
statistics on how many times the event is used, how much time it takes, etc.


typedef struct {
  int            id;                  /* The integer identifying this event / stage */
  PetscBool      active;              /* Deprecated */
  PetscBool      visible;             /* The flag to print info in summary */
  int            depth;               /* The nesting depth of the event call */
  int            count;               /* The number of times this event was executed */
  PetscLogDouble flops;               /* The flops used in this event */
  PetscLogDouble flops2;              /* The square of flops used in this event */
  PetscLogDouble flopsTmp;            /* The accumulator for flops used in this event */
  PetscLogDouble time;                /* The time taken for this event */
  PetscLogDouble time2;               /* The square of time taken for this event */
  PetscLogDouble timeTmp;             /* The accumulator for time taken for this event */
  PetscLogDouble syncTime;            /* The synchronization barrier time */
  PetscLogDouble dof[8];              /* The number of degrees of freedom associated with this event */
  PetscLogDouble errors[8];           /* The errors (user-defined) associated with this event */
  PetscLogDouble numMessages;         /* The number of messages in this event */
  PetscLogDouble messageLength;       /* The total message lengths in this event */
  PetscLogDouble numReductions;       /* The number of reductions in this event */
  PetscLogDouble memIncrease;         /* How much the resident memory has increased in this event */
  PetscLogDouble mallocIncrease;      /* How much the maximum malloced space has increased in this event */
  PetscLogDouble mallocSpace;         /* How much the space was malloced and kept during this event */
  PetscLogDouble mallocIncreaseEvent; /* Maximum of the high water mark with in event minus memory available at the end of the event */
#if defined(PETSC_HAVE_DEVICE)
  PetscLogDouble CpuToGpuCount; /* The total number of CPU to GPU copies */
  PetscLogDouble GpuToCpuCount; /* The total number of GPU to CPU copies */
  PetscLogDouble CpuToGpuSize;  /* The total size of CPU to GPU copies */
  PetscLogDouble GpuToCpuSize;  /* The total size of GPU to CPU copies */
  PetscLogDouble GpuFlops;      /* The flops done on a GPU in this event */
  PetscLogDouble GpuTime;       /* The time spent on a GPU in this event */
} PetscEventPerfInfo;


This is the data structure that describes profiling statsitics collected for an event from the default log handler (PetscLogDefaultBegin()) using PetscLogEventGetPerfInfo().

See Also#

): Profiling







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