Actual source code: posindep.c

  1: /*
  2:        Code for Timestepping with implicit backwards Euler.
  3: */
  4: #include <petsc/private/tsimpl.h>

  6: typedef struct {
  7:   Vec update; /* work vector where new solution is formed */
  8:   Vec func;   /* work vector where F(t[i],u[i]) is stored */
  9:   Vec xdot;   /* work vector for time derivative of state */

 11:   /* information used for Pseudo-timestepping */

 13:   PetscErrorCode (*dt)(TS, PetscReal *, void *); /* compute next timestep, and related context */
 14:   void *dtctx;
 15:   PetscErrorCode (*verify)(TS, Vec, void *, PetscReal *, PetscBool *); /* verify previous timestep and related context */
 16:   void *verifyctx;

 18:   PetscReal fnorm_initial, fnorm; /* original and current norm of F(u) */
 19:   PetscReal fnorm_previous;

 21:   PetscReal dt_initial;   /* initial time-step */
 22:   PetscReal dt_increment; /* scaling that dt is incremented each time-step */
 23:   PetscReal dt_max;       /* maximum time step */
 24:   PetscBool increment_dt_from_initial_dt;
 25:   PetscReal fatol, frtol;
 26: } TS_Pseudo;

 28: /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

 30: /*@
 31:   TSPseudoComputeTimeStep - Computes the next timestep for a currently running
 32:   pseudo-timestepping process.

 34:   Collective

 36:   Input Parameter:
 37: . ts - timestep context

 39:   Output Parameter:
 40: . dt - newly computed timestep

 42:   Level: developer

 44:   Note:
 45:   The routine to be called here to compute the timestep should be
 46:   set by calling `TSPseudoSetTimeStep()`.

 48: .seealso: [](ch_ts), `TSPSEUDO`, `TSPseudoTimeStepDefault()`, `TSPseudoSetTimeStep()`
 49: @*/
 50: PetscErrorCode TSPseudoComputeTimeStep(TS ts, PetscReal *dt)
 51: {
 52:   TS_Pseudo *pseudo = (TS_Pseudo *)ts->data;

 54:   PetscFunctionBegin;
 55:   PetscCall(PetscLogEventBegin(TS_PseudoComputeTimeStep, ts, 0, 0, 0));
 56:   PetscCall((*pseudo->dt)(ts, dt, pseudo->dtctx));
 57:   PetscCall(PetscLogEventEnd(TS_PseudoComputeTimeStep, ts, 0, 0, 0));
 58:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 59: }

 61: /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 62: /*@C
 63:   TSPseudoVerifyTimeStepDefault - Default code to verify the quality of the last timestep.

 65:   Collective, No Fortran Support

 67:   Input Parameters:
 68: + ts     - the timestep context
 69: . dtctx  - unused timestep context
 70: - update - latest solution vector

 72:   Output Parameters:
 73: + newdt - the timestep to use for the next step
 74: - flag  - flag indicating whether the last time step was acceptable

 76:   Level: advanced

 78:   Note:
 79:   This routine always returns a flag of 1, indicating an acceptable
 80:   timestep.

 82: .seealso: [](ch_ts), `TSPSEUDO`, `TSPseudoSetVerifyTimeStep()`, `TSPseudoVerifyTimeStep()`
 83: @*/
 84: PetscErrorCode TSPseudoVerifyTimeStepDefault(TS ts, Vec update, void *dtctx, PetscReal *newdt, PetscBool *flag)
 85: {
 86:   PetscFunctionBegin;
 87:   *flag = PETSC_TRUE;
 88:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 89: }

 91: /*@
 92:   TSPseudoVerifyTimeStep - Verifies whether the last timestep was acceptable.

 94:   Collective

 96:   Input Parameters:
 97: + ts     - timestep context
 98: - update - latest solution vector

100:   Output Parameters:
101: + dt   - newly computed timestep (if it had to shrink)
102: - flag - indicates if current timestep was ok

104:   Level: advanced

106:   Notes:
107:   The routine to be called here to compute the timestep should be
108:   set by calling `TSPseudoSetVerifyTimeStep()`.

