
Create a vector-valued PetscFE from multiple copies of an underlying PetscFE.


#include "petscfe.h" 
PetscErrorCode PetscFECreateVector(PetscFE scalar_fe, PetscInt num_copies, PetscBool interleave_basis, PetscBool interleave_components, PetscFE *vector_fe)


Input Parameters#

  • scalar_fe - a PetscFE finite element

  • num_copies - a positive integer

  • interleave_basis - if PETSC_TRUE, the first num_copies basis vectors of the output finite element will be copies of the first basis vector of scalar_fe, and so on for the other basis vectors; otherwise all of the first-copy basis vectors will come first, followed by all of the second-copy, and so on.

  • interleave_components - if PETSC_TRUE, the first num_copies components of the output finite element will be copies of the first component of scalar_fe, and so on for the other components; otherwise all of the first-copy components will come first, followed by all of the second-copy, and so on.

Output Parameter#

  • vector_fe - a PetscFE of type PETSCFEVECTOR that represent a discretization space with num_copies copies of scalar_fe

See Also#

PetscFE, PetscFEType, PetscFECreate(), PetscFESetType(), PETSCFEBASIC, PETSCFEVECTOR





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