Actual source code: petsclogdeprecated.h

  1: #pragma once

  3: #include <petsclog.h>

  5: /* SUBMANSEC = Profiling */

  7: /* These data structures are no longer used by any non-deprecated PETSc interface functions */

  9: typedef struct {
 10:   char        *name;
 11:   PetscClassId classid;
 12: } PetscClassRegInfo;

 14: typedef struct _n_PetscClassRegLog *PetscClassRegLog;
 15: struct _n_PetscClassRegLog {
 16:   int                numClasses;
 17:   int                maxClasses;
 18:   PetscClassRegInfo *classInfo;
 19: };

 21: typedef struct {
 22:   PetscClassId   id;
 23:   int            creations;
 24:   int            destructions;
 25:   PetscLogDouble mem;
 26:   PetscLogDouble descMem;
 27: } PetscClassPerfInfo;

 29: typedef struct _n_PetscClassPerfLog *PetscClassPerfLog;
 30: struct _n_PetscClassPerfLog {
 31:   int                 numClasses;
 32:   int                 maxClasses;
 33:   PetscClassPerfInfo *classInfo;
 34: };

 36: typedef struct {
 37:   char        *name;
 38:   PetscClassId classid;
 39:   PetscBool    collective;
 40: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_TAU_PERFSTUBS)
 41:   void *timer;
 42: #endif
 43: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_MPE)
 44:   int mpe_id_begin;
 45:   int mpe_id_end;
 46: #endif
 47: } PetscEventRegInfo;

 49: typedef struct _n_PetscEventRegLog *PetscEventRegLog;
 50: struct _n_PetscEventRegLog {
 51:   int                numEvents;
 52:   int                maxEvents;
 53:   PetscEventRegInfo *eventInfo; /* The registration information for each event */
 54: };

 56: typedef struct _n_PetscEventPerfLog *PetscEventPerfLog;
 57: struct _n_PetscEventPerfLog {
 58:   int                 numEvents;
 59:   int                 maxEvents;
 60:   PetscEventPerfInfo *eventInfo;
 61: };

 63: typedef struct _PetscStageInfo {
 64:   char              *name;
 65:   PetscBool          used;
 66:   PetscEventPerfInfo perfInfo;
 67:   PetscClassPerfLog  classLog;
 68: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_TAU_PERFSTUBS)
 69:   void *timer;
 70: #endif
 71: } PetscStageInfo;

 73: typedef struct _n_PetscStageLog *PetscStageLog;
 74: struct _n_PetscStageLog {
 75:   int              numStages;
 76:   int              maxStages;
 77:   PetscIntStack    stack;
 78:   int              curStage;
 79:   PetscStageInfo  *stageInfo;
 80:   PetscEventRegLog eventLog;
 81:   PetscClassRegLog classLog;
 82: };

 84: PETSC_DEPRECATED_OBJECT(3, 20, 0, "PetscLogGetState()", "PetscStageLog is no longer used.") PETSC_UNUSED static PetscStageLog petsc_stageLog = PETSC_NULLPTR;

 86: /*@C
 87:   PetscLogGetStageLog - Deprecated.

 89:   Level: deprecated

 91:   Note:
 92:   PETSc performance logging and profiling is now split up between the logging state (`PetscLogState`) and the log handler (`PetscLogHandler`).
 93:   The global logging state is obtained with `PetscLogGetState()`; many log handlers may be used at once (`PetscLogHandlerStart()`) and the default log handler is not directly accessible.

 95: .seealso: [](ch_profiling), `PetscLogEventGetPerfInfo()`
 96: @*/
 97: PETSC_DEPRECATED_FUNCTION(3, 20, 0, "PetscLogGetState()", "PetscStageLog is no longer used.") static inline PetscErrorCode PetscLogGetStageLog(PetscStageLog *s)
 98: {
 99:   *s = PETSC_NULLPTR;
100:   return PETSC_SUCCESS;
101: }

103: /*@C
104:   PetscStageLogGetCurrent - Deprecated

106:   Level: deprecated

108: .seealso: [](ch_profiling)
109: @*/
110: PETSC_DEPRECATED_FUNCTION(3, 20, 0, "PetscLogStateGetCurrentStage()", "PetscStageLog is no longer used.") static inline PetscErrorCode PetscStageLogGetCurrent(PetscStageLog a, int *b)
111: {
112:   (void)a;
113:   *b = -1;
114:   return PETSC_SUCCESS;
115: }

117: /*@C
118:   PetscStageLogGetEventPerfLog - Deprecated

120:   Level: deprecated

122:   Note:
123:   PETSc performance logging and profiling is now split up between the logging state (`PetscLogState`) and the log handler (`PetscLogHandler`).
124:   The global logging state is obtained with `PetscLogGetState()`; many log handlers may be used at once (`PetscLogHandlerStart()`) and the default log handler is not directly accessible.

