Actual source code: ex18.c

  1: static char help[] = "Nonlinear Radiative Transport PDE with multigrid in 2d.\n\
  2: Uses 2-dimensional distributed arrays.\n\
  3: A 2-dim simplified Radiative Transport test problem is used, with analytic Jacobian. \n\
  4: \n\
  5:   Solves the linear systems via multilevel methods \n\
  6: \n\
  7: The command line\n\
  8: options are:\n\
  9:   -tleft <tl>, where <tl> indicates the left Diriclet BC \n\
 10:   -tright <tr>, where <tr> indicates the right Diriclet BC \n\
 11:   -beta <beta>, where <beta> indicates the exponent in T \n\n";

 13: /*

 15:     This example models the partial differential equation

 17:          - Div(alpha* T^beta (GRAD T)) = 0.

 19:     where beta = 2.5 and alpha = 1.0

 21:     BC: T_left = 1.0, T_right = 0.1, dT/dn_top = dTdn_bottom = 0.

 23:     in the unit square, which is uniformly discretized in each of x and
 24:     y in this simple encoding.  The degrees of freedom are cell centered.

 26:     A finite volume approximation with the usual 5-point stencil
 27:     is used to discretize the boundary value problem to obtain a
 28:     nonlinear system of equations.

 30:     This code was contributed by David Keyes

 32: */

 34: #include <petscsnes.h>
 35: #include <petscdm.h>
 36: #include <petscdmda.h>

 38: /* User-defined application context */

 40: typedef struct {
 41:   PetscReal tleft, tright;   /* Dirichlet boundary conditions */
 42:   PetscReal beta, bm1, coef; /* nonlinear diffusivity parameterizations */
 43: } AppCtx;

 45: #define POWFLOP 5 /* assume a pow() takes five flops */

 47: extern PetscErrorCode FormInitialGuess(SNES, Vec, void *);
 48: extern PetscErrorCode FormFunction(SNES, Vec, Vec, void *);
 49: extern PetscErrorCode FormJacobian(SNES, Vec, Mat, Mat, void *);

 51: int main(int argc, char **argv)
 52: {
 53:   SNES      snes;
 54:   AppCtx    user;
 55:   PetscInt  its, lits;
 56:   PetscReal litspit;
 57:   DM        da;

 59:   PetscFunctionBeginUser;
 60:   PetscCall(PetscInitialize(&argc, &argv, NULL, help));

 62:   /* set problem parameters */
 63:   user.tleft  = 1.0;
 64:   user.tright = 0.1;
 65:   user.beta   = 2.5;
 66:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsGetReal(NULL, NULL, "-tleft", &user.tleft, NULL));
 67:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsGetReal(NULL, NULL, "-tright", &user.tright, NULL));
 68:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsGetReal(NULL, NULL, "-beta", &user.beta, NULL));
 69:   user.bm1  = user.beta - 1.0;
 70:   user.coef = user.beta / 2.0;

 72:   /*
 73:       Create the multilevel DM data structure
 74:   */
 75:   PetscCall(SNESCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &snes));

 77:   /*
 78:       Set the DMDA (grid structure) for the grids.
 79:   */
 81:   PetscCall(DMSetFromOptions(da));
 82:   PetscCall(DMSetUp(da));
 83:   PetscCall(DMSetApplicationContext(da, &user));
 84:   PetscCall(SNESSetDM(snes, (DM)da));

 86:   /*
 87:      Create the nonlinear solver, and tell it the functions to use
 88:   */
 89:   PetscCall(SNESSetFunction(snes, NULL, FormFunction, &user));
 90:   PetscCall(SNESSetJacobian(snes, NULL, NULL, FormJacobian, &user));
 91:   PetscCall(SNESSetFromOptions(snes));
 92:   PetscCall(SNESSetComputeInitialGuess(snes, FormInitialGuess, NULL));

