Actual source code: cdf.c
1: #include <petsc/private/vecimpl.h>
2: #include "../src/vec/vec/utils/tagger/impls/simple.h"
4: const char *const VecTaggerCDFMethods[VECTAGGER_CDF_NUM_METHODS] = {"gather", "iterative"};
6: #if !defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
7: typedef VecTaggerBox VecTaggerBoxReal;
8: #else
9: typedef struct {
10: PetscReal min;
11: PetscReal max;
12: } VecTaggerBoxReal;
13: #endif
15: typedef struct {
16: VecTagger_Simple smpl;
17: PetscReal atol;
18: PetscReal rtol;
19: PetscInt maxit;
20: PetscInt numMoments;
21: VecTaggerCDFMethod method;
22: } VecTagger_CDF;
24: static PetscErrorCode VecTaggerComputeBox_CDF_SortedArray(const PetscReal *cArray, PetscInt m, const VecTaggerBoxReal *bxs, VecTaggerBoxReal *boxes)
25: {
26: PetscInt minInd, maxInd;
27: PetscReal minCDF, maxCDF;
29: PetscFunctionBegin;
30: minCDF = PetscMax(0., bxs->min);
31: maxCDF = PetscMin(1., bxs->max);
32: minInd = (PetscInt)(minCDF * m);
33: maxInd = (PetscInt)(maxCDF * m);
34: boxes->min = cArray[PetscMin(minInd, m - 1)];
35: boxes->max = cArray[PetscMax(minInd, maxInd - 1)];
36: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
37: }
39: static PetscErrorCode VecTaggerComputeBoxes_CDF_Serial(VecTagger tagger, Vec vec, PetscInt bs, VecTaggerBox *boxes)
40: {
41: VecTagger_Simple *smpl = (VecTagger_Simple *)tagger->data;
42: Vec vComp;
43: PetscInt n, m;
44: PetscInt i;
45: #if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
46: PetscReal *cReal, *cImag;
47: #endif
49: PetscFunctionBegin;
50: PetscCall(VecGetLocalSize(vec, &n));
51: m = n / bs;
52: PetscCall(VecCreateSeq(PETSC_COMM_SELF, m, &vComp));
53: #if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
54: PetscCall(PetscMalloc2(m, &cReal, m, &cImag));
55: #endif
56: for (i = 0; i < bs; i++) {
57: IS isStride;
58: VecScatter vScat;
59: PetscScalar *cArray;
61: PetscCall(ISCreateStride(PETSC_COMM_SELF, m, i, bs, &isStride));
62: PetscCall(VecScatterCreate(vec, isStride, vComp, NULL, &vScat));
63: PetscCall(VecScatterBegin(vScat, vec, vComp, INSERT_VALUES, SCATTER_FORWARD));
64: PetscCall(VecScatterEnd(vScat, vec, vComp, INSERT_VALUES, SCATTER_FORWARD));
65: PetscCall(VecScatterDestroy(&vScat));
66: PetscCall(ISDestroy(&isStride));
68: PetscCall(VecGetArray(vComp, &cArray));
69: #if !defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
70: PetscCall(PetscSortReal(m, cArray));
71: PetscCall(VecTaggerComputeBox_CDF_SortedArray(cArray, m, &smpl->box[i], &boxes[i]));
72: #else
73: {
74: PetscInt j;
75: VecTaggerBoxReal realBxs, imagBxs;
76: VecTaggerBoxReal realBoxes, imagBoxes;
78: for (j = 0; j < m; j++) {
79: cReal[j] = PetscRealPart(cArray[j]);
80: cImag[j] = PetscImaginaryPart(cArray[j]);
81: }
82: PetscCall(PetscSortReal(m, cReal));
83: PetscCall(PetscSortReal(m, cImag));
85: realBxs.min = PetscRealPart(smpl->box[i].min);
86: realBxs.max = PetscRealPart(smpl->box[i].max);
87: imagBxs.min = PetscImaginaryPart(smpl->box[i].min);
88: imagBxs.max = PetscImaginaryPart(smpl->box[i].max);
89: PetscCall(VecTaggerComputeBox_CDF_SortedArray(cReal, m, &realBxs, &realBoxes));
90: PetscCall(VecTaggerComputeBox_CDF_SortedArray(cImag, m, &imagBxs, &imagBoxes));