126: .seealso: [](ch_profiling)
127: @*/
128: PETSC_DEPRECATED_FUNCTION(3, 20, 0, "PetscLogStateEventGetInfo()", "PetscStageLog is no longer used.") static inline PetscErrorCode PetscStageLogGetEventPerfLog(PetscStageLog a, int b, PetscEventPerfLog *c)
129: {
130:   (void)a;
131:   (void)b;
132:   *c = PETSC_NULLPTR;
133:   return PETSC_SUCCESS;
134: }

136: PETSC_DEPRECATED_OBJECT(3, 20, 0, "PetscLogLegacyCallbacksBegin()", ) PETSC_UNUSED static PetscErrorCode (*PetscLogPLB)(PetscLogEvent, int, PetscObject, PetscObject, PetscObject, PetscObject) = PETSC_NULLPTR;
137: PETSC_DEPRECATED_OBJECT(3, 20, 0, "PetscLogLegacyCallbacksBegin()", ) PETSC_UNUSED static PetscErrorCode (*PetscLogPLE)(PetscLogEvent, int, PetscObject, PetscObject, PetscObject, PetscObject) = PETSC_NULLPTR;
138: PETSC_DEPRECATED_OBJECT(3, 20, 0, "PetscLogLegacyCallbacksBegin()", ) PETSC_UNUSED static PetscErrorCode (*PetscLogPHC)(PetscObject)                                                            = PETSC_NULLPTR;
139: PETSC_DEPRECATED_OBJECT(3, 20, 0, "PetscLogLegacyCallbacksBegin()", ) PETSC_UNUSED static PetscErrorCode (*PetscLogPHD)(PetscObject)                                                            = PETSC_NULLPTR;

141: PETSC_DEPRECATED_FUNCTION(3, 20, 0, "nothing", "PETSc does not guarantee a stack property of logging events.") static inline PetscErrorCode PetscLogPushCurrentEvent_Internal(PetscLogEvent e)
142: {
143:   (void)e;
144:   return PETSC_SUCCESS;
145: }

147: PETSC_DEPRECATED_FUNCTION(3, 20, 0, "nothing", "PETSc does not guarantee a stack property of logging events.") static inline PetscErrorCode PetscLogPopCurrentEvent_Internal(void)
148: {
149:   return PETSC_SUCCESS;
150: }

152: /*@C
153:   PetscLogAllBegin - Equivalent to `PetscLogDefaultBegin()`.

155:   Logically Collective on `PETSC_COMM_WORLD`

157:   Level: deprecated

159:   Note:
160:   In previous versions, PETSc's documentation stated that `PetscLogAllBegin()` "Turns on extensive logging of objects and events," which was not actually true.
161:   The actual way to turn on extensive logging of objects and events was, and remains, to call `PetscLogActions()` and `PetscLogObjects()`.

163: .seealso: [](ch_profiling), `PetscLogDump()`, `PetscLogDefaultBegin()`, `PetscLogActions()`, `PetscLogObjects()`
164: @*/
165: PETSC_DEPRECATED_FUNCTION(3, 20, 0, "PetscLogDefaultBegin()", ) static inline PetscErrorCode PetscLogAllBegin(void)
166: {
167:   return PetscLogDefaultBegin();
168: }

170: /*@C
171:   PetscLogSet - Deprecated.

173:   Level: deprecated

175:   Note:
176:   PETSc performance logging and profiling is now split up between the logging state (`PetscLogState`) and the log handler (`PetscLogHandler`).
177:   The global logging state is obtained with `PetscLogGetState()`; many log handlers may be used at once (`PetscLogHandlerStart()`) and the default log handler is not directly accessible.

179: .seealso: [](ch_profiling), `PetscLogEventGetPerfInfo()`
180: @*/
181: PETSC_DEPRECATED_FUNCTION(3, 20, 0, "PetscLogLegacyCallbacksBegin()", )
182: static inline PetscErrorCode PetscLogSet(PetscErrorCode (*a)(int, int, PetscObject, PetscObject, PetscObject, PetscObject), PetscErrorCode (*b)(int, int, PetscObject, PetscObject, PetscObject, PetscObject))
183: {
184:   return PetscLogLegacyCallbacksBegin(a, b, PETSC_NULLPTR, PETSC_NULLPTR);
185: }