Actual source code: pounders.h

  1: #pragma once
  2: #include <petsc/private/taoimpl.h>
  3: #include <petscblaslapack.h>

  5: typedef struct {
  6:   PetscInt      npmax; /* Max number of interpolation points (>n+1) (def: 2n+1) */
  7:   PetscInt      nmax;  /* Max(n*(n+1)/2, 5*npmax) */
  8:   PetscInt      m, n;
  9:   Vec          *Xhist;
 10:   Vec          *Fhist;
 11:   PetscReal    *Fres;        /* (nfmax) */
 12:   PetscReal    *RES;         /* npxm */
 13:   PetscReal    *work;        /* (n) */
 14:   PetscReal    *work2;       /* (n) */
 15:   PetscReal    *work3;       /* (n) */
 16:   PetscReal    *xmin;        /* (n) */
 17:   PetscReal    *mwork;       /* (m) */
 18:   PetscReal    *Disp;        /* nxn */
 19:   PetscReal    *Fdiff;       /* nxm */
 20:   PetscReal    *H;           /* model hessians (mxnxn) */
 21:   PetscReal    *Hres;        /* nxn */
 22:   PetscReal    *Gres;        /* n */
 23:   PetscReal    *Gdel;        /* mxn */
 24:   PetscReal    *Hdel;        /* mxnxn */
 25:   PetscReal    *Gpoints;     /* nxn */
 26:   PetscReal    *C;           /* m */
 27:   PetscReal    *Xsubproblem; /* n */
 28:   PetscInt     *indices;     /* 1,2,3...m */
 29:   PetscInt      minindex;
 30:   PetscInt      nmodelpoints;
 31:   PetscInt     *model_indices; /* n */
 32:   PetscInt      last_nmodelpoints;
 33:   PetscInt     *last_model_indices; /* n */
 34:   PetscInt     *interp_indices;     /* n */
 35:   PetscBLASInt *iwork;              /* n */
 36:   PetscReal    *w;                  /* nxn */
 37:   PetscInt      nHist;
 38:   VecScatter    scatterf, scatterx;
 39:   Vec           localf, localx, localfmin, localxmin;
 40:   Vec           workxvec, workfvec;
 41:   PetscMPIInt   size;

 43:   PetscReal delta; /* Trust region radius (>0) */
 44:   PetscReal delta0;
 45:   PetscBool usegqt;
 46:   Mat       Hs;
 47:   Vec       b;

 49:   PetscReal deltamax;
 50:   PetscReal deltamin;
 51:   PetscReal c1;         /* Factor for checking validity */
 52:   PetscReal c2;         /* Factor for linear poisedness */
 53:   PetscReal theta1;     /* Pivot threshold for validity */
 54:   PetscReal theta2;     /* Pivot threshold for additional points */
 55:   PetscReal gamma0;     /* parameter for shrinking trust region (<1) */
 56:   PetscReal gamma1;     /* parameter for enlarging trust region (>2) */
 57:   PetscReal eta0;       /* parameter 1 for accepting point (0 <= eta0 < eta1)*/
 58:   PetscReal eta1;       /* parameter 2 for accepting point (eta0 < eta1 < 1)*/
 59:   PetscReal gqt_rtol;   /* parameter used by gqt */
 60:   PetscInt  gqt_maxits; /* parameter used by gqt */

 62:   /* QR factorization data */
 63:   PetscInt      q_is_I;
 64:   PetscReal    *Q;          /* npmax x npmax */
 65:   PetscReal    *Q_tmp;      /* npmax x npmax */
 66:   PetscReal    *tau;        /* scalar factors of H(i) */
 67:   PetscReal    *tau_tmp;    /* scalar factors of H(i) */
 68:   PetscReal    *npmaxwork;  /* work vector of length npmax */
 69:   PetscBLASInt *npmaxiwork; /* integer work vector of length npmax */
 70:   /* morepoints and getquadnlsmfq */
 71:   PetscReal *L;      /* n*(n+1)/2 x npmax */
 72:   PetscReal *L_tmp;  /* n*(n+1)/2 x npmax */
 73:   PetscReal *L_save; /* n*(n+1)/2 x npmax */
 74:   PetscReal *Z;      /* npmax x npmax-(n+1) */
 75:   PetscReal *M;      /* npmax x n+1 */
 76:   PetscReal *N;      /* npmax x n*(n+1)/2  */
 77:   PetscReal *alpha;  /* n+1 */
 78:   PetscReal *beta;   /*  r(n+1)/2 */
 79:   PetscReal *omega;  /* npmax - np - 1 */

 81:   Tao subtao;
 82:   Vec subxl, subxu, subx, subpdel, subndel, subb;
 83:   Mat subH;


 87: PetscErrorCode gqt(PetscInt, PetscReal *, PetscInt, PetscReal *, PetscReal, PetscReal, PetscReal, PetscInt, PetscReal *, PetscReal *, PetscReal *, PetscInt *, PetscInt *, PetscReal *, PetscReal *, PetscReal *);