Actual source code: pastix.c

  1: /*
  2:  Provides an interface to the PaStiX sparse solver
  3:  */
  4: #include <../src/mat/impls/aij/seq/aij.h>
  5: #include <../src/mat/impls/aij/mpi/mpiaij.h>
  6: #include <../src/mat/impls/sbaij/seq/sbaij.h>
  7: #include <../src/mat/impls/sbaij/mpi/mpisbaij.h>

  9: #if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
 10:   #define _H_COMPLEX
 11: #endif

 13: #include <pastix.h>

 15: #if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
 16:   #if defined(PETSC_USE_REAL_SINGLE)
 17:     #define SPM_FLTTYPE SpmComplex32
 18:   #else
 19:     #define SPM_FLTTYPE SpmComplex64
 20:   #endif
 21: #else /* PETSC_USE_COMPLEX */

 23:   #if defined(PETSC_USE_REAL_SINGLE)
 24:     #define SPM_FLTTYPE SpmFloat
 25:   #else
 26:     #define SPM_FLTTYPE SpmDouble
 27:   #endif

 29: #endif /* PETSC_USE_COMPLEX */

 31: typedef PetscScalar PastixScalar;

 33: typedef struct Mat_Pastix_ {
 34:   pastix_data_t *pastix_data;       /* Pastix data storage structure                             */
 35:   MPI_Comm       comm;              /* MPI Communicator used to initialize pastix                */
 36:   spmatrix_t    *spm;               /* SPM matrix structure                                      */
 37:   MatStructure   matstruc;          /* DIFFERENT_NONZERO_PATTERN if uninitilized, SAME otherwise */
 38:   PetscScalar   *rhs;               /* Right-hand-side member                                    */
 39:   PetscInt       rhsnbr;            /* Right-hand-side number                                    */
 40:   pastix_int_t   iparm[IPARM_SIZE]; /* Integer parameters                                        */
 41:   double         dparm[DPARM_SIZE]; /* Floating point parameters                                 */
 42: } Mat_Pastix;

 44: /*
 45:    convert PETSc matrix to SPM structure

 47:   input:
 48:     A       - matrix in aij, baij or sbaij format
 49:     reuse   - MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX: spaces are allocated and values are set for the triple
 50:               MAT_REUSE_MATRIX:   only the values in v array are updated
 51:   output:
 52:     spm     - The SPM built from A
 53:  */
 54: static PetscErrorCode MatConvertToSPM(Mat A, MatReuse reuse, Mat_Pastix *pastix)
 55: {
 56:   Mat                A_loc, A_aij;
 57:   const PetscInt    *row, *col;
 58:   PetscInt           n, i;
 59:   const PetscScalar *val;
 60:   PetscBool          ismpiaij, isseqaij, ismpisbaij, isseqsbaij;
 61:   PetscBool          flag;
 62:   spmatrix_t         spm2, *spm = NULL;
 63:   int                spm_err;

 65:   PetscFunctionBegin;
 66:   /* Get A datas */
 67:   PetscCall(PetscObjectBaseTypeCompare((PetscObject)A, MATSEQAIJ, &isseqaij));
 68:   PetscCall(PetscObjectBaseTypeCompare((PetscObject)A, MATMPIAIJ, &ismpiaij));
 69:   /* TODO: Block Aij should be handled with dof in spm */
 70:   PetscCall(PetscObjectBaseTypeCompare((PetscObject)A, MATSEQSBAIJ, &isseqsbaij));
 71:   PetscCall(PetscObjectBaseTypeCompare((PetscObject)A, MATMPISBAIJ, &ismpisbaij));

 73:   if (isseqsbaij || ismpisbaij) PetscCall(MatConvert(A, MATAIJ, reuse, &A_aij));
 74:   else A_aij = A;

 76:   if (ismpiaij || ismpisbaij) PetscCall(MatMPIAIJGetLocalMat(A_aij, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, &A_loc));
 77:   else if (isseqaij || isseqsbaij) A_loc = A_aij;
 78:   else SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)A_aij), PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Not for type %s", ((PetscObject)A)->type_name);