91: boxes[i].min = PetscCMPLX(realBoxes.min, imagBoxes.min);
92: boxes[i].max = PetscCMPLX(realBoxes.max, imagBoxes.max);
93: }
94: #endif
95: PetscCall(VecRestoreArray(vComp, &cArray));
96: }
97: #if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
98: PetscCall(PetscFree2(cReal, cImag));
99: #endif
100: PetscCall(VecDestroy(&vComp));
101: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
102: }
104: static PetscErrorCode VecTaggerComputeBoxes_CDF_Gather(VecTagger tagger, Vec vec, PetscInt bs, VecTaggerBox *boxes)
105: {
106: Vec gVec = NULL;
107: VecScatter vScat;
108: PetscMPIInt rank;
110: PetscFunctionBegin;
111: PetscCall(VecScatterCreateToZero(vec, &vScat, &gVec));
112: PetscCall(VecScatterBegin(vScat, vec, gVec, INSERT_VALUES, SCATTER_FORWARD));
113: PetscCall(VecScatterEnd(vScat, vec, gVec, INSERT_VALUES, SCATTER_FORWARD));
114: PetscCall(VecScatterDestroy(&vScat));
115: PetscCallMPI(MPI_Comm_rank(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)vec), &rank));
116: if (rank == 0) PetscCall(VecTaggerComputeBoxes_CDF_Serial(tagger, gVec, bs, boxes));
117: PetscCallMPI(MPI_Bcast((PetscScalar *)boxes, (PetscMPIInt)(2 * bs), MPIU_SCALAR, 0, PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)vec)));
118: PetscCall(VecDestroy(&gVec));
119: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
120: }
122: typedef struct _n_CDFStats {
123: PetscReal min;
124: PetscReal max;
125: PetscReal moment[3];
126: } CDFStats;
128: static void MPIAPI VecTaggerCDFStatsReduce(void *a, void *b, int *len, MPI_Datatype *datatype)
129: {
130: PetscInt i, j, N = *len;
131: CDFStats *A = (CDFStats *)a;
132: CDFStats *B = (CDFStats *)b;
134: for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
135: B[i].min = PetscMin(A[i].min, B[i].min);
136: B[i].max = PetscMax(A[i].max, B[i].max);
137: for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) B[i].moment[j] += A[i].moment[j];
138: }
139: }
141: static PetscErrorCode CDFUtilInverseEstimate(const CDFStats *stats, PetscReal cdfTarget, PetscReal *absEst)
142: {
143: PetscReal min, max;
145: PetscFunctionBegin;
146: min = stats->min;
147: max = stats->max;
148: *absEst = min + cdfTarget * (max - min);
149: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
150: }
152: static PetscErrorCode VecTaggerComputeBox_CDF_SortedArray_Iterative(VecTagger tagger, MPI_Datatype statType, MPI_Op statReduce, const PetscReal *cArray, PetscInt m, const VecTaggerBoxReal *cdfBox, VecTaggerBoxReal *absBox)
153: {
154: MPI_Comm comm;
155: VecTagger_CDF *cdf;
156: PetscInt maxit, i, j, k, l, M;
157: PetscInt bounds[2][2];
158: PetscInt offsets[2];
159: PetscReal intervalLen = cdfBox->max - cdfBox->min;
160: PetscReal rtol, atol;
162: PetscFunctionBegin;
163: comm = PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)tagger);
164: cdf = (VecTagger_CDF *)tagger->data;
165: maxit = cdf->maxit;
166: rtol = cdf->rtol;
167: atol = cdf->atol;
168: /* local range of sorted values that can contain the sought radix */
169: offsets[0] = 0;
170: offsets[1] = 0;
171: bounds[0][0] = 0;
172: bounds[0][1] = m;
173: bounds[1][0] = 0;
174: bounds[1][1] = m;
175: PetscCall(VecTaggerComputeBox_CDF_SortedArray(cArray, m, cdfBox, absBox)); /* compute a local estimate of the interval */
