Actual source code: strumpack.c

  1: #include <../src/mat/impls/aij/seq/aij.h>
  2: #include <../src/mat/impls/aij/mpi/mpiaij.h>
  3: #include <StrumpackSparseSolver.h>

  5: static PetscErrorCode MatGetDiagonal_STRUMPACK(Mat A, Vec v)
  6: {
  7:   PetscFunctionBegin;
  8:   SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)A), PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Mat type: STRUMPACK factor");
  9:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 10: }

 12: static PetscErrorCode MatDestroy_STRUMPACK(Mat A)
 13: {
 14:   STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *S = (STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *)A->data;

 16:   PetscFunctionBegin;
 17:   /* Deallocate STRUMPACK storage */
 18:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_destroy", STRUMPACK_destroy(S));
 19:   PetscCall(PetscFree(A->data));

 21:   /* clear composed functions */
 22:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)A, "MatFactorGetSolverType_C", NULL));
 23:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)A, "MatSTRUMPACKSetReordering_C", NULL));
 24:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)A, "MatSTRUMPACKGetReordering_C", NULL));
 25:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)A, "MatSTRUMPACKSetColPerm_C", NULL));
 26:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)A, "MatSTRUMPACKGetColPerm_C", NULL));
 27:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)A, "MatSTRUMPACKSetGeometricNxyz_C", NULL));
 28:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)A, "MatSTRUMPACKSetGeometricComponents_C", NULL));
 29:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)A, "MatSTRUMPACKSetGeometricWidth_C", NULL));
 30:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)A, "MatSTRUMPACKSetGPU_C", NULL));
 31:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)A, "MatSTRUMPACKGetGPU_C", NULL));
 32:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)A, "MatSTRUMPACKSetCompression_C", NULL));
 33:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)A, "MatSTRUMPACKGetCompression_C", NULL));
 34:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)A, "MatSTRUMPACKSetCompRelTol_C", NULL));
 35:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)A, "MatSTRUMPACKGetCompRelTol_C", NULL));
 36:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)A, "MatSTRUMPACKSetCompAbsTol_C", NULL));
 37:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)A, "MatSTRUMPACKGetCompAbsTol_C", NULL));
 38:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)A, "MatSTRUMPACKSetCompMaxRank_C", NULL));
 39:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)A, "MatSTRUMPACKGetCompMaxRank_C", NULL));
 40:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)A, "MatSTRUMPACKSetCompLeafSize_C", NULL));
 41:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)A, "MatSTRUMPACKGetCompLeafSize_C", NULL));
 42:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)A, "MatSTRUMPACKSetCompMinSepSize_C", NULL));
 43:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)A, "MatSTRUMPACKGetCompMinSepSize_C", NULL));
 44:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)A, "MatSTRUMPACKSetCompLossyPrecision_C", NULL));
 45:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)A, "MatSTRUMPACKGetCompLossyPrecision_C", NULL));
 46:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)A, "MatSTRUMPACKSetCompButterflyLevels_C", NULL));
 47:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)A, "MatSTRUMPACKGetCompButterflyLevels_C", NULL));
 48:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 49: }

 51: static PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKSetReordering_STRUMPACK(Mat F, MatSTRUMPACKReordering reordering)
 52: {
 53:   STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *S = (STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *)F->data;

 55:   PetscFunctionBegin;
 56:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_set_reordering_method", STRUMPACK_set_reordering_method(*S, (STRUMPACK_REORDERING_STRATEGY)reordering));
 57:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 58: }
 59: static PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKGetReordering_STRUMPACK(Mat F, MatSTRUMPACKReordering *reordering)
 60: {
 61:   STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *S = (STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *)F->data;

 63:   PetscFunctionBegin;
 64:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_reordering_method", *reordering = (MatSTRUMPACKReordering)STRUMPACK_reordering_method(*S));
 65:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 66: }

 68: /*@
 69:   MatSTRUMPACKSetReordering - Set STRUMPACK <> fill-reducing reordering

 71:   Logically Collective

 73:   Input Parameters:
 74: + F          - the factored matrix obtained by calling `MatGetFactor()` from PETSc-STRUMPACK interface
 75: - reordering - the code to be used to find the fill-reducing reordering

 77:   Options Database Key:
 78: . -mat_strumpack_reordering <METIS> - Sparsity reducing matrix reordering, see `MatSTRUMPACKReordering`

 80:   Level: intermediate

 82: .seealso: `MATSOLVERSTRUMPACK`, [](ch_matrices), `Mat`, `MatSTRUMPACKReordering`, `MatGetFactor()`, `MatSTRUMPACKSetColPerm()`, `MatSTRUMPACKGetReordering()`
 83: @*/
 84: PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKSetReordering(Mat F, MatSTRUMPACKReordering reordering)
 85: {
 86:   PetscFunctionBegin;
 89:   PetscTryMethod(F, "MatSTRUMPACKSetReordering_C", (Mat, MatSTRUMPACKReordering), (F, reordering));
 90:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 91: }
 92: /*@
 93:   MatSTRUMPACKGetReordering - Get STRUMPACK <> fill-reducing reordering

 95:   Logically Collective

 97:   Input Parameters:
 98: . F - the factored matrix obtained by calling `MatGetFactor()` from PETSc-STRUMPACK interface

100:   Output Parameter:
101: . reordering - the code to be used to find the fill-reducing reordering

103:   Level: intermediate

105: .seealso: `MATSOLVERSTRUMPACK`, [](ch_matrices), `Mat`, `MatSTRUMPACKReordering`, `MatGetFactor()`, `MatSTRUMPACKSetReordering()`, `MatSTRUMPACKSetColPerm()`
106: @*/
107: PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKGetReordering(Mat F, MatSTRUMPACKReordering *reordering)
108: {
109:   PetscFunctionBegin;
111:   PetscTryMethod(F, "MatSTRUMPACKGetReordering_C", (Mat, MatSTRUMPACKReordering *), (F, reordering));
113:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
114: }

116: static PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKSetColPerm_STRUMPACK(Mat F, PetscBool cperm)
117: {
118:   STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *S = (STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *)F->data;

120:   PetscFunctionBegin;
122:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
123: }
124: static PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKGetColPerm_STRUMPACK(Mat F, PetscBool *cperm)
125: {
126:   STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *S = (STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *)F->data;

128:   PetscFunctionBegin;
129:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_matching", *cperm = (PetscBool)(STRUMPACK_matching(*S) != STRUMPACK_MATCHING_NONE));
130:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
131: }

133: /*@
134:   MatSTRUMPACKSetColPerm - Set whether STRUMPACK <>
135:   should try to permute the columns of the matrix in order to get a nonzero diagonal

137:   Logically Collective

139:   Input Parameters:
140: + F     - the factored matrix obtained by calling `MatGetFactor()`
141: - cperm - `PETSC_TRUE` to permute (internally) the columns of the matrix

143:   Options Database Key:
144: . -mat_strumpack_colperm <cperm> - true to use the permutation

146:   Level: intermediate

148: .seealso: `MATSOLVERSTRUMPACK`, [](ch_matrices), `MatSTRUMPACKSetReordering()`, `Mat`, `MatGetFactor()`, `MatSTRUMPACKGetColPerm()`
149: @*/
150: PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKSetColPerm(Mat F, PetscBool cperm)
151: {
152:   PetscFunctionBegin;
155:   PetscTryMethod(F, "MatSTRUMPACKSetColPerm_C", (Mat, PetscBool), (F, cperm));
156:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
157: }
158: /*@
159:   MatSTRUMPACKGetColPerm - Get whether STRUMPACK <>
160:   will try to permute the columns of the matrix in order to get a nonzero diagonal

162:   Logically Collective

164:   Input Parameters:
165: . F - the factored matrix obtained by calling `MatGetFactor()`

167:   Output Parameter:
168: . cperm - Indicates whether STRUMPACK will permute columns

