Actual source code: vecreg.c
1: #include <petsc/private/vecimpl.h>
3: PetscFunctionList VecList = NULL;
5: /* compare a vector type against a list of target vector types */
6: static inline PetscErrorCode VecTypeCompareAny_Private(VecType srcType, PetscBool *match, const char tgtTypes[], ...)
7: {
8: PetscBool flg = PETSC_FALSE;
9: va_list Argp;
11: PetscFunctionBegin;
12: PetscAssertPointer(match, 2);
13: *match = PETSC_FALSE;
14: va_start(Argp, tgtTypes);
15: while (tgtTypes && tgtTypes[0]) {
16: PetscCall(PetscStrcmp(srcType, tgtTypes, &flg));
17: if (flg) {
18: *match = PETSC_TRUE;
19: break;
20: }
21: tgtTypes = va_arg(Argp, const char *);
22: }
23: va_end(Argp);
24: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
25: }
27: #define PETSC_MAX_VECTYPE_LEN 64
29: /*@
30: VecSetType - Builds a vector, for a particular vector implementation.
32: Collective
34: Input Parameters:
35: + vec - The vector object
36: - newType - The name of the vector type
38: Options Database Key:
39: . -vec_type <type> - Sets the vector type; use -help for a list
40: of available types
42: Level: intermediate
44: Notes:
45: See `VecType` for available vector types (for instance, `VECSEQ` or `VECMPI`)
46: Changing a vector to a new type will retain its old value if any.
48: Use `VecDuplicate()` or `VecDuplicateVecs()` to form additional vectors of the same type as an existing vector.
50: .seealso: [](ch_vectors), `Vec`, `VecType`, `VecGetType()`, `VecCreate()`, `VecDuplicate()`, `VecDuplicateVecs()`
51: @*/
52: PetscErrorCode VecSetType(Vec vec, VecType newType)
53: {
54: PetscErrorCode (*r)(Vec);
55: VecType curType;
56: PetscBool match;
57: PetscMPIInt size;
58: PetscBool dstSeq = PETSC_FALSE; // type info of the new type
59: MPI_Comm comm;
60: char seqType[PETSC_MAX_VECTYPE_LEN] = {0};
61: char mpiType[PETSC_MAX_VECTYPE_LEN] = {0};
62: PetscScalar *oldValue;
63: PetscBool srcStandard, dstStandard;
65: PetscFunctionBegin;
68: PetscCall(VecGetType(vec, &curType));
69: if (!curType) goto newvec; // vec's type is not set yet
71: /* return if exactly the same type */
72: PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)vec, newType, &match));
73: if (match) PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
75: /* error on illegal mpi to seq conversion */
76: PetscCall(PetscObjectGetComm((PetscObject)vec, &comm));
77: PetscCallMPI(MPI_Comm_size(comm, &size));
79: PetscCall(PetscStrbeginswith(newType, VECSEQ, &dstSeq));
80: PetscCheck(!(size > 1 && dstSeq), comm, PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Cannot convert MPI vectors to sequential ones");
82: /* return if standard => standard */
83: if (size == 1) PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)vec, VECSEQ, &srcStandard));
84: else PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)vec, VECMPI, &srcStandard));
85: PetscCall(VecTypeCompareAny_Private(newType, &dstStandard, VECSTANDARD, VECSEQ, VECMPI, ""));
86: if (srcStandard && dstStandard) PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
88: /* return if curType = "seq" | "mpi" + newType */
89: PetscCall(PetscStrncpy(mpiType, "mpi", 4));
90: PetscCall(PetscStrlcat(mpiType, newType, PETSC_MAX_VECTYPE_LEN));
91: PetscCall(PetscStrncpy(seqType, "seq", 4));
92: PetscCall(PetscStrlcat(seqType, newType, PETSC_MAX_VECTYPE_LEN));
93: PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompareAny((PetscObject)vec, &match, seqType, mpiType, ""));
94: if (match) PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
96: /* downcast VECSTANDARD to VECCUDA/HIP/KOKKOS in place. We don't do in-place upcasting
97: for those vectors. At least, it is not always possible to upcast a VECCUDA to VECSTANDARD
98: in place, since the host array might be pinned (i.e., allocated by cudaMallocHost()). If
99: we upcast it to VECSTANDARD, we could not free the pinned array with PetscFree(), which
100: is assumed for VECSTANDARD. Thus we just create a new vector, though it is expensive.
101: Upcasting is rare and users are not recommended to use it.