176: {
177: CDFStats stats[3];
179: for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { /* compute statistics of those local estimates */
180: PetscReal val = i ? absBox->max : absBox->min;
182: stats[i].min = m ? val : PETSC_MAX_REAL;
183: stats[i].max = m ? val : PETSC_MIN_REAL;
184: stats[i].moment[0] = m;
185: stats[i].moment[1] = m * val;
186: stats[i].moment[2] = m * val * val;
187: }
188: stats[2].min = PETSC_MAX_REAL;
189: stats[2].max = PETSC_MAX_REAL;
190: for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) stats[2].moment[i] = 0.;
191: for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
192: PetscReal val = cArray[i];
194: stats[2].min = PetscMin(stats[2].min, val);
195: stats[2].max = PetscMax(stats[2].max, val);
196: stats[2].moment[0]++;
197: stats[2].moment[1] += val;
198: stats[2].moment[2] += val * val;
199: }
200: /* reduce those statistics */
201: PetscCallMPI(MPIU_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, stats, 3, statType, statReduce, comm));
202: M = (PetscInt)stats[2].moment[0];
203: /* use those initial statistics to get the initial (globally agreed-upon) choices for the absolute box bounds */
204: for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) PetscCall(CDFUtilInverseEstimate(&stats[i], i ? cdfBox->max : cdfBox->min, i ? &absBox->max : &absBox->min));
205: }
206: /* refine the estimates by computing how close they come to the desired box and refining */
207: for (k = 0; k < maxit; k++) {
208: PetscReal maxDiff = 0.;
210: CDFStats stats[2][2];
211: PetscInt newBounds[2][2][2];
212: for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
213: for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
214: stats[i][j].min = PETSC_MAX_REAL;
215: stats[i][j].max = PETSC_MIN_REAL;
216: for (l = 0; l < 3; l++) stats[i][j].moment[l] = 0.;
217: newBounds[i][j][0] = PetscMax(bounds[i][0], bounds[i][1]);
218: newBounds[i][j][1] = PetscMin(bounds[i][0], bounds[i][1]);
219: }
220: }
221: for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
222: for (j = 0; j < bounds[i][1] - bounds[i][0]; j++) {
223: PetscInt thisInd = bounds[i][0] + j;
224: PetscReal val = cArray[thisInd];
225: PetscInt section;
226: if (!i) {
227: section = (val < absBox->min) ? 0 : 1;
228: } else {
229: section = (val <= absBox->max) ? 0 : 1;
230: }
231: stats[i][section].min = PetscMin(stats[i][section].min, val);
232: stats[i][section].max = PetscMax(stats[i][section].max, val);
233: stats[i][section].moment[0]++;
234: stats[i][section].moment[1] += val;
235: stats[i][section].moment[2] += val * val;
236: newBounds[i][section][0] = PetscMin(newBounds[i][section][0], thisInd);
237: newBounds[i][section][1] = PetscMax(newBounds[i][section][0], thisInd + 1);
238: }
239: }
240: PetscCallMPI(MPIU_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, stats, 4, statType, statReduce, comm));
241: for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
242: PetscInt totalLessThan = offsets[i] + stats[i][0].moment[0];
243: PetscReal cdfOfAbs = (PetscReal)totalLessThan / (PetscReal)M;
244: PetscReal diff;
245: PetscInt section;
247: if (cdfOfAbs == (i ? cdfBox->max : cdfBox->min)) {