170:   Level: intermediate

172: .seealso: `MATSOLVERSTRUMPACK`, [](ch_matrices), `MatSTRUMPACKSetReordering()`, `Mat`, `MatGetFactor()`, `MatSTRUMPACKSetColPerm()`
173: @*/
174: PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKGetColPerm(Mat F, PetscBool *cperm)
175: {
176:   PetscFunctionBegin;
178:   PetscTryMethod(F, "MatSTRUMPACKGetColPerm_C", (Mat, PetscBool *), (F, cperm));
180:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
181: }

183: static PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKSetGPU_STRUMPACK(Mat F, PetscBool gpu)
184: {
185:   STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *S = (STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *)F->data;

187:   PetscFunctionBegin;
188:   if (gpu) {
189: #if !(defined(STRUMPACK_USE_CUDA) || defined(STRUMPACK_USE_HIP) || defined(STRUMPACK_USE_SYCL))
190:     PetscCall(PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF, "  Warning: strumpack was not configured with GPU support\n"));
191: #endif
192:     PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_enable_gpu", STRUMPACK_enable_gpu(*S));
193:   } else PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_disable_gpu", STRUMPACK_disable_gpu(*S));
194:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
195: }
196: static PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKGetGPU_STRUMPACK(Mat F, PetscBool *gpu)
197: {
198:   STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *S = (STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *)F->data;

200:   PetscFunctionBegin;
201:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_use_gpu", *gpu = (PetscBool)STRUMPACK_use_gpu(*S));
202:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
203: }

205: /*@
206:   MatSTRUMPACKSetGPU - Set whether STRUMPACK <>
207:   should enable GPU acceleration (not supported for all compression types)

209:   Logically Collective

211:   Input Parameters:
212: + F   - the factored matrix obtained by calling `MatGetFactor()` from PETSc-STRUMPACK interface
213: - gpu - whether or not to use GPU acceleration

215:   Options Database Key:
216: . -mat_strumpack_gpu <gpu> - true to use gpu offload

218:   Level: intermediate

220: .seealso: `MATSOLVERSTRUMPACK`, `MatGetFactor()`, `MatSTRUMPACKGetGPU()`
221: @*/
222: PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKSetGPU(Mat F, PetscBool gpu)
223: {
224:   PetscFunctionBegin;
227:   PetscTryMethod(F, "MatSTRUMPACKSetGPU_C", (Mat, PetscBool), (F, gpu));
228:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
229: }
230: /*@
231:   MatSTRUMPACKGetGPU - Get whether STRUMPACK <>
232:   will try to use GPU acceleration (not supported for all compression types)

234:   Logically Collective

236:   Input Parameters:
237: . F - the factored matrix obtained by calling `MatGetFactor()` from PETSc-STRUMPACK interface

239:   Output Parameter:
240: . gpu - whether or not STRUMPACK will try to use GPU acceleration

242:   Level: intermediate

244: .seealso: `MATSOLVERSTRUMPACK`, `MatGetFactor()`, `MatSTRUMPACKSetGPU()`
245: @*/
246: PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKGetGPU(Mat F, PetscBool *gpu)
247: {
248:   PetscFunctionBegin;
250:   PetscTryMethod(F, "MatSTRUMPACKGetGPU_C", (Mat, PetscBool *), (F, gpu));
252:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
253: }

255: static PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKSetCompression_STRUMPACK(Mat F, MatSTRUMPACKCompressionType comp)
256: {
257:   STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *S = (STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *)F->data;

259:   PetscFunctionBegin;
260: #if !defined(STRUMPACK_USE_BPACK)
261:   PetscCheck(comp != MAT_STRUMPACK_COMPRESSION_TYPE_HODLR && comp != MAT_STRUMPACK_COMPRESSION_TYPE_BLR_HODLR && comp != MAT_STRUMPACK_COMPRESSION_TYPE_ZFP_BLR_HODLR, PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)F), PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Compression scheme requires ButterflyPACK, please reconfigure with --download-butterflypack");
262: #endif
263: #if !defined(STRUMPACK_USE_ZFP)
264:   PetscCheck(comp != MAT_STRUMPACK_COMPRESSION_TYPE_ZFP_BLR_HODLR && comp != MAT_STRUMPACK_COMPRESSION_TYPE_LOSSLESS && comp != MAT_STRUMPACK_COMPRESSION_TYPE_LOSSY, PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)F), PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Compression scheme requires ZFP, please reconfigure with --download-zfp");
265: #endif
266:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_set_compression", STRUMPACK_set_compression(*S, (STRUMPACK_COMPRESSION_TYPE)comp));
267:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
268: }
269: static PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKGetCompression_STRUMPACK(Mat F, MatSTRUMPACKCompressionType *comp)
270: {
271:   STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *S = (STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *)F->data;

273:   PetscFunctionBegin;
274:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_compression", *comp = (MatSTRUMPACKCompressionType)STRUMPACK_compression(*S));
275:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
276: }

278: /*@
279:   MatSTRUMPACKSetCompression - Set STRUMPACK <> compression type

281:   Input Parameters:
282: + F    - the factored matrix obtained by calling `MatGetFactor()` from PETSc-STRUMPACK interface
283: - comp - Type of compression to be used in the approximate sparse factorization

285:   Options Database Key:
286: . -mat_strumpack_compression <NONE> - Type of rank-structured compression in sparse LU factors (choose one of) NONE HSS BLR HODLR BLR_HODLR ZFP_BLR_HODLR LOSSLESS LOSSY

288:   Level: intermediate

290:   Note:
291:   Default for `comp` is `MAT_STRUMPACK_COMPRESSION_TYPE_NONE` for `-pc_type lu` and `MAT_STRUMPACK_COMPRESSION_TYPE_BLR`
292:   for `-pc_type ilu`

294: .seealso: `MATSOLVERSTRUMPACK`, `MatGetFactor()`, `MatSTRUMPACKCompressionType`, `MatSTRUMPACKGetCompression()`
295: @*/
296: PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKSetCompression(Mat F, MatSTRUMPACKCompressionType comp)
297: {
298:   PetscFunctionBegin;
301:   PetscTryMethod(F, "MatSTRUMPACKSetCompression_C", (Mat, MatSTRUMPACKCompressionType), (F, comp));
302:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
303: }
304: /*@
305:   MatSTRUMPACKGetCompression - Get STRUMPACK <> compression type

307:   Input Parameters:
308: . F - the factored matrix obtained by calling `MatGetFactor()` from PETSc-STRUMPACK interface

310:   Output Parameter:
311: . comp - Type of compression to be used in the approximate sparse factorization

313:   Level: intermediate

315:   Note:
316:   Default is `MAT_STRUMPACK_COMPRESSION_TYPE_NONE` for `-pc_type lu` and `MAT_STRUMPACK_COMPRESSION_TYPE_BLR` for `-pc_type ilu`

318: .seealso: `MATSOLVERSTRUMPACK`, `MatGetFactor()`, `MatSTRUMPACKCompressionType`, `MatSTRUMPACKSetCompression()`
319: @*/
320: PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKGetCompression(Mat F, MatSTRUMPACKCompressionType *comp)
321: {
322:   PetscFunctionBegin;
324:   PetscTryMethod(F, "MatSTRUMPACKGetCompression_C", (Mat, MatSTRUMPACKCompressionType *), (F, comp));
326:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
327: }

329: static PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKSetCompRelTol_STRUMPACK(Mat F, PetscReal rtol)
330: {
331:   STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *S = (STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *)F->data;

333:   PetscFunctionBegin;
334:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_set_compression_rel_tol", STRUMPACK_set_compression_rel_tol(*S, rtol));
335:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
336: }
337: static PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKGetCompRelTol_STRUMPACK(Mat F, PetscReal *rtol)
338: {
339:   STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *S = (STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *)F->data;

341:   PetscFunctionBegin;
342:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_compression_rel_tol", *rtol = (PetscReal)STRUMPACK_compression_rel_tol(*S));
343:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
344: }

346: /*@
347:   MatSTRUMPACKSetCompRelTol - Set STRUMPACK <> relative tolerance for compression

349:   Logically Collective

351:   Input Parameters:
352: + F    - the factored matrix obtained by calling `MatGetFactor()`
353: - rtol - relative compression tolerance

355:   Options Database Key:
356: . -mat_strumpack_compression_rel_tol <1e-4> - Relative compression tolerance, when using `-pctype ilu`