 94:   PetscCall(SNESSolve(snes, NULL, NULL));
 95:   PetscCall(SNESGetIterationNumber(snes, &its));
 96:   PetscCall(SNESGetLinearSolveIterations(snes, &lits));
 97:   litspit = ((PetscReal)lits) / ((PetscReal)its);
 98:   PetscCall(PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "Number of SNES iterations = %" PetscInt_FMT "\n", its));
 99:   PetscCall(PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "Number of Linear iterations = %" PetscInt_FMT "\n", lits));
100:   PetscCall(PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "Average Linear its / SNES = %e\n", (double)litspit));

102:   PetscCall(DMDestroy(&da));
103:   PetscCall(SNESDestroy(&snes));
104:   PetscCall(PetscFinalize());
105:   return 0;
106: }
107: /* --------------------  Form initial approximation ----------------- */
108: PetscErrorCode FormInitialGuess(SNES snes, Vec X, void *ctx)
109: {
110:   AppCtx       *user;
111:   PetscInt      i, j, xs, ys, xm, ym;
112:   PetscReal     tleft;
113:   PetscScalar **x;
114:   DM            da;

116:   PetscFunctionBeginUser;
117:   PetscCall(SNESGetDM(snes, &da));
118:   PetscCall(DMGetApplicationContext(da, &user));
119:   tleft = user->tleft;
120:   /* Get ghost points */
121:   PetscCall(DMDAGetCorners(da, &xs, &ys, 0, &xm, &ym, 0));
122:   PetscCall(DMDAVecGetArray(da, X, &x));

124:   /* Compute initial guess */
125:   for (j = ys; j < ys + ym; j++) {
126:     for (i = xs; i < xs + xm; i++) x[j][i] = tleft;
127:   }
128:   PetscCall(DMDAVecRestoreArray(da, X, &x));
129:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
130: }
131: /* --------------------  Evaluate Function F(x) --------------------- */
132: PetscErrorCode FormFunction(SNES snes, Vec X, Vec F, void *ptr)
133: {
134:   AppCtx       *user = (AppCtx *)ptr;
135:   PetscInt      i, j, mx, my, xs, ys, xm, ym;
136:   PetscScalar   zero = 0.0, one = 1.0;
137:   PetscScalar   hx, hy, hxdhy, hydhx;
138:   PetscScalar   t0, tn, ts, te, tw, an, as, ae, aw, dn, ds, de, dw, fn = 0.0, fs = 0.0, fe = 0.0, fw = 0.0;
139:   PetscScalar   tleft, tright, beta;
140:   PetscScalar **x, **f;
141:   Vec           localX;
142:   DM            da;

144:   PetscFunctionBeginUser;
145:   PetscCall(SNESGetDM(snes, &da));
146:   PetscCall(DMGetLocalVector(da, &localX));
147:   PetscCall(DMDAGetInfo(da, NULL, &mx, &my, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
148:   hx     = one / (PetscReal)(mx - 1);
149:   hy     = one / (PetscReal)(my - 1);
150:   hxdhy  = hx / hy;
151:   hydhx  = hy / hx;
152:   tleft  = user->tleft;
153:   tright = user->tright;
154:   beta   = user->beta;

156:   /* Get ghost points */
157:   PetscCall(DMGlobalToLocalBegin(da, X, INSERT_VALUES, localX));
158:   PetscCall(DMGlobalToLocalEnd(da, X, INSERT_VALUES, localX));
159:   PetscCall(DMDAGetCorners(da, &xs, &ys, 0, &xm, &ym, 0));
160:   PetscCall(DMDAVecGetArray(da, localX, &x));
161:   PetscCall(DMDAVecGetArray(da, F, &f));

163:   /* Evaluate function */
164:   for (j = ys; j < ys + ym; j++) {
165:     for (i = xs; i < xs + xm; i++) {
166:       t0 = x[j][i];

168:       if (i > 0 && i < mx - 1 && j > 0 && j < my - 1) {
169:         /* general interior volume */

171:         tw = x[j][i - 1];
172:         aw = 0.5 * (t0 + tw);
173:         dw = PetscPowScalar(aw, beta);
174:         fw = dw * (t0 - tw);

176:         te = x[j][i + 1];
177:         ae = 0.5 * (t0 + te);
178:         de = PetscPowScalar(ae, beta);
179:         fe = de * (te - t0);

