Actual source code: bqnkls.c
1: #include <../src/tao/bound/impls/bqnk/bqnk.h>
3: /*MC
4: TAOBQNKLS - Bounded Quasi-Newton-Krylov Line Search method for nonlinear minimization with
5: bound constraints. This method approximates the Hessian-vector product using a
6: limited-memory quasi-Newton formula, and iteratively inverts the Hessian with a
7: Krylov solver. The quasi-Newton matrix and its settings can be accessed via the
8: prefix `-tao_bqnk_`. For options database, see `TAOBNK`
10: Level: beginner
12: .seealso: `Tao`, `TaoType`, `TAOBNK`, `TAOBQNKTR`, `TAOBQNKTL`
13: M*/
14: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode TaoCreate_BQNKLS(Tao tao)
15: {
16: TAO_BNK *bnk;
17: TAO_BQNK *bqnk;
19: PetscFunctionBegin;
20: PetscCall(TaoCreate_BQNK(tao));
21: bnk = (TAO_BNK *)tao->data;
22: bnk->update_type = BNK_UPDATE_STEP;
23: bqnk = (TAO_BQNK *)bnk->ctx;
24: bqnk->solve = TaoSolve_BNLS;
25: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
26: }