 80:   /* Use getRowIJ and the trick CSC/CSR instead of GetColumnIJ for performance */
 81:   PetscCall(MatGetRowIJ(A_loc, 0, PETSC_FALSE, PETSC_FALSE, &n, &row, &col, &flag));
 82:   PetscCheck(flag, PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_SUP, "GetRowIJ failed");
 83:   PetscCall(MatSeqAIJGetArrayRead(A_loc, &val));

 85:   PetscCall(PetscMalloc1(1, &spm));
 86:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("spmInitDist", spmInitDist(spm, pastix->comm));

 88:   spm->n          = n;
 89:   spm->nnz        = row[n];
 90:   spm->fmttype    = SpmCSR;
 91:   spm->flttype    = SPM_FLTTYPE;
 92:   spm->replicated = !(A->rmap->n != A->rmap->N);

 94:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("spmUpdateComputedFields", spmUpdateComputedFields(spm));
 95:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("spmAlloc", spmAlloc(spm));

 97:   /* Get data distribution */
 98:   if (!spm->replicated) {
 99:     for (i = A->rmap->rstart; i < A->rmap->rend; i++) spm->loc2glob[i - A->rmap->rstart] = i;
100:   }

102:   /* Copy  arrays */
103:   PetscCall(PetscArraycpy(spm->colptr, col, spm->nnz));
104:   PetscCall(PetscArraycpy(spm->rowptr, row, spm->n + 1));
105:   PetscCall(PetscArraycpy((PetscScalar *)spm->values, val, spm->nnzexp));
106:   PetscCall(MatRestoreRowIJ(A_loc, 0, PETSC_FALSE, PETSC_FALSE, &n, &row, &col, &flag));
107:   PetscCheck(flag, PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_SUP, "RestoreRowIJ failed");
108:   PetscCall(MatSeqAIJRestoreArrayRead(A_loc, &val));
109:   if (ismpiaij || ismpisbaij) PetscCall(MatDestroy(&A_loc));

111:   /*
112:     PaStiX works only with CSC matrices for now, so let's lure him by telling him
113:     that the PETSc CSR matrix is a CSC matrix.
114:     Note that this is not available yet for Hermitian matrices and LL^h/LDL^h factorizations.
115:    */
116:   {
117:     spm_int_t *tmp;
118:     spm->fmttype                         = SpmCSC;
119:     tmp                                  = spm->colptr;
120:     spm->colptr                          = spm->rowptr;
121:     spm->rowptr                          = tmp;
122:     pastix->iparm[IPARM_TRANSPOSE_SOLVE] = PastixTrans;
123:   }

125:   /* Update matrix to be in PaStiX format */
126:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("spmCheckAndCorrect", spm_err = spmCheckAndCorrect(spm, &spm2));
127:   if (spm_err != 0) {
128:     PetscStackCallExternalVoid("spmExit", spmExit(spm));
129:     *spm = spm2;
130:   }

132:   if (isseqsbaij || ismpisbaij) PetscCall(MatDestroy(&A_aij));

134:   pastix->spm = spm;
135:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
136: }

138: /*
139:   Call clean step of PaStiX if initialized
140:   Free the SpM matrix and the PaStiX instance.
141:  */
142: static PetscErrorCode MatDestroy_PaStiX(Mat A)
143: {
144:   Mat_Pastix *pastix = (Mat_Pastix *)A->data;

146:   PetscFunctionBegin;
147:   /* Finalize SPM (matrix handler of PaStiX) */
148:   if (pastix->spm) {
149:     PetscStackCallExternalVoid("spmExit", spmExit(pastix->spm));
150:     PetscCall(PetscFree(pastix->spm));
151:   }

153:   /* clear composed functions */
154:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)A, "MatFactorGetSolverType_C", NULL));

156:   /* Finalize PaStiX */
157:   if (pastix->pastix_data) pastixFinalize(&pastix->pastix_data);

159:   /* Deallocate PaStiX structure */
160:   PetscCall(PetscFree(A->data));
161:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
162: }

