Actual source code: aijkok.hpp

  1: #pragma once

  3: #include <petsc/private/kokkosimpl.hpp>
  4: #include <../src/mat/impls/aij/seq/aij.h>
  5: #include <KokkosSparse_CrsMatrix.hpp>
  6: #include <KokkosSparse_spiluk.hpp>
  7: #include <string>

  9: namespace
 10: {
 11: PETSC_NODISCARD inline decltype(auto) NoInit(std::string label)
 12: {
 13:   return Kokkos::view_alloc(Kokkos::WithoutInitializing, std::move(label));
 14: }
 15: } // namespace

 17: using MatRowMapType = PetscInt;
 18: using MatColIdxType = PetscInt;
 19: using MatScalarType = PetscScalar;

 21: template <class MemorySpace>
 22: using KokkosCsrMatrixType = typename KokkosSparse::CrsMatrix<MatScalarType, MatColIdxType, MemorySpace, void /* MemoryTraits */, MatRowMapType>;
 23: template <class MemorySpace>
 24: using KokkosCsrGraphType = typename KokkosCsrMatrixType<MemorySpace>::staticcrsgraph_type;

 26: using KokkosCsrGraph     = KokkosCsrGraphType<DefaultMemorySpace>;
 27: using KokkosCsrGraphHost = KokkosCsrGraphType<Kokkos::HostSpace>;

 29: using KokkosCsrMatrix     = KokkosCsrMatrixType<DefaultMemorySpace>;
 30: using KokkosCsrMatrixHost = KokkosCsrMatrixType<Kokkos::HostSpace>;

 32: using MatRowMapKokkosView = KokkosCsrGraph::row_map_type::non_const_type;
 33: using MatColIdxKokkosView = KokkosCsrGraph::entries_type::non_const_type;
 34: using MatScalarKokkosView = KokkosCsrMatrix::values_type::non_const_type;

 36: using MatRowMapKokkosViewHost = KokkosCsrGraphHost::row_map_type::non_const_type;
 37: using MatColIdxKokkosViewHost = KokkosCsrGraphHost::entries_type::non_const_type;
 38: using MatScalarKokkosViewHost = KokkosCsrMatrixHost::values_type::non_const_type;

 40: using ConstMatRowMapKokkosView = KokkosCsrGraph::row_map_type::const_type;
 41: using ConstMatColIdxKokkosView = KokkosCsrGraph::entries_type::const_type;
 42: using ConstMatScalarKokkosView = KokkosCsrMatrix::values_type::const_type;

 44: using ConstMatRowMapKokkosViewHost = KokkosCsrGraphHost::row_map_type::const_type;
 45: using ConstMatColIdxKokkosViewHost = KokkosCsrGraphHost::entries_type::const_type;
 46: using ConstMatScalarKokkosViewHost = KokkosCsrMatrixHost::values_type::const_type;

 48: using MatRowMapKokkosDualView = Kokkos::DualView<MatRowMapType *>;
 49: using MatColIdxKokkosDualView = Kokkos::DualView<MatColIdxType *>;
 50: using MatScalarKokkosDualView = Kokkos::DualView<MatScalarType *>;

 52: using KernelHandle = KokkosKernels::Experimental::KokkosKernelsHandle<MatRowMapType, MatColIdxType, MatScalarType, DefaultExecutionSpace, DefaultMemorySpace, DefaultMemorySpace>;

 54: using KokkosTeamMemberType = Kokkos::TeamPolicy<DefaultExecutionSpace>::member_type;

 56: /* For mat->spptr of a factorized matrix */
 57: struct Mat_SeqAIJKokkosTriFactors {
 58:   MatRowMapKokkosView   iL_d, iU_d, iLt_d, iUt_d;  /* rowmap for L, U, L^t, U^t of A=LU */
 59:   MatColIdxKokkosView   jL_d, jU_d, jLt_d, jUt_d;  /* column ids */
 60:   MatScalarKokkosView   aL_d, aU_d, aLt_d, aUt_d;  /* matrix values */
 61:   KernelHandle          kh, khL, khU, khLt, khUt;  /* Kernel handles for A, L, U, L^t, U^t */
 62:   PetscBool             transpose_updated;         /* Are L^T, U^T updated wrt L, U*/
 63:   PetscBool             sptrsv_symbolic_completed; /* Have we completed the symbolic solve for L and U */
 64:   PetscScalarKokkosView workVector;

 66:   Mat_SeqAIJKokkosTriFactors(PetscInt n) : transpose_updated(PETSC_FALSE), sptrsv_symbolic_completed(PETSC_FALSE), workVector("workVector", n) { }