181:         ts = x[j - 1][i];
182:         as = 0.5 * (t0 + ts);
183:         ds = PetscPowScalar(as, beta);
184:         fs = ds * (t0 - ts);

186:         tn = x[j + 1][i];
187:         an = 0.5 * (t0 + tn);
188:         dn = PetscPowScalar(an, beta);
189:         fn = dn * (tn - t0);

191:       } else if (i == 0) {
192:         /* left-hand boundary */
193:         tw = tleft;
194:         aw = 0.5 * (t0 + tw);
195:         dw = PetscPowScalar(aw, beta);
196:         fw = dw * (t0 - tw);

198:         te = x[j][i + 1];
199:         ae = 0.5 * (t0 + te);
200:         de = PetscPowScalar(ae, beta);
201:         fe = de * (te - t0);

203:         if (j > 0) {
204:           ts = x[j - 1][i];
205:           as = 0.5 * (t0 + ts);
206:           ds = PetscPowScalar(as, beta);
207:           fs = ds * (t0 - ts);
208:         } else fs = zero;

210:         if (j < my - 1) {
211:           tn = x[j + 1][i];
212:           an = 0.5 * (t0 + tn);
213:           dn = PetscPowScalar(an, beta);
214:           fn = dn * (tn - t0);
215:         } else fn = zero;

217:       } else if (i == mx - 1) {
218:         /* right-hand boundary */
219:         tw = x[j][i - 1];
220:         aw = 0.5 * (t0 + tw);
221:         dw = PetscPowScalar(aw, beta);
222:         fw = dw * (t0 - tw);

224:         te = tright;
225:         ae = 0.5 * (t0 + te);
226:         de = PetscPowScalar(ae, beta);
227:         fe = de * (te - t0);

229:         if (j > 0) {
230:           ts = x[j - 1][i];
231:           as = 0.5 * (t0 + ts);
232:           ds = PetscPowScalar(as, beta);
233:           fs = ds * (t0 - ts);
234:         } else fs = zero;

236:         if (j < my - 1) {
237:           tn = x[j + 1][i];
238:           an = 0.5 * (t0 + tn);
239:           dn = PetscPowScalar(an, beta);
240:           fn = dn * (tn - t0);
241:         } else fn = zero;

243:       } else if (j == 0) {
244:         /* bottom boundary,and i <> 0 or mx-1 */
245:         tw = x[j][i - 1];
246:         aw = 0.5 * (t0 + tw);
247:         dw = PetscPowScalar(aw, beta);
248:         fw = dw * (t0 - tw);

250:         te = x[j][i + 1];
251:         ae = 0.5 * (t0 + te);
252:         de = PetscPowScalar(ae, beta);
253:         fe = de * (te - t0);

255:         fs = zero;

257:         tn = x[j + 1][i];
258:         an = 0.5 * (t0 + tn);
259:         dn = PetscPowScalar(an, beta);
260:         fn = dn * (tn - t0);

262:       } else if (j == my - 1) {
263:         /* top boundary,and i <> 0 or mx-1 */
264:         tw = x[j][i - 1];
265:         aw = 0.5 * (t0 + tw);
266:         dw = PetscPowScalar(aw, beta);
267:         fw = dw * (t0 - tw);

269:         te = x[j][i + 1];
270:         ae = 0.5 * (t0 + te);
271:         de = PetscPowScalar(ae, beta);
272:         fe = de * (te - t0);

274:         ts = x[j - 1][i];
275:         as = 0.5 * (t0 + ts);
276:         ds = PetscPowScalar(as, beta);
277:         fs = ds * (t0 - ts);

