_nstages", "Number of stages in IRK method", "", nstages, &nstages, NULL));
120: PetscCall(PetscOptionsEnum("-physics_type", "Type of process to discretize", "", PhysicsTypes, (PetscEnum)ctxt.physics_type, (PetscEnum *)&ctxt.physics_type, NULL));
121: PetscOptionsEnd();
123: /* allocate and initialize solution vector and exact solution */
124: PetscCall(VecCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &u));
125: PetscCall(VecSetSizes(u, PETSC_DECIDE, ctxt.imax));
126: PetscCall(VecSetFromOptions(u));
127: PetscCall(VecDuplicate(u, &uex));
128: /* initial solution */
129: PetscCall(ExactSolution(u, &ctxt, 0.0));
130: /* exact solution */
131: PetscCall(ExactSolution(uex, &ctxt, ctxt.dt * ctxt.niter));
133: { /* Create A,b,c */
134: PetscErrorCode (*irkcreate)(PetscInt, PetscScalar **, PetscScalar **, PetscReal **);
135: PetscCall(PetscFunctionListFind(IRKList, irktype, &irkcreate));
136: PetscCall((*irkcreate)(nstages, &A, &b, &c));
137: }
138: { /* Invert A */
139: /* PETSc does not provide a routine to calculate the inverse of a general matrix.
140: * To get the inverse of A, we form a sequential BAIJ matrix from it, consisting of a single block with block size
141: * equal to the dimension of A, and then use MatInvertBlockDiagonal(). */
142: Mat A_baij;
143: PetscInt idxm[1] = {0}, idxn[1] = {0};
144: const PetscScalar *A_inv;
145: PetscCall(MatCreateSeqBAIJ(PETSC_COMM_SELF, nstages, nstages, nstages, 1, NULL, &A_baij));
146: PetscCall(MatSetOption(A_baij, MAT_ROW_ORIENTED, PETSC_FALSE));
147: PetscCall(MatSetValuesBlocked(A_baij, 1, idxm, 1, idxn, A, INSERT_VALUES));
148: PetscCall(MatAssemblyBegin(A_baij, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY));
149: PetscCall(MatAssemblyEnd(A_baij, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY));
150: PetscCall(MatInvertBlockDiagonal(A_baij, &A_inv));
151: PetscCall(PetscMemcpy(A, A_inv, nstages * nstages * sizeof(PetscScalar)));
152: PetscCall(MatDestroy(&A_baij));
153: }
154: /* Scale (1/dt)*A^{-1} and (1/dt)*b */
155: for (s = 0; s < nstages * nstages; s++) A[s] *= 1.0 / ctxt.dt;
156: for (s = 0; s < nstages; s++) b[s] *= (-ctxt.dt);
158: /* Compute row sums At and identity B */
159: PetscCall(PetscMalloc2(nstages, &At, PetscSqr(nstages), &B));
160: for (s = 0; s < nstages; s++) {
161: At[s] = 0;
162: for (t = 0; t < nstages; t++) {
163: At[s] += A[s + nstages * t]; /* Row sums of */
164: B[s + nstages * t] = 1. * (s == t); /* identity */
165: }
166: }
168: /* allocate and calculate the (-J) matrix */
169: switch (ctxt.physics_type) {
172: PetscCall(Assemble_AdvDiff(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &ctxt, &J));
173: }
174: PetscCall(MatCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &Identity));
175: PetscCall(MatSetType(Identity, MATAIJ));
176: PetscCall(MatGetOwnershipRange(J, &matis, &matie));
177: PetscCall(MatSetSizes(Identity, matie - matis, matie - matis, ctxt.imax, ctxt.imax));
178: PetscCall(MatSetUp(Identity));
179: for (i = matis; i < matie; i++) PetscCall(MatSetValues(Identity, 1, &i, 1, &i, &one, INSERT_VALUES));
180: PetscCall(MatAssemblyBegin(Identity, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY));
181: PetscCall(MatAssemblyEnd(Identity, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY));
183: /* Create the KAIJ matrix for solving the stages */
184: PetscCall(MatCreateKAIJ(J, nstages, nstages, A, B, &TA));
186: /* Create the KAIJ matrix for step completion */
187: PetscCall(MatCreateKAIJ(J, 1, nstages, NULL, b, &SC));
189: /* Create the KAIJ matrix to create the R for solving the stages */
190: PetscCall(MatCreateKAIJ(Identity, nstages, 1, NULL, At, &R));
192: /* Create and set options for KSP */
193: PetscCall(KSPCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &ksp));
194: PetscCall(KSPSetOperators(ksp, TA, TA));
