Actual source code: ex35.cxx

  1: /*
  2: Inhomogeneous Laplacian in 2D. Modeled by the partial differential equation

  4:    -div \rho grad u = f,  0 < x,y < 1,

  6: Problem 1: (Default)

  8:   Use the following exact solution with Dirichlet boundary condition

 10:     u = sin(pi*x)*sin(pi*y)

 12:   and generate an appropriate forcing function to measure convergence.

 14: Usage:

 16:   Measure convergence rate with uniform refinement with the options: "-problem 1 -error".

 18:     mpiexec -n $NP ./ex35 -problem 1 -error -n 16 -levels 5 -pc_type gamg
 19:     mpiexec -n $NP ./ex35 -problem 1 -error -n 32 -levels 4 -pc_type gamg
 20:     mpiexec -n $NP ./ex35 -problem 1 -error -n 64 -levels 3 -pc_type mg
 21:     mpiexec -n $NP ./ex35 -problem 1 -error -n 128 -levels 2 -pc_type mg
 22:     mpiexec -n $NP ./ex35 -problem 1 -error -n 256 -levels 1 -mg
 23:     mpiexec -n $NP ./ex35 -problem 1 -error -n 512 -levels 0 -mg

 25:   Or with an external mesh file representing [0, 1]^2,

 27:     mpiexec -n $NP ./ex35 -problem 1 -file ./external_mesh.h5m -levels 2 -error -pc_type mg

 29: Problem 2:

 31:   Use the forcing function

 33:      f = e^{-((x-xr)^2+(y-yr)^2)/\nu}

 35:   with Dirichlet boundary conditions

 37:      u = f(x,y) for x = 0, x = 1, y = 0, y = 1

 39:   or pure Neumman boundary conditions

 41: Usage:

 43:   Run with different values of \rho and \nu (problem 1) to control diffusion and gaussian source spread. This uses the internal mesh generator implemented in DMMoab.

 45:     mpiexec -n $NP ./ex35 -problem 2 -n 20 -nu 0.02 -rho 0.01
 46:     mpiexec -n $NP ./ex35 -problem 2 -n 40 -nu 0.01 -rho 0.005 -io -ksp_monitor
 47:     mpiexec -n $NP ./ex35 -problem 2 -n 80 -nu 0.01 -rho 0.005 -io -ksp_monitor -pc_type hypre
 48:     mpiexec -n $NP ./ex35 -problem 2 -n 160 -bc neumann -nu 0.005 -rho 0.01 -io
 49:     mpiexec -n $NP ./ex35 -problem 2 -n 320 -bc neumann -nu 0.001 -rho 1 -io

 51:   Or with an external mesh file representing [0, 1]^2,

 53:     mpiexec -n $NP ./ex35 -problem 2 -file ./external_mesh.h5m -levels 1 -pc_type gamg

 55: Problem 3:

 57:   Use the forcing function

 59:      f = \nu*sin(\pi*x/LX)*sin(\pi*y/LY)

 61:   with Dirichlet boundary conditions

 63:      u = 0.0, for x = 0, x = 1, y = 0, y = 1 (outer boundary) &&
 64:      u = 1.0, for (x-0.5)^2 + (y-0.5)^2 = 0.01

 66: Usage:

 68:   Now, you could alternately load an external MOAB mesh that discretizes the unit square and use that to run the solver.

 70:     mpiexec -n $NP ./ex35 -problem 3 -file input/square_with_hole.h5m -mg
 71:     mpiexec -n $NP ./ex35 -problem 3 -file input/square_with_hole.h5m -mg -levels 2 -io -ksp_monitor
 72:     mpiexec -n $NP ./ex35 -problem 3 -file input/square_with_hole.h5m -io -ksp_monitor -pc_type hypre

 74: */

 76: static char help[] = "\
 77:                       Solves the 2D inhomogeneous Laplacian equation.\n \
 78:                       Usage: ./ex35 -problem 1 -error -n 4 -levels 3 -mg\n  \
 79:                       Usage: ./ex35 -problem 2 -n 80 -nu 0.01 -rho 0.005 -io -ksp_monitor -pc_type gamg\n  \
 80:                       Usage: ./ex35 -problem 3 -file input/square_with_hole.h5m -mg\n";

