
Free one or more memory locations, possibly allocated using coalesced PetscMallocN()


#include "petscsys.h"   
PetscErrorCode PetscFreeA(int n, int lineno, const char *function, const char *filename, void *ptr0, ...)

Not Collective

Input Parameters#

  • n - number of objects to free (at least 1)

  • lineno - line number to attribute deallocation (typically __LINE__)

  • function - function to attribute deallocation (typically PETSC_FUNCTION_NAME)

  • filename - file name to attribute deallocation (typically __FILE__)

  • ptr0 - first of n pointers to free


This function is not normally called directly by users, but rather via the macros PetscFree(), PetscFree2(), etc.

The pointers are zeroed to prevent users from accidentally reusing space that has been freed.

If the arguments were obtained via PetscMallocA(), PetscMalloc2(), PetscMalloc3(), etc., then the arguments must be passed in the same order to the corresponding PetscFreeA(), PetscFree2(), PetscFree3(), respectively.

See Also#

PetscMallocAlign(), PetscMallocSet(), PetscMallocA(), PetscFree1(), PetscFree2(), PetscFree3(), PetscFree4(), PetscFree5(), PetscFree6(), PetscFree7()





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