279:         fn = zero;
280:       }

282:       f[j][i] = -hydhx * (fe - fw) - hxdhy * (fn - fs);
283:     }
284:   }
285:   PetscCall(DMDAVecRestoreArray(da, localX, &x));
286:   PetscCall(DMDAVecRestoreArray(da, F, &f));
287:   PetscCall(DMRestoreLocalVector(da, &localX));
288:   PetscCall(PetscLogFlops((22.0 + 4.0 * POWFLOP) * ym * xm));
289:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
290: }
291: /* --------------------  Evaluate Jacobian F(x) --------------------- */
292: PetscErrorCode FormJacobian(SNES snes, Vec X, Mat jac, Mat B, void *ptr)
293: {
294:   AppCtx     *user = (AppCtx *)ptr;
295:   PetscInt    i, j, mx, my, xs, ys, xm, ym;
296:   PetscScalar one = 1.0, hx, hy, hxdhy, hydhx, t0, tn, ts, te, tw;
297:   PetscScalar dn, ds, de, dw, an, as, ae, aw, bn, bs, be, bw, gn, gs, ge, gw;
298:   PetscScalar tleft, tright, beta, bm1, coef;
299:   PetscScalar v[5], **x;
300:   Vec         localX;
301:   MatStencil  col[5], row;
302:   DM          da;

304:   PetscFunctionBeginUser;
305:   PetscCall(SNESGetDM(snes, &da));
306:   PetscCall(DMGetLocalVector(da, &localX));
307:   PetscCall(DMDAGetInfo(da, NULL, &mx, &my, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
308:   hx     = one / (PetscReal)(mx - 1);
309:   hy     = one / (PetscReal)(my - 1);
310:   hxdhy  = hx / hy;
311:   hydhx  = hy / hx;
312:   tleft  = user->tleft;
313:   tright = user->tright;
314:   beta   = user->beta;
315:   bm1    = user->bm1;
316:   coef   = user->coef;

318:   /* Get ghost points */
319:   PetscCall(DMGlobalToLocalBegin(da, X, INSERT_VALUES, localX));
320:   PetscCall(DMGlobalToLocalEnd(da, X, INSERT_VALUES, localX));
321:   PetscCall(DMDAGetCorners(da, &xs, &ys, 0, &xm, &ym, 0));
322:   PetscCall(DMDAVecGetArray(da, localX, &x));

324:   /* Evaluate Jacobian of function */
325:   for (j = ys; j < ys + ym; j++) {
326:     for (i = xs; i < xs + xm; i++) {
327:       t0 = x[j][i];

329:       if (i > 0 && i < mx - 1 && j > 0 && j < my - 1) {
330:         /* general interior volume */

332:         tw = x[j][i - 1];
333:         aw = 0.5 * (t0 + tw);
334:         bw = PetscPowScalar(aw, bm1);
335:         /* dw = bw * aw */
336:         dw = PetscPowScalar(aw, beta);
337:         gw = coef * bw * (t0 - tw);

339:         te = x[j][i + 1];
340:         ae = 0.5 * (t0 + te);
341:         be = PetscPowScalar(ae, bm1);
342:         /* de = be * ae; */
343:         de = PetscPowScalar(ae, beta);
344:         ge = coef * be * (te - t0);

346:         ts = x[j - 1][i];
347:         as = 0.5 * (t0 + ts);
348:         bs = PetscPowScalar(as, bm1);
349:         /* ds = bs * as; */
350:         ds = PetscPowScalar(as, beta);
351:         gs = coef * bs * (t0 - ts);

353:         tn = x[j + 1][i];
354:         an = 0.5 * (t0 + tn);
355:         bn = PetscPowScalar(an, bm1);
356:         /* dn = bn * an; */
357:         dn = PetscPowScalar(an, beta);
358:         gn = coef * bn * (tn - t0);

360:         v[0]     = -hxdhy * (ds - gs);
361:         col[0].j = j - 1;
362:         col[0].i = i;
363:         v[1]     = -hydhx * (dw - gw);
364:         col[1].j = j;
365:         col[1].i = i - 1;
366:         v[2]     = hxdhy * (ds + dn + gs - gn) + hydhx * (dw + de + gw - ge);
367:         col[2].j = row.j = j;
368:         col[2].i = row.i = i;
369:         v[3]             = -hydhx * (de + ge);
370:         col[3].j         = j;
371:         col[3].i         = i + 1;
372:         v[4]             = -hxdhy * (dn + gn);
373:         col[4].j         = j + 1;
374:         col[4].i         = i;
375:         PetscCall(MatSetValuesStencil(B, 1, &row, 5, col, v, INSERT_VALUES));