 82: /* PETSc includes */
 83: #include <petscksp.h>
 84: #include <petscdmmoab.h>

 86: #define LOCAL_ASSEMBLY

 88: typedef enum {
 90:   NEUMANN
 91: } BCType;

 93: typedef struct {
 94:   PetscInt  dim, n, problem, nlevels;
 95:   PetscReal rho;
 96:   PetscReal bounds[6];
 97:   PetscReal xref, yref;
 98:   PetscReal nu;
 99:   PetscInt  VPERE;
100:   BCType    bcType;
101:   PetscBool use_extfile, io, error, usetri, usemg;
102:   char      filename[PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN];
103: } UserContext;

105: static PetscErrorCode ComputeMatrix(KSP, Mat, Mat, void *);
106: static PetscErrorCode ComputeRHS(KSP, Vec, void *);
107: static PetscErrorCode ComputeDiscreteL2Error(KSP, Vec, UserContext *);
108: static PetscErrorCode InitializeOptions(UserContext *);

110: int main(int argc, char **argv)
111: {
112:   KSP ksp;
113:   PC  pc;
114:   Mat R;
115:   DM  dm, dmref, *dmhierarchy;

117:   UserContext user;
118:   const char *fields[1] = {"T-Variable"};
119:   PetscInt    k;
120:   Vec         b, x, errv;

122:   PetscFunctionBeginUser;
123:   PetscCall(PetscInitialize(&argc, &argv, nullptr, help));

125:   PetscCall(InitializeOptions(&user));

127:   /* Create the DM object from either a mesh file or from in-memory structured grid */
128:   if (user.use_extfile) {
129:     PetscCall(DMMoabLoadFromFile(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, user.dim, 1, user.filename, "", &dm));
130:   } else {
131:     PetscCall(DMMoabCreateBoxMesh(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, user.dim, user.usetri, user.bounds, user.n, 1, &dm));
132:   }
133:   PetscCall(DMSetFromOptions(dm));
134:   PetscCall(DMMoabSetFieldNames(dm, 1, fields));

136:   /* SetUp the data structures for DMMOAB */
137:   PetscCall(DMSetUp(dm));

139:   PetscCall(DMSetApplicationContext(dm, &user));

141:   PetscCall(KSPCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &ksp));
142:   PetscCall(KSPSetComputeRHS(ksp, ComputeRHS, &user));
143:   PetscCall(KSPSetComputeOperators(ksp, ComputeMatrix, &user));

145:   if (user.nlevels) {
146:     PetscCall(KSPGetPC(ksp, &pc));
147:     PetscCall(PetscMalloc(sizeof(DM) * (user.nlevels + 1), &dmhierarchy));
148:     for (k = 0; k <= user.nlevels; k++) dmhierarchy[k] = NULL;

150:     PetscCall(PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "Number of mesh hierarchy levels: %d\n", user.nlevels));
151:     PetscCall(DMMoabGenerateHierarchy(dm, user.nlevels, NULL));

153:     /* coarsest grid = 0, finest grid = nlevels */
154:     dmhierarchy[0]         = dm;
155:     PetscBool usehierarchy = PETSC_FALSE;
156:     if (usehierarchy) {
157:       PetscCall(DMRefineHierarchy(dm, user.nlevels, &dmhierarchy[1]));
158:     } else {
159:       for (k = 1; k <= user.nlevels; k++) PetscCall(DMRefine(dmhierarchy[k - 1], MPI_COMM_NULL, &dmhierarchy[k]));
160:     }
161:     dmref = dmhierarchy[user.nlevels];
162:     PetscCall(PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)dmref));