 68:   ~Mat_SeqAIJKokkosTriFactors() { Destroy(); }

 70:   void Destroy()
 71:   {
 72:     kh.destroy_spiluk_handle();
 73:     khL.destroy_sptrsv_handle();
 74:     khU.destroy_sptrsv_handle();
 75:     khLt.destroy_sptrsv_handle();
 76:     khUt.destroy_sptrsv_handle();
 77:     transpose_updated = sptrsv_symbolic_completed = PETSC_FALSE;
 78:   }
 79: };

 81: /* For mat->spptr of a regular matrix */
 82: struct Mat_SeqAIJKokkos {
 83:   MatRowMapKokkosDualView i_dual;
 84:   MatColIdxKokkosDualView j_dual;
 85:   MatScalarKokkosDualView a_dual;

 87:   MatRowMapKokkosDualView diag_dual; /* Diagonal pointer, built on demand */

 89:   KokkosCsrMatrix  csrmat;       /* The CSR matrix, used to call KK functions */
 90:   PetscObjectState nonzerostate; /* State of the nonzero pattern (graph) on device */

 92:   KokkosCsrMatrix     csrmatT, csrmatH;                     /* Transpose and Hermitian of the matrix (built on demand) */
 93:   PetscBool           transpose_updated, hermitian_updated; /* Are At, Ah updated wrt the matrix? */
 94:   MatRowMapKokkosView transpose_perm;                       // A permutation array making Ta(i) = Aa(perm(i)), where T = A^t

 96:   /* Construct a nrows by ncols matrix with given aseq on host. Caller also specifies a nonzero state */
 97:   Mat_SeqAIJKokkos(PetscInt nrows, PetscInt ncols, Mat_SeqAIJ *aseq, PetscObjectState nzstate, PetscBool copyValues = PETSC_TRUE)
 98:   {
 99:     MatScalarKokkosViewHost a_h(aseq->a, aseq->nz);
100:     MatRowMapKokkosViewHost i_h(const_cast<MatRowMapType *>(aseq->i), nrows + 1);
101:     MatColIdxKokkosViewHost j_h(aseq->j, aseq->nz);
102:     MatRowMapKokkosViewHost diag_h(aseq->diag, nrows);

104:     auto a_d    = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(Kokkos::WithoutInitializing, DefaultMemorySpace(), a_h);
105:     auto i_d    = Kokkos::create_mirror_view_and_copy(DefaultMemorySpace(), i_h);
106:     auto j_d    = Kokkos::create_mirror_view_and_copy(DefaultMemorySpace(), j_h);
107:     auto diag_d = Kokkos::create_mirror_view_and_copy(DefaultMemorySpace(), diag_h);

109:     a_dual    = MatScalarKokkosDualView(a_d, a_h);
110:     i_dual    = MatRowMapKokkosDualView(i_d, i_h);
111:     j_dual    = MatColIdxKokkosDualView(j_d, j_h);
112:     diag_dual = MatColIdxKokkosDualView(diag_d, diag_h);

114:     a_dual.modify_host(); /* Since caller provided values on host */
115:     if (copyValues) a_dual.sync_device();

117:     csrmat            = KokkosCsrMatrix("csrmat", ncols, a_d, KokkosCsrGraph(j_d, i_d));
118:     nonzerostate      = nzstate;
119:     transpose_updated = hermitian_updated = PETSC_FALSE;
120:   }

122:   /* Construct with a KokkosCsrMatrix. For performance, only i, j are copied to host, but not the matrix values. */
123:   Mat_SeqAIJKokkos(const KokkosCsrMatrix &csr) : csrmat(csr) /* Shallow-copy csr's views to csrmat */
124:   {
125:     auto a_d = csr.values;
126:     /* Get a non-const version since I don't want to deal with DualView<const T*>, which is not well defined */
127:     MatRowMapKokkosView i_d(const_cast<MatRowMapType *>(, csr.graph.row_map.extent(0));
128:     auto                j_d = csr.graph.entries;
129:     auto                a_h = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(Kokkos::WithoutInitializing, Kokkos::HostSpace(), a_d);
130:     auto                i_h = Kokkos::create_mirror_view_and_copy(Kokkos::HostSpace(), i_d);
131:     auto                j_h = Kokkos::create_mirror_view_and_copy(Kokkos::HostSpace(), j_d);

133:     // diag_dual is set until MatAssemblyEnd() where we copy diag from host to device
134:     a_dual = MatScalarKokkosDualView(a_d, a_h);
135:     a_dual.modify_device(); /* since we did not copy a_d to a_h, we mark device has the latest data */
136:     i_dual = MatRowMapKokkosDualView(i_d, i_h);
137:     j_dual = MatColIdxKokkosDualView(j_d, j_h);
138:     Init();
139:   }

141:   Mat_SeqAIJKokkos(PetscInt nrows, PetscInt ncols, PetscInt nnz, MatRowMapKokkosDualView &i, MatColIdxKokkosDualView &j, MatScalarKokkosDualView a) : i_dual(i), j_dual(j), a_dual(a)
142:   {
143:     csrmat = KokkosCsrMatrix("csrmat", nrows, ncols, nnz, a.view_device(), i.view_device(), j.view_device());
144:     Init();
145:   }

147:   MatScalarType *a_host_data() { return a_dual.view_host().data(); }
148:   MatRowMapType *i_host_data() { return i_dual.view_host().data(); }
149:   MatColIdxType *j_host_data() { return j_dual.view_host().data(); }

151:   MatScalarType *a_device_data() { return a_dual.view_device().data(); }
152:   MatRowMapType *i_device_data() { return i_dual.view_device().data(); }
153:   MatColIdxType *j_device_data() { return j_dual.view_device().data(); }

155:   MatColIdxType nrows() { return csrmat.numRows(); }
156:   MatColIdxType ncols() { return csrmat.numCols(); }
157:   MatRowMapType nnz() { return csrmat.nnz(); }

159:   /* Change the csrmat size to n */
160:   void SetColSize(MatColIdxType n) { csrmat = KokkosCsrMatrix("csrmat", n, a_dual.view_device(), csrmat.graph); }

162:   void SetDiagonal(const MatRowMapType *diag)
163:   {
164:     MatRowMapKokkosViewHost diag_h(const_cast<MatRowMapType *>(diag), nrows());
165:     auto                    diag_d = Kokkos::create_mirror_view_and_copy(DefaultMemorySpace(), diag_h);
166:     diag_dual                      = MatRowMapKokkosDualView(diag_d, diag_h);
167:   }

169:   /* Shared init stuff */
170:   void Init(void)
171:   {
172:     transpose_updated = hermitian_updated = PETSC_FALSE;
173:     nonzerostate                          = 0;
174:   }

176:   PetscErrorCode DestroyMatTranspose(void)
177:   {
178:     PetscFunctionBegin;
179:     csrmatT = KokkosCsrMatrix(); /* Overwrite with empty matrices */
180:     csrmatH = KokkosCsrMatrix();
181:     PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
182:   }
183: };

185: struct MatProductData_SeqAIJKokkos {
186:   KernelHandle kh;
187:   PetscBool    reusesym;
188:   MatProductData_SeqAIJKokkos() : reusesym(PETSC_FALSE) { }
189: };

191: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatSetSeqAIJKokkosWithCSRMatrix(Mat, Mat_SeqAIJKokkos *);
192: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatCreateSeqAIJKokkosWithCSRMatrix(MPI_Comm, Mat_SeqAIJKokkos *, Mat *);
193: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatSeqAIJKokkosMergeMats(Mat, Mat, MatReuse, Mat *);
194: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatSeqAIJKokkosSyncDevice(Mat);
195: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatSeqAIJKokkosGetKokkosCsrMatrix(Mat, KokkosCsrMatrix *);
196: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatCreateSeqAIJKokkosWithKokkosCsrMatrix(MPI_Comm, KokkosCsrMatrix, Mat *);
197: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode PrintCsrMatrix(const KokkosCsrMatrix &csrmat);
198: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatConvert_SeqAIJ_SeqAIJKokkos(Mat, MatType, MatReuse, Mat *);
199: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatSeqAIJKokkosModifyDevice(Mat);
200: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatSeqAIJKokkosGenerateTranspose_Private(Mat, KokkosCsrMatrix *);

202: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatSeqAIJGetKokkosView(Mat, MatScalarKokkosView *);
203: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatSeqAIJRestoreKokkosView(Mat, MatScalarKokkosView *);
204: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatSeqAIJGetKokkosViewWrite(Mat, MatScalarKokkosView *);
205: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatSeqAIJRestoreKokkosViewWrite(Mat, MatScalarKokkosView *);
206: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatInvertVariableBlockDiagonal_SeqAIJKokkos(Mat, const PetscIntKokkosView &, const PetscIntKokkosView &, const PetscIntKokkosView &, PetscScalarKokkosView &, PetscScalarKokkosView &);