110: .seealso: [](ch_ts), `TSPSEUDO`, `TSPseudoSetVerifyTimeStep()`, `TSPseudoVerifyTimeStepDefault()`
111: @*/
112: PetscErrorCode TSPseudoVerifyTimeStep(TS ts, Vec update, PetscReal *dt, PetscBool *flag)
113: {
114:   TS_Pseudo *pseudo = (TS_Pseudo *)ts->data;

116:   PetscFunctionBegin;
117:   *flag = PETSC_TRUE;
118:   if (pseudo->verify) PetscCall((*pseudo->verify)(ts, update, pseudo->verifyctx, dt, flag));
119:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
120: }

122: /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

124: static PetscErrorCode TSStep_Pseudo(TS ts)
125: {
126:   TS_Pseudo *pseudo = (TS_Pseudo *)ts->data;
127:   PetscInt   nits, lits, reject;
128:   PetscBool  stepok;
129:   PetscReal  next_time_step = ts->time_step;

131:   PetscFunctionBegin;
132:   if (ts->steps == 0) pseudo->dt_initial = ts->time_step;
133:   PetscCall(VecCopy(ts->vec_sol, pseudo->update));
134:   PetscCall(TSPseudoComputeTimeStep(ts, &next_time_step));
135:   for (reject = 0; reject < ts->max_reject; reject++, ts->reject++) {
136:     ts->time_step = next_time_step;
137:     PetscCall(TSPreStage(ts, ts->ptime + ts->time_step));
138:     PetscCall(SNESSolve(ts->snes, NULL, pseudo->update));
139:     PetscCall(SNESGetIterationNumber(ts->snes, &nits));
140:     PetscCall(SNESGetLinearSolveIterations(ts->snes, &lits));
141:     ts->snes_its += nits;
142:     ts->ksp_its += lits;
143:     PetscCall(TSPostStage(ts, ts->ptime + ts->time_step, 0, &pseudo->update));
144:     PetscCall(TSAdaptCheckStage(ts->adapt, ts, ts->ptime + ts->time_step, pseudo->update, &stepok));
145:     if (!stepok) {
146:       next_time_step = ts->time_step;
147:       continue;
148:     }
149:     pseudo->fnorm = -1; /* The current norm is no longer valid, monitor must recompute it. */
150:     PetscCall(TSPseudoVerifyTimeStep(ts, pseudo->update, &next_time_step, &stepok));
151:     if (stepok) break;
152:   }
153:   if (reject >= ts->max_reject) {
154:     ts->reason = TS_DIVERGED_STEP_REJECTED;
155:     PetscCall(PetscInfo(ts, "Step=%" PetscInt_FMT ", step rejections %" PetscInt_FMT " greater than current TS allowed, stopping solve\n", ts->steps, reject));
156:     PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
157:   }

159:   PetscCall(VecCopy(pseudo->update, ts->vec_sol));
160:   ts->ptime += ts->time_step;
161:   ts->time_step = next_time_step;

163:   if (pseudo->fnorm < 0) {
164:     PetscCall(VecZeroEntries(pseudo->xdot));
165:     PetscCall(TSComputeIFunction(ts, ts->ptime, ts->vec_sol, pseudo->xdot, pseudo->func, PETSC_FALSE));
166:     PetscCall(VecNorm(pseudo->func, NORM_2, &pseudo->fnorm));
167:   }
168:   if (pseudo->fnorm < pseudo->fatol) {
169:     ts->reason = TS_CONVERGED_PSEUDO_FATOL;
170:     PetscCall(PetscInfo(ts, "Step=%" PetscInt_FMT ", converged since fnorm %g < fatol %g\n", ts->steps, (double)pseudo->fnorm, (double)pseudo->frtol));
171:     PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
172:   }
173:   if (pseudo->fnorm / pseudo->fnorm_initial < pseudo->frtol) {
174:     ts->reason = TS_CONVERGED_PSEUDO_FRTOL;
175:     PetscCall(PetscInfo(ts, "Step=%" PetscInt_FMT ", converged since fnorm %g / fnorm_initial %g < frtol %g\n", ts->steps, (double)pseudo->fnorm, (double)pseudo->fnorm_initial, (double)pseudo->fatol));
176:     PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
177:   }
178:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
179: }