164:     if (user.usemg) {
165:       PetscCall(PCSetType(pc, PCMG));
166:       PetscCall(PCMGSetLevels(pc, user.nlevels + 1, NULL));
167:       PetscCall(PCMGSetType(pc, PC_MG_MULTIPLICATIVE));
168:       PetscCall(PCMGSetGalerkin(pc, PC_MG_GALERKIN_BOTH));
169:       PetscCall(PCMGSetCycleType(pc, PC_MG_CYCLE_V));
170:       PetscCall(PCMGSetNumberSmooth(pc, 2));

172:       for (k = 1; k <= user.nlevels; k++) {
173:         PetscCall(DMCreateInterpolation(dmhierarchy[k - 1], dmhierarchy[k], &R, NULL));
174:         PetscCall(PCMGSetInterpolation(pc, k, R));
175:         PetscCall(MatDestroy(&R));
176:       }
177:     }

179:     for (k = 1; k <= user.nlevels; k++) PetscCall(DMDestroy(&dmhierarchy[k]));
180:     PetscCall(PetscFree(dmhierarchy));
181:   } else {
182:     dmref = dm;
183:     PetscCall(PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)dm));
184:   }

186:   PetscCall(KSPSetDM(ksp, dmref));
187:   PetscCall(KSPSetFromOptions(ksp));

189:   /* Perform the actual solve */
190:   PetscCall(KSPSolve(ksp, NULL, NULL));
191:   PetscCall(KSPGetSolution(ksp, &x));
192:   PetscCall(KSPGetRhs(ksp, &b));

194:   if (user.error) {
195:     PetscCall(VecDuplicate(b, &errv));
196:     PetscCall(ComputeDiscreteL2Error(ksp, errv, &user));
197:     PetscCall(VecDestroy(&errv));
198:   }

200:   if ( {
201:     /* Write out the solution along with the mesh */
202:     PetscCall(DMMoabSetGlobalFieldVector(dmref, x));
203: #ifdef MOAB_HAVE_HDF5
204:     PetscCall(DMMoabOutput(dmref, "ex35.h5m", NULL));
205: #else
206:     /* MOAB does not support true parallel writers that aren't HDF5 based
207:        And so if you are using VTK as the output format in parallel,
208:        the data could be jumbled due to the order in which the processors
209:        write out their parts of the mesh and solution tags */
210:     PetscCall(DMMoabOutput(dmref, "ex35.vtk", NULL));
211: #endif
212:   }

214:   /* Cleanup objects */
215:   PetscCall(KSPDestroy(&ksp));
216:   PetscCall(DMDestroy(&dmref));
217:   PetscCall(DMDestroy(&dm));
218:   PetscCall(PetscFinalize());
219:   return 0;
220: }

222: PetscReal ComputeDiffusionCoefficient(PetscReal coords[3], UserContext *user)
223: {
224:   switch (user->problem) {
225:   case 2:
226:     if ((coords[0] > user->bounds[1] / 3.0) && (coords[0] < 2.0 * user->bounds[1] / 3.0) && (coords[1] > user->bounds[3] / 3.0) && (coords[1] < 2.0 * user->bounds[3] / 3.0)) {
227:       return user->rho;
228:     } else {
229:       return 1.0;
230:     }
231:   case 1:
232:   case 3:
233:   default:
234:     return user->rho;
235:   }
236: }

238: PetscScalar ExactSolution(PetscReal coords[3], UserContext *user)
239: {
240:   switch (user->problem) {
241:   case 1:
242:     return sin(PETSC_PI * coords[0] / user->bounds[1]) * sin(PETSC_PI * coords[1] / user->bounds[3]);
243:   case 3:
244:   case 2:
245:   default:
246:     SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE, "Exact solution for -problem = [%" PetscInt_FMT "] is not available.", user->problem);
247:   }
248: }

250: PetscScalar ComputeForcingFunction(PetscReal coords[3], UserContext *user)
251: {
252:   switch (user->problem) {
253:   case 3:
254:     return user->nu * sin(PETSC_PI * coords[0] / user->bounds[1]) * sin(PETSC_PI * coords[1] / user->bounds[3]);
255:   case 2:
256:     return PetscExpScalar(-((coords[0] - user->xref) * (coords[0] - user->xref) + (coords[1] - user->yref) * (coords[1] - user->yref)) / user->nu);
257:   case 1:
258:   default:
259:     return PETSC_PI * PETSC_PI * ComputeDiffusionCoefficient(coords, user) * (1.0 / user->bounds[1] / user->bounds[1] + 1.0 / user->bounds[3] / user->bounds[3]) * sin(PETSC_PI * coords[0] / user->bounds[1]) * sin(PETSC_PI * coords[1] / user->bounds[3]);
260:   }
261: }