164: /*
165:   Gather right-hand side.
166:   Call for Solve step.
167:   Scatter solution.
168:  */
169: static PetscErrorCode MatSolve_PaStiX(Mat A, Vec b, Vec x)
170: {
171:   Mat_Pastix        *pastix = (Mat_Pastix *)A->data;
172:   const PetscScalar *bptr;
173:   PetscInt           ldrhs;

175:   PetscFunctionBegin;
176:   pastix->rhsnbr = 1;
177:   ldrhs          = pastix->spm->n;

179:   PetscCall(VecCopy(b, x));
180:   PetscCall(VecGetArray(x, &pastix->rhs));
181:   PetscCall(VecGetArrayRead(b, &bptr));

183:   /* solve phase */
184:   /*-------------*/
185:   PetscCheck(pastix->pastix_data, PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_SUP, "PaStiX hasn't been initialized");
186:   PetscCallExternal(pastix_task_solve, pastix->pastix_data, ldrhs, pastix->rhsnbr, pastix->rhs, ldrhs);
187:   PetscCallExternal(pastix_task_refine, pastix->pastix_data, ldrhs, pastix->rhsnbr, (PetscScalar *)bptr, ldrhs, pastix->rhs, ldrhs);

189:   PetscCall(VecRestoreArray(x, &pastix->rhs));
190:   PetscCall(VecRestoreArrayRead(b, &bptr));
191:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
192: }

194: /*
195:   Numeric factorisation using PaStiX solver.

197:   input:
198:     F       - PETSc matrix that contains PaStiX interface.
199:     A       - PETSC matrix in aij, bail or sbaij format
200:  */
201: static PetscErrorCode MatFactorNumeric_PaStiX(Mat F, Mat A, const MatFactorInfo *info)
202: {
203:   Mat_Pastix *pastix = (Mat_Pastix *)F->data;

205:   PetscFunctionBegin;
206:   F->ops->solve = MatSolve_PaStiX;

208:   /* Perform Numerical Factorization */
209:   PetscCheck(pastix->pastix_data, PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_SUP, "PaStiX hasn't been initialized");
210:   PetscCallExternal(pastix_task_numfact, pastix->pastix_data, pastix->spm);

212:   F->assembled = PETSC_TRUE;
213:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
214: }

216: static PetscErrorCode MatLUFactorNumeric_PaStiX(Mat F, Mat A, const MatFactorInfo *info)
217: {
218:   Mat_Pastix *pastix = (Mat_Pastix *)F->data;

220:   PetscFunctionBegin;
221:   PetscCheck(pastix->iparm[IPARM_FACTORIZATION] == PastixFactGETRF, PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)F), PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Incorrect factorization type for symbolic and numerical factorization by PaStiX");
222:   pastix->iparm[IPARM_FACTORIZATION] = PastixFactGETRF;
223:   PetscCall(MatFactorNumeric_PaStiX(F, A, info));
224:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
225: }

227: static PetscErrorCode MatCholeskyFactorNumeric_PaStiX(Mat F, Mat A, const MatFactorInfo *info)
228: {
229:   Mat_Pastix *pastix = (Mat_Pastix *)F->data;

231:   PetscFunctionBegin;
232:   PetscCheck(pastix->iparm[IPARM_FACTORIZATION] == PastixFactSYTRF, PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)F), PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Incorrect factorization type for symbolic and numerical factorization by PaStiX");
233:   pastix->iparm[IPARM_FACTORIZATION] = PastixFactSYTRF;
234:   PetscCall(MatFactorNumeric_PaStiX(F, A, info));
235:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
236: }

238: /*
239:   Perform Ordering step and Symbolic Factorization step

241:   Note the Petsc r and c permutations are ignored
242:   input:
243:     F       - PETSc matrix that contains PaStiX interface.
244:     A       - matrix in aij, bail or sbaij format
245:     r       - permutation ?
246:     c       - TODO
247:     info    - Informations about the factorization to perform.
248:   output:
249:     pastix_data - This instance will be updated with the SolverMatrix allocated.
250:  */
251: static PetscErrorCode MatFactorSymbolic_PaStiX(Mat F, Mat A, IS r, IS c, const MatFactorInfo *info)
252: {
253:   Mat_Pastix *pastix = (Mat_Pastix *)F->data;

