
Sets the array used to hold the convergence history.


#include "petsctao.h" 
PetscErrorCode TaoSetConvergenceHistory(Tao tao, PetscReal obj[], PetscReal resid[], PetscReal cnorm[], PetscInt lits[], PetscInt na, PetscBool reset)

Logically Collective

Input Parameters#

  • tao - the Tao solver context

  • obj - array to hold objective value history

  • resid - array to hold residual history

  • cnorm - array to hold constraint violation history

  • lits - integer array holds the number of linear iterations for each Tao iteration

  • na - size of obj, resid, and cnorm

  • reset - PETSC_TRUE indicates each new minimization resets the history counter to zero, else it continues storing new values for new minimizations after the old ones


If set, Tao will fill the given arrays with the indicated information at each iteration. If ‘obj’,’resid’,’cnorm’,’lits’ are all NULL then space (using size na, or 1000 if na is PETSC_DECIDE or PETSC_DEFAULT) is allocated for the history. If not all are NULL, then only the non-NULL information categories will be stored, the others will be ignored.

Any convergence information after iteration number ‘na’ will not be stored.

This routine is useful, e.g., when running a code for purposes of accurate performance monitoring, when no I/O should be done during the section of code that is being timed.

See Also#

TAO: Optimization Solvers, TaoGetConvergenceHistory()







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