263: #define BCHECKEPS                   1e-10
264: #define BCHECK(coordxyz, truetrace) (coordxyz < truetrace + BCHECKEPS && coordxyz > truetrace - BCHECKEPS)

266: PetscScalar EvaluateStrongDirichletCondition(PetscReal coords[3], UserContext *user)
267: {
268:   switch (user->problem) {
269:   case 3:
270:     if (BCHECK(coords[0], user->bounds[0]) || BCHECK(coords[0], user->bounds[1]) || BCHECK(coords[1], user->bounds[2]) || BCHECK(coords[1], user->bounds[3])) return 0.0;
271:     else // ( coords[0]*coords[0] + coords[1]*coords[1] < 0.04 + BCHECKEPS)
272:       return 1.0;
273:   case 2:
274:     return ComputeForcingFunction(coords, user);
275:   case 1:
276:   default:
277:     return ExactSolution(coords, user);
278:   }
279: }

281: PetscErrorCode ComputeRHS(KSP ksp, Vec b, void *ptr)
282: {
283:   UserContext              *user = (UserContext *)ptr;
284:   DM                        dm;
285:   PetscInt                  dof_indices[4];
286:   PetscBool                 dbdry[4];
287:   PetscReal                 vpos[4 * 3];
288:   PetscScalar               ff;
289:   PetscInt                  i, q, nconn, nc, npoints;
290:   const moab::EntityHandle *connect;
291:   const moab::Range        *elocal;
292:   moab::Interface          *mbImpl;
293:   PetscScalar               localv[4];
294:   PetscReal                *phi, *phypts, *jxw;
295:   PetscBool                 elem_on_boundary;
296:   PetscQuadrature           quadratureObj;

298:   PetscFunctionBegin;
299:   PetscCall(KSPGetDM(ksp, &dm));

301:   /* reset the RHS */
302:   PetscCall(VecSet(b, 0.0));

304:   PetscCall(DMMoabFEMCreateQuadratureDefault(2, user->VPERE, &quadratureObj));
305:   PetscCall(PetscQuadratureGetData(quadratureObj, NULL, &nc, &npoints, NULL, NULL));
306:   PetscCall(PetscMalloc3(user->VPERE * npoints, &phi, npoints * 3, &phypts, npoints, &jxw));

308:   /* get the essential MOAB mesh related quantities needed for FEM assembly */
309:   PetscCall(DMMoabGetInterface(dm, &mbImpl));
310:   PetscCall(DMMoabGetLocalElements(dm, &elocal));

312:   /* loop over local elements */
313:   for (moab::Range::iterator iter = elocal->begin(); iter != elocal->end(); iter++) {
314:     const moab::EntityHandle ehandle = *iter;

316:     /* Get connectivity information: */
317:     PetscCall(DMMoabGetElementConnectivity(dm, ehandle, &nconn, &connect));
318:     PetscCheck(nconn == 3 || nconn == 4, PETSC_COMM_WORLD, PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Only TRI3/QUAD4 element bases are supported in the current example. n(Connectivity)=%" PetscInt_FMT ".", nconn);

320:     PetscCall(PetscArrayzero(localv, nconn));

322:     /* get the coordinates of the element vertices */
323:     PetscCall(DMMoabGetVertexCoordinates(dm, nconn, connect, vpos));

325:     /* get the local DoF numbers to appropriately set the element contribution in the operator */
326: #ifdef LOCAL_ASSEMBLY
327:     PetscCall(DMMoabGetFieldDofsLocal(dm, nconn, connect, 0, dof_indices));
328: #else
329:     PetscCall(DMMoabGetFieldDofs(dm, nconn, connect, 0, dof_indices));
330: #endif