181: /*------------------------------------------------------------*/
182: static PetscErrorCode TSReset_Pseudo(TS ts)
183: {
184:   TS_Pseudo *pseudo = (TS_Pseudo *)ts->data;

186:   PetscFunctionBegin;
187:   PetscCall(VecDestroy(&pseudo->update));
188:   PetscCall(VecDestroy(&pseudo->func));
189:   PetscCall(VecDestroy(&pseudo->xdot));
190:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
191: }

193: static PetscErrorCode TSDestroy_Pseudo(TS ts)
194: {
195:   PetscFunctionBegin;
196:   PetscCall(TSReset_Pseudo(ts));
197:   PetscCall(PetscFree(ts->data));
198:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)ts, "TSPseudoSetVerifyTimeStep_C", NULL));
199:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)ts, "TSPseudoSetTimeStepIncrement_C", NULL));
200:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)ts, "TSPseudoSetMaxTimeStep_C", NULL));
201:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)ts, "TSPseudoIncrementDtFromInitialDt_C", NULL));
202:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)ts, "TSPseudoSetTimeStep_C", NULL));
203:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
204: }

206: /*------------------------------------------------------------*/

208: /*
209:     Compute Xdot = (X^{n+1}-X^n)/dt) = 0
210: */
211: static PetscErrorCode TSPseudoGetXdot(TS ts, Vec X, Vec *Xdot)
212: {
213:   TS_Pseudo        *pseudo = (TS_Pseudo *)ts->data;
214:   const PetscScalar mdt    = 1.0 / ts->time_step, *xnp1, *xn;
215:   PetscScalar      *xdot;
216:   PetscInt          i, n;

218:   PetscFunctionBegin;
219:   *Xdot = NULL;
220:   PetscCall(VecGetArrayRead(ts->vec_sol, &xn));
221:   PetscCall(VecGetArrayRead(X, &xnp1));
222:   PetscCall(VecGetArray(pseudo->xdot, &xdot));
223:   PetscCall(VecGetLocalSize(X, &n));
224:   for (i = 0; i < n; i++) xdot[i] = mdt * (xnp1[i] - xn[i]);
225:   PetscCall(VecRestoreArrayRead(ts->vec_sol, &xn));
226:   PetscCall(VecRestoreArrayRead(X, &xnp1));
227:   PetscCall(VecRestoreArray(pseudo->xdot, &xdot));
228:   *Xdot = pseudo->xdot;
229:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
230: }

232: /*
233:     The transient residual is

235:         F(U^{n+1},(U^{n+1}-U^n)/dt) = 0

237:     or for ODE,

239:         (U^{n+1} - U^{n})/dt - F(U^{n+1}) = 0

241:     This is the function that must be evaluated for transient simulation and for
242:     finite difference Jacobians.  On the first Newton step, this algorithm uses
243:     a guess of U^{n+1} = U^n in which case the transient term vanishes and the
244:     residual is actually the steady state residual.  Pseudotransient
245:     continuation as described in the literature is a linearly implicit
246:     algorithm, it only takes this one Newton step with the steady state
247:     residual, and then advances to the next time step.
248: */
249: static PetscErrorCode SNESTSFormFunction_Pseudo(SNES snes, Vec X, Vec Y, TS ts)
250: {
251:   Vec Xdot;

