Changes: 3.19#




  • Deprecate --with-gcov configure option in favor of --with-coverage

  • Add --with-coverage-exec configure option to specify the coverage-collection tool to be used e.g. gcov or /path/to/llvm-cov-15

  • Add --with-strict-petscerrorcode configure option to enable compile-time checking for correct usage of PetscErrorCode, see below

  • Add support for C++20

  • Add support for CUDA-12

  • Improved C++ dialect handling for non-conformal cases. In general configure will fail faster and with a more informative error message when the C++ compiler does not comply with restraints


  • Change PetscOptionsMonitorDefault() to also take in the option source, and PetscOptionsMonitorSet() to take the new monitor function

  • Deprecate PetscTable and related functions. Previous users of PetscTable are encouraged to use the more performant PetscHMapI instead, though they should note that this requires additional steps and limitations:

    1. #include <petscctable.h> must be swapped for #include <petsc/private/hashmapi.h>. This of course requires that you have access to the private PETSc headers.

    2. While most of the old PetscTable routines have direct analogues in PetscHMapI, PetscAddCount() does not. All uses of this routine should be replaced with the following snippet:

      // PetscHMapI hash_table;
      // PetscInt   key;
      PetscHashIter it;
      PetscBool     missing;
      PetscCall(PetscHMapIPut(hash_table, key, &it, &missing));
      if (missing) {
        PetscInt size;
        PetscCall(PetscHMapIGetSize(hash_table, &size));
        PetscCall(PetscHMapIIterSet(hash_table, it, size));

    Furthermore, users should note that PetscHMapI is based on – and directly #include s – ${PETSC_DIR}/include/petsc/private/khash/khash.h. This file contains external source code that is licensed under the MIT license, which is separate from the PETSc license.

  • Remove undocumented PETSC_MPI_WIN_FMT and PETSC_MPI_COMM_FMT. Users should cast both MPI_Comm and MPI_Win to PETSC_INTPTR_T and use the PETSC_INTPTR_T_FMT format specifier instead:

    MPI_Comm comm;
    MPI_Win  win;
    // old
    PetscCall(PetscPrintf(..., "MPI Comm %" PETSC_MPI_COMM_FMT, comm));
    PetscCall(PetscPrintf(..., "MPI Window %" PETSC_MPI_WIN_FMT, win));
    // new
    PetscCall(PetscPrintf(..., "MPI Comm %" PETSC_INTPTR_T_FMT, (PETSC_INTPTR_T)comm));
    PetscCall(PetscPrintf(..., "MPI Window %" PETSC_INTPTR_T_FMT, (PETSC_INTPTR_T)win));
  • Deprecate PETSC_NULL in favor of PETSC_NULLPTR as it does the right thing in both C and C++

  • Significantly improve lookup and deletion performance of PetscFunctionList. This also improves performance of PetscObjectComposeFunction() and PetscObjectQueryFunction().

  • Optionally define PetscErrorCode as an enum, and tag it as PETSC_NODISCARD. This feature may be enabled by configuring PETSc with --with-strict-petscerrorcode configure option. This feature allows catching the following logical errors at compile-time:

    1. Not properly checking the return-code of PETSc calls via PetscCall(). PETSc is left in an inconsistent state when errors are detected and cannot generally recover from them, so is not supported.

    2. Using the wrong PetscCall() variant, for example using PetscCall() on MPI functions (instead of PetscCallMPI()).

    3. Returning PetscErrorCode from main() instead of int.

    Users should note that this comes with the following additional changes:

    1. Add PETSC_SUCCESS to indicate success, always guaranteed to equal 0.

    2. PetscFunctionReturn(0) should be changed to PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS). While the original 0-form will continue to work in C, it is required for C++.

    3. Any user-defined macros using boolean short-circuiting to chain multiple calls in the same line, which logically return a PetscErrorCode, should now explicitly cast the “result” of the macro with PetscErrorCode:

      // Both foo() and bar() defined as returning PetscErrorCode
      extern PetscErrorCode foo(int);
      extern PetscErrorCode bar(int);
      // The following macros logically "return" a PetscErrorCode, i.e. can
      // be used:
      // PetscCall(MY_USER_MACRO(a, b));
      // but use boolean short-circuiting to chain the calls together. bar()
      // only executes if foo() returns PETSC_SUCCESS
      // old
      #define MY_USER_MACRO(a, b) (foo(a) || bar(b))
      // new
      #define MY_BETTER_USER_MACRO(a, b) ((PetscErrorCode)(foo(a) || bar(b)))

    While currently opt-in, this feature will be enabled by default in a future release. Users are highly encourage to enable it and fix any discrepancies before that point. Note that PETSC_SUCCESS is defined whether or not the feature is enabled, so users may incrementally update.