332:     /* 1) compute the basis functions and the derivatives wrt x and y directions
333:        2) compute the quadrature points transformed to the physical space */
334:     PetscCall(DMMoabFEMComputeBasis(2, nconn, vpos, quadratureObj, phypts, jxw, phi, NULL));

336:     /* Compute function over the locally owned part of the grid */
337:     for (q = 0; q < npoints; ++q) {
338:       ff = ComputeForcingFunction(&phypts[3 * q], user);

340:       for (i = 0; i < nconn; ++i) localv[i] += jxw[q] * phi[q * nconn + i] * ff;
341:     }

343:     /* check if element is on the boundary */
344:     PetscCall(DMMoabIsEntityOnBoundary(dm, ehandle, &elem_on_boundary));

346:     /* apply dirichlet boundary conditions */
347:     if (elem_on_boundary && user->bcType == DIRICHLET) {
348:       /* get the list of nodes on boundary so that we can enforce dirichlet conditions strongly */
349:       PetscCall(DMMoabCheckBoundaryVertices(dm, nconn, connect, dbdry));

351:       for (i = 0; i < nconn; ++i) {
352:         if (dbdry[i]) { /* dirichlet node */
353:           /* think about strongly imposing dirichlet */
354:           localv[i] = EvaluateStrongDirichletCondition(&vpos[3 * i], user);
355:         }
356:       }
357:     }

359: #ifdef LOCAL_ASSEMBLY
360:     /* set the values directly into appropriate locations. Can alternately use VecSetValues */
361:     PetscCall(VecSetValuesLocal(b, nconn, dof_indices, localv, ADD_VALUES));
362: #else
363:     PetscCall(VecSetValues(b, nconn, dof_indices, localv, ADD_VALUES));
364: #endif
365:   }

367:   /* force right-hand side to be consistent for singular matrix */
368:   /* note this is really a hack, normally the model would provide you with a consistent right handside */
369:   if (user->bcType == NEUMANN) {
370:     MatNullSpace nullspace;
371:     PetscCall(MatNullSpaceCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, PETSC_TRUE, 0, 0, &nullspace));
372:     PetscCall(MatNullSpaceRemove(nullspace, b));
373:     PetscCall(MatNullSpaceDestroy(&nullspace));
374:   }

376:   /* Restore vectors */
377:   PetscCall(VecAssemblyBegin(b));
378:   PetscCall(VecAssemblyEnd(b));
379:   PetscCall(PetscFree3(phi, phypts, jxw));
380:   PetscCall(PetscQuadratureDestroy(&quadratureObj));
381:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
382: }

384: PetscErrorCode ComputeMatrix(KSP ksp, Mat J, Mat jac, void *ctx)
385: {
386:   UserContext              *user = (UserContext *)ctx;
387:   DM                        dm;
388:   PetscInt                  i, j, q, nconn, nglobale, nglobalv, nc, npoints, hlevel;
389:   PetscInt                  dof_indices[4];
390:   PetscReal                 vpos[4 * 3], rho;
391:   PetscBool                 dbdry[4];
392:   const moab::EntityHandle *connect;
393:   const moab::Range        *elocal;
394:   moab::Interface          *mbImpl;
395:   PetscBool                 elem_on_boundary;
396:   PetscScalar               array[4 * 4];
397:   PetscReal                *phi, *dphi[2], *phypts, *jxw;
398:   PetscQuadrature           quadratureObj;

400:   PetscFunctionBeginUser;
401:   PetscCall(KSPGetDM(ksp, &dm));

403:   /* get the essential MOAB mesh related quantities needed for FEM assembly */
404:   PetscCall(DMMoabGetInterface(dm, &mbImpl));
405:   PetscCall(DMMoabGetLocalElements(dm, &elocal));
406:   PetscCall(DMMoabGetSize(dm, &nglobale, &nglobalv));
407:   PetscCall(DMMoabGetHierarchyLevel(dm, &hlevel));
408:   PetscCall(PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "ComputeMatrix: Level = %d, N(elements) = %d, N(vertices) = %d \n", hlevel, nglobale, nglobalv));