377:       } else if (i == 0) {
378:         /* left-hand boundary */
379:         tw = tleft;
380:         aw = 0.5 * (t0 + tw);
381:         bw = PetscPowScalar(aw, bm1);
382:         /* dw = bw * aw */
383:         dw = PetscPowScalar(aw, beta);
384:         gw = coef * bw * (t0 - tw);

386:         te = x[j][i + 1];
387:         ae = 0.5 * (t0 + te);
388:         be = PetscPowScalar(ae, bm1);
389:         /* de = be * ae; */
390:         de = PetscPowScalar(ae, beta);
391:         ge = coef * be * (te - t0);

393:         /* left-hand bottom boundary */
394:         if (j == 0) {
395:           tn = x[j + 1][i];
396:           an = 0.5 * (t0 + tn);
397:           bn = PetscPowScalar(an, bm1);
398:           /* dn = bn * an; */
399:           dn = PetscPowScalar(an, beta);
400:           gn = coef * bn * (tn - t0);

402:           v[0]     = hxdhy * (dn - gn) + hydhx * (dw + de + gw - ge);
403:           col[0].j = row.j = j;
404:           col[0].i = row.i = i;
405:           v[1]             = -hydhx * (de + ge);
406:           col[1].j         = j;
407:           col[1].i         = i + 1;
408:           v[2]             = -hxdhy * (dn + gn);
409:           col[2].j         = j + 1;
410:           col[2].i         = i;
411:           PetscCall(MatSetValuesStencil(B, 1, &row, 3, col, v, INSERT_VALUES));

413:           /* left-hand interior boundary */
414:         } else if (j < my - 1) {
415:           ts = x[j - 1][i];
416:           as = 0.5 * (t0 + ts);
417:           bs = PetscPowScalar(as, bm1);
418:           /* ds = bs * as; */
419:           ds = PetscPowScalar(as, beta);
420:           gs = coef * bs * (t0 - ts);

422:           tn = x[j + 1][i];
423:           an = 0.5 * (t0 + tn);
424:           bn = PetscPowScalar(an, bm1);
425:           /* dn = bn * an; */
426:           dn = PetscPowScalar(an, beta);
427:           gn = coef * bn * (tn - t0);

429:           v[0]     = -hxdhy * (ds - gs);
430:           col[0].j = j - 1;
431:           col[0].i = i;
432:           v[1]     = hxdhy * (ds + dn + gs - gn) + hydhx * (dw + de + gw - ge);
433:           col[1].j = row.j = j;
434:           col[1].i = row.i = i;
435:           v[2]             = -hydhx * (de + ge);
436:           col[2].j         = j;
437:           col[2].i         = i + 1;
438:           v[3]             = -hxdhy * (dn + gn);
439:           col[3].j         = j + 1;
440:           col[3].i         = i;
441:           PetscCall(MatSetValuesStencil(B, 1, &row, 4, col, v, INSERT_VALUES));
442:           /* left-hand top boundary */
443:         } else {
444:           ts = x[j - 1][i];
445:           as = 0.5 * (t0 + ts);
446:           bs = PetscPowScalar(as, bm1);
447:           /* ds = bs * as; */
448:           ds = PetscPowScalar(as, beta);
449:           gs = coef * bs * (t0 - ts);

451:           v[0]     = -hxdhy * (ds - gs);
452:           col[0].j = j - 1;
453:           col[0].i = i;
454:           v[1]     = hxdhy * (ds + gs) + hydhx * (dw + de + gw - ge);
455:           col[1].j = row.j = j;
456:           col[1].i = row.i = i;
457:           v[2]             = -hydhx * (de + ge);
458:           col[2].j         = j;
459:           col[2].i         = i + 1;
460:           PetscCall(MatSetValuesStencil(B, 1, &row, 3, col, v, INSERT_VALUES));
461:         }

463:       } else if (i == mx - 1) {
464:         /* right-hand boundary */
465:         tw = x[j][i - 1];
466:         aw = 0.5 * (t0 + tw);
467:         bw = PetscPowScalar(aw, bm1);
468:         /* dw = bw * aw */
469:         dw = PetscPowScalar(aw, beta);
470:         gw = coef * bw * (t0 - tw);