248: offsets[i] = totalLessThan;
249: bounds[i][0] = bounds[i][1] = 0;
250: continue;
251: }
252: if (cdfOfAbs > (i ? cdfBox->max : cdfBox->min)) { /* the correct absolute value lies in the lower section */
253: section = 0;
254: } else {
255: section = 1;
256: offsets[i] = totalLessThan;
257: }
258: for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) bounds[i][j] = newBounds[i][section][j];
259: PetscCall(CDFUtilInverseEstimate(&stats[i][section], ((i ? cdfBox->max : cdfBox->min) - ((PetscReal)offsets[i] / (PetscReal)M)) / stats[i][section].moment[0], i ? &absBox->max : &absBox->min));
260: diff = PetscAbs(cdfOfAbs - (i ? cdfBox->max : cdfBox->min));
261: maxDiff = PetscMax(maxDiff, diff);
262: }
263: if (!maxDiff) PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
264: if ((atol || rtol) && ((!atol) || (maxDiff <= atol)) && ((!rtol) || (maxDiff <= rtol * intervalLen))) break;
265: }
266: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
267: }
269: static PetscErrorCode VecTaggerComputeBoxes_CDF_Iterative(VecTagger tagger, Vec vec, PetscInt bs, VecTaggerBox *boxes)
270: {
271: VecTagger_CDF *cdf = (VecTagger_CDF *)tagger->data;
272: VecTagger_Simple *smpl = &cdf->smpl;
273: Vec vComp;
274: PetscInt i, N, M, n, m, rstart;
275: #if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
276: PetscReal *cReal, *cImag;
277: #endif
278: MPI_Comm comm;
279: MPI_Datatype statType;
280: MPI_Op statReduce;
282: PetscFunctionBegin;
283: comm = PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)vec);
284: PetscCall(VecGetSize(vec, &N));
285: PetscCall(VecGetLocalSize(vec, &n));
286: M = N / bs;
287: m = n / bs;
288: PetscCall(VecCreateMPI(comm, m, M, &vComp));
289: PetscCall(VecSetUp(vComp));
290: PetscCall(VecGetOwnershipRange(vComp, &rstart, NULL));
291: #if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
292: PetscCall(PetscMalloc2(m, &cReal, m, &cImag));
293: #endif
294: PetscCallMPI(MPI_Type_contiguous(5, MPIU_REAL, &statType));
295: PetscCallMPI(MPI_Type_commit(&statType));
296: PetscCallMPI(MPI_Op_create(VecTaggerCDFStatsReduce, 1, &statReduce));
297: for (i = 0; i < bs; i++) {
298: IS isStride;
299: VecScatter vScat;
300: PetscScalar *cArray;
302: PetscCall(ISCreateStride(comm, m, bs * rstart + i, bs, &isStride));
303: PetscCall(VecScatterCreate(vec, isStride, vComp, NULL, &vScat));
304: PetscCall(VecScatterBegin(vScat, vec, vComp, INSERT_VALUES, SCATTER_FORWARD));
305: PetscCall(VecScatterEnd(vScat, vec, vComp, INSERT_VALUES, SCATTER_FORWARD));
306: PetscCall(VecScatterDestroy(&vScat));
307: PetscCall(ISDestroy(&isStride));
309: PetscCall(VecGetArray(vComp, &cArray));
310: #if !defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
311: PetscCall(PetscSortReal(m, cArray));
312: PetscCall(VecTaggerComputeBox_CDF_SortedArray_Iterative(tagger, statType, statReduce, cArray, m, &smpl->box[i], &boxes[i]));
313: #else
314: {
315: PetscInt j;
316: VecTaggerBoxReal realBxs, imagBxs;
317: VecTaggerBoxReal realBoxes, imagBoxes;
319: for (j = 0; j < m; j++) {
320: cReal[j] = PetscRealPart(cArray[j]);
321: cImag[j] = PetscImaginaryPart(cArray[j]);
322: }
323: PetscCall(PetscSortReal(m, cReal));