255:   PetscFunctionBegin;
256:   pastix->matstruc = DIFFERENT_NONZERO_PATTERN;

258:   /* Initialise SPM structure */
259:   PetscCall(MatConvertToSPM(A, MAT_INITIAL_MATRIX, pastix));

261:   /* Ordering - Symbolic factorization - Build SolverMatrix  */
262:   PetscCheck(pastix->pastix_data, PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_SUP, "PaStiX hasn't been initialized");
263:   PetscCallExternal(pastix_task_analyze, pastix->pastix_data, pastix->spm);
264:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
265: }

267: static PetscErrorCode MatLUFactorSymbolic_PaStiX(Mat F, Mat A, IS r, IS c, const MatFactorInfo *info)
268: {
269:   Mat_Pastix *pastix = (Mat_Pastix *)F->data;

271:   PetscFunctionBegin;
272:   pastix->iparm[IPARM_FACTORIZATION] = PastixFactGETRF;
273:   PetscCall(MatFactorSymbolic_PaStiX(F, A, r, c, info));
274:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
275: }

277: /* Note the Petsc r permutation is ignored */
278: static PetscErrorCode MatCholeskyFactorSymbolic_PaStiX(Mat F, Mat A, IS r, const MatFactorInfo *info)
279: {
280:   Mat_Pastix *pastix = (Mat_Pastix *)F->data;

282:   PetscFunctionBegin;
283:   /* Warning: Cholesky in Petsc wrapper does not handle (complex) Hermitian matrices.
284:      The factorization type can be forced using the parameter
285:      mat_pastix_factorization (see enum pastix_factotype_e in
286: */
287:   pastix->iparm[IPARM_FACTORIZATION] = PastixFactSYTRF;
288:   PetscCall(MatFactorSymbolic_PaStiX(F, A, r, NULL, info));
289:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
290: }

292: static PetscErrorCode MatView_PaStiX(Mat A, PetscViewer viewer)
293: {
294:   PetscBool         iascii;
295:   PetscViewerFormat format;

297:   PetscFunctionBegin;
298:   PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)viewer, PETSCVIEWERASCII, &iascii));
299:   if (iascii) {
300:     PetscCall(PetscViewerGetFormat(viewer, &format));
301:     if (format == PETSC_VIEWER_ASCII_INFO) {
302:       Mat_Pastix *pastix = (Mat_Pastix *)A->data;
303:       spmatrix_t *spm    = pastix->spm;
304:       PetscCheck(!spm, PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Sparse matrix isn't initialized");

306:       PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer, "PaStiX run parameters:\n"));
307:       PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer, "  Matrix type :                      %s \n", ((spm->mtxtype == SpmSymmetric) ? "Symmetric" : "Unsymmetric")));
308:       PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer, "  Level of printing (0,1,2):         %ld \n", (long)pastix->iparm[IPARM_VERBOSE]));
309:       PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer, "  Number of refinements iterations : %ld \n", (long)pastix->iparm[IPARM_NBITER]));
310:       PetscCall(PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF, "  Error :                            %e \n", pastix->dparm[DPARM_RELATIVE_ERROR]));
311:       if (pastix->iparm[IPARM_VERBOSE] > 0) spmPrintInfo(spm, stdout);
312:     }
313:   }
314:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
315: }

317: /*MC
318:      MATSOLVERPASTIX  - A solver package providing direct solvers (LU) for distributed
319:   and sequential matrices via the external package PaStiX.

321:   Use `./configure --download-hwloc --download-metis --download-ptscotch --download-pastix --download-netlib-lapack [or MKL for ex. --with-blaslapack-dir=${MKLROOT}]`
322:   to have PETSc installed with PasTiX.

324:   Use `-pc_type lu` `-pc_factor_mat_solver_type pastix` to use this direct solver.

