register a TSMPRK
scheme by providing the entries in the Butcher tableau
#include "petscts.h"
PetscErrorCode TSMPRKRegister(TSMPRKType name, PetscInt order, PetscInt sbase, PetscInt ratio1, PetscInt ratio2, const PetscReal Asb[], const PetscReal bsb[], const PetscReal csb[], const PetscInt rsb[], const PetscReal Amb[], const PetscReal bmb[], const PetscReal cmb[], const PetscInt rmb[], const PetscReal Af[], const PetscReal bf[], const PetscReal cf[])
Not Collective, but the same schemes should be registered on all processes on which they will be used, No Fortran Support
Input Parameters#
name - identifier for method
order - approximation order of method
sbase - number of stages in the base methods
ratio1 - stepsize ratio at 1st level (e.g. slow/medium)
ratio2 - stepsize ratio at 2nd level (e.g. medium/fast)
Asb - stage coefficients for slow components(dimension s*s, row-major)
bsb - step completion table for slow components(dimension s)
csb - abscissa for slow components(dimension s)
rsb - array of flags for repeated stages for slow components (dimension s)
Amb - stage coefficients for medium components(dimension s*s, row-major)
bmb - step completion table for medium components(dimension s)
cmb - abscissa for medium components(dimension s)
rmb - array of flags for repeated stages for medium components (dimension s)
Af - stage coefficients for fast components(dimension s*s, row-major)
bf - step completion table for fast components(dimension s)
cf - abscissa for fast components(dimension s)
Several TSMPRK
methods are provided, this function is only needed to create new methods.
See Also#
Index of all TS routines
Table of Contents for all manual pages
Index of all manual pages