410:   PetscCall(DMMoabFEMCreateQuadratureDefault(2, user->VPERE, &quadratureObj));
411:   PetscCall(PetscQuadratureGetData(quadratureObj, NULL, &nc, &npoints, NULL, NULL));
412:   PetscCall(PetscMalloc5(user->VPERE * npoints, &phi, user->VPERE * npoints, &dphi[0], user->VPERE * npoints, &dphi[1], npoints * 3, &phypts, npoints, &jxw));

414:   /* loop over local elements */
415:   for (moab::Range::iterator iter = elocal->begin(); iter != elocal->end(); iter++) {
416:     const moab::EntityHandle ehandle = *iter;

418:     // Get connectivity information:
419:     PetscCall(DMMoabGetElementConnectivity(dm, ehandle, &nconn, &connect));
420:     PetscCheck(nconn == 3 || nconn == 4, PETSC_COMM_WORLD, PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG, "Only QUAD4 or TRI3 element bases are supported in the current example. Connectivity=%" PetscInt_FMT ".", nconn);

422:     /* compute the mid-point of the element and use a 1-point lumped quadrature */
423:     PetscCall(DMMoabGetVertexCoordinates(dm, nconn, connect, vpos));

425:     /* get the global DOF number to appropriately set the element contribution in the RHS vector */
426: #ifdef LOCAL_ASSEMBLY
427:     PetscCall(DMMoabGetFieldDofsLocal(dm, nconn, connect, 0, dof_indices));
428: #else
429:     PetscCall(DMMoabGetFieldDofs(dm, nconn, connect, 0, dof_indices));
430: #endif

432:     /* 1) compute the basis functions and the derivatives wrt x and y directions
433:        2) compute the quadrature points transformed to the physical space */
434:     PetscCall(DMMoabFEMComputeBasis(2, nconn, vpos, quadratureObj, phypts, jxw, phi, dphi));

436:     PetscCall(PetscArrayzero(array, nconn * nconn));

438:     /* Compute function over the locally owned part of the grid */
439:     for (q = 0; q < npoints; ++q) {
440:       /* compute the inhomogeneous (piece-wise constant) diffusion coefficient at the quadrature point
441:         -- for large spatial variations (within an element), embed this property evaluation inside the quadrature loop
442:       */
443:       rho = ComputeDiffusionCoefficient(&phypts[q * 3], user);

445:       for (i = 0; i < nconn; ++i) {
446:         for (j = 0; j < nconn; ++j) array[i * nconn + j] += jxw[q] * rho * (dphi[0][q * nconn + i] * dphi[0][q * nconn + j] + dphi[1][q * nconn + i] * dphi[1][q * nconn + j]);
447:       }
448:     }

450:     /* check if element is on the boundary */
451:     PetscCall(DMMoabIsEntityOnBoundary(dm, ehandle, &elem_on_boundary));

453:     /* apply dirichlet boundary conditions */
454:     if (elem_on_boundary && user->bcType == DIRICHLET) {
455:       /* get the list of nodes on boundary so that we can enforce dirichlet conditions strongly */
456:       PetscCall(DMMoabCheckBoundaryVertices(dm, nconn, connect, dbdry));

458:       for (i = 0; i < nconn; ++i) {
459:         if (dbdry[i]) { /* dirichlet node */
460:           /* think about strongly imposing dirichlet */
461:           for (j = 0; j < nconn; ++j) {
462:             /* TODO: symmetrize the system - need the RHS */
463:             array[i * nconn + j] = 0.0;
464:           }
465:           array[i * nconn + i] = 1.0;
466:         }
467:       }
468:     }

470:     /* set the values directly into appropriate locations. */
471: #ifdef LOCAL_ASSEMBLY
472:     PetscCall(MatSetValuesLocal(jac, nconn, dof_indices, nconn, dof_indices, array, ADD_VALUES));
473: #else
474:     PetscCall(MatSetValues(jac, nconn, dof_indices, nconn, dof_indices, array, ADD_VALUES));
475: #endif
476:   }