358:   Level: intermediate

360: .seealso: `MATSOLVERSTRUMPACK`, [](ch_matrices), `Mat`, `MatGetFactor()`, `MatSTRUMPACKGetCompRelTol()`, `MatSTRUMPACKSetReordering()`, `MatSTRUMPACKSetColPerm()`
361: @*/
362: PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKSetCompRelTol(Mat F, PetscReal rtol)
363: {
364:   PetscFunctionBegin;
367:   PetscTryMethod(F, "MatSTRUMPACKSetCompRelTol_C", (Mat, PetscReal), (F, rtol));
368:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
369: }
370: /*@
371:   MatSTRUMPACKGetCompRelTol - Get STRUMPACK <> relative tolerance for compression

373:   Logically Collective

375:   Input Parameters:
376: . F - the factored matrix obtained by calling `MatGetFactor()`

378:   Output Parameter:
379: . rtol - relative compression tolerance

381:   Level: intermediate

383: .seealso: `MATSOLVERSTRUMPACK`, [](ch_matrices), `Mat`, `MatGetFactor()`, `MatSTRUMPACKSetCompRelTol()`, `MatSTRUMPACKSetReordering()`, `MatSTRUMPACKSetColPerm()`
384: @*/
385: PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKGetCompRelTol(Mat F, PetscReal *rtol)
386: {
387:   PetscFunctionBegin;
389:   PetscTryMethod(F, "MatSTRUMPACKGetCompRelTol_C", (Mat, PetscReal *), (F, rtol));
391:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
392: }

394: static PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKSetCompAbsTol_STRUMPACK(Mat F, PetscReal atol)
395: {
396:   STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *S = (STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *)F->data;

398:   PetscFunctionBegin;
399:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_set_compression_abs_tol", STRUMPACK_set_compression_abs_tol(*S, atol));
400:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
401: }
402: static PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKGetCompAbsTol_STRUMPACK(Mat F, PetscReal *atol)
403: {
404:   STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *S = (STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *)F->data;

406:   PetscFunctionBegin;
407:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_compression_abs_tol", *atol = (PetscReal)STRUMPACK_compression_abs_tol(*S));
408:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
409: }

411: /*@
412:   MatSTRUMPACKSetCompAbsTol - Set STRUMPACK <> absolute tolerance for compression

414:   Logically Collective

416:   Input Parameters:
417: + F    - the factored matrix obtained by calling `MatGetFactor()`
418: - atol - absolute compression tolerance

420:   Options Database Key:
421: . -mat_strumpack_compression_abs_tol <1e-10> - Absolute compression tolerance, when using `-pctype ilu`

423:   Level: intermediate

425: .seealso: `MATSOLVERSTRUMPACK`, [](ch_matrices), `Mat`, `MatGetFactor()`, `MatSTRUMPACKGetCompAbsTol()`, `MatSTRUMPACKSetReordering()`, `MatSTRUMPACKSetColPerm()`
426: @*/
427: PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKSetCompAbsTol(Mat F, PetscReal atol)
428: {
429:   PetscFunctionBegin;
432:   PetscTryMethod(F, "MatSTRUMPACKSetCompAbsTol_C", (Mat, PetscReal), (F, atol));
433:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
434: }
435: /*@
436:   MatSTRUMPACKGetCompAbsTol - Get STRUMPACK <> absolute tolerance for compression

438:   Logically Collective

440:   Input Parameters:
441: . F - the factored matrix obtained by calling `MatGetFactor()`

443:   Output Parameter:
444: . atol - absolute compression tolerance

446:   Level: intermediate

448: .seealso: `MATSOLVERSTRUMPACK`, [](ch_matrices), `Mat`, `MatGetFactor()`, `MatSTRUMPACKSetCompAbsTol()`, `MatSTRUMPACKSetReordering()`, `MatSTRUMPACKSetColPerm()`
449: @*/
450: PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKGetCompAbsTol(Mat F, PetscReal *atol)
451: {
452:   PetscFunctionBegin;
454:   PetscTryMethod(F, "MatSTRUMPACKGetCompAbsTol_C", (Mat, PetscReal *), (F, atol));
456:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
457: }

459: static PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKSetCompLeafSize_STRUMPACK(Mat F, PetscInt leaf_size)
460: {
461:   STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *S = (STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *)F->data;

463:   PetscFunctionBegin;
464:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_set_compression_leaf_size", STRUMPACK_set_compression_leaf_size(*S, leaf_size));
465:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
466: }
467: static PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKGetCompLeafSize_STRUMPACK(Mat F, PetscInt *leaf_size)
468: {
469:   STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *S = (STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *)F->data;

471:   PetscFunctionBegin;
472:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_compression_leaf_size", *leaf_size = (PetscInt)STRUMPACK_compression_leaf_size(*S));
473:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
474: }

476: /*@
477:   MatSTRUMPACKSetCompLeafSize - Set STRUMPACK <> leaf size for HSS, BLR, HODLR...

479:   Logically Collective

481:   Input Parameters:
482: + F         - the factored matrix obtained by calling `MatGetFactor()` from PETSc-STRUMPACK interface
483: - leaf_size - Size of diagonal blocks in rank-structured approximation

485:   Options Database Key:
486: . -mat_strumpack_compression_leaf_size - Size of diagonal blocks in rank-structured approximation, when using `-pctype ilu`

488:   Level: intermediate

490: .seealso: `MATSOLVERSTRUMPACK`, [](ch_matrices), `Mat`, `MatGetFactor()`, `MatSTRUMPACKGetCompLeafSize()`, `MatSTRUMPACKSetReordering()`, `MatSTRUMPACKSetColPerm()`
491: @*/
492: PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKSetCompLeafSize(Mat F, PetscInt leaf_size)
493: {
494:   PetscFunctionBegin;
497:   PetscTryMethod(F, "MatSTRUMPACKSetCompLeafSize_C", (Mat, PetscInt), (F, leaf_size));
498:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
499: }
500: /*@
501:   MatSTRUMPACKGetCompLeafSize - Get STRUMPACK <> leaf size for HSS, BLR, HODLR...

503:   Logically Collective

505:   Input Parameters:
506: . F - the factored matrix obtained by calling `MatGetFactor()` from PETSc-STRUMPACK interface

508:   Output Parameter:
509: . leaf_size - Size of diagonal blocks in rank-structured approximation

511:   Level: intermediate

513: .seealso: `MATSOLVERSTRUMPACK`, [](ch_matrices), `Mat`, `MatGetFactor()`, `MatSTRUMPACKSetCompLeafSize()`, `MatSTRUMPACKSetReordering()`, `MatSTRUMPACKSetColPerm()`
514: @*/
515: PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKGetCompLeafSize(Mat F, PetscInt *leaf_size)
516: {
517:   PetscFunctionBegin;
519:   PetscTryMethod(F, "MatSTRUMPACKGetCompLeafSize_C", (Mat, PetscInt *), (F, leaf_size));
521:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
522: }

524: static PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKSetGeometricNxyz_STRUMPACK(Mat F, PetscInt nx, PetscInt ny, PetscInt nz)
525: {
526:   STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *S = (STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *)F->data;

528:   PetscFunctionBegin;
529:   if (nx < 1) {
530:     PetscCheck(nx == PETSC_DECIDE || nx == PETSC_DEFAULT, PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)F), PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE, "nx < 1");
531:     nx = 1;
532:   }
533:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_set_nx", STRUMPACK_set_nx(*S, nx));
534:   if (ny < 1) {
535:     PetscCheck(ny == PETSC_DECIDE || ny == PETSC_DEFAULT, PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)F), PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE, "ny < 1");
536:     ny = 1;
537:   }
538:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_set_ny", STRUMPACK_set_ny(*S, ny));
539:   if (nz < 1) {
540:     PetscCheck(nz == PETSC_DECIDE || nz == PETSC_DEFAULT, PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)F), PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE, "nz < 1");
541:     nz = 1;
542:   }
543:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_set_nz", STRUMPACK_set_nz(*S, nz));
544:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
545: }
546: static PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKSetGeometricComponents_STRUMPACK(Mat F, PetscInt nc)
547: {
548:   STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *S = (STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *)F->data;

550:   PetscFunctionBegin;
551:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_set_components", STRUMPACK_set_components(*S, nc));
552:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
553: }
554: static PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKSetGeometricWidth_STRUMPACK(Mat F, PetscInt w)
555: {
556:   STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *S = (STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *)F->data;

558:   PetscFunctionBegin;
559:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_set_separator_width", STRUMPACK_set_separator_width(*S, w));
560:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
561: }

563: /*@
564:   MatSTRUMPACKSetGeometricNxyz - Set STRUMPACK <> mesh x, y and z dimensions, for use with GEOMETRIC ordering.