326:   Options Database Keys:
327:   -mat_pastix_verbose <0,1,2>             - print level of information messages from PaStiX
328:   -mat_pastix_factorization <0,1,2,3,4>   - Factorization algorithm (Cholesky, LDL^t, LU, LL^t, LDL^h)
329:   -mat_pastix_itermax <integer>           - Maximum number of iterations during refinement
330:   -mat_pastix_epsilon_refinement <double> - Epsilon for refinement
331:   -mat_pastix_epsilon_magn_ctrl <double>  - Epsilon for magnitude control
332:   -mat_pastix_ordering <0,1>              - Ordering (Scotch or Metis)
333:   -mat_pastix_thread_nbr <integer>        - Set the numbers of threads for each MPI process
334:   -mat_pastix_scheduler <0,1,2,3,4>       - Scheduler (sequential, static, parsec, starpu, dynamic)
335:   -mat_pastix_compress_when <0,1,2,3>     - When to compress (never, minimal-theory, just-in-time, supernodes)
336:   -mat_pastix_compress_tolerance <double> - Tolerance for low-rank kernels.

338:   Notes:
339:     This only works for matrices with symmetric nonzero structure, if you pass it a matrix with
340:    nonsymmetric structure PasTiX, and hence, PETSc return with an error.

342:   Level: beginner

344: .seealso: [](ch_matrices), `Mat`, `PCFactorSetMatSolverType()`, `MatSolverType`, `MatGetFactor()`
345: M*/

347: static PetscErrorCode MatGetInfo_PaStiX(Mat A, MatInfoType flag, MatInfo *info)
348: {
349:   Mat_Pastix *pastix = (Mat_Pastix *)A->data;

351:   PetscFunctionBegin;
352:   info->block_size        = 1.0;
353:   info->nz_allocated      = pastix->iparm[IPARM_ALLOCATED_TERMS];
354:   info->nz_used           = pastix->iparm[IPARM_NNZEROS];
355:   info->nz_unneeded       = 0.0;
356:   info->assemblies        = 0.0;
357:   info->mallocs           = 0.0;
358:   info->memory            = 0.0;
359:   info->fill_ratio_given  = 0;
360:   info->fill_ratio_needed = 0;
361:   info->factor_mallocs    = 0;
362:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
363: }

365: static PetscErrorCode MatFactorGetSolverType_PaStiX(Mat A, MatSolverType *type)
366: {
367:   PetscFunctionBegin;
368:   *type = MATSOLVERPASTIX;
369:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
370: }

372: /* Sets PaStiX options from the options database */
373: static PetscErrorCode MatSetFromOptions_PaStiX(Mat A)
374: {
375:   Mat_Pastix   *pastix = (Mat_Pastix *)A->data;
376:   pastix_int_t *iparm  = pastix->iparm;
377:   double       *dparm  = pastix->dparm;
378:   PetscInt      icntl;
379:   PetscReal     dcntl;
380:   PetscBool     set;

382:   PetscFunctionBegin;
383:   PetscOptionsBegin(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)A), ((PetscObject)A)->prefix, "PaStiX Options", "Mat");

385:   iparm[IPARM_VERBOSE] = 0;
386:   iparm[IPARM_ITERMAX] = 20;

388:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsRangeInt("-mat_pastix_verbose", "iparm[IPARM_VERBOSE] : level of printing (0 to 2)", "None", iparm[IPARM_VERBOSE], &icntl, &set, 0, 2));
389:   if (set) iparm[IPARM_VERBOSE] = (pastix_int_t)icntl;

391:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsRangeInt("-mat_pastix_factorization", "iparm[IPARM_FACTORIZATION]: Factorization algorithm", "None", iparm[IPARM_FACTORIZATION], &icntl, &set, 0, 4));
392:   if (set) iparm[IPARM_FACTORIZATION] = (pastix_int_t)icntl;

394:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsBoundedInt("-mat_pastix_itermax", "iparm[IPARM_ITERMAX]: Max iterations", "None", iparm[IPARM_ITERMAX], &icntl, &set, 1));
395:   if (set) iparm[IPARM_ITERMAX] = (pastix_int_t)icntl;

397:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsBoundedReal("-mat_pastix_epsilon_refinement", "dparm[DPARM_EPSILON_REFINEMENT]: Epsilon refinement", "None", dparm[DPARM_EPSILON_REFINEMENT], &dcntl, &set, -1.));
398:   if (set) dparm[DPARM_EPSILON_REFINEMENT] = (double)dcntl;

400:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsReal("-mat_pastix_epsilon_magn_ctrl", "dparm[DPARM_EPSILON_MAGN_CTRL]: Epsilon magnitude control", "None", dparm[DPARM_EPSILON_MAGN_CTRL], &dcntl, &set));
401:   if (set) dparm[DPARM_EPSILON_MAGN_CTRL] = (double)dcntl;

403:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsRangeInt("-mat_pastix_ordering", "iparm[IPARM_ORDERING]: Ordering algorithm", "None", iparm[IPARM_ORDERING], &icntl, &set, 0, 2));
404:   if (set) iparm[IPARM_ORDERING] = (pastix_int_t)icntl;

406:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsBoundedInt("-mat_pastix_thread_nbr", "iparm[IPARM_THREAD_NBR]: Number of thread by MPI node", "None", iparm[IPARM_THREAD_NBR], &icntl, &set, -1));
407:   if (set) iparm[IPARM_THREAD_NBR] = (pastix_int_t)icntl;

409:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsRangeInt("-mat_pastix_scheduler", "iparm[IPARM_SCHEDULER]: Scheduler", "None", iparm[IPARM_SCHEDULER], &icntl, &set, 0, 4));
410:   if (set) iparm[IPARM_SCHEDULER] = (pastix_int_t)icntl;

412:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsRangeInt("-mat_pastix_compress_when", "iparm[IPARM_COMPRESS_WHEN]: When to compress", "None", iparm[IPARM_COMPRESS_WHEN], &icntl, &set, 0, 3));
413:   if (set) iparm[IPARM_COMPRESS_WHEN] = (pastix_int_t)icntl;

415:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsBoundedReal("-mat_pastix_compress_tolerance", "dparm[DPARM_COMPRESS_TOLERANCE]: Tolerance for low-rank kernels", "None", dparm[DPARM_COMPRESS_TOLERANCE], &dcntl, &set, 0.));
416:   if (set) dparm[DPARM_COMPRESS_TOLERANCE] = (double)dcntl;

418:   PetscOptionsEnd();
419:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
420: }

422: static PetscErrorCode MatGetFactor_pastix(Mat A, MatFactorType ftype, Mat *F, const char *mattype)
423: {
424:   Mat         B;
425:   Mat_Pastix *pastix;

427:   PetscFunctionBegin;
428:   /* Create the factorization matrix */
429:   PetscCall(MatCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)A), &B));
430:   PetscCall(MatSetSizes(B, A->rmap->n, A->cmap->n, A->rmap->N, A->cmap->N));
431:   PetscCall(PetscStrallocpy(MATSOLVERPASTIX, &((PetscObject)B)->type_name));
432:   PetscCall(MatSetUp(B));

434:   PetscCheck(ftype == MAT_FACTOR_LU || ftype == MAT_FACTOR_CHOLESKY, PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Factor type not supported by PaStiX");

436:   /* set solvertype */
437:   PetscCall(PetscFree(B->solvertype));
438:   PetscCall(PetscStrallocpy(MATSOLVERPASTIX, &B->solvertype));

440:   B->ops->lufactorsymbolic       = MatLUFactorSymbolic_PaStiX;
441:   B->ops->lufactornumeric        = MatLUFactorNumeric_PaStiX;
442:   B->ops->choleskyfactorsymbolic = MatCholeskyFactorSymbolic_PaStiX;
443:   B->ops->choleskyfactornumeric  = MatCholeskyFactorNumeric_PaStiX;
444:   B->ops->view                   = MatView_PaStiX;
445:   B->ops->getinfo                = MatGetInfo_PaStiX;
446:   B->ops->destroy                = MatDestroy_PaStiX;

448:   PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)B, "MatFactorGetSolverType_C", MatFactorGetSolverType_PaStiX));

450:   B->factortype = ftype;

