Time, Accuracy, Speed Analysis (TAS)#

Below is the guide to running TAS using ex13, which is a Poisson Problem in 2D and 3D with Finite Elements:

  1. Compile ex13.c

  1. This example source file, and the corresponding makefile are located in PETSC_DIR/src/snes/tutorials/

  2. Compile with the command:

    $ make ex13
  1. Run ex13 with the following command:

    mpiexec -n 2 ./ex13 -log_view :/home/<user name>/PETSC_DIR/lib/petsc/bin/ex_13_test.py:ascii_info_detail \
      -dm_distribute \
      -dm_plex_box_faces 8,8 \
      -potential_petscspace_degree 1 \
      -snes_convergence_estimate \
      -convest_num_refine 5
  2. A log file in the above directory called ex_13_test.py should now be present. This is also the same directory that contains the TAS python3 script petsc_tas_analysis.py

  3. Now run petsc_tas_analysis.py:

    ./petsc_tas_analysis.py -f ex_13_test
  4. You should see something similar to the following in your terminal window:

    		*******************Data for ex_13Test***************************
                  Times : [0.007 0.019 0.045 0.136 0.49 ]
              Mean Time : [0.007 0.019 0.045 0.136 0.49 ]
            Times Range : [3.87e-06 4.20e-06 4.40e-06 4.00e-06 3.00e-06]
       Time Growth Rate : [2.84  2.361 3.029 3.591]
                  Flops : [1.834e+04 1.443e+05 8.816e+05 7.164e+06 6.256e+07]
             Mean Flops : [9.168e+03 7.215e+04 4.408e+05 3.582e+06 3.128e+07]
             Flop Range : [9.691e+03 7.644e+04 4.595e+05 3.677e+06 3.174e+07]
       Flop Growth Rate : [7.87  6.109 8.126 8.733]
              LU Factor : [7.157e-06 2.878e-05 7.875e-05 2.821e-04 1.050e-03]
         LU Factor Mean : [6.480e-06 2.694e-05 7.535e-05 2.702e-04 1.048e-03]
        LU Factor Range : [1.354e-06 3.668e-06 6.786e-06 2.368e-05 4.970e-06]
     LU Factor Growth Rate : []
    **********Data for Field 0************
                   dofs : [  12.   56.  240.  992. 4032.]
                 Errors : [0.203 0.053 0.013 0.003 0.001]
    Least Squares Data
    Mesh Convergence
    Alpha: -0.9460821998182669 
    convRate: 1.8921643996365338 of ex_13Test data
  5. Finally the graphs will appear in the subdirectory graphs/

For more detailed help in using TAS:
  1. See detailed user’s guide

  2. On the command line use ./petsc_tas_analysis.py -h