324: PetscCall(PetscSortReal(m, cImag));
326: realBxs.min = PetscRealPart(smpl->box[i].min);
327: realBxs.max = PetscRealPart(smpl->box[i].max);
328: imagBxs.min = PetscImaginaryPart(smpl->box[i].min);
329: imagBxs.max = PetscImaginaryPart(smpl->box[i].max);
330: PetscCall(VecTaggerComputeBox_CDF_SortedArray_Iterative(tagger, statType, statReduce, cReal, m, &realBxs, &realBoxes));
331: PetscCall(VecTaggerComputeBox_CDF_SortedArray_Iterative(tagger, statType, statReduce, cImag, m, &imagBxs, &imagBoxes));
332: boxes[i].min = PetscCMPLX(realBoxes.min, imagBoxes.min);
333: boxes[i].max = PetscCMPLX(realBoxes.max, imagBoxes.max);
334: }
335: #endif
336: PetscCall(VecRestoreArray(vComp, &cArray));
337: }
338: PetscCallMPI(MPI_Op_free(&statReduce));
339: PetscCallMPI(MPI_Type_free(&statType));
340: #if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
341: PetscCall(PetscFree2(cReal, cImag));
342: #endif
343: PetscCall(VecDestroy(&vComp));
344: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
345: }
347: static PetscErrorCode VecTaggerComputeBoxes_CDF(VecTagger tagger, Vec vec, PetscInt *numBoxes, VecTaggerBox **boxes, PetscBool *listed)
348: {
349: VecTagger_CDF *cuml = (VecTagger_CDF *)tagger->data;
350: PetscMPIInt size;
351: PetscInt bs;
352: VecTaggerBox *bxs;
354: PetscFunctionBegin;
355: PetscCall(VecTaggerGetBlockSize(tagger, &bs));
356: *numBoxes = 1;
357: PetscCall(PetscMalloc1(bs, &bxs));
358: PetscCallMPI(MPI_Comm_size(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)tagger), &size));
359: if (size == 1) {
360: PetscCall(VecTaggerComputeBoxes_CDF_Serial(tagger, vec, bs, bxs));
361: *boxes = bxs;
362: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
363: }
364: switch (cuml->method) {
366: PetscCall(VecTaggerComputeBoxes_CDF_Gather(tagger, vec, bs, bxs));
367: break;
369: PetscCall(VecTaggerComputeBoxes_CDF_Iterative(tagger, vec, bs, bxs));
370: break;
371: default:
372: SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)tagger), PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Unknown CDF calculation/estimation method.");
373: }
374: *boxes = bxs;
375: if (listed) *listed = PETSC_TRUE;
376: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
377: }
379: static PetscErrorCode VecTaggerView_CDF(VecTagger tagger, PetscViewer viewer)
380: {
381: VecTagger_CDF *cuml = (VecTagger_CDF *)tagger->data;
382: PetscBool iascii;
383: PetscMPIInt size;
385: PetscFunctionBegin;
386: PetscCall(VecTaggerView_Simple(tagger, viewer));
387: PetscCallMPI(MPI_Comm_size(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)tagger), &size));
388: PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)viewer, PETSCVIEWERASCII, &iascii));
389: if (size > 1 && iascii) {
390: PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer, "CDF computation method: %s\n", VecTaggerCDFMethods[cuml->method]));
391: if (cuml->method == VECTAGGER_CDF_ITERATIVE) {
392: PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPushTab(viewer));
393: PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer, "max its: %" PetscInt_FMT ", abs tol: %g, rel tol %g\n", cuml->maxit, (double)cuml->atol, (double)cuml->rtol));
394: PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPopTab(viewer));