472:         te = tright;
473:         ae = 0.5 * (t0 + te);
474:         be = PetscPowScalar(ae, bm1);
475:         /* de = be * ae; */
476:         de = PetscPowScalar(ae, beta);
477:         ge = coef * be * (te - t0);

479:         /* right-hand bottom boundary */
480:         if (j == 0) {
481:           tn = x[j + 1][i];
482:           an = 0.5 * (t0 + tn);
483:           bn = PetscPowScalar(an, bm1);
484:           /* dn = bn * an; */
485:           dn = PetscPowScalar(an, beta);
486:           gn = coef * bn * (tn - t0);

488:           v[0]     = -hydhx * (dw - gw);
489:           col[0].j = j;
490:           col[0].i = i - 1;
491:           v[1]     = hxdhy * (dn - gn) + hydhx * (dw + de + gw - ge);
492:           col[1].j = row.j = j;
493:           col[1].i = row.i = i;
494:           v[2]             = -hxdhy * (dn + gn);
495:           col[2].j         = j + 1;
496:           col[2].i         = i;
497:           PetscCall(MatSetValuesStencil(B, 1, &row, 3, col, v, INSERT_VALUES));

499:           /* right-hand interior boundary */
500:         } else if (j < my - 1) {
501:           ts = x[j - 1][i];
502:           as = 0.5 * (t0 + ts);
503:           bs = PetscPowScalar(as, bm1);
504:           /* ds = bs * as; */
505:           ds = PetscPowScalar(as, beta);
506:           gs = coef * bs * (t0 - ts);

508:           tn = x[j + 1][i];
509:           an = 0.5 * (t0 + tn);
510:           bn = PetscPowScalar(an, bm1);
511:           /* dn = bn * an; */
512:           dn = PetscPowScalar(an, beta);
513:           gn = coef * bn * (tn - t0);

515:           v[0]     = -hxdhy * (ds - gs);
516:           col[0].j = j - 1;
517:           col[0].i = i;
518:           v[1]     = -hydhx * (dw - gw);
519:           col[1].j = j;
520:           col[1].i = i - 1;
521:           v[2]     = hxdhy * (ds + dn + gs - gn) + hydhx * (dw + de + gw - ge);
522:           col[2].j = row.j = j;
523:           col[2].i = row.i = i;
524:           v[3]             = -hxdhy * (dn + gn);
525:           col[3].j         = j + 1;
526:           col[3].i         = i;
527:           PetscCall(MatSetValuesStencil(B, 1, &row, 4, col, v, INSERT_VALUES));
528:           /* right-hand top boundary */
529:         } else {
530:           ts = x[j - 1][i];
531:           as = 0.5 * (t0 + ts);
532:           bs = PetscPowScalar(as, bm1);
533:           /* ds = bs * as; */
534:           ds = PetscPowScalar(as, beta);
535:           gs = coef * bs * (t0 - ts);

537:           v[0]     = -hxdhy * (ds - gs);
538:           col[0].j = j - 1;
539:           col[0].i = i;
540:           v[1]     = -hydhx * (dw - gw);
541:           col[1].j = j;
542:           col[1].i = i - 1;
543:           v[2]     = hxdhy * (ds + gs) + hydhx * (dw + de + gw - ge);
544:           col[2].j = row.j = j;
545:           col[2].i = row.i = i;
546:           PetscCall(MatSetValuesStencil(B, 1, &row, 3, col, v, INSERT_VALUES));
547:         }

549:         /* bottom boundary,and i <> 0 or mx-1 */
550:       } else if (j == 0) {
551:         tw = x[j][i - 1];
552:         aw = 0.5 * (t0 + tw);
553:         bw = PetscPowScalar(aw, bm1);
554:         /* dw = bw * aw */
555:         dw = PetscPowScalar(aw, beta);
556:         gw = coef * bw * (t0 - tw);