253:   PetscFunctionBegin;
254:   PetscCall(TSPseudoGetXdot(ts, X, &Xdot));
255:   PetscCall(TSComputeIFunction(ts, ts->ptime + ts->time_step, X, Xdot, Y, PETSC_FALSE));
256:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
257: }

259: /*
260:    This constructs the Jacobian needed for SNES.  For DAE, this is

262:        dF(X,Xdot)/dX + shift*dF(X,Xdot)/dXdot

264:     and for ODE:

266:        J = I/dt - J_{Frhs}   where J_{Frhs} is the given Jacobian of Frhs.
267: */
268: static PetscErrorCode SNESTSFormJacobian_Pseudo(SNES snes, Vec X, Mat AA, Mat BB, TS ts)
269: {
270:   Vec Xdot;

272:   PetscFunctionBegin;
273:   PetscCall(TSPseudoGetXdot(ts, X, &Xdot));
274:   PetscCall(TSComputeIJacobian(ts, ts->ptime + ts->time_step, X, Xdot, 1. / ts->time_step, AA, BB, PETSC_FALSE));
275:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
276: }

278: static PetscErrorCode TSSetUp_Pseudo(TS ts)
279: {
280:   TS_Pseudo *pseudo = (TS_Pseudo *)ts->data;

282:   PetscFunctionBegin;
283:   PetscCall(VecDuplicate(ts->vec_sol, &pseudo->update));
284:   PetscCall(VecDuplicate(ts->vec_sol, &pseudo->func));
285:   PetscCall(VecDuplicate(ts->vec_sol, &pseudo->xdot));
286:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
287: }
288: /*------------------------------------------------------------*/

290: static PetscErrorCode TSPseudoMonitorDefault(TS ts, PetscInt step, PetscReal ptime, Vec v, void *dummy)
291: {
292:   TS_Pseudo  *pseudo = (TS_Pseudo *)ts->data;
293:   PetscViewer viewer = (PetscViewer)dummy;

295:   PetscFunctionBegin;
296:   if (pseudo->fnorm < 0) { /* The last computed norm is stale, recompute */
297:     PetscCall(VecZeroEntries(pseudo->xdot));
298:     PetscCall(TSComputeIFunction(ts, ts->ptime, ts->vec_sol, pseudo->xdot, pseudo->func, PETSC_FALSE));
299:     PetscCall(VecNorm(pseudo->func, NORM_2, &pseudo->fnorm));
300:   }
301:   PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIAddTab(viewer, ((PetscObject)ts)->tablevel));
302:   PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer, "TS %" PetscInt_FMT " dt %g time %g fnorm %g\n", step, (double)ts->time_step, (double)ptime, (double)pseudo->fnorm));
303:   PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIISubtractTab(viewer, ((PetscObject)ts)->tablevel));
304:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
305: }

307: static PetscErrorCode TSSetFromOptions_Pseudo(TS ts, PetscOptionItems *PetscOptionsObject)
308: {
309:   TS_Pseudo  *pseudo = (TS_Pseudo *)ts->data;
310:   PetscBool   flg    = PETSC_FALSE;
311:   PetscViewer viewer;

313:   PetscFunctionBegin;
314:   PetscOptionsHeadBegin(PetscOptionsObject, "Pseudo-timestepping options");
315:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsBool("-ts_monitor_pseudo", "Monitor convergence", "", flg, &flg, NULL));
316:   if (flg) {
317:     PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIOpen(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ts), "stdout", &viewer));
318:     PetscCall(TSMonitorSet(ts, TSPseudoMonitorDefault, viewer, (PetscErrorCode (*)(void **))PetscViewerDestroy));
319:   }
320:   flg = pseudo->increment_dt_from_initial_dt;
321:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsBool("-ts_pseudo_increment_dt_from_initial_dt", "Increase dt as a ratio from original dt", "TSPseudoIncrementDtFromInitialDt", flg, &flg, NULL));
322:   pseudo->increment_dt_from_initial_dt = flg;
323:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsReal("-ts_pseudo_increment", "Ratio to increase dt", "TSPseudoSetTimeStepIncrement", pseudo->dt_increment, &pseudo->dt_increment, NULL));
324:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsReal("-ts_pseudo_max_dt", "Maximum value for dt", "TSPseudoSetMaxTimeStep", pseudo->dt_max, &pseudo->dt_max, NULL));
325:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsReal("-ts_pseudo_fatol", "Tolerance for norm of function", "", pseudo->fatol, &pseudo->fatol, NULL));
326:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsReal("-ts_pseudo_frtol", "Relative tolerance for norm of function", "", pseudo->frtol, &pseudo->frtol, NULL));
327:   PetscOptionsHeadEnd();
328:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
329: }