195: PetscCall(KSPSetFromOptions(ksp));
197: /* Allocate work and right-hand-side vectors */
198: PetscCall(VecCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &z));
199: PetscCall(VecSetFromOptions(z));
200: PetscCall(VecSetSizes(z, PETSC_DECIDE, ctxt.imax * nstages));
201: PetscCall(VecDuplicate(z, &rhs));
203: PetscCall(VecGetOwnershipRange(u, &is, &ie));
204: PetscCall(PetscMalloc3(nstages, &ix, nstages, &zvals, ie - is, &ix2));
205: /* iterate in time */
206: for (n = 0, time = 0., total_its = 0; n < ctxt.niter; n++) {
207: PetscInt its;
209: /* compute and set the right-hand side */
210: PetscCall(MatMult(R, u, rhs));
212: /* Solve the system */
213: PetscCall(KSPSolve(ksp, rhs, z));
214: PetscCall(KSPGetIterationNumber(ksp, &its));
215: total_its += its;
217: /* Update the solution */
218: PetscCall(MatMultAdd(SC, z, u, u));
220: /* time step complete */
221: time += ctxt.dt;
222: }
223: PetscCall(PetscFree3(ix, ix2, zvals));
225: /* Deallocate work and right-hand-side vectors */
226: PetscCall(VecDestroy(&z));
227: PetscCall(VecDestroy(&rhs));
229: /* Calculate error in final solution */
230: PetscCall(VecAYPX(uex, -1.0, u));
231: PetscCall(VecNorm(uex, NORM_2, &err));
232: err = PetscSqrtReal(err * err / ((PetscReal)ctxt.imax));
233: PetscCall(PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "L2 norm of the numerical error = %g (time=%g)\n", (double)err, (double)time));
234: PetscCall(PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "Number of time steps: %" PetscInt_FMT " (%" PetscInt_FMT " Krylov iterations)\n", ctxt.niter, total_its));
236: /* Free up memory */
237: PetscCall(KSPDestroy(&ksp));
238: PetscCall(MatDestroy(&TA));
239: PetscCall(MatDestroy(&SC));
240: PetscCall(MatDestroy(&R));
241: PetscCall(MatDestroy(&J));
242: PetscCall(MatDestroy(&Identity));
243: PetscCall(PetscFree3(A, b, c));
244: PetscCall(PetscFree2(At, B));
245: PetscCall(VecDestroy(&uex));
246: PetscCall(VecDestroy(&u));
247: PetscCall(PetscFunctionListDestroy(&IRKList));
249: PetscCall(PetscFinalize());
250: return 0;
251: }
253: PetscErrorCode ExactSolution(Vec u, void *c, PetscReal t)
254: {
255: UserContext *ctxt = (UserContext *)c;
256: PetscInt i, is, ie;
257: PetscScalar *uarr;
258: PetscReal x, dx, a = ctxt->a, pi = PETSC_PI;
260: PetscFunctionBegin;
261: dx = (ctxt->xmax - ctxt->xmin) / ((PetscReal)ctxt->imax);
262: PetscCall(VecGetOwnershipRange(u, &is, &ie));
263: PetscCall(VecGetArray(u, &uarr));
264: for (i = is; i < ie; i++) {
265: x = i * dx;
266: switch (ctxt->physics_type) {
268: uarr[i - is] = PetscExpScalar(-4.0 * pi * pi * a * t) * PetscSinScalar(2 * pi * x);
269: break;
271: uarr[i - is] = PetscSinScalar(2 * pi * (x - a * t));
272: break;
273: default:
274: SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_SUP, "No support for physics type %s", PhysicsTypes[ctxt->physics_type]);
275: }
276: }
277: PetscCall(VecRestoreArray(u, &uarr));
278: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
279: }
281: /* Arrays should be freed with PetscFree3(A,b,c) */
282: static PetscErrorCode RKCreate_Gauss(PetscInt nstages, PetscScalar **gauss_A, PetscScalar **gauss_b, PetscReal **gauss_c)
283: {
284: PetscScalar *A, *G0, *G1;
285: PetscReal *b, *c;
286: PetscInt i, j;
287: Mat G0mat, G1mat, Amat;
289: PetscFunctionBegin;
290: PetscCall(PetscMalloc3(PetscSqr(nstages), &A, nstages, gauss_b, nstages, &c));
291: PetscCall(PetscMalloc3(nstages, &b, PetscSqr(nstages), &G0, PetscSqr(nstages), &G1));
292: PetscCall(PetscDTGaussQuadrature(nstages, 0., 1., c, b));
293: for (i = 0; i < nstages; i++) (*gauss_b)[i] = b[i]; /* copy to possibly-complex array */
295: /* A^T = G0^{-1} G1 */
296: for (i = 0; i < nstages; i++) {
297: for (j = 0; j < nstages; j++) {
298: G0[i * nstages + j] = PetscPowRealInt(c[i], j);
299: G1[i * nstages + j] = PetscPowRealInt(c[i], j + 1) / (j + 1);