395: }
396: }
397: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
398: }
400: static PetscErrorCode VecTaggerSetFromOptions_CDF(VecTagger tagger, PetscOptionItems *PetscOptionsObject)
401: {
402: VecTagger_CDF *cuml = (VecTagger_CDF *)tagger->data;
403: PetscInt method;
404: PetscBool set;
406: PetscFunctionBegin;
407: PetscCall(VecTaggerSetFromOptions_Simple(tagger, PetscOptionsObject));
408: PetscOptionsHeadBegin(PetscOptionsObject, "VecTagger options for CDF boxes");
409: PetscCall(PetscOptionsEList("-vec_tagger_cdf_method", "Method for computing absolute boxes from CDF boxes", "VecTaggerCDFSetMethod()", VecTaggerCDFMethods, VECTAGGER_CDF_NUM_METHODS, VecTaggerCDFMethods[cuml->method], &method, &set));
410: if (set) cuml->method = (VecTaggerCDFMethod)method;
411: PetscCall(PetscOptionsInt("-vec_tagger_cdf_max_it", "Maximum iterations for iterative computation of absolute boxes from CDF boxes", "VecTaggerCDFIterativeSetTolerances()", cuml->maxit, &cuml->maxit, NULL));
412: PetscCall(PetscOptionsReal("-vec_tagger_cdf_rtol", "Maximum relative tolerance for iterative computation of absolute boxes from CDF boxes", "VecTaggerCDFIterativeSetTolerances()", cuml->rtol, &cuml->rtol, NULL));
413: PetscCall(PetscOptionsReal("-vec_tagger_cdf_atol", "Maximum absolute tolerance for iterative computation of absolute boxes from CDF boxes", "VecTaggerCDFIterativeSetTolerances()", cuml->atol, &cuml->atol, NULL));
414: PetscOptionsHeadEnd();
415: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
416: }
418: /*@
419: VecTaggerCDFSetMethod - Set the method used to compute absolute boxes from CDF boxes
421: Logically Collective
423: Input Parameters:
424: + tagger - the `VecTagger` context
425: - method - the method
427: Level: advanced
429: .seealso: `Vec`, `VecTagger`, `VecTaggerCDFMethod`
430: @*/
431: PetscErrorCode VecTaggerCDFSetMethod(VecTagger tagger, VecTaggerCDFMethod method)
432: {
433: VecTagger_CDF *cuml = (VecTagger_CDF *)tagger->data;
435: PetscFunctionBegin;
438: cuml->method = method;
439: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
440: }
442: /*@
443: VecTaggerCDFGetMethod - Get the method used to compute absolute boxes from CDF boxes
445: Logically Collective
447: Input Parameter:
448: . tagger - the `VecTagger` context
450: Output Parameter:
451: . method - the method
453: Level: advanced
455: .seealso: `Vec`, `VecTagger`, `VecTaggerCDFMethod`
456: @*/
457: PetscErrorCode VecTaggerCDFGetMethod(VecTagger tagger, VecTaggerCDFMethod *method)
458: {
459: VecTagger_CDF *cuml = (VecTagger_CDF *)tagger->data;
461: PetscFunctionBegin;
463: PetscAssertPointer(method, 2);
464: *method = cuml->method;
465: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
466: }
468: /*@C
469: VecTaggerCDFIterativeSetTolerances - Set the tolerances for iterative computation of absolute boxes from CDF boxes.
471: Logically Collective
473: Input Parameters:
474: + tagger - the `VecTagger` context
475: . maxit - the maximum number of iterations: 0 indicates the absolute values will be estimated from an initial guess based only on the minimum, maximum, mean,
476: and standard deviation of the box endpoints.