331: static PetscErrorCode TSView_Pseudo(TS ts, PetscViewer viewer)
332: {
333:   PetscBool isascii;

335:   PetscFunctionBegin;
336:   PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)viewer, PETSCVIEWERASCII, &isascii));
337:   if (isascii) {
338:     TS_Pseudo *pseudo = (TS_Pseudo *)ts->data;
339:     PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer, "  frtol - relative tolerance in function value %g\n", (double)pseudo->frtol));
340:     PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer, "  fatol - absolute tolerance in function value %g\n", (double)pseudo->fatol));
341:     PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer, "  dt_initial - initial timestep %g\n", (double)pseudo->dt_initial));
342:     PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer, "  dt_increment - increase in timestep on successful step %g\n", (double)pseudo->dt_increment));
343:     PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer, "  dt_max - maximum time %g\n", (double)pseudo->dt_max));
344:   }
345:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
346: }

348: /*@C
349:   TSPseudoSetVerifyTimeStep - Sets a user-defined routine to verify the quality of the
350:   last timestep.

352:   Logically Collective

354:   Input Parameters:
355: + ts  - timestep context
356: . dt  - user-defined function to verify timestep
357: - ctx - [optional] user-defined context for private data for the timestep verification routine (may be `NULL`)

359:   Calling sequence of `func`:
360: + ts     - the time-step context
361: . update - latest solution vector
362: . ctx    - [optional] user-defined timestep context
363: . newdt  - the timestep to use for the next step
364: - flag   - flag indicating whether the last time step was acceptable

366:   Level: advanced

368:   Note:
369:   The routine set here will be called by `TSPseudoVerifyTimeStep()`
370:   during the timestepping process.

372: .seealso: [](ch_ts), `TSPSEUDO`, `TSPseudoVerifyTimeStepDefault()`, `TSPseudoVerifyTimeStep()`
373: @*/
374: PetscErrorCode TSPseudoSetVerifyTimeStep(TS ts, PetscErrorCode (*dt)(TS ts, Vec update, void *ctx, PetscReal *newdt, PetscBool *flag), void *ctx)
375: {
376:   PetscFunctionBegin;
378:   PetscTryMethod(ts, "TSPseudoSetVerifyTimeStep_C", (TS, PetscErrorCode (*)(TS, Vec, void *, PetscReal *, PetscBool *), void *), (ts, dt, ctx));
379:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
380: }

382: /*@
383:   TSPseudoSetTimeStepIncrement - Sets the scaling increment applied to
384:   dt when using the TSPseudoTimeStepDefault() routine.

386:   Logically Collective

388:   Input Parameters:
389: + ts  - the timestep context
390: - inc - the scaling factor >= 1.0

392:   Options Database Key:
393: . -ts_pseudo_increment <increment> - set pseudo increment

395:   Level: advanced

397: .seealso: [](ch_ts), `TSPSEUDO`, `TSPseudoSetTimeStep()`, `TSPseudoTimeStepDefault()`
398: @*/
399: PetscErrorCode TSPseudoSetTimeStepIncrement(TS ts, PetscReal inc)
400: {
401:   PetscFunctionBegin;
404:   PetscTryMethod(ts, "TSPseudoSetTimeStepIncrement_C", (TS, PetscReal), (ts, inc));
405:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
406: }

408: /*@
409:   TSPseudoSetMaxTimeStep - Sets the maximum time step
410:   when using the TSPseudoTimeStepDefault() routine.