102: */
103: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_CUDA)
104: {
105: PetscBool dstCUDA = PETSC_FALSE;
106: if (!dstStandard) PetscCall(VecTypeCompareAny_Private(newType, &dstCUDA, VECCUDA, VECSEQCUDA, VECMPICUDA, ""));
107: if (srcStandard && dstCUDA) {
108: if (size == 1) PetscCall(VecConvert_Seq_SeqCUDA_inplace(vec));
109: else PetscCall(VecConvert_MPI_MPICUDA_inplace(vec));
110: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
111: }
112: }
113: #endif
114: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_HIP)
115: {
116: PetscBool dstHIP = PETSC_FALSE;
117: if (!dstStandard) PetscCall(VecTypeCompareAny_Private(newType, &dstHIP, VECHIP, VECSEQHIP, VECMPIHIP, ""));
118: if (srcStandard && dstHIP) {
119: if (size == 1) PetscCall(VecConvert_Seq_SeqHIP_inplace(vec));
120: else PetscCall(VecConvert_MPI_MPIHIP_inplace(vec));
121: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
122: }
123: }
124: #endif
126: {
127: PetscBool dstKokkos = PETSC_FALSE;
128: if (!dstStandard) PetscCall(VecTypeCompareAny_Private(newType, &dstKokkos, VECKOKKOS, VECSEQKOKKOS, VECMPIKOKKOS, ""));
129: if (srcStandard && dstKokkos) {
130: if (size == 1) PetscCall(VecConvert_Seq_SeqKokkos_inplace(vec));
131: else PetscCall(VecConvert_MPI_MPIKokkos_inplace(vec));
132: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
133: }
134: }
135: #endif
137: /* Other conversion scenarios: create a new vector but retain old value */
138: newvec:
139: PetscCall(PetscFunctionListFind(VecList, newType, &r));
140: PetscCheck(r, PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)vec), PETSC_ERR_ARG_UNKNOWN_TYPE, "Unknown vector type: %s", newType);
141: if (curType) { /* no need to destroy a vec without type */
142: const PetscScalar *array;
143: PetscCall(VecGetArrayRead(vec, &array));
144: if (array) { /* record the old value if any before destroy */
145: PetscCall(PetscMalloc1(vec->map->n, &oldValue)); /* no need to free since we'll drop it into vec */
146: PetscCall(PetscArraycpy(oldValue, array, vec->map->n));
147: } else {
148: oldValue = NULL;
149: }
150: PetscCall(VecRestoreArrayRead(vec, &array));
151: PetscTryTypeMethod(vec, destroy);
152: PetscCall(PetscMemzero(vec->ops, sizeof(struct _VecOps)));
153: PetscCall(PetscFree(vec->defaultrandtype));
154: PetscCall(PetscFree(((PetscObject)vec)->type_name)); /* free type_name to make vec clean to use, as we might call VecSetType() again */
155: }
157: if (vec->map->n < 0 && vec->map->N < 0) {
158: vec->ops->create = r;
159: vec->ops->load = VecLoad_Default;
160: } else {
161: PetscCall((*r)(vec));
162: }
164: /* drop in the old value */
165: if (curType && vec->map->n) PetscCall(VecReplaceArray(vec, oldValue));
166: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
167: }
169: /*@
170: VecGetType - Gets the vector type name (as a string) from a `Vec`.
172: Not Collective
174: Input Parameter:
175: . vec - The vector
177: Output Parameter:
178: . type - The `VecType` of the vector
180: Level: intermediate
182: .seealso: [](ch_vectors), `Vec`, `VecType`, `VecCreate()`, `VecDuplicate()`, `VecDuplicateVecs()`
183: @*/
184: PetscErrorCode VecGetType(Vec vec, VecType *type)
185: {
186: PetscFunctionBegin;
188: PetscAssertPointer(type, 2);
189: PetscCall(VecRegisterAll());
190: *type = ((PetscObject)vec)->type_name;
191: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
192: }
194: PetscErrorCode VecGetRootType_Private(Vec vec, VecType *vtype)
195: {
196: PetscBool iscuda, iship, iskokkos, isvcl;
198: PetscFunctionBegin;
200: PetscAssertPointer(vtype, 2);
201: PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompareAny((PetscObject)vec, &iscuda, VECCUDA, VECMPICUDA, VECSEQCUDA, ""));
202: PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompareAny((PetscObject)vec, &iship, VECHIP, VECMPIHIP, VECSEQHIP, ""));
203: PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompareAny((PetscObject)vec, &iskokkos, VECKOKKOS, VECMPIKOKKOS, VECSEQKOKKOS, ""));
204: PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompareAny((PetscObject)vec, &isvcl, VECVIENNACL, VECMPIVIENNACL, VECSEQVIENNACL, ""));
205: if (iscuda) {
206: *vtype = VECCUDA;
207: } else if (iship) {
208: *vtype = VECHIP;
209: } else if (iskokkos) {
210: *vtype = VECKOKKOS;
211: } else if (isvcl) {
212: *vtype = VECVIENNACL;
213: } else {
214: *vtype = VECSTANDARD;
215: }
216: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
217: }
219: /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
221: /*@C
222: VecRegister - Adds a new vector component implementation
224: Not Collective, No Fortran Support
226: Input Parameters:
227: + sname - The name of a new user-defined creation routine
228: - function - The creation routine
230: Notes:
231: `VecRegister()` may be called multiple times to add several user-defined vectors
233: Example Usage:
234: .vb
235: VecRegister("my_vec",MyVectorCreate);
236: .ve
238: Then, your vector type can be chosen with the procedural interface via
239: .vb
240: VecCreate(MPI_Comm, Vec *);
241: VecSetType(Vec,"my_vector_name");
242: .ve
243: or at runtime via the option
244: .vb
245: -vec_type my_vector_name
246: .ve
248: Level: advanced
250: .seealso: `VecRegisterAll()`, `VecRegisterDestroy()`
251: @*/
252: PetscErrorCode VecRegister(const char sname[], PetscErrorCode (*function)(Vec))
253: {
254: PetscFunctionBegin;
255: PetscCall(VecInitializePackage());
256: PetscCall(PetscFunctionListAdd(&VecList, sname, function));
257: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
258: }