300: }
301: }
302: /* The arrays above are row-aligned, but we create dense matrices as the transpose */
303: PetscCall(MatCreateSeqDense(PETSC_COMM_SELF, nstages, nstages, G0, &G0mat));
304: PetscCall(MatCreateSeqDense(PETSC_COMM_SELF, nstages, nstages, G1, &G1mat));
305: PetscCall(MatCreateSeqDense(PETSC_COMM_SELF, nstages, nstages, A, &Amat));
306: PetscCall(MatLUFactor(G0mat, NULL, NULL, NULL));
307: PetscCall(MatMatSolve(G0mat, G1mat, Amat));
308: PetscCall(MatTranspose(Amat, MAT_INPLACE_MATRIX, &Amat));
310: PetscCall(MatDestroy(&G0mat));
311: PetscCall(MatDestroy(&G1mat));
312: PetscCall(MatDestroy(&Amat));
313: PetscCall(PetscFree3(b, G0, G1));
314: *gauss_A = A;
315: *gauss_c = c;
316: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
317: }
319: static PetscErrorCode Assemble_AdvDiff(MPI_Comm comm, UserContext *user, Mat *J)
320: {
321: PetscInt matis, matie, i;
322: PetscReal dx, dx2;
324: PetscFunctionBegin;
325: dx = (user->xmax - user->xmin) / ((PetscReal)user->imax);
326: dx2 = dx * dx;
327: PetscCall(MatCreate(comm, J));
328: PetscCall(MatSetType(*J, MATAIJ));
329: PetscCall(MatSetSizes(*J, PETSC_DECIDE, PETSC_DECIDE, user->imax, user->imax));
330: PetscCall(MatSetUp(*J));
331: PetscCall(MatGetOwnershipRange(*J, &matis, &matie));
332: for (i = matis; i < matie; i++) {
333: PetscScalar values[3];
334: PetscInt col[3];
335: switch (user->physics_type) {
337: values[0] = -user->a * 1.0 / dx2;
338: values[1] = user->a * 2.0 / dx2;
339: values[2] = -user->a * 1.0 / dx2;
340: break;
342: values[0] = -user->a * .5 / dx;
343: values[1] = 0.;
344: values[2] = user->a * .5 / dx;
345: break;
346: default:
347: SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_SUP, "No support for physics type %s", PhysicsTypes[user->physics_type]);
348: }
349: /* periodic boundaries */
350: if (i == 0) {
351: col[0] = user->imax - 1;
352: col[1] = i;
353: col[2] = i + 1;
354: } else if (i == user->imax - 1) {
355: col[0] = i - 1;
356: col[1] = i;
357: col[2] = 0;
358: } else {
359: col[0] = i - 1;
360: col[1] = i;
361: col[2] = i + 1;
362: }
363: PetscCall(MatSetValues(*J, 1, &i, 3, col, values, INSERT_VALUES));
364: }
365: PetscCall(MatAssemblyBegin(*J, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY));
366: PetscCall(MatAssemblyEnd(*J, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY));
367: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
368: }
370: /*TEST
371: testset:
372: args: -a 0.1 -dt .125 -niter 5 -imax 40 -ksp_monitor_short -pc_type pbjacobi -irk_type gauss -irk_nstages 2
373: test:
374: suffix: 1
375: requires: !single
376: args: -ksp_atol 1e-6 -vec_mdot_use_gemv {{0 1}} -vec_maxpy_use_gemv {{0 1}}
377: test:
378: requires: hpddm !single
379: suffix: hpddm
380: output_file: output/ex74_1.out
381: args: -ksp_atol 1e-6 -ksp_type hpddm
382: test:
383: requires: hpddm
384: suffix: hpddm_gcrodr
385: output_file: output/ex74_1_hpddm.out
386: args: -ksp_atol 1e-4 -ksp_view_final_residual -ksp_type hpddm -ksp_hpddm_type gcrodr -ksp_hpddm_recycle 2
387: test:
388: suffix: 2
389: args: -a 0.1 -dt .125 -niter 5 -imax 40 -ksp_monitor_short -pc_type pbjacobi -ksp_atol 1e-6 -irk_type gauss -irk_nstages 4 -ksp_gmres_restart 100
390: testset:
391: suffix: 3
392: requires: !single
393: args: -a 1 -dt .33 -niter 3 -imax 40 -ksp_monitor_short -pc_type pbjacobi -ksp_atol 1e-6 -irk_type gauss -irk_nstages 4 -ksp_gmres_restart 100 -physics_type advection
394: test:
395: args: -vec_mdot_use_gemv {{0 1}} -vec_maxpy_use_gemv {{0 1}}
396: test:
397: requires: hpddm
398: suffix: hpddm
399: output_file: output/ex74_3.out
400: args: -ksp_type hpddm
401: test:
402: requires: hpddm
403: suffix: hpddm_gcrodr
404: output_file: output/ex74_3_hpddm.out
405: args: -ksp_view_final_residual -ksp_type hpddm -ksp_hpddm_type gcrodr -ksp_hpddm_recycle 5
407: TEST*/