412:   Logically Collective

414:   Input Parameters:
415: + ts    - the timestep context
416: - maxdt - the maximum time step, use a non-positive value to deactivate

418:   Options Database Key:
419: . -ts_pseudo_max_dt <increment> - set pseudo max dt

421:   Level: advanced

423: .seealso: [](ch_ts), `TSPSEUDO`, `TSPseudoSetTimeStep()`, `TSPseudoTimeStepDefault()`
424: @*/
425: PetscErrorCode TSPseudoSetMaxTimeStep(TS ts, PetscReal maxdt)
426: {
427:   PetscFunctionBegin;
430:   PetscTryMethod(ts, "TSPseudoSetMaxTimeStep_C", (TS, PetscReal), (ts, maxdt));
431:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
432: }

434: /*@
435:   TSPseudoIncrementDtFromInitialDt - Indicates that a new timestep
436:   is computed via the formula
437: $         dt = initial_dt*initial_fnorm/current_fnorm
438:   rather than the default update,
439: $         dt = current_dt*previous_fnorm/current_fnorm.

441:   Logically Collective

443:   Input Parameter:
444: . ts - the timestep context

446:   Options Database Key:
447: . -ts_pseudo_increment_dt_from_initial_dt <true,false> - use the initial dt to determine increment

449:   Level: advanced

451: .seealso: [](ch_ts), `TSPSEUDO`, `TSPseudoSetTimeStep()`, `TSPseudoTimeStepDefault()`
452: @*/
453: PetscErrorCode TSPseudoIncrementDtFromInitialDt(TS ts)
454: {
455:   PetscFunctionBegin;
457:   PetscTryMethod(ts, "TSPseudoIncrementDtFromInitialDt_C", (TS), (ts));
458:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
459: }

461: /*@C
462:   TSPseudoSetTimeStep - Sets the user-defined routine to be
463:   called at each pseudo-timestep to update the timestep.

465:   Logically Collective

467:   Input Parameters:
468: + ts  - timestep context
469: . dt  - function to compute timestep
470: - ctx - [optional] user-defined context for private data required by the function (may be `NULL`)

472:   Calling sequence of `dt`:
473: + ts    - the `TS` context
474: . newdt - the newly computed timestep
475: - ctx   - [optional] user-defined context

477:   Level: intermediate

479:   Notes:
480:   The routine set here will be called by `TSPseudoComputeTimeStep()`
481:   during the timestepping process.

483:   If not set then `TSPseudoTimeStepDefault()` is automatically used

485: .seealso: [](ch_ts), `TSPSEUDO`, `TSPseudoTimeStepDefault()`, `TSPseudoComputeTimeStep()`
486: @*/
487: PetscErrorCode TSPseudoSetTimeStep(TS ts, PetscErrorCode (*dt)(TS ts, PetscReal *newdt, void *ctx), void *ctx)
488: {
489:   PetscFunctionBegin;
491:   PetscTryMethod(ts, "TSPseudoSetTimeStep_C", (TS, PetscErrorCode (*)(TS, PetscReal *, void *), void *), (ts, dt, ctx));
492:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
493: }

495: /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

497: typedef PetscErrorCode (*FCN1)(TS, Vec, void *, PetscReal *, PetscBool *); /* force argument to next function to not be extern C*/
498: static PetscErrorCode TSPseudoSetVerifyTimeStep_Pseudo(TS ts, FCN1 dt, void *ctx)
499: {
500:   TS_Pseudo *pseudo = (TS_Pseudo *)ts->data;

502:   PetscFunctionBegin;
503:   pseudo->verify    = dt;
504:   pseudo->verifyctx = ctx;
505:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
506: }

508: static PetscErrorCode TSPseudoSetTimeStepIncrement_Pseudo(TS ts, PetscReal inc)
509: {
510:   TS_Pseudo *pseudo = (TS_Pseudo *)ts->data;

512:   PetscFunctionBegin;
513:   pseudo->dt_increment = inc;
514:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
515: }

517: static PetscErrorCode TSPseudoSetMaxTimeStep_Pseudo(TS ts, PetscReal maxdt)
518: {
519:   TS_Pseudo *pseudo = (TS_Pseudo *)ts->data;

521:   PetscFunctionBegin;
522:   pseudo->dt_max = maxdt;
523:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
524: }

526: static PetscErrorCode TSPseudoIncrementDtFromInitialDt_Pseudo(TS ts)
527: {
528:   TS_Pseudo *pseudo = (TS_Pseudo *)ts->data;

530:   PetscFunctionBegin;
531:   pseudo->increment_dt_from_initial_dt = PETSC_TRUE;
532:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
533: }

535: typedef PetscErrorCode (*FCN2)(TS, PetscReal *, void *); /* force argument to next function to not be extern C*/
536: static PetscErrorCode TSPseudoSetTimeStep_Pseudo(TS ts, FCN2 dt, void *ctx)
537: {
538:   TS_Pseudo *pseudo = (TS_Pseudo *)ts->data;

540:   PetscFunctionBegin;
541:   pseudo->dt    = dt;
542:   pseudo->dtctx = ctx;
543:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
544: }

546: /*MC
547:       TSPSEUDO - Solve steady state ODE and DAE problems with pseudo time stepping {cite}`ckk02` {cite}`kk97`

549:   This method solves equations of the form

551:   $$
552:   F(X,Xdot) = 0
553:   $$

555:   for steady state using the iteration

557:   $$
558:   [G'] S = -F(X,0)
559:   X += S
560:   $$

562:   where

564:   $$
565:   G(Y) = F(Y,(Y-X)/dt)
566:   $$

568:   This is linearly-implicit Euler with the residual always evaluated "at steady
569:   state".  See note below.

571:   Options Database Keys:
572: +  -ts_pseudo_increment <real>                     - ratio of increase dt
573: .  -ts_pseudo_increment_dt_from_initial_dt <truth> - Increase dt as a ratio from original dt
574: .  -ts_pseudo_fatol <atol>                         - stop iterating when the function norm is less than atol
575: -  -ts_pseudo_frtol <rtol>                         - stop iterating when the function norm divided by the initial function norm is less than rtol

577:   Level: beginner

579:   Notes:
580:   The residual computed by this method includes the transient term (Xdot is computed instead of
581:   always being zero), but since the prediction from the last step is always the solution from the
582:   last step, on the first Newton iteration we have

584:   $$
585:   Xdot = (Xpredicted - Xold)/dt = (Xold-Xold)/dt = 0
586:   $$

588:   Therefore, the linear system solved by the first Newton iteration is equivalent to the one
589:   described above and in the papers.  If the user chooses to perform multiple Newton iterations, the
590:   algorithm is no longer the one described in the referenced papers.

592: .seealso: [](ch_ts), `TSCreate()`, `TS`, `TSSetType()`
593: M*/
594: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode TSCreate_Pseudo(TS ts)
595: {
596:   TS_Pseudo *pseudo;
597:   SNES       snes;
598:   SNESType   stype;

600:   PetscFunctionBegin;
601:   ts->ops->reset          = TSReset_Pseudo;
602:   ts->ops->destroy        = TSDestroy_Pseudo;
603:   ts->ops->view           = TSView_Pseudo;
604:   ts->ops->setup          = TSSetUp_Pseudo;
605:   ts->ops->step           = TSStep_Pseudo;
606:   ts->ops->setfromoptions = TSSetFromOptions_Pseudo;
607:   ts->ops->snesfunction   = SNESTSFormFunction_Pseudo;
608:   ts->ops->snesjacobian   = SNESTSFormJacobian_Pseudo;
609:   ts->default_adapt_type  = TSADAPTNONE;
610:   ts->usessnes            = PETSC_TRUE;

612:   PetscCall(TSGetSNES(ts, &snes));
613:   PetscCall(SNESGetType(snes, &stype));
614:   if (!stype) PetscCall(SNESSetType(snes, SNESKSPONLY));

616:   PetscCall(PetscNew(&pseudo));
617:   ts->data = (void *)pseudo;

619:   pseudo->dt                           = TSPseudoTimeStepDefault;
620:   pseudo->dtctx                        = NULL;
621:   pseudo->dt_increment                 = 1.1;
622:   pseudo->increment_dt_from_initial_dt = PETSC_FALSE;
623:   pseudo->fnorm                        = -1;
624:   pseudo->fnorm_initial                = -1;
625:   pseudo->fnorm_previous               = -1;
626: #if defined(PETSC_USE_REAL_SINGLE)
627:   pseudo->fatol = 1.e-25;
628:   pseudo->frtol = 1.e-5;
629: #else
630:   pseudo->fatol = 1.e-50;
631:   pseudo->frtol = 1.e-12;
632: #endif
633:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)ts, "TSPseudoSetVerifyTimeStep_C", TSPseudoSetVerifyTimeStep_Pseudo));
634:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)ts, "TSPseudoSetTimeStepIncrement_C", TSPseudoSetTimeStepIncrement_Pseudo));
635:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)ts, "TSPseudoSetMaxTimeStep_C", TSPseudoSetMaxTimeStep_Pseudo));
636:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)ts, "TSPseudoIncrementDtFromInitialDt_C", TSPseudoIncrementDtFromInitialDt_Pseudo));
637:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)ts, "TSPseudoSetTimeStep_C", TSPseudoSetTimeStep_Pseudo));
638:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
639: }

641: /*@C
642:   TSPseudoTimeStepDefault - Default code to compute pseudo-timestepping.  Use with `TSPseudoSetTimeStep()`.

644:   Collective, No Fortran Support

646:   Input Parameters:
647: + ts    - the timestep context
648: - dtctx - unused timestep context

650:   Output Parameter:
651: . newdt - the timestep to use for the next step

653:   Level: advanced

655: .seealso: [](ch_ts), `TSPseudoSetTimeStep()`, `TSPseudoComputeTimeStep()`, `TSPSEUDO`
656: @*/
657: PetscErrorCode TSPseudoTimeStepDefault(TS ts, PetscReal *newdt, void *dtctx)
658: {
659:   TS_Pseudo *pseudo = (TS_Pseudo *)ts->data;
660:   PetscReal  inc    = pseudo->dt_increment;

662:   PetscFunctionBegin;
663:   PetscCall(VecZeroEntries(pseudo->xdot));
664:   PetscCall(TSComputeIFunction(ts, ts->ptime, ts->vec_sol, pseudo->xdot, pseudo->func, PETSC_FALSE));
665:   PetscCall(VecNorm(pseudo->func, NORM_2, &pseudo->fnorm));
666:   if (pseudo->fnorm_initial < 0) {
667:     /* first time through so compute initial function norm */
668:     pseudo->fnorm_initial  = pseudo->fnorm;
669:     pseudo->fnorm_previous = pseudo->fnorm;
670:   }
671:   if (pseudo->fnorm == 0.0) *newdt = 1.e12 * inc * ts->time_step;
672:   else if (pseudo->increment_dt_from_initial_dt) *newdt = inc * pseudo->dt_initial * pseudo->fnorm_initial / pseudo->fnorm;
673:   else *newdt = inc * ts->time_step * pseudo->fnorm_previous / pseudo->fnorm;
674:   if (pseudo->dt_max > 0) *newdt = PetscMin(*newdt, pseudo->dt_max);
675:   pseudo->fnorm_previous = pseudo->fnorm;
676:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
677: }