  • Add PetscFFlush()

  • Soft-deprecate PetscStrcpy() and PetscStrcat(). No diagnostics will be emitted if these routines are used, but users are highly encouraged to switch to the more secure (and possibly performant) PetscStrncpy() and PetscStrlcat()

  • Add PETSC_REAL_MIN for smallest normalized floating point number

  • Add PETSC_ATTRIBUTE_MAY_ALIAS to inform compilers that a type is not subjected to type-based alias analysis

Event Logging:


  • The VTK viewers (.vts, .vtr, and .vtu) now use header_type="UInt64" to enable writing large binary appended blocks


  • Add PetscDrawSetVisible() to set if the drawing surface (the ‘window’) is visible on its display



  • Change ISDuplicate() to preserve the block size of the input in the output

  • Deprecate ISCompressIndicesSorted()

VecScatter / PetscSF:

  • Add experimental support in PetscSF for MPICH MPIX_Stream (with MPICH-4.2.0 and higher). One can enable it via -sf_use_stream_aware_mpi

  • Add an alias option -sf_use_gpu_aware_mpi to -use_gpu_aware_mpi

  • Remove SCATTER_LOCAL from the enum type since it is not a public value

  • Change PetscSFConcatenate() to accept PetscSFConcatenateRootMode parameter; add option to concatenate root spaces globally

  • Add PetscSFSetGraphFromCoordinates() to construct a graph from fuzzy matching of coordinates; such as occurs for projections between different dimensions or for overlapping meshes












  • Add TSPruneIJacobianColor() to improve the MFFD coloring

  • Add argument to TSMonitorSPCtxCreate() to enable multispecies plots

  • Add TSMonitorHGCtxCreate(), TSMonitorHGCtxDestroy(), TSMonitorHGSwarmSolution() to support histogram plots of particle swarms

  • Add support for first-order adjoint calculation for TSARKIMEX





  • Add DMPlexGetOrientedCone() and DMPlexRestoreOrientedCone() to return both cone and orientation together

  • Add DMPlexTransformGetChart(), DMPlexTransformGetCellType(), DMPlexTransformGetDepth(), DMPlexTransformGetDepthStratum(), DMPlexTransformGetConeSize() to enable ephemeral meshes

  • Remove DMPlexAddConeSize()

  • Add DMPlexCreateEphemeral()

  • Both DMView() and DMLoad() now support parallel I/O with a new HDF5 format (see the manual for details)

  • Remove DMPlexComputeGeometryFEM() since it was broken

  • Change DMPlexMarkBoundaryFaces() to avoid marking faces on the parallel boundary. To get the prior behavior, you can temporarily remove the PointSF from the DM

  • Add -dm_localize_height to localize edges and faces

  • Add DMPlexCreateHypercubicMesh() to create hypercubic meshes needed for QCD

  • Add -dm_plex_shape zbox option to DMSetFromOptions() to generated born-parallel meshes in Z-ordering (a space-filling curve). This may be used as-is with -petscpartitioner_type simple or redistributed using -petscpartitioner_type parmetis (or ptscotch, etc.), which is more scalable than creating a serial mesh to partition and distribute.

  • Add DMPlexSetIsoperiodicFaceSF() to wrap a non-periodic mesh into periodic while preserving the local point representation for both donor and image sheet. This is supported with zbox above, and allows single-element periodicity.

  • Now DMPlexGetCompressedClosure() also takes the point orientation

  • Add DMPlexReorderCohesiveSupports()



  • Add DMNetworkGetNumVertices to retrieve the local and global number of vertices in DMNetwork

  • Add DMNetworkGetNumEdges to retrieve the local and global number of edges in DMNetwork

  • Add the ability to use DMView() on a DMNetwork with a PetscViewer with format PETSC_VIEWER_ASCII_CSV

  • Add the ability to use -dmnetwork_view draw and -dmnetwork_view_distributed draw to visualize a DMNetwork with an associated coordinate DM. This currently requires the configured Python environment to have matplotlib and pandas installed