477: . rtol - the acceptable relative tolerance in the absolute values from the initial guess
478: - atol - the acceptable absolute tolerance in the absolute values from the initial guess
480: Level: advanced
482: .seealso: `VecTagger`, `VecTaggerCDFSetMethod()`
483: @*/
484: PetscErrorCode VecTaggerCDFIterativeSetTolerances(VecTagger tagger, PetscInt maxit, PetscReal rtol, PetscReal atol)
485: {
486: VecTagger_CDF *cuml = (VecTagger_CDF *)tagger->data;
488: PetscFunctionBegin;
493: cuml->maxit = maxit;
494: cuml->rtol = rtol;
495: cuml->atol = atol;
496: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
497: }
499: /*@
500: VecTaggerCDFIterativeGetTolerances - Get the tolerances for iterative computation of absolute boxes from CDF boxes.
502: Logically Collective
504: Input Parameter:
505: . tagger - the `VecTagger` context
507: Output Parameters:
508: + maxit - the maximum number of iterations: 0 indicates the absolute values will be estimated from an initial guess based only on the minimum, maximum,
509: mean, and standard deviation of the box endpoints.
510: . rtol - the acceptable relative tolerance in the absolute values from the initial guess
511: - atol - the acceptable absolute tolerance in the absolute values from the initial guess
513: Level: advanced
515: .seealso: `VecTagger`, `VecTaggerCDFSetMethod()`
516: @*/
517: PetscErrorCode VecTaggerCDFIterativeGetTolerances(VecTagger tagger, PetscInt *maxit, PetscReal *rtol, PetscReal *atol)
518: {
519: VecTagger_CDF *cuml = (VecTagger_CDF *)tagger->data;
521: PetscFunctionBegin;
523: if (maxit) *maxit = cuml->maxit;
524: if (rtol) *rtol = cuml->rtol;
525: if (atol) *atol = cuml->atol;
526: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
527: }
529: /*@C
530: VecTaggerCDFSetBox - Set the cumulative box defining the values to be tagged by the tagger, where cumulative boxes are subsets of [0,1], where 0 indicates the smallest value present in the vector and 1 indicates the largest.
532: Logically Collective
534: Input Parameters:
535: + tagger - the `VecTagger` context
536: - box - a blocksize array of `VecTaggerBox` boxes
538: Level: advanced
540: .seealso: `VecTagger`, `VecTaggerCDFGetBox()`, `VecTaggerBox`
541: @*/
542: PetscErrorCode VecTaggerCDFSetBox(VecTagger tagger, VecTaggerBox box[])
543: {
544: PetscFunctionBegin;
545: PetscCall(VecTaggerSetBox_Simple(tagger, box));
546: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
547: }
549: /*@C
550: VecTaggerCDFGetBox - Get the cumulative box (multi-dimensional box) defining the values to be tagged by the tagger, where cumulative boxes
551: are subsets of [0,1], where 0 indicates the smallest value present in the vector and 1 indicates the largest.
553: Logically Collective
555: Input Parameter:
556: . tagger - the `VecTagger` context
558: Output Parameter:
559: . box - a blocksize array of `VecTaggerBox` boxes
561: Level: advanced
563: .seealso: `VecTagger`, `VecTaggerCDFSetBox()`, `VecTaggerBox`
564: @*/
565: PetscErrorCode VecTaggerCDFGetBox(VecTagger tagger, const VecTaggerBox *box[])
566: {
567: PetscFunctionBegin;
568: PetscCall(VecTaggerGetBox_Simple(tagger, box));
569: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
570: }
572: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode VecTaggerCreate_CDF(VecTagger tagger)
573: {
574: VecTagger_CDF *cuml;
576: PetscFunctionBegin;
577: PetscCall(VecTaggerCreate_Simple(tagger));
578: PetscCall(PetscNew(&cuml));
579: PetscCall(PetscMemcpy(&cuml->smpl, tagger->data, sizeof(VecTagger_Simple)));
580: PetscCall(PetscFree(tagger->data));
581: tagger->data = cuml;
582: tagger->ops->view = VecTaggerView_CDF;
583: tagger->ops->setfromoptions = VecTaggerSetFromOptions_CDF;
584: tagger->ops->computeboxes = VecTaggerComputeBoxes_CDF;
585: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
586: }