Actual source code: dmnetworkimpl.h

  1: #pragma once

  3: #include "petscistypes.h"
  4: #include <petscmat.h>
  5: #include <petscdmnetwork.h>
  6: #include <petsc/private/dmpleximpl.h>
  7: #include <petsc/private/hashmapi.h>

  9: PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent DMNetwork_LayoutSetUp;
 10: PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent DMNetwork_SetUpNetwork;
 11: PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent DMNetwork_Distribute;


 16: typedef struct _p_DMNetworkComponentHeader *DMNetworkComponentHeader;
 17: struct _p_DMNetworkComponentHeader {
 18:   PetscInt index;    /* index for user input global edge and vertex */
 19:   PetscInt subnetid; /* Id for subnetwork */
 20:   PetscInt ndata;    /* number of components */
 21:   PetscInt hsize;    /* Size of the header */
 22:   PetscInt maxcomps; /* Maximum components at this point (ndata <= maxcomps). maxcomps
 23:                         is set initially to a default value and is incremented every time
 24:                         ndata exceeds maxcomps */
 25:   /* The following arrays store the different attributes for each component at the given point.
 26:      The length of these arrays equals maxcomps. The arrays are resized every time
 27:      ndata exceeds maxcomps
 28:   */
 29:   PetscInt *size;         /* component data struct sizes */
 30:   PetscInt *key;          /* component keys */
 31:   PetscInt *offset;       /* component offset in the vector */
 32:   PetscInt *nvar;         /* number of variables for the component */
 33:   PetscInt *offsetvarrel; /* relative offset from the first component at this point */
 34: } PETSC_ATTRIBUTEALIGNED(PetscMax(sizeof(double), sizeof(PetscScalar)));

 36: typedef struct _p_DMNetworkComponentValue *DMNetworkComponentValue;
 37: struct _p_DMNetworkComponentValue {
 38:   void **data;
 39: } PETSC_ATTRIBUTEALIGNED(PetscMax(sizeof(double), sizeof(PetscScalar)));

 41: typedef struct {
 42:   char     name[32 - sizeof(PetscInt)];
 43:   PetscInt size;
 44: } DMNetworkComponent PETSC_ATTRIBUTEALIGNED(PetscMax(sizeof(double), sizeof(PetscScalar)));

 46: /* Indexing data structures for vertex and edges */
 47: typedef struct {
 48:   PetscSection           DofSection;
 49:   PetscSection           GlobalDofSection;
 50:   ISLocalToGlobalMapping mapping;
 51:   PetscSF                sf;
 52: } DMNetworkVertexInfo;

 54: typedef struct {
 55:   PetscSection           DofSection;
 56:   PetscSection           GlobalDofSection;
 57:   ISLocalToGlobalMapping mapping;
 58:   PetscSF                sf;
 59: } DMNetworkEdgeInfo;

 61: /*
 62:   Shared vertex - a vertex in DMNetwork that is shared by 2 or more subnetworks. sv provides the mapping from the subnetwork vertices to the global DMNetwork vertex (merged network).
 63:   sv is organized as (see SVtxCreate())
 64:         sv(net[0],idx[0]) --> sv(net[1],idx[1])
 65:                           --> sv(net[1],idx[1])
 66:                           ...
 67:                           --> sv(net[n-1],idx[n-1])
 68:         and net[0] < net[1] < ... < net[n-1]
 69:         where sv[0] has SVFROM type, sv[i], i>0, has SVTO type.
 70: */
 71: typedef struct {
 72:   PetscInt  gidx; /* global index of the shared vertices in dmplex */
 73:   PetscInt  n;    /* number of subnetworks that share the common DMNetwork vertex */
 74:   PetscInt *sv;   /* array of size n: sv[2*i,2*i+1]=(net[i], idx[i]), i=0,...,n-1 */
 75: } SVtx;
 76: typedef enum {
 77:   SVNONE = -1,
 78:   SVFROM = 0,
 79:   SVTO   = 1
 80: } SVtxType;

 82: typedef struct {
 83:   PetscInt  Nvtx, nvtx;   /* Number of global/local vertices */
 84:   PetscInt  Nedge, nedge; /* Number of global/local edges */
 85:   PetscInt  eStart, eEnd; /* Range of edge numbers (start, end+1) */
 86:   PetscInt  vStart, vEnd; /* Range of vertex numbers (start, end+1) */
 87:   PetscInt *edgelist;     /* User provided list of edges. Each edge has the format [from to] where from and to are the vertices covering the edge in the subnet numbering */
 88:   PetscInt *vertices;     /* Vertices for this subnetwork. These are mapped to the vertex numbers for the whole network */
 89:   PetscInt *edges;        /* Edges for this subnetwork. These are mapped to the edge numbers for the whole network */
 90:   char      name[32 - sizeof(PetscInt)];
 91: } DMSubnetwork;

 93: /*
 94:   Structure storing default viewing options for the DMNetwork
 95: */
 96: typedef struct {
 97:   PetscBool showallranks;   /* Shows each rank individually as well */
 98:   PetscBool dontshowglobal; /* Don't show combined network */
 99:   IS        viewranks;      /* IS containing the ranks to view the DMNetwork on */
100:   PetscBool shownovertices;
101:   PetscBool shownonumbering;
102: } DMNetworkViewerOptions;

104: /* The data structure for DMNetwork is split into two parts:
105:    1. DMNetworkCloneShared : The part of the Network that holds information that is shared between
106:       clones. Mostly topological data/reference counting information

108:    2. Everything else in the structure:  The part of the network not shared between clones. This is the data on
109:       the network, so dof and component type information.
110: */
111: typedef struct _p_DMNetworkCloneShared *DMNetworkCloneShared;
112: struct _p_DMNetworkCloneShared {
113:   PetscInt  refct;                /* reference count for the shared data */
114:   PetscInt  NEdges, nEdges;       /* Number of global/local edges */
115:   PetscInt  NVertices, nVertices; /* Number of global/local vertices */
116:   PetscInt  pStart, pEnd;         /* Start and end indices for topological points */
117:   PetscInt  vStart, vEnd;         /* Start and end indices for vertices */
118:   PetscInt  eStart, eEnd;         /* Start and end indices for edges */
119:   PetscBool distributecalled;     /* Flag if DMNetworkDistribute() is called */
120:   PetscInt *vltog;                /* Maps vertex local ordering to global ordering, include ghost vertices */

122:   PetscInt      nsubnet, Nsubnet;       /* Local and global number of subnetworks */
123:   DMSubnetwork *subnet;                 /* Subnetworks */
124:   PetscInt     *subnetvtx, *subnetedge; /* Maps local vertex/edge to local subnetwork's vertex/edge */
125:   SVtx         *svtx;                   /* Array of vertices shared by subnetworks */
126:   PetscInt      nsvtx, Nsvtx;           /* Local and global num of entries in svtx */
127:   PetscInt     *svertices;              /* Array of local subnetwork vertices that are merged/shared */
128:   PetscInt     *sedgelist;              /* Edge list of shared vertices */
129:   PetscHMapI    svtable;                /* hash table for finding shared vertex info */
130: } PETSC_ATTRIBUTEALIGNED(PetscMax(sizeof(double), sizeof(PetscScalar)));

132: typedef struct {
133:   DMNetworkCloneShared cloneshared;
134:   DM                   plex;             /* DM created from Plex. Note that it is not shared as when cloning the network
135:                                                             we also clone the underlying plex. */
136:   PetscSection         DataSection;      /* Section for managing parameter distribution */
137:   PetscSection         DofSection;       /* Section for managing data distribution */
138:   PetscSection         GlobalDofSection; /* Global Dof section */

140:   DMNetworkVertexInfo vertex;
141:   DMNetworkEdgeInfo   edge;

143:   PetscInt                           ncomponent; /* Number of components that have been registered */
144:   DMNetworkComponent                *component;  /* List of components that have been registered */
145:   DMNetworkComponentHeader           header;
146:   DMNetworkComponentValue            cvalue;
147:   DMNetworkComponentGenericDataType *componentdataarray;   /* Array to hold the data */
148:   PetscBool                          componentsetup;       /* Flag for the setup of the component. Might differ from dmsetup information */
149:   PetscInt                           max_comps_registered; /* Max. number of components that can be registered */

151:   PetscBool              userEdgeJacobian, userVertexJacobian; /* Global flag for using user's sub Jacobians */
152:   Mat                   *Je;                                   /* Pointer array to hold local sub Jacobians for edges, 3 elements for an edge */
153:   Mat                   *Jv;                                   /* Pointer array to hold local sub Jacobians for vertices, 1+2*nsupportedges for a vertex */
154:   PetscInt              *Jvptr;                                /* index of Jv for v-th vertex
155:                                               Jvpt[v-vStart]:    Jacobian(v,v)
156:                                               Jvpt[v-vStart]+2i+1: Jacobian(v,e[i]),   e[i]: i-th supporting edge
157:                                               Jvpt[v-vStart]+2i+2: Jacobian(v,vc[i]), vc[i]: i-th connected vertex
158:                                               */
159:   DMNetworkViewerOptions vieweroptions;
160: } DM_Network;

162: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode DMNetworkGetIndex(DM, PetscInt, PetscInt *);
163: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode DMNetworkGetSubnetID(DM, PetscInt, PetscInt *);

165: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode DMNetworkInitializeHeaderComponentData(DM);
166: /*
167:   Setup the default non-topological data structures for the network. Only called in DMClone_Network,
168:   as this assumes that the topological data structures have already been setup in DMNetworkLayoutSetUp.
169:   which would normally set these defaults themselves.
170: */
171: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode DMNetworkInitializeNonTopological(DM);
172: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode DMNetworkInitializeToDefault(DM);
173: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode DMNetworkInitializeToDefault_NonShared(DM);

175: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode DMCreateCoordinateDM_Network(DM, DM *);