478:   PetscCall(MatAssemblyBegin(jac, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY));
479:   PetscCall(MatAssemblyEnd(jac, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY));

481:   if (user->bcType == NEUMANN) {
482:     MatNullSpace nullspace;

484:     PetscCall(MatNullSpaceCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, PETSC_TRUE, 0, 0, &nullspace));
485:     PetscCall(MatSetNullSpace(J, nullspace));
486:     PetscCall(MatNullSpaceDestroy(&nullspace));
487:   }
488:   PetscCall(PetscFree5(phi, dphi[0], dphi[1], phypts, jxw));
489:   PetscCall(PetscQuadratureDestroy(&quadratureObj));
490:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
491: }

493: PetscErrorCode ComputeDiscreteL2Error(KSP ksp, Vec err, UserContext *user)
494: {
495:   DM                 dm;
496:   Vec                sol;
497:   PetscReal          vpos[3];
498:   const PetscScalar *x;
499:   PetscScalar       *e;
500:   PetscReal          l2err = 0.0, linferr = 0.0, global_l2, global_linf;
501:   PetscInt           dof_index, N;
502:   const moab::Range *ownedvtx;

504:   PetscFunctionBegin;
505:   PetscCall(KSPGetDM(ksp, &dm));

507:   /* get the solution vector */
508:   PetscCall(KSPGetSolution(ksp, &sol));

510:   /* Get the internal reference to the vector arrays */
511:   PetscCall(VecGetArrayRead(sol, &x));
512:   PetscCall(VecGetSize(sol, &N));
513:   if (err) {
514:     /* reset the error vector */
515:     PetscCall(VecSet(err, 0.0));
516:     /* get array reference */
517:     PetscCall(VecGetArray(err, &e));
518:   }

520:   PetscCall(DMMoabGetLocalVertices(dm, &ownedvtx, NULL));

522:   /* Compute function over the locally owned part of the grid */
523:   for (moab::Range::iterator iter = ownedvtx->begin(); iter != ownedvtx->end(); iter++) {
524:     const moab::EntityHandle vhandle = *iter;

526:     /* get the local DoF numbers to appropriately set the element contribution in the operator */
527: #ifdef LOCAL_ASSEMBLY
528:     PetscCall(DMMoabGetFieldDofsLocal(dm, 1, &vhandle, 0, &dof_index));
529: #else
530:     PetscCall(DMMoabGetFieldDofs(dm, 1, &vhandle, 0, &dof_index));
531: #endif

533:     /* compute the mid-point of the element and use a 1-point lumped quadrature */
534:     PetscCall(DMMoabGetVertexCoordinates(dm, 1, &vhandle, vpos));

536:     /* compute the discrete L2 error against the exact solution */
537:     const PetscScalar lerr = (ExactSolution(vpos, user) - x[dof_index]);
538:     l2err += PetscRealPart(lerr * PetscConj(lerr));
539:     if (linferr < PetscAbsScalar(lerr)) linferr = PetscAbsScalar(lerr);

541:     if (err) { /* set the discrete L2 error against the exact solution */
542:       e[dof_index] = lerr;
543:     }
544:   }

546:   PetscCallMPI(MPIU_Allreduce(&l2err, &global_l2, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, PETSC_COMM_WORLD));
547:   PetscCallMPI(MPIU_Allreduce(&linferr, &global_linf, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, PETSC_COMM_WORLD));
548:   PetscCall(PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "Computed Errors: L_2 = %f, L_inf = %f\n", sqrt(global_l2 / N), global_linf));

550:   /* Restore vectors */
551:   PetscCall(VecRestoreArrayRead(sol, &x));
552:   if (err) PetscCall(VecRestoreArray(err, &e));
553:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
554: }

556: PetscErrorCode InitializeOptions(UserContext *user)
557: {
558:   const char *bcTypes[2] = {"dirichlet", "neumann"};
559:   PetscInt    bc;

561:   PetscFunctionBegin;
562:   /* set default parameters */
563:   user->dim       = 2;
564:   user->problem   = 1;
565:   user->n         = 2;
566:   user->nlevels   = 2;
567:   user->rho       = 0.1;
568:   user->bounds[0] = user->bounds[2] = user->bounds[4] = 0.0;
569:   user->bounds[1] = user->bounds[3] = user->bounds[5] = 1.0;
570:   user->xref                                          = user->bounds[1] / 2;
571:   user->yref                                          = user->bounds[3] / 2;
572:   user->nu                                            = 0.05;
573:   user->usemg                                         = PETSC_FALSE;
574:   user->io                                            = PETSC_FALSE;
575:   user->usetri                                        = PETSC_FALSE;
576:   user->error                                         = PETSC_FALSE;
577:   bc                                                  = (PetscInt)DIRICHLET;

579:   PetscOptionsBegin(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, "", "Options for the inhomogeneous Poisson equation", "ex35.cxx");
580:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsInt("-problem", "The type of problem being solved (controls forcing function)", "ex35.cxx", user->problem, &user->problem, NULL));
581:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsInt("-n", "The elements in each direction", "ex35.cxx", user->n, &user->n, NULL));
582:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsInt("-levels", "Number of levels in the multigrid hierarchy", "ex35.cxx", user->nlevels, &user->nlevels, NULL));
583:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsReal("-rho", "The conductivity", "ex35.cxx", user->rho, &user->rho, NULL));
584:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsReal("-x", "The domain size in x-direction", "ex35.cxx", user->bounds[1], &user->bounds[1], NULL));
585:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsReal("-y", "The domain size in y-direction", "ex35.cxx", user->bounds[3], &user->bounds[3], NULL));
586:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsReal("-xref", "The x-coordinate of Gaussian center (for -problem 1)", "ex35.cxx", user->xref, &user->xref, NULL));
587:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsReal("-yref", "The y-coordinate of Gaussian center (for -problem 1)", "ex35.cxx", user->yref, &user->yref, NULL));
588:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsReal("-nu", "The width of the Gaussian source (for -problem 1)", "ex35.cxx", user->nu, &user->nu, NULL));
589:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsBool("-mg", "Use multigrid preconditioner", "ex35.cxx", user->usemg, &user->usemg, NULL));
590:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsBool("-io", "Write out the solution and mesh data", "ex35.cxx", user->io, &user->io, NULL));
591:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsBool("-tri", "Use triangles to discretize the domain", "ex35.cxx", user->usetri, &user->usetri, NULL));
592:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsBool("-error", "Compute the discrete L_2 and L_inf errors of the solution", "ex35.cxx", user->error, &user->error, NULL));
593:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsEList("-bc", "Type of boundary condition", "ex35.cxx", bcTypes, 2, bcTypes[0], &bc, NULL));
594:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsString("-file", "The mesh file for the problem", "ex35.cxx", "", user->filename, sizeof(user->filename), &user->use_extfile));
595:   PetscOptionsEnd();

597:   if (user->problem < 1 || user->problem > 3) user->problem = 1;
598:   user->bcType = (BCType)bc;
599:   user->VPERE  = (user->usetri ? 3 : 4);
600:   if (user->problem == 3) {
601:     user->bounds[0] = user->bounds[2] = -0.5;
602:     user->bounds[1] = user->bounds[3] = 0.5;
603:     user->bounds[4] = user->bounds[5] = 0.5;
604:   }
605:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
606: }

608: /*TEST

610:    build:
611:       requires: moab !complex

613:    test:
614:       args: -levels 0 -nu .01 -n 10 -ksp_type cg -pc_type sor -ksp_converged_reason

616:    test:
617:       suffix: 2
618:       nsize: 2
619:       requires: hdf5
620:       args: -levels 3 -nu .01 -n 2 -mg -ksp_converged_reason

622:    test:
623:       suffix: 3
624:       nsize: 2
625:       requires: hdf5
626:       args: -problem 3 -file data/ex35_mesh.h5m -mg -levels 1 -ksp_converged_reason
627:       localrunfiles: data

629: TEST*/