558:         te = x[j][i + 1];
559:         ae = 0.5 * (t0 + te);
560:         be = PetscPowScalar(ae, bm1);
561:         /* de = be * ae; */
562:         de = PetscPowScalar(ae, beta);
563:         ge = coef * be * (te - t0);

565:         tn = x[j + 1][i];
566:         an = 0.5 * (t0 + tn);
567:         bn = PetscPowScalar(an, bm1);
568:         /* dn = bn * an; */
569:         dn = PetscPowScalar(an, beta);
570:         gn = coef * bn * (tn - t0);

572:         v[0]     = -hydhx * (dw - gw);
573:         col[0].j = j;
574:         col[0].i = i - 1;
575:         v[1]     = hxdhy * (dn - gn) + hydhx * (dw + de + gw - ge);
576:         col[1].j = row.j = j;
577:         col[1].i = row.i = i;
578:         v[2]             = -hydhx * (de + ge);
579:         col[2].j         = j;
580:         col[2].i         = i + 1;
581:         v[3]             = -hxdhy * (dn + gn);
582:         col[3].j         = j + 1;
583:         col[3].i         = i;
584:         PetscCall(MatSetValuesStencil(B, 1, &row, 4, col, v, INSERT_VALUES));

586:         /* top boundary,and i <> 0 or mx-1 */
587:       } else if (j == my - 1) {
588:         tw = x[j][i - 1];
589:         aw = 0.5 * (t0 + tw);
590:         bw = PetscPowScalar(aw, bm1);
591:         /* dw = bw * aw */
592:         dw = PetscPowScalar(aw, beta);
593:         gw = coef * bw * (t0 - tw);

595:         te = x[j][i + 1];
596:         ae = 0.5 * (t0 + te);
597:         be = PetscPowScalar(ae, bm1);
598:         /* de = be * ae; */
599:         de = PetscPowScalar(ae, beta);
600:         ge = coef * be * (te - t0);

602:         ts = x[j - 1][i];
603:         as = 0.5 * (t0 + ts);
604:         bs = PetscPowScalar(as, bm1);
605:         /* ds = bs * as; */
606:         ds = PetscPowScalar(as, beta);
607:         gs = coef * bs * (t0 - ts);

609:         v[0]     = -hxdhy * (ds - gs);
610:         col[0].j = j - 1;
611:         col[0].i = i;
612:         v[1]     = -hydhx * (dw - gw);
613:         col[1].j = j;
614:         col[1].i = i - 1;
615:         v[2]     = hxdhy * (ds + gs) + hydhx * (dw + de + gw - ge);
616:         col[2].j = row.j = j;
617:         col[2].i = row.i = i;
618:         v[3]             = -hydhx * (de + ge);
619:         col[3].j         = j;
620:         col[3].i         = i + 1;
621:         PetscCall(MatSetValuesStencil(B, 1, &row, 4, col, v, INSERT_VALUES));
622:       }
623:     }
624:   }
625:   PetscCall(MatAssemblyBegin(B, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY));
626:   PetscCall(DMDAVecRestoreArray(da, localX, &x));
627:   PetscCall(MatAssemblyEnd(B, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY));
628:   PetscCall(DMRestoreLocalVector(da, &localX));
629:   if (jac != B) {
630:     PetscCall(MatAssemblyBegin(jac, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY));
631:     PetscCall(MatAssemblyEnd(jac, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY));
632:   }

634:   PetscCall(PetscLogFlops((41.0 + 8.0 * POWFLOP) * xm * ym));
635:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
636: }

638: /*TEST

640:    test:
641:       suffix: 1
642:       args: -pc_type mg -ksp_type fgmres -da_refine 2 -pc_mg_galerkin pmat -snes_view
643:       requires: !single

645:    test:
646:       suffix: 2
647:       args: -pc_type mg -ksp_type fgmres -da_refine 2 -pc_mg_galerkin pmat -snes_view -snes_type newtontrdc
648:       requires: !single

650:    test:
651:       suffix: 3
652:       args: -pc_type mg -ksp_type fgmres -da_refine 2 -pc_mg_galerkin pmat -snes_view -snes_type newtontr -snes_tr_fallback_type dogleg
653:       requires: !single

655: TEST*/