
Allows one to replace the GPU array in a vector with a GPU array provided by the user.


#include <petscvec.h> 
PetscErrorCode VecCUDAPlaceArray(Vec vin, const PetscScalar a[])

Logically Collective; Asynchronous; No Fortran Support

Input Parameters#

  • vec - the vector

  • array - the GPU array


This routine is useful to avoid copying an array into a vector, though you can return to the original GPU array with a call to VecCUDAResetArray().

It is not possible to use VecCUDAPlaceArray() and VecPlaceArray() at the same time on the same vector.

vec does not take ownership of array in any way. The user must free array themselves but be careful not to do so before the vector has either been destroyed, had its original array restored with VecCUDAResetArray() or permanently replaced with VecCUDAReplaceArray().

See Also#

Vectors and Parallel Data, VecPlaceArray(), VecGetArray(), VecRestoreArray(), VecReplaceArray(), VecResetArray(), VecCUDAResetArray(), VecCUDAReplaceArray()





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