566:   Logically Collective

568:   Input Parameters:
569: + F  - the factored matrix obtained by calling `MatGetFactor()` from PETSc-STRUMPACK interface
570: . nx - x dimension of the mesh
571: . ny - y dimension of the mesh
572: - nz - z dimension of the mesh

574:   Level: intermediate

576:   Note:
577:   If the mesh is two (or one) dimensional one can use 1, `PETSC_DECIDE` or `PETSC_DEFAULT`
578:   for the missing z (and y) dimensions.

580: .seealso: `MATSOLVERSTRUMPACK`, `MatGetFactor()`
581: @*/
582: PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKSetGeometricNxyz(Mat F, PetscInt nx, PetscInt ny, PetscInt nz)
583: {
584:   PetscFunctionBegin;
589:   PetscTryMethod(F, "MatSTRUMPACKSetGeometricNxyz_C", (Mat, PetscInt, PetscInt, PetscInt), (F, nx, ny, nz));
590:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
591: }
592: /*@
593:   MatSTRUMPACKSetGeometricComponents - Set STRUMPACK <>
594:   number of degrees of freedom per mesh point, for use with GEOMETRIC ordering.

596:   Logically Collective

598:   Input Parameters:
599: + F  - the factored matrix obtained by calling `MatGetFactor()` from PETSc-STRUMPACK interface
600: - nc - Number of components/dof's per grid point

602:   Options Database Key:
603: . -mat_strumpack_geometric_components <1> - Number of components per mesh point, for geometric nested dissection ordering

605:   Level: intermediate

607: .seealso: `MATSOLVERSTRUMPACK`, `MatGetFactor()`
608: @*/
609: PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKSetGeometricComponents(Mat F, PetscInt nc)
610: {
611:   PetscFunctionBegin;
614:   PetscTryMethod(F, "MatSTRUMPACKSetGeometricComponents_C", (Mat, PetscInt), (F, nc));
615:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
616: }
617: /*@
618:   MatSTRUMPACKSetGeometricWidth - Set STRUMPACK <> width of the separator, for use with GEOMETRIC ordering.

620:   Logically Collective

622:   Input Parameters:
623: + F - the factored matrix obtained by calling `MatGetFactor()` from PETSc-STRUMPACK interface
624: - w - width of the separator

626:   Options Database Key:
627: . -mat_strumpack_geometric_width <1> - Width of the separator of the mesh, for geometric nested dissection ordering

629:   Level: intermediate

631: .seealso: `MATSOLVERSTRUMPACK`, `MatGetFactor()`
632: @*/
633: PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKSetGeometricWidth(Mat F, PetscInt w)
634: {
635:   PetscFunctionBegin;
638:   PetscTryMethod(F, "MatSTRUMPACKSetGeometricWidth_C", (Mat, PetscInt), (F, w));
639:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
640: }

642: static PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKSetCompMinSepSize_STRUMPACK(Mat F, PetscInt min_sep_size)
643: {
644:   STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *S = (STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *)F->data;

646:   PetscFunctionBegin;
647:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_set_compression_min_sep_size", STRUMPACK_set_compression_min_sep_size(*S, min_sep_size));
648:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
649: }
650: static PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKGetCompMinSepSize_STRUMPACK(Mat F, PetscInt *min_sep_size)
651: {
652:   STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *S = (STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *)F->data;

654:   PetscFunctionBegin;
655:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_compression_min_sep_size", *min_sep_size = (PetscInt)STRUMPACK_compression_min_sep_size(*S));
656:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
657: }

659: /*@
660:   MatSTRUMPACKSetCompMinSepSize - Set STRUMPACK <> minimum separator size for low-rank approximation

662:   Logically Collective

664:   Input Parameters:
665: + F            - the factored matrix obtained by calling `MatGetFactor()` from PETSc-STRUMPACK interface
666: - min_sep_size - minimum dense matrix size for low-rank approximation

668:   Options Database Key:
669: . -mat_strumpack_compression_min_sep_size <min_sep_size> - Minimum size of dense sub-block for low-rank compression

671:   Level: intermediate

673: .seealso: `MATSOLVERSTRUMPACK`, `MatGetFactor()`, `MatSTRUMPACKGetCompMinSepSize()`
674: @*/
675: PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKSetCompMinSepSize(Mat F, PetscInt min_sep_size)
676: {
677:   PetscFunctionBegin;
680:   PetscTryMethod(F, "MatSTRUMPACKSetCompMinSepSize_C", (Mat, PetscInt), (F, min_sep_size));
681:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
682: }
683: /*@
684:   MatSTRUMPACKGetCompMinSepSize - Get STRUMPACK <> minimum separator size for low-rank approximation

686:   Logically Collective

688:   Input Parameters:
689: . F - the factored matrix obtained by calling `MatGetFactor()` from PETSc-STRUMPACK interface

691:   Output Parameter:
692: . min_sep_size - minimum dense matrix size for low-rank approximation

694:   Level: intermediate

696: .seealso: `MATSOLVERSTRUMPACK`, `MatGetFactor()`, `MatSTRUMPACKSetCompMinSepSize()`
697: @*/
698: PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKGetCompMinSepSize(Mat F, PetscInt *min_sep_size)
699: {
700:   PetscFunctionBegin;
702:   PetscTryMethod(F, "MatSTRUMPACKGetCompMinSepSize_C", (Mat, PetscInt *), (F, min_sep_size));
704:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
705: }

707: static PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKSetCompLossyPrecision_STRUMPACK(Mat F, PetscInt lossy_prec)
708: {
709:   STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *S = (STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *)F->data;

711:   PetscFunctionBegin;
712:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_set_compression_lossy_precision", STRUMPACK_set_compression_lossy_precision(*S, lossy_prec));
713:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
714: }
715: static PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKGetCompLossyPrecision_STRUMPACK(Mat F, PetscInt *lossy_prec)
716: {
717:   STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *S = (STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *)F->data;

719:   PetscFunctionBegin;
720:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_compression_lossy_precision", *lossy_prec = (PetscInt)STRUMPACK_compression_lossy_precision(*S));
721:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
722: }

724: /*@
725:   MatSTRUMPACKSetCompLossyPrecision - Set STRUMPACK <> precision for lossy compression (requires ZFP support)

727:   Logically Collective

729:   Input Parameters:
730: + F          - the factored matrix obtained by calling `MatGetFactor()` from PETSc-STRUMPACK interface
731: - lossy_prec - Number of bitplanes to use in lossy compression

733:   Options Database Key:
734: . -mat_strumpack_compression_lossy_precision <lossy_prec> - Precision when using lossy compression [1-64], when using `-pctype ilu -mat_strumpack_compression MAT_STRUMPACK_COMPRESSION_TYPE_LOSSY`

736:   Level: intermediate

738: .seealso: `MATSOLVERSTRUMPACK`, `MatGetFactor()`, `MatSTRUMPACKGetCompLossyPrecision()`
739: @*/
740: PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKSetCompLossyPrecision(Mat F, PetscInt lossy_prec)
741: {
742:   PetscFunctionBegin;
745:   PetscTryMethod(F, "MatSTRUMPACKSetCompLossyPrecision_C", (Mat, PetscInt), (F, lossy_prec));
746:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
747: }
748: /*@
749:   MatSTRUMPACKGetCompLossyPrecision - Get STRUMPACK <> precision for lossy compression (requires ZFP support)

751:   Logically Collective

753:   Input Parameters:
754: . F - the factored matrix obtained by calling `MatGetFactor()` from PETSc-STRUMPACK interface

756:   Output Parameter:
757: . lossy_prec - Number of bitplanes to use in lossy compression

759:   Level: intermediate

761: .seealso: `MATSOLVERSTRUMPACK`, `MatGetFactor()`, `MatSTRUMPACKSetCompLossyPrecision()`
762: @*/
763: PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKGetCompLossyPrecision(Mat F, PetscInt *lossy_prec)
764: {
765:   PetscFunctionBegin;
767:   PetscTryMethod(F, "MatSTRUMPACKGetCompLossyPrecision_C", (Mat, PetscInt *), (F, lossy_prec));
769:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
770: }

772: static PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKSetCompButterflyLevels_STRUMPACK(Mat F, PetscInt bfly_lvls)
773: {
774:   STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *S = (STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *)F->data;

776:   PetscFunctionBegin;
777:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_set_compression_butterfly_levels", STRUMPACK_set_compression_butterfly_levels(*S, bfly_lvls));
778:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
779: }
780: static PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKGetCompButterflyLevels_STRUMPACK(Mat F, PetscInt *bfly_lvls)
781: {
782:   STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *S = (STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *)F->data;

784:   PetscFunctionBegin;
785:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_compression_butterfly_levels", *bfly_lvls = (PetscInt)STRUMPACK_compression_butterfly_levels(*S));
786:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
787: }

789: /*@
790:   MatSTRUMPACKSetCompButterflyLevels - Set STRUMPACK <>
791:   number of butterfly levels in HODLR compression (requires ButterflyPACK support)

793:   Logically Collective

795:   Input Parameters:
796: + F         - the factored matrix obtained by calling `MatGetFactor()` from PETSc-STRUMPACK interface
797: - bfly_lvls - Number of levels of butterfly compression in HODLR compression

799:   Options Database Key:
800: . -mat_strumpack_compression_butterfly_levels <bfly_lvls> - Number of levels in the hierarchically off-diagonal matrix for which to use butterfly,
801:                                                             when using `-pctype ilu`, (BLR_)HODLR compression

803:   Level: intermediate

805: .seealso: `MATSOLVERSTRUMPACK`, `MatGetFactor()`, `MatSTRUMPACKGetCompButterflyLevels()`
806: @*/
807: PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKSetCompButterflyLevels(Mat F, PetscInt bfly_lvls)
808: {
809:   PetscFunctionBegin;
812:   PetscTryMethod(F, "MatSTRUMPACKSetButterflyLevels_C", (Mat, PetscInt), (F, bfly_lvls));
813:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
814: }
815: /*@
816:   MatSTRUMPACKGetCompButterflyLevels - Get STRUMPACK <>
817:   number of butterfly levels in HODLR compression (requires ButterflyPACK support)

819:   Logically Collective

821:   Input Parameters:
822: . F - the factored matrix obtained by calling `MatGetFactor()` from PETSc-STRUMPACK interface

824:   Output Parameter:
825: . bfly_lvls - Number of levels of butterfly compression in HODLR compression

827:   Level: intermediate

829: .seealso: `MATSOLVERSTRUMPACK`, `MatGetFactor()`, `MatSTRUMPACKSetCompButterflyLevels()`
830: @*/
831: PetscErrorCode MatSTRUMPACKGetCompButterflyLevels(Mat F, PetscInt *bfly_lvls)
832: {
833:   PetscFunctionBegin;
835:   PetscTryMethod(F, "MatSTRUMPACKGetButterflyLevels_C", (Mat, PetscInt *), (F, bfly_lvls));
837:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
838: }

840: static PetscErrorCode MatSolve_STRUMPACK(Mat A, Vec b_mpi, Vec x)
841: {
842:   STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *S = (STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *)A->data;
843:   STRUMPACK_RETURN_CODE   sp_err;
844:   const PetscScalar      *bptr;
845:   PetscScalar            *xptr;

847:   PetscFunctionBegin;
848:   PetscCall(VecGetArray(x, &xptr));
849:   PetscCall(VecGetArrayRead(b_mpi, &bptr));

851:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_solve", sp_err = STRUMPACK_solve(*S, (PetscScalar *)bptr, xptr, 0));
852:   switch (sp_err) {
854:     break;
856:     SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_LIB, "STRUMPACK error: matrix was not set");
857:     break;
858:   }
860:     SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_LIB, "STRUMPACK error: matrix reordering failed");
861:     break;
862:   }
863:   default:
864:     SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_LIB, "STRUMPACK error: solve failed");
865:   }
866:   PetscCall(VecRestoreArray(x, &xptr));
867:   PetscCall(VecRestoreArrayRead(b_mpi, &bptr));
868:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
869: }

871: static PetscErrorCode MatMatSolve_STRUMPACK(Mat A, Mat B_mpi, Mat X)
872: {
873:   STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *S = (STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *)A->data;
874:   STRUMPACK_RETURN_CODE   sp_err;
875:   PetscBool               flg;
876:   PetscInt                m = A->rmap->n, nrhs;
877:   const PetscScalar      *bptr;
878:   PetscScalar            *xptr;

880:   PetscFunctionBegin;
881:   PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompareAny((PetscObject)B_mpi, &flg, MATSEQDENSE, MATMPIDENSE, NULL));
882:   PetscCheck(flg, PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)A), PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Matrix B must be MATDENSE matrix");
883:   PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompareAny((PetscObject)X, &flg, MATSEQDENSE, MATMPIDENSE, NULL));
884:   PetscCheck(flg, PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)A), PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Matrix X must be MATDENSE matrix");

886:   PetscCall(MatGetSize(B_mpi, NULL, &nrhs));
887:   PetscCall(MatDenseGetArray(X, &xptr));
888:   PetscCall(MatDenseGetArrayRead(B_mpi, &bptr));

890:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_matsolve", sp_err = STRUMPACK_matsolve(*S, nrhs, bptr, m, xptr, m, 0));
891:   switch (sp_err) {
893:     break;
895:     SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_LIB, "STRUMPACK error: matrix was not set");
896:     break;
897:   }
899:     SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_LIB, "STRUMPACK error: matrix reordering failed");
900:     break;
901:   }
902:   default:
903:     SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_LIB, "STRUMPACK error: solve failed");
904:   }
905:   PetscCall(MatDenseRestoreArrayRead(B_mpi, &bptr));
906:   PetscCall(MatDenseRestoreArray(X, &xptr));
907:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
908: }

910: static PetscErrorCode MatView_Info_STRUMPACK(Mat A, PetscViewer viewer)
911: {
912:   PetscFunctionBegin;
913:   /* check if matrix is strumpack type */
914:   if (A->ops->solve != MatSolve_STRUMPACK) PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
915:   PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer, "STRUMPACK sparse solver!\n"));
916:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
917: }

919: static PetscErrorCode MatView_STRUMPACK(Mat A, PetscViewer viewer)
920: {
921:   PetscBool         iascii;
922:   PetscViewerFormat format;

924:   PetscFunctionBegin;
925:   PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)viewer, PETSCVIEWERASCII, &iascii));
926:   if (iascii) {
927:     PetscCall(PetscViewerGetFormat(viewer, &format));
928:     if (format == PETSC_VIEWER_ASCII_INFO) PetscCall(MatView_Info_STRUMPACK(A, viewer));
929:   }
930:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
931: }

933: static PetscErrorCode MatLUFactorNumeric_STRUMPACK(Mat F, Mat A, const MatFactorInfo *info)
934: {
935:   STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *S = (STRUMPACK_SparseSolver *)F->data;
936:   STRUMPACK_RETURN_CODE   sp_err;
937:   Mat                     Aloc;
938:   const PetscScalar      *av;
939:   const PetscInt         *ai = NULL, *aj = NULL;
940:   PetscInt                M = A->rmap->N, m = A->rmap->n, dummy;
941:   PetscBool               ismpiaij, isseqaij, flg;

943:   PetscFunctionBegin;
944:   PetscCall(PetscObjectBaseTypeCompare((PetscObject)A, MATSEQAIJ, &isseqaij));
945:   PetscCall(PetscObjectBaseTypeCompare((PetscObject)A, MATMPIAIJ, &ismpiaij));
946:   if (ismpiaij) {
947:     PetscCall(MatMPIAIJGetLocalMat(A, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, &Aloc));
948:   } else if (isseqaij) {
949:     PetscCall(PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)A));
950:     Aloc = A;
951:   } else SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)A), PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Not for type %s", ((PetscObject)A)->type_name);

953:   PetscCall(MatGetRowIJ(Aloc, 0, PETSC_FALSE, PETSC_FALSE, &dummy, &ai, &aj, &flg));
954:   PetscCheck(flg, PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_SUP, "GetRowIJ failed");
955:   PetscCall(MatSeqAIJGetArrayRead(Aloc, &av));

957:   if (ismpiaij) {
958:     const PetscInt *dist = NULL;
959:     PetscCall(MatGetOwnershipRanges(A, &dist));
960:     PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_set_distributed_csr_matrix", STRUMPACK_set_distributed_csr_matrix(*S, &m, ai, aj, av, dist, 0));
961:   } else if (isseqaij) {
962:     PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_set_csr_matrix", STRUMPACK_set_csr_matrix(*S, &M, ai, aj, av, 0));
963:   }

965:   PetscCall(MatRestoreRowIJ(Aloc, 0, PETSC_FALSE, PETSC_FALSE, &dummy, &ai, &aj, &flg));
966:   PetscCheck(flg, PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_SUP, "RestoreRowIJ failed");
967:   PetscCall(MatSeqAIJRestoreArrayRead(Aloc, &av));
968:   PetscCall(MatDestroy(&Aloc));

970:   /* Reorder and Factor the matrix. */
971:   /* TODO figure out how to avoid reorder if the matrix values changed, but the pattern remains the same. */
972:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_reorder", sp_err = STRUMPACK_reorder(*S));
973:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_factor", sp_err = STRUMPACK_factor(*S));
974:   switch (sp_err) {
976:     break;
978:     SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_LIB, "STRUMPACK error: matrix was not set");
979:     break;
980:   }
982:     SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_LIB, "STRUMPACK error: matrix reordering failed");
983:     break;
984:   }
985:   default:
986:     SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_LIB, "STRUMPACK error: factorization failed");
987:   }
988:   F->assembled    = PETSC_TRUE;
989:   F->preallocated = PETSC_TRUE;
990:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
991: }

993: static PetscErrorCode MatLUFactorSymbolic_STRUMPACK(Mat F, Mat A, IS r, IS c, const MatFactorInfo *info)
994: {
995:   PetscFunctionBegin;
996:   F->ops->lufactornumeric = MatLUFactorNumeric_STRUMPACK;
997:   F->ops->solve           = MatSolve_STRUMPACK;
998:   F->ops->matsolve        = MatMatSolve_STRUMPACK;
999:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
1000: }

1002: static PetscErrorCode MatFactorGetSolverType_aij_strumpack(Mat A, MatSolverType *type)
1003: {
1004:   PetscFunctionBegin;
1006:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
1007: }

1009: /*MC
1010:   MATSOLVERSTRUMPACK = "strumpack" - A solver package providing a direct sparse solver (PCLU)
1011:   and a preconditioner (PCILU) using low-rank compression via the external package STRUMPACK <>.

1013:   Use `./configure --download-strumpack --download-metis` to have PETSc installed with STRUMPACK.

1015:   For full functionality, add `--download-slate --download-magma --download-parmetis --download-ptscotch --download-zfp --download-butterflypack`.
1016:   SLATE provides GPU support in the multi-GPU setting, providing ScaLAPACK functionality but with GPU acceleration.
1017:   MAGMA can optionally be used for on node GPU support instead cuBLAS/cuSOLVER, and performs slightly better.
1018:   ParMETIS and PTScotch can be used for parallel fill-reducing ordering.
1019:   ZFP is used for floating point compression of the sparse factors (LOSSY or LOSSLESS compression).
1020:   ButterflyPACK is used for HODLR (Hierarchically Off-Diagonal Low Rank) and HODBF (Hierarchically Off-Diagonal Butterfly) compression of the sparse factors.

1022:   Options Database Keys:
1023: + -mat_strumpack_verbose                      - Enable verbose output
1024: . -mat_strumpack_compression                  - Type of rank-structured compression in sparse LU factors (choose one of) NONE HSS BLR HODLR BLR_HODLR ZFP_BLR_HODLR LOSSLESS LOSSY
1025: . -mat_strumpack_compression_rel_tol          - Relative compression tolerance, when using `-pctype ilu`
1026: . -mat_strumpack_compression_abs_tol          - Absolute compression tolerance, when using `-pctype ilu`
1027: . -mat_strumpack_compression_min_sep_size     - Minimum size of separator for rank-structured compression, when using `-pctype ilu`
1028: . -mat_strumpack_compression_leaf_size        - Size of diagonal blocks in rank-structured approximation, when using `-pctype ilu`
1029: . -mat_strumpack_compression_lossy_precision  - Precision when using lossy compression [1-64], when using `-pctype ilu`, compression LOSSY (requires ZFP support)
1030: . -mat_strumpack_compression_butterfly_levels - Number of levels in the hierarchically off-diagonal matrix for which to use butterfly, when using `-pctype ilu`, (BLR_)HODLR compression (requires ButterflyPACK support)
1031: . -mat_strumpack_gpu                          - Enable GPU acceleration in numerical factorization (not supported for all compression types)
1032: . -mat_strumpack_colperm <TRUE>               - Permute matrix to make diagonal nonzeros
1033: . -mat_strumpack_reordering <METIS>           - Sparsity reducing matrix reordering (choose one of) NATURAL METIS PARMETIS SCOTCH PTSCOTCH RCM GEOMETRIC AMD MMD AND MLF SPECTRAL
1034: . -mat_strumpack_geometric_xyz <1,1,1>        - Mesh x,y,z dimensions, for use with GEOMETRIC ordering
1035: . -mat_strumpack_geometric_components <1>     - Number of components per mesh point, for geometric nested dissection ordering
1036: . -mat_strumpack_geometric_width <1>          - Width of the separator of the mesh, for geometric nested dissection ordering
1037: - -mat_strumpack_metis_nodeNDP                - Use METIS_NodeNDP instead of METIS_NodeND, for a more balanced tree

1039:  Level: beginner

1041:  Notes:
1042:  Recommended use is 1 MPI process per GPU.

1044:  Use `-pc_type lu` `-pc_factor_mat_solver_type strumpack` to use this as an exact (direct) solver.

1046:  Use `-pc_type ilu` `-pc_factor_mat_solver_type strumpack` to enable low-rank compression (i.e, use as a preconditioner), by default using block low rank (BLR).

1048:  Works with `MATAIJ` matrices

1050:  HODLR, BLR_HODBF and ZFP_BLR_HODLR compression require STRUMPACK to be configured with ButterflyPACK support (`--download-butterflypack`).

1052:  LOSSY, LOSSLESS and ZFP_BLR_HODLR compression require STRUMPACK to be configured with ZFP support (`--download-zfp`).

1054: .seealso: `MATSOLVERSTRUMPACK`, [](ch_matrices), `Mat`, `PCLU`, `PCILU`, `MATSOLVERSUPERLU_DIST`, `MATSOLVERMUMPS`, `PCFactorSetMatSolverType()`, `MatSolverType`,
1055:           `MatGetFactor()`, `MatSTRUMPACKSetReordering()`, `MatSTRUMPACKReordering`, `MatSTRUMPACKCompressionType`, `MatSTRUMPACKSetColPerm()`.
1056: M*/
1057: static PetscErrorCode MatGetFactor_aij_strumpack(Mat A, MatFactorType ftype, Mat *F)
1058: {
1059:   Mat       B;
1060:   PetscInt  M = A->rmap->N, N = A->cmap->N;
1061:   PetscBool verb, flg, set;
1062:   PetscReal ctol;
1063:   PetscInt  min_sep_size, leaf_size, nxyz[3], nrdims, nc, w;
1064: #if defined(STRUMPACK_USE_ZFP)
1065:   PetscInt lossy_prec;
1066: #endif
1067: #if defined(STRUMPACK_USE_BPACK)
1068:   PetscInt bfly_lvls;
1069: #endif
1071:   PetscMPIInt mpithreads;
1072: #endif
1073:   STRUMPACK_SparseSolver       *S;
1074:   STRUMPACK_INTERFACE           iface;
1075:   STRUMPACK_REORDERING_STRATEGY ndcurrent, ndvalue;
1076:   STRUMPACK_COMPRESSION_TYPE    compcurrent, compvalue;
1077:   const STRUMPACK_PRECISION     table[2][2][2] = {
1080:   };
1081:   const STRUMPACK_PRECISION prec               = table[(sizeof(PetscInt) == 8) ? 0 : 1][(PETSC_SCALAR == PETSC_COMPLEX) ? 0 : 1][(PETSC_REAL == PETSC_FLOAT) ? 0 : 1];
1082:   const char *const         STRUMPACKNDTypes[] = {"NATURAL", "METIS", "PARMETIS", "SCOTCH", "PTSCOTCH", "RCM", "GEOMETRIC", "AMD", "MMD", "AND", "MLF", "SPECTRAL", "STRUMPACKNDTypes", "", 0};
1083:   const char *const         CompTypes[]        = {"NONE", "HSS", "BLR", "HODLR", "BLR_HODLR", "ZFP_BLR_HODLR", "LOSSLESS", "LOSSY", "CompTypes", "", 0};

1085:   PetscFunctionBegin;
1087:   PetscCallMPI(MPI_Query_thread(&mpithreads));
1088:   PetscCheck(mpithreads == MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE, PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)A), PETSC_ERR_SUP_SYS, "SLATE requires MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE");
1089: #endif
1090:   /* Create the factorization matrix */
1091:   PetscCall(MatCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)A), &B));
1092:   PetscCall(MatSetSizes(B, A->rmap->n, A->cmap->n, M, N));
1093:   PetscCall(PetscStrallocpy("strumpack", &((PetscObject)B)->type_name));
1094:   PetscCall(MatSetUp(B));
1095:   PetscCall(MatSeqAIJSetPreallocation(B, 0, NULL));
1096:   PetscCall(MatMPIAIJSetPreallocation(B, 0, NULL, 0, NULL));
1097:   B->trivialsymbolic = PETSC_TRUE;
1098:   if (ftype == MAT_FACTOR_LU || ftype == MAT_FACTOR_ILU) {
1099:     B->ops->lufactorsymbolic  = MatLUFactorSymbolic_STRUMPACK;
1100:     B->ops->ilufactorsymbolic = MatLUFactorSymbolic_STRUMPACK;
1101:   } else SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Factor type not supported");
1102:   B->ops->getinfo     = MatGetInfo_External;
1103:   B->ops->view        = MatView_STRUMPACK;
1104:   B->ops->destroy     = MatDestroy_STRUMPACK;
1105:   B->ops->getdiagonal = MatGetDiagonal_STRUMPACK;
1106:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)B, "MatFactorGetSolverType_C", MatFactorGetSolverType_aij_strumpack));
1107:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)B, "MatSTRUMPACKSetReordering_C", MatSTRUMPACKSetReordering_STRUMPACK));
1108:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)B, "MatSTRUMPACKGetReordering_C", MatSTRUMPACKGetReordering_STRUMPACK));
1109:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)B, "MatSTRUMPACKSetColPerm_C", MatSTRUMPACKSetColPerm_STRUMPACK));
1110:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)B, "MatSTRUMPACKGetColPerm_C", MatSTRUMPACKGetColPerm_STRUMPACK));
1111:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)B, "MatSTRUMPACKSetGeometricNxyz_C", MatSTRUMPACKSetGeometricNxyz_STRUMPACK));
1112:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)B, "MatSTRUMPACKSetGeometricComponents_C", MatSTRUMPACKSetGeometricComponents_STRUMPACK));
1113:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)B, "MatSTRUMPACKSetGeometricWidth_C", MatSTRUMPACKSetGeometricWidth_STRUMPACK));
1114:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)B, "MatSTRUMPACKSetGPU_C", MatSTRUMPACKSetGPU_STRUMPACK));
1115:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)B, "MatSTRUMPACKGetGPU_C", MatSTRUMPACKGetGPU_STRUMPACK));
1116:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)B, "MatSTRUMPACKSetCompression_C", MatSTRUMPACKSetCompression_STRUMPACK));
1117:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)B, "MatSTRUMPACKGetCompression_C", MatSTRUMPACKGetCompression_STRUMPACK));
1118:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)B, "MatSTRUMPACKSetCompRelTol_C", MatSTRUMPACKSetCompRelTol_STRUMPACK));
1119:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)B, "MatSTRUMPACKGetCompRelTol_C", MatSTRUMPACKGetCompRelTol_STRUMPACK));
1120:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)B, "MatSTRUMPACKSetCompAbsTol_C", MatSTRUMPACKSetCompAbsTol_STRUMPACK));
1121:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)B, "MatSTRUMPACKGetCompAbsTol_C", MatSTRUMPACKGetCompAbsTol_STRUMPACK));
1122:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)B, "MatSTRUMPACKSetCompLeafSize_C", MatSTRUMPACKSetCompLeafSize_STRUMPACK));
1123:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)B, "MatSTRUMPACKGetCompLeafSize_C", MatSTRUMPACKGetCompLeafSize_STRUMPACK));
1124:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)B, "MatSTRUMPACKSetCompMinSepSize_C", MatSTRUMPACKSetCompMinSepSize_STRUMPACK));
1125:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)B, "MatSTRUMPACKGetCompMinSepSize_C", MatSTRUMPACKGetCompMinSepSize_STRUMPACK));
1126:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)B, "MatSTRUMPACKSetCompLossyPrecision_C", MatSTRUMPACKSetCompLossyPrecision_STRUMPACK));
1127:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)B, "MatSTRUMPACKGetCompLossyPrecision_C", MatSTRUMPACKGetCompLossyPrecision_STRUMPACK));
1128:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)B, "MatSTRUMPACKSetCompButterflyLevels_C", MatSTRUMPACKSetCompButterflyLevels_STRUMPACK));
1129:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)B, "MatSTRUMPACKGetCompButterflyLevels_C", MatSTRUMPACKGetCompButterflyLevels_STRUMPACK));
1130:   B->factortype = ftype;

1132:   /* set solvertype */
1133:   PetscCall(PetscFree(B->solvertype));
1134:   PetscCall(PetscStrallocpy(MATSOLVERSTRUMPACK, &B->solvertype));

1136:   PetscCall(PetscNew(&S));
1137:   B->data = S;

1139:   PetscCall(PetscObjectBaseTypeCompare((PetscObject)A, MATSEQAIJ, &flg)); /* A might be MATSEQAIJCUSPARSE */
1140:   iface = flg ? STRUMPACK_MT : STRUMPACK_MPI_DIST;

1142:   PetscOptionsBegin(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)B), ((PetscObject)B)->prefix, "STRUMPACK Options", "Mat");
1143:   verb = PetscLogPrintInfo ? PETSC_TRUE : PETSC_FALSE;
1144:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsBool("-mat_strumpack_verbose", "Print STRUMPACK information", "None", verb, &verb, NULL));

1146:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_init", STRUMPACK_init(S, PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)A), prec, iface, 0, NULL, verb));

1148:   /* By default, no compression is done. Compression is enabled when the user enables it with        */
1149:   /*  -mat_strumpack_compression with anything else than NONE, or when selecting ilu                 */
1150:   /* preconditioning, in which case we default to STRUMPACK_BLR compression.                         */
1151:   /* When compression is enabled, the STRUMPACK solver becomes an incomplete                         */
1152:   /* (or approximate) LU factorization.                                                              */
1153:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_compression", compcurrent = STRUMPACK_compression(*S));
1154:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsEnum("-mat_strumpack_compression", "Rank-structured compression type", "None", CompTypes, (PetscEnum)compcurrent, (PetscEnum *)&compvalue, &set));
1155:   if (set) {
1156:     PetscCall(MatSTRUMPACKSetCompression(B, (MatSTRUMPACKCompressionType)compvalue));
1157:   } else {
1158:     if (ftype == MAT_FACTOR_ILU) { PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_set_compression", STRUMPACK_set_compression(*S, STRUMPACK_BLR)); }
1159:   }

1161:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_compression_rel_tol", ctol = (PetscReal)STRUMPACK_compression_rel_tol(*S));
1162:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsReal("-mat_strumpack_compression_rel_tol", "Relative compression tolerance", "None", ctol, &ctol, &set));
1163:   if (set) PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_set_compression_rel_tol", STRUMPACK_set_compression_rel_tol(*S, (double)ctol));

1165:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_compression_abs_tol", ctol = (PetscReal)STRUMPACK_compression_abs_tol(*S));
1166:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsReal("-mat_strumpack_compression_abs_tol", "Absolute compression tolerance", "None", ctol, &ctol, &set));
1167:   if (set) PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_set_compression_abs_tol", STRUMPACK_set_compression_abs_tol(*S, (double)ctol));

1169:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_compression_min_sep_size", min_sep_size = (PetscInt)STRUMPACK_compression_min_sep_size(*S));
1170:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsInt("-mat_strumpack_compression_min_sep_size", "Minimum size of separator for compression", "None", min_sep_size, &min_sep_size, &set));
1171:   if (set) PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_set_compression_min_sep_size", STRUMPACK_set_compression_min_sep_size(*S, (int)min_sep_size));

1173:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_compression_leaf_size", leaf_size = (PetscInt)STRUMPACK_compression_leaf_size(*S));
1174:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsInt("-mat_strumpack_compression_leaf_size", "Size of diagonal blocks in rank-structured approximation", "None", leaf_size, &leaf_size, &set));
1175:   if (set) PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_set_compression_leaf_size", STRUMPACK_set_compression_leaf_size(*S, (int)leaf_size));

1177: #if defined(STRUMPACK_USE_ZFP)
1178:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_compression_lossy_precision", lossy_prec = (PetscInt)STRUMPACK_compression_lossy_precision(*S));
1179:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsInt("-mat_strumpack_compression_lossy_precision", "Number of bitplanes to use in lossy compression", "None", lossy_prec, &lossy_prec, &set));
1180:   if (set) PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_set_compression_lossy_precision", STRUMPACK_set_compression_lossy_precision(*S, (int)lossy_prec));
1181: #endif

1183: #if defined(STRUMPACK_USE_BPACK)
1184:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_compression_butterfly_levels", bfly_lvls = (PetscInt)STRUMPACK_compression_butterfly_levels(*S));
1185:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsInt("-mat_strumpack_compression_butterfly_levels", "Number of levels in the HODLR matrix for which to use butterfly compression", "None", bfly_lvls, &bfly_lvls, &set));
1186:   if (set) PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_set_compression_butterfly_levels", STRUMPACK_set_compression_butterfly_levels(*S, (int)bfly_lvls));
1187: #endif

1189: #if defined(STRUMPACK_USE_CUDA) || defined(STRUMPACK_USE_HIP) || defined(STRUMPACK_USE_SYCL)
1190:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_use_gpu", flg = (STRUMPACK_use_gpu(*S) == 0) ? PETSC_FALSE : PETSC_TRUE);
1191:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsBool("-mat_strumpack_gpu", "Enable GPU acceleration (not supported for all compression types)", "None", flg, &flg, &set));
1192:   if (set) MatSTRUMPACKSetGPU(B, flg);
1193: #endif

1195:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_matching", flg = (STRUMPACK_matching(*S) == STRUMPACK_MATCHING_NONE) ? PETSC_FALSE : PETSC_TRUE);
1196:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsBool("-mat_strumpack_colperm", "Find a col perm to get nonzero diagonal", "None", flg, &flg, &set));
1197:   if (set) PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_set_matching", STRUMPACK_set_matching(*S, flg ? STRUMPACK_MATCHING_MAX_DIAGONAL_PRODUCT_SCALING : STRUMPACK_MATCHING_NONE));

1199:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_reordering_method", ndcurrent = STRUMPACK_reordering_method(*S));
1200:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsEnum("-mat_strumpack_reordering", "Sparsity reducing matrix reordering", "None", STRUMPACKNDTypes, (PetscEnum)ndcurrent, (PetscEnum *)&ndvalue, &set));
1201:   if (set) PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_set_reordering_method", STRUMPACK_set_reordering_method(*S, ndvalue));

1203:   /* geometric ordering, for a regular 1D/2D/3D mesh in the natural ordering, */
1204:   /* with nc DOF's per gridpoint, and possibly a wider stencil                */
1205:   nrdims  = 3;
1206:   nxyz[0] = nxyz[1] = nxyz[2] = 1;
1207:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsIntArray("-mat_strumpack_geometric_xyz", "Mesh sizes nx,ny,nz (Use 1 for default)", "", nxyz, &nrdims, &set));
1208:   if (set) {
1209:     PetscCheck(nrdims == 1 || nrdims == 2 || nrdims == 3, PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)F), PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE, "'-mat_strumpack_geometric_xyz' requires 1, 2, or 3 values.");
1210:     PetscCall(MatSTRUMPACKSetGeometricNxyz(B, (int)nxyz[0], (int)nxyz[1], (int)nxyz[2]));
1211:   }
1212:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsInt("-mat_strumpack_geometric_components", "Number of components per mesh point, for geometric nested dissection ordering", "None", 1, &nc, &set));
1213:   if (set) PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_set_components", STRUMPACK_set_components(*S, (int)nc));
1214:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsInt("-mat_strumpack_geometric_width", "Width of the separator (for instance a 1D 3-point wide stencil needs a 1 point wide separator, a 1D 5-point stencil needs a 2 point wide separator), for geometric nested dissection ordering", "None", 1, &w, &set));
1215:   if (set) PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_set_separator_width", STRUMPACK_set_separator_width(*S, (int)w));

1217:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_use_METIS_NodeNDP", flg = (STRUMPACK_use_METIS_NodeNDP(*S) == 0) ? PETSC_FALSE : PETSC_TRUE);
1218:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsBool("-mat_strumpack_metis_nodeNDP", "Use METIS_NodeNDP instead of METIS_NodeND, for a more balanced tree", "None", flg, &flg, &set));
1219:   if (set) {
1220:     if (flg) {
1221:       PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_enable_METIS_NodeNDP", STRUMPACK_enable_METIS_NodeNDP(*S));
1222:     } else {
1223:       PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_disable_METIS_NodeNDP", STRUMPACK_disable_METIS_NodeNDP(*S));
1224:     }
1225:   }

1227:   /* Disable the outer iterative solver from STRUMPACK.                                       */
1228:   /* When STRUMPACK is used as a direct solver, it will by default do iterative refinement.   */
1229:   /* When STRUMPACK is used as an approximate factorization preconditioner (by enabling       */
1230:   /* low-rank compression), it will use it's own preconditioned GMRES. Here we can disable    */
1231:   /* the outer iterative solver, as PETSc uses STRUMPACK from within a KSP.                   */
1232:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("STRUMPACK_set_Krylov_solver", STRUMPACK_set_Krylov_solver(*S, STRUMPACK_DIRECT));

1234:   PetscOptionsEnd();

1236:   *F = B;
1237:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
1238: }

1240: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatSolverTypeRegister_STRUMPACK(void)
1241: {
1242:   PetscFunctionBegin;
1243:   PetscCall(MatSolverTypeRegister(MATSOLVERSTRUMPACK, MATMPIAIJ, MAT_FACTOR_LU, MatGetFactor_aij_strumpack));
1244:   PetscCall(MatSolverTypeRegister(MATSOLVERSTRUMPACK, MATSEQAIJ, MAT_FACTOR_LU, MatGetFactor_aij_strumpack));
1245:   PetscCall(MatSolverTypeRegister(MATSOLVERSTRUMPACK, MATMPIAIJ, MAT_FACTOR_ILU, MatGetFactor_aij_strumpack));
1246:   PetscCall(MatSolverTypeRegister(MATSOLVERSTRUMPACK, MATSEQAIJ, MAT_FACTOR_ILU, MatGetFactor_aij_strumpack));
1247:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
1248: }