452:   /* Create the pastix structure */
453:   PetscCall(PetscNew(&pastix));
454:   B->data = (void *)pastix;

456:   /* Call to set default pastix options */
457:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("pastixInitParam", pastixInitParam(pastix->iparm, pastix->dparm));
458:   PetscCall(MatSetFromOptions_PaStiX(B));

460:   /* Get PETSc communicator */
461:   PetscCall(PetscObjectGetComm((PetscObject)A, &pastix->comm));

463:   /* Initialise PaStiX structure */
464:   pastix->iparm[IPARM_SCOTCH_MT] = 0;
465:   PetscStackCallExternalVoid("pastixInit", pastixInit(&pastix->pastix_data, pastix->comm, pastix->iparm, pastix->dparm));

467:   /* Warning: Cholesky in Petsc wrapper does not handle (complex) Hermitian matrices.
468:      The factorization type can be forced using the parameter
469:      mat_pastix_factorization (see enum pastix_factotype_e in
470: */
471:   pastix->iparm[IPARM_FACTORIZATION] = ftype == MAT_FACTOR_CHOLESKY ? PastixFactSYTRF : PastixFactGETRF;

473:   *F = B;
474:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
475: }

477: static PetscErrorCode MatGetFactor_mpiaij_pastix(Mat A, MatFactorType ftype, Mat *F)
478: {
479:   PetscFunctionBegin;
480:   PetscCheck(ftype == MAT_FACTOR_LU, PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Cannot use PETSc AIJ matrices with PaStiX Cholesky, use SBAIJ matrix");
481:   PetscCall(MatGetFactor_pastix(A, ftype, F, MATMPIAIJ));
482:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
483: }

485: static PetscErrorCode MatGetFactor_seqaij_pastix(Mat A, MatFactorType ftype, Mat *F)
486: {
487:   PetscFunctionBegin;
488:   PetscCheck(ftype == MAT_FACTOR_LU, PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Cannot use PETSc AIJ matrices with PaStiX Cholesky, use SBAIJ matrix");
489:   PetscCall(MatGetFactor_pastix(A, ftype, F, MATSEQAIJ));
490:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
491: }

493: static PetscErrorCode MatGetFactor_mpisbaij_pastix(Mat A, MatFactorType ftype, Mat *F)
494: {
495:   PetscFunctionBegin;
496:   PetscCheck(ftype == MAT_FACTOR_CHOLESKY, PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Cannot use PETSc SBAIJ matrices with PaStiX LU, use AIJ matrix");
497:   PetscCall(MatGetFactor_pastix(A, ftype, F, MATMPISBAIJ));
498:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
499: }

501: static PetscErrorCode MatGetFactor_seqsbaij_pastix(Mat A, MatFactorType ftype, Mat *F)
502: {
503:   PetscFunctionBegin;
504:   PetscCheck(ftype == MAT_FACTOR_CHOLESKY, PETSC_COMM_SELF, PETSC_ERR_SUP, "Cannot use PETSc SBAIJ matrices with PaStiX LU, use AIJ matrix");
505:   PetscCall(MatGetFactor_pastix(A, ftype, F, MATSEQSBAIJ));
506:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
507: }

509: PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode MatSolverTypeRegister_Pastix(void)
510: {
511:   PetscFunctionBegin;
512:   PetscCall(MatSolverTypeRegister(MATSOLVERPASTIX, MATMPIAIJ, MAT_FACTOR_LU, MatGetFactor_mpiaij_pastix));
513:   PetscCall(MatSolverTypeRegister(MATSOLVERPASTIX, MATSEQAIJ, MAT_FACTOR_LU, MatGetFactor_seqaij_pastix));
514:   PetscCall(MatSolverTypeRegister(MATSOLVERPASTIX, MATMPISBAIJ, MAT_FACTOR_CHOLESKY, MatGetFactor_mpisbaij_pastix));
515:   PetscCall(MatSolverTypeRegister(MATSOLVERPASTIX, MATSEQSBAIJ, MAT_FACTOR_CHOLESKY, MatGetFactor_seqsbaij